factualrubbish · 6 years
I believe that this film is poetic as we are hearing the ideas of someone who tries to think outside the box with bizarre conceptions. 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
I believe that this doc is linear, as it is reflecting the time in the person’s life when he was struggling and had no where to go. 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
I believe that this film belongs to the documentary mode of poetry, as this video tells the personal stories of multiple people whom have experienced grief. The style of animation used, makes me believe that this is supposed to be aimed towards a broad range of demographic which other modes are not often aimed towards. The documentary has more of a narrative style similar to an advert or a scripted film which makes me believe that this video is more informative on people’s mental health rather than exploring controversy issues like politics or religion.  
It could be stated as a investigative doc as it is looking at a informing the audience about grief and people’s attitudes towards it, however, the documentary does not rely on facts to illustrate their points but explores the subject through interviews of people’s experiences.  
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factualrubbish · 6 years
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here are some of the storyboards that I made for the visual poem
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factualrubbish · 6 years
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here is the risk assessment for the filming I will be doing in my kitchen 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
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here are the risk assessments for the studio
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factualrubbish · 6 years
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Mood board for my title sequence for Stranger Things and for my Visual Poem called The Drinkers of Coffee 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
Treatment for the drinkers of coffee
I intend to make a 2-5-minute visual poem that will be inspired by experimental film making, specifically the techniques that they have experimented with. I have chosen to use a poem made by Rosemary Tonks called ‘The Drinkers of Coffee’ my interpretation of the poem is that it is about two people in a relationship who have come to the realisation that they do not like on another and are revealing how they truly feel about each other. The poem is made from the perspective one person in the relationship and how he or she feels towards the other, so I will design the loose narrative to follow one person’s perspective and represent how they feel in the video. I have an idea to film some of the scenes using a pov/Ariel shot where the narrator will describe what is happening in the scene. This way it will look like the viewer is listening in on a conversation between two people and that the narrator is informing us on the situation that we do not know about. However, I only want to have one person visibly on screen to emphasise that we are only listening to one person’s perspective throughout the video.   
There is a filming technique that I found on Vimeo that has inspired me to implement a similar stylistic technique throughout my video. A video made by Alen Smolic shows a clip of waves in the ocean that has been cropped into a coffee mug which results in an interesting and creative visual style https://vimeo.com/208741224. In my video, I will use the technique by filming an Ariel shot looking down on a coffee mug while having Macro footage of liquid being played in the cup. I want to use macro footage of liquid, as it is a successful technique in creating a mood or tone to a viewer, as seen in some of the work published by Tom Blanchard https://vimeo.com/307133457. This will give the video its own style when compared to conventional film making and define it as an experimental film.  
I will use liquid in the macro footage because it is a substance that would be a good visual code in relating it to coffee while having its own visual style. I will empathise a mood for each liquid on the screen by playing sound effects and changing the colour of the liquid to better suit the mood in the scene, so the audience can feel exactly how the main characters feels when he says a line. For example, when the poem says ‘Half toad, half Sultan, of the rubbish heap’ I will cut to the Ariel shot of the coffee mug and the liquid inside will have brown, pale red, green and yellow colours to emphasis the theme of rot and decay. Also, it will be accompanied by the sound of flies buzzing around to relate the clip to rubbish, death and dirt.   
The themes of the poem are about break up due to anger and disgust and I want the video to represent those ideas in an abstract way to the audience. As mentioned before, I will use the macro liquid and sound effects combined to create a mood for the audience to understand how the character feels towards the other person. However, I also want to include quick clips of the character doing  
I believe that my video does not belong to a genre because of the bizarre and abstract style of the narrative which makes it difficult to define it among the conventional rules of a genre. However, you could call it a parody or unconventional take on a romantic comedy, as the common themes running throughout the video will be about break-up due to disgust or anger over the other person in the relationship. If it is a romance, then it is possible that my target audience could be females aged between 16-25.  
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factualrubbish · 6 years
Len Lye - Rainbow Dance  Experimental analysis
Len lye made this film in 1936 when coloured film was still a novelty, and the effect that he is portrays is impressive considering the year that he published the film and it still looks good today. ​
He managed to get the coloured texture that he wanted by painting and stencilling directly on top of the film strip which allowed him to change the black and white footage to the vibrant colours that we see in the video, alongside some of the animations seen in the film.  This film showed that there were unique ways to use film to promote the public messages and advertisements, considering that this was an advertisement for the General Post Office. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHN9IHGQxk8 - link to highlight reel
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factualrubbish · 6 years
the decision for the poem
I have chosen to use The Drinkers of Coffee as my final poem because I like the concept and themes of people breaking up due to anger and disgust. I feel that I can do some interesting visuals to interpret those ideas like include colours to represent the emotions that the characters are feeling but associate it in some way to coffee. I like some of the dialogue that is used, and I have ideas on what I can interpret literally or design a more abstract imagery. I feel that the other poems that I looked at were either too long or too short to make a 2-5-minute poem.  
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factualrubbish · 6 years
This poem is about a young girl on the island of Cuba who’s dream it is, is to play the drums for the people on the island. However, there is a taboo on the island where girls are not allowed to play the drums. We are told the story on how this young girl overcame these taboos and changed the attitudes towards women playing drums on the island. 
The text could be enlarged and flash in colour to the beat of a drum, creating a spark or explosive effect like the feeling you get when a drum is playing in the background. This way the soundtrack and the visuals would go hand in hand with one another.   ​As the poem is written from the third person, the narration could come from the older perspective of the drummer girl. It could sound like she is talking to future generations of children who may have trouble reaching their dreams like she did.​At the start she can be heard tapping on the table to resemble the beat of a drum, then making her own drum out of card and plastic which would sound homemade and like a children’s toy and finally the girl will have her own professional Congo drum given to her by her father showing how attitudes how changed. This contrasts to where she was from the beginning of the poem and how intolerant people were to her hobby. 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
This poem is about praising your brain and comparing it to so many magnificent scales of nature and holiness. 'the brain is wider than the sky' 'the brain is just the weight of God' ​
A repeating theme throughout the poem is that we are comparing the brain to other measurements that are equal to it, so it would be good to find ways in which I could show that they are equal. For example, if you were to put your brain and God on a set of scales then they would measure about the same. I could do this literally or I could find a clever way to visualise it. ​
I think that the colour blue would be the main colour scheme as there are many references to the colour alongside the associated content discussed. 'deeper than the sea' 'blue to blue' 'wider than the sky'
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factualrubbish · 6 years
My interpretation is that this is about a couple exchanging how they really feel towards each other over a cup of coffee, 'And the last barriers go down between us...'. ​
They are shocked by how much they do not enjoy each other's company, 'Better understood by cattle, grocers, blocks of wood'    ​
The poem ends with the other lover breaks down in emotions​
The main theme of this visual poem would be coffee, so I would find experimental ways to film coffee in a way that relates it to the poem ​
I could have a pov of making a coffee, but it could be made with disgusting ingredients like ketchup or mustard to symbolise that the enjoyment of coffee has been tainted by their lover.  ​
The sound of an old kettle reaching the boil would be a good way to symbolise pressure building up if not conventional. 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
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Here is some storyboards of the title sequence
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factualrubbish · 6 years
Here is a YouTube link to the final draft of my title sequence. 
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factualrubbish · 6 years
Here is a youtube link to the final draft of my poem interpretation.  
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factualrubbish · 6 years
Experimental Analysis - oooh my delicious coffee, Thomas Blanchard
I love the use of macro footage to make coffee appear magical and attractive and would love to use a method similar in my visual poem. Tom Blanchard does a really good job in making everyone fascinated by a liquid/product that is only seen regularly from a certain perspective.  The director (Thomas Blanchard) filmed substances of coffee ingredients mixing in with one another to create visuals that looked out of this world and dreamlike in its appearance. ​He zoomed into the liquid that was reacting to a new component being introduced or a vibration that it was reacting to, which had a visual effect of creating a variety of different colours, combinations and patterns that you could not replicate using any other method.  ​I believe that he wanted the viewer to be mesmerised or entranced by the colours and patterns that he shown, as he stated to some of his similar work '“Memories of Paintings” is an experimental dreamlike video rocking us smoothly through circular moves'. ​Reactions to some of his similar work have said that, 'The colourful acrylic paint gives the effect of a colourful solar system' I agree with this statement as the sequence of events feel out of this world and ironically, alien to Earth despite all the natural ingredients used. 
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