facttownblog-blog · 4 years
Hong Kong culture vs Taiwan Culture
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Welcome to Fact Town.
Today our goal is to make you understand the cultural difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan. Before jumping to the difference, let us understand what culture is. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and the arts. Culture encompasses religion, food, what we use, how we use it, our language, marriage, music, what we think is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet visitors, how we behave with loved ones and a million other things, culture is the set of patterns of human activity within a society or social group. Culture is how we act, think and behave based on the shared values ​​of our society. It is how we understand symbols, from language to hand gestures.
Culture plays an important role in the development and growth of any country, it is one of the main pillars of development and livelihood of communities and no society can progress in its absence. It is the identity where common values, attitudes, preferences, knowledge are attributed to behavior in a particular social group, and it has a positive influence on social development in any country.
 Hong Kong culture
Hong Kong's culture was born from a complex fusion of East and West. It not only preserved many Chinese traditions, but also survived the baptism of Western culture. Hong Kong's population is made up mainly of Cantonese, Shanghai, British, Indians and Jews. Cantonese is the majority, and Cantonese culture is dominant. After the city returned to China in 1997, the local government adopted a "bilingual and trilingual" policy. In other words, Chinese and English are considered official languages; Cantonese, Chinese and English are spoken languages. The food combines the flavors of Chinese and Western cuisine. Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religious beliefs exist in the region. First of all, Buddhist and Taoist temples are very common there. Many locals consider the Taoist concept of Fung Shui, or "wind and water". This is a 3,000 year old geomancy divination system, which teaches people how to achieve harmony with the forces of nature and change, thereby obtaining prosperity and prosperity.
 Taiwan Culture
 The state of Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China, has a rich culture of traditional Chinese culture. Taiwanese culture also includes elements of Japanese influence and Western values. The Stone Age marked the beginning of the history of Taiwanese culture, where written languages ​​were invented. The cultural change that occurred in the last two decades is Taiwan, which started after 1975 with the goal of achieving independence in Taiwan
 To know more about cultural differences mainly in line with
National Identity
Family Structure
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facttownblog-blog · 4 years
comparison of healthcare systems of china and italy
Hello Folks!
Welcome to the Fact Town.
Before comparing the Chinese and Italian healthcare systems, we need to understand what the healthcare system is and its importance. Therefore, The health care system is an organized health service plan that refers to the system or program by which medical care is available to the public and funded by government, private enterprise or both. Primary care includes early detection. Disease prevention. Secondary or acute care refers to emergency treatment and intensive care involving intense and elaborate measures. Tertiary care includes highly technical services for the treatment of individuals and families with complex and complicated health needs. It is important to promote and maintain health, prevent and control disease, reduce unnecessary disabilities and previous health services, and timeliness of care in the event of death at maturity.
Now let’s move on to compare healthcare system of the two worst corona virus hit countries, Italy & China
The Comparison will be based on following points: Healthcare Finance, Doctor to People Ratio, Number of Hospital Beds, Life Expectancy, Healthcare index.
 1) Healthcare Finance: Health financing provides the resources and economic incentives for the operation of health systems and is a key determinant of health system performance. Therefore, the government to start with should invest in the healthcare system of its country.According to WHO,
The total healthcare expenditure per capital (in USD) of Italy is $2700.
Whereas, the total healthcare expenditure per capital (in USD) of China is $426.
2) Doctor to People Ratio: They say quality is important than quantity. But during this crisis caused by Corona virus, the world has realized that quantity is also important as quality.According to data.worldbank.org,
The ratio of no. of doctor per 1000 people of population is 4.1 for Italy and In case of China the ratio is 1.8
 3) Number of Hospital Beds: To deal with the large no. of infected patients, there is the need of availability of hospital beds, so as to admit the growing no. of patients for treatment.
According to news
Italy had 3.4 beds/1,000 population in 2012.
Whereas China had 4.2 beds/1,000 population in 2012.
This point goes to China.
4) Life Expectancy: Italy is one of the most iconic and popular destinations in all of Western Europe. The Mediterranean country boasts an impressive standard of living and quality of life for the majority of its population.
According to the latest WHO data published in 2018, life expectancy in Italy is: Male 80.5, female 84.9 and total life expectancy is 82.8 which gives Italy a World Life Expectancy ranking of 8.
And the life expectancy in China is: Male 75.0, female 77.9 and total life expectancy is 76.4 which gives China a World Life Expectancy ranking of 5
5) Healthcare Index: HCI that is the healthcare index is an estimation of overall quality of the health care system, healthcare professionals, equipment, staff, doctors, cost etc According to numbeo.com
Italy rank at 40th position in world Healthcare Index.
Whereas China holds 47th ranking in world Healthcare Index.
Yes!! We know, that you must be wondering with a much more efficient and better healthcare system, why Italy is facing a greater problem than China in dealing with the new COVID-19 virus
Well Italy, which has one the world’s oldest populations, could be facing a higher mortality rate as a result of its above-average elderly population.
 If Italy’s experience shows anything, it is that measures to isolate affected areas and limit the movement of the broader population need to be taken early, put in place with absolute clarity, and then strictly enforced.
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