faded-melody · 7 months
;;Hey y'all! I'm back to the rp scene after a very long break! But! With a new blog! If you want more of Melody here you can find her over at @ryouscared !
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faded-melody · 3 years
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” Arthur chuckled. “But I can at least get you somewhere a bit more recognizable.” He laughed as he started leading her towards the entrance, where he’d parked the van. “I’ll file away that bit of information for later. Look up more, to make sure i properly conserve my head.”
Arthur continued to lead her towards the door. But he frowned when they arrived and they were closed. He was pretty sure he’d left them opened….
A test of the handle confirmed his worry. They didn’t budge under his grip, even as he pulled, yanked. The muscles of his arm strained, but the doors didn’t yield even. The barest inch.
“That’s weird….” He mumbled beneath his breath. Except it wasn’t, it wasn’t at all in this line of work. Damn horror movie tropes had to be played out by every freaking ghost.
He glanced over his shoulder, to Melody. “Um. the door won’t open.” Maybe if she’d wandered in here earlier, she knew another way out.
“Guess that’s all I can really ask for, huh?” She follows him easily, but is distracted as they go. She’s too busy looking around, taking in the part of the place she hasn’t seen yet— it’s just as beautiful as she expected. But she still listens to what he says, laughing at his mental noting.
Unfortunately, despite her desire to explore, they arrive at what she assumes are the front doors in no time at all. But... something was wrong. Arthur made that abundantly clear in his body language. There was too much hesitance, and then he actually tried the door— no dice. Go figure! He’s tugging on the handle, yanking it even, to the point where she takes a step back and to the side just in case it does open and his own force sends him tumbling backwards right into her.
And then he looks at her, and states the very obvious. She laughs once, but it’s underlaid with nerves. “Naturally! Gee I guess this is the perfect place for a horror movie, huh?” She turns her head back to the way she came from. There was a door that way, but she’s seen the movies— if one door was closed then they all were. “Well... I came through a different door back that way... but if this really is like a horror movie I don’t have much faith that it’s still open. Guess it never hurts to try! If push comes to shove we could always try to knock whatever glass is left out of a window and crawl through, hopefully taking minimal injury.”
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faded-melody · 3 years
Mono didn’t want to rush up and spook them woman, so he was thankful that she didn’t get nervous when he spoke. A smile comes across his face as the woman came close. He steps out of the tree light and into a beam of moonlight, hoping it lit him up enough for her to see him clearly. “You looked a little confused, so I got worried that you were - frightened in being alone. I do know where tempo is. Here, let me look it up.” he pulls out his phone, it lighting up his features more and revealing how gray he was. He was smiling, but after a second, his face falls, “…ooor not. I don’t have any signal. weird.”
He pockets his phone and tilts his head back, “this way. I can lead you back, or close enough that you can find a land mark.”
When he steps into the light their smiles meet, she doesn’t seem to be nervous in the least little bit. He felt friendly but... there was something else there, what was it? Not that it mattered too much, she supposed. A laugh leaves her, it’s light and genuine. “That’s very kind of you, you know. Not many people would be willing to approach a confused person in the forest and offer help. I guess I can’t blame them though, people can be scary sometimes.” Still, something snags her attention. So he didn’t know her? The guardian thought she’d long since resigned to accepting that nobody here knew who she was, but there was still that tinge of disappointment. How did she even end up around the area without a single person knowing her? Who was she?
She can’t help but to blink a few times as the phone is pulled out, it’s light hurting her eyes slightly. But she’s quick to focus on his face instead. Gray... she internally laughed at the idea that maybe he was a ghost, who helped guide lost spirits home. “Oh gosh, are you sure? It might be a long way back, I don’t want to trouble you or make you go out of your way at all.”
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faded-melody · 3 years
Get sick… Ah yes… That was quite possible, and likely given how shit her overall health was. That sure didn’t stop her from doing stuff like this. Even so, her eyelids lowered some, staring at the other woman, “I could say the same for you. At least I have got some warmth from my fur. You get anymore soaked, you’ll probably be the first one to get sick.”
She had glanced back briefly to see the hesitation in Melody. What for? Well because she doesn’t know you and clearly something is off. Well… best that most people didn’t know the finer details about her. She could deal with threats. It was one of a few things she was good for.
Once she stepped under the shelter of the cave’s mouth, she began to shake herself out, getting the looser water off her fur. Some was going to linger, but it was at least better than nothing. She would change to her other form, but that would just make her colder, and heavier to some degree, so like this she stayed. Her eyes peered out into the rain, watching it as it fell.
She gave another small shake of her head before looking over at her company, “So what are you doing wandering around here anyways?”
Wide eyes blink up at Salena, a momentary confusion tugging at the corners of her mind. She could get sick? But the thought is quickly shaken off. Of course she could!! And probably easier than the other, too! She was only human, after all. “Ah! Right...” She looks down at herself. White shirt flattened and clinging to her skin in the most uncomfortable way, skirt heavy and soaked. Even her socks were wet, she could feel them squelching in her shoes every step she took. Gross. “I guess I don’t want to be getting sick!” But she might prefer it to that cave.
She hesitates, still, even as she watches the other go in, past a strange unnatural-looking veil of darkness. Her heart leaps into her throat. Nearly slipping she rushes to follow in, just to make sure nothing terrible happens to the other in the few moments that they’re apart. And boy does it feel even worse on the inside. It’s overwhelming, nearly dizzying, but she finds relief in the fact that the other is okay.
Stands there dripping for a few moments, looking around at their surroundings. Salena might recognize it now, she’s been here before. The caverns stretch inwards a bit before splitting off into two different paths, a right and left. The left one seems to go downwards, deeper into the darkness. Melody is trying to wring a little bit of water out of the edge of her skirt when she’s spoken to again, causing her to look up. “Oh! Uh... I know it sounds kinda weird but that’s kinda just what I do.” A small, almost nervous chuckle leaves her. “I really feel comfortable in nature, so I wander around a lot. Sometimes I go farther than I thought though... I guess this is one of those times.”
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faded-melody · 3 years
“Hello~” Vivzy bumps open the front door to the flower shop, glancing around at all of the blooms and stems. She meets Melody’s eye and waves her hand, “hey there!”
Melody is sitting at the counter, lovingly tending to a beautiful potted flower. It needs to be trimmed up, remove the dead leaves so it can grow anew and continue to thrive. But she’s half asleep too, nights gone either to her insatiable wandering or to the lady in her dreams. The one that tries to tell her things that she doesn’t understand. That sometimes she sees in the mirror, even if she’s awake.
The gentle chime of the bell almost isn’t enough to rouse her, but it does bring her back to reality with a few blinks. And she looks up— and beams at the newcomer. She stands from where she’s sitting, offering a wave. “Hi there! Welcome to Tempo’s Tulips, how can I help?”
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faded-melody · 3 years
Arthur watched her place the flower back down. “Yeah, it might not be the best o do that right now.” Unsaid went the reason why, which might be a not so friendly spirit. He at least wanted to send them on their way if they were the one that made the light fall, before anyone else with less experience started poking around. Especially if she didn’t remember much about herself or even her last name. That didn’t leave him with much faith in her remembering her job well enough to stay safe, even if she did do this kind of thing for a living.
He shook her hand twice when their palms touched. “Nice to meet you, Melody. And don’t worry about paying for the ride. It’s really no big deal.” He offered a smile. “It’s the least I can do after you saved my bacon and my prize-winning hairdo.” A brow quirked playfully.
“I suppose I’ll trust your judgement, then.” A bit too trusting, maybe. Who just wandered into some old building, met a guy there in the middle of the night, and then agreed to get in his van with him? But she was comfortable— despite that strange feeling he harbored, he felt really safe. And that was good enough for her! So far her gut feelings hadn’t steered her wrong, so why start to distrust them now?
Shaking hands gladly, she scrunches her nose in a playful sort of manner. “The pleasure’s mine! It’s nice to meet you and your hairdo.” A laugh, and her arm drops back down to her side once he releases it. “You know I know you’re working, but you really ought to look up more often if you want to preserve it. Who knows what could come crashing down next, huh? If we both stop paying attention then your hair’s as good as done for. I’m sure you’re not trying to get bits of glass and dust in it, of all things.”
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faded-melody · 3 years
Melody gives him a big wave with her claw. Good luck on your mission, Arthur!
Somehow she hadn’t noticed it before, those beats pulsing through the ground. But it’s unavoidable as she gets closer— whoa, there’s so many crabs here! Excitedly she takes her claw, rapidly (but gently, of course) tapping on the back of Arthur’s shell. Oh! This must be what that gray thing said about dancing with the others!
Arthur gives her a little, crabtactular, pinchy salute, before skittering away now, that she’s joined the rest in crustacean rave. Now to find anyone else who’s missing!
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faded-melody · 3 years
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faded-melody · 3 years
Somehow she hadn’t noticed it before, those beats pulsing through the ground. But it’s unavoidable as she gets closer— whoa, there’s so many crabs here! Excitedly she takes her claw, rapidly (but gently, of course) tapping on the back of Arthur’s shell. Oh! This must be what that gray thing said about dancing with the others!
You can’t escape that easy!! She gives chase, clicking her own little claws at him.
Arthur continues to scurry, leading her towards the beating sound of CRAB RAVE. It’s the sweet release to pinchless freedom!
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faded-melody · 3 years
You can’t escape that easy!! She gives chase, clicking her own little claws at him.
:o!! How dare!! Arthur’s gonna get a little pinch to the “nose” right back, and then for good measure a careful one to the claw, too!
>:  O  
Shocked crab squeaks !! Now he’s running, waving his pinchy little claws at her.
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faded-melody · 3 years
:o!! How dare!! Arthur’s gonna get a little pinch to the “nose” right back, and then for good measure a careful one to the claw, too!
@punsandfuturekingsmen said: *pinches*
“Eep!” With a laugh the now crab turns to her friend, reaching to pinch him right back! No mercy when it came to the pinching, it would be war if he wanted it!
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faded-melody · 3 years
@punsandfuturekingsmen said: *pinches*
“Eep!” With a laugh the now crab turns to her friend, reaching to pinch him right back! No mercy when it came to the pinching, it would be war if he wanted it!
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faded-melody · 3 years
“Whoa... look at all these crabs! Are these really other people? Gee, won’t it be kinda weird for all of us to turn back mid dance?” Snickers
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faded-melody · 3 years
Your muse becomes a crab until they dance amongst the crabs
A cloud of pink smoke envelopes the guardian, leaving her as a tiny little crab! Confusion floods as she stares at her new claws. Was this... real? “Whoa... wait, where do I find other crabs to dance with!”
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faded-melody · 3 years
She hadn’t even considered that aspect of what she assumed his job was, and it shows on her face in a moment of surprise, before melting back down into a gentle smile. “Oh— I didn’t even think about that. Getting to see pieces of past lives, where they lived, where they loved and laughed and smiled...” why did the idea almost make her emotional? “That’s so nice. I can see why you’d like it so much.” Truth be told, she did the same things, in another life. Those that were hurting, alive or dead, had always been drawn to her for help. Even now, when she didn’t have a single idea that it was her job to protect them.
Turning to the side, Melody gently places the flower she had plucked back into the grass. Plants had a way of caring for each other and besides, she had no real use for it. “Maybe... as much as I’d love to stay and explore I’d hate to get in your way.” True, she didn’t want to interfere with whatever he had going on, but at the same time she felt like she ought to, for whatever reason. Still, wasn’t it only courteous that she leave? He was probably here first, after all. “Gosh! That’s so sweet of you to offer, really.” She almost declines the offer, not wanting to be too much of a bother, but second thinks the decision. They were quite a bit away from Tempo now, weren’t they? And it could be dangerous, like he said. “I guess if you think it’d be safer it’s probably smarter of me to accept the offer, huh?” A small laugh escapes. “But don’t worry, I’ll pay you for the ride. I promise.”
Head dips slightly at his sympathy. “Oh that’s okay, just something to work through I guess. Don’t be sorry! It’s probably my fault— I’m willing to bet there’s somewhere closer, I just don’t know where it’d be.” When her head raises again he’s offering his hand, and she can’t help but to smile brightly at what he says as she takes his hand in her own, shaking it. “For what it’s worth, I’m happy you don’t have a light fixture to the head too! It’s nice to meet you Arthur, I’m Melody. I’d tell you my last name too, if I could ever remember it. I’ll let you know if I do, though!” At least she seemed to have a sense of humor about her situation.
If her head wasn’t already tilted, she would’ve tilted it again, returning his slow blink. Confusion settled in. “I didn’t know you were, to be honest. I’m from Tempo, though, it’s just the closest place I can think of.” Mostly because she didn’t actually know where anything else was. A laugh escapes her then, and she dips her head apologetically. “Oh geez! I promise I’m not a creep. Really I’m being honest. It’s kinda complicated but Tempo is actually… the only place I really know of. I’ve got some really bad memory problems.”
Mood intact, though, her smile returns back upwards onto him. “Ahh, archeologist, I see. Well it sounds pretty fun, you know, job hazards aside.” She glances back at the shattered light on the ground. “I bet you see lots of nice places like this then, right? I mean despite the weird feeling it’s kind of…” The guardian fishes for the right word, taking in the scenery with a sparkle in her eyes. “Pretty. I like it. Especially all the flowers everywhere.” To prove her point she reaches to pluck a small wildflower springing up from the floor, examining it before offering it over to him. “I can’t exactly imagine what you’d hope to find in this kind of place, especially this late at night, but I hope you find whatever it is.”
She seemed surprised by his agreement though. “Oh wow, so you can feel it too? That’s a first. I wonder what’s causing it.”
Arthur rubbed at his neck with his prosthetic, rocking on the balls of his feet for a beat. “Ha, yeah. It’s pretty interesting. I at least get to learn a lot about people long gone who aren’t like– going to be made into an attraction. And I get to see a lot of interesting places.” And he could help find them, and put them to rest properly, and pass on what he needed to help them move on. Sometimes the job could be dangerous, but most of the time it was just— nice. Nice to see someone get to rest or get to unlive on in peace, rather than trapped in place, stuck in this loop of being hurt, alone, angry and scared.
He shook his head to focus. “It is pretty. Kinda give me hope.” It was silly, though and he squeezed the nape of his neck before letting go. His prosthetic went to his pocket instead, to keep from fidgeting. “Thanks. I’m sure I’ll find what I’m looking for. Are you going to stick around? Seems pretty hazardous to go wandering in the woods at night. We do get some cougars around here when they’re hungry and stuff. But I have my van around, if you want a lift back to Tempo instead.”
“Oh– but to what you said. About memory stuff. That’s rough.” He offered her a look of sympathy. “Sorry, we’re far enough out I thought it was odd, but if Tempo’s all you know, then that’s– honestly more than fair to assume.” He shrugged, before offering his right hand to her. “Besides, can’t fault my savior for a struggle I do know personally to some degree. Plus, I’m more happy I don’t have a light fixture in my noggin, so you don’t need to worry any. Ah but—Hi. Arthur Kingsmen. That’s my name.”
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faded-melody · 3 years
Her head tilted slightly to the side, thinking on the matter before giving a slight nod of her head, “Yes, I suppose that would be one way to describe it. I’m sure you can feel how much heavier clothing gets when you wear it wet. Think that but all over your body.” She could always change back, and likely would once she found shelter. The fur simply gave her a small bit more warmth when it came to dealing with the falling water.
Eyes narrowed slightly when she turned her attention back to the mouth of the cave. There was no denying there was energy coming off the place she could feel, though war probably gave her the advantage of being desensitized to a fair amount of danger. Surely whatever was in there creating such and effect would be something she could handle.
Maybe not this one, but certainly her.
She turned her head back to Melody. Now that she thought about it, she wondered if this one felt something off about her as well. It’s not like someone with runic magic was going to give off the best feeling. Did make her wonder why so many so many were not uncomfortable around her. Still, she made a step towards the cave, “While I agree with you that it doesn’t feel natural, it’s the best place for the time being, unless you feel like wandering in the rain. I’m sure if there’s any danger, I can handle it.”
A nod of confirmation, clearly she knows what wet clothes feel like, her own clothes were soaked through and clinging to her now. “Mm. I can see why that’d be really uncomfortable for you, maybe it’s for the best that you find shelter, you could get sick like this.” Well, if the other could get sick at all, that is. Still, it was much better to be safe than sorry! And shelter meant that maybe they could start a fire or something too, if the other got too cold.
Truthfully Melody did feel something off about Salena, but it was so overpowered by the awful feelings coming from the cave that she’d hardly noticed at all. She’d never felt anything so intense before, such a torn force half telling her to run away and half telling her that for whatever reason she had to be there. Maybe it had something to do with what the lady from her dreams had been telling her? No, no! She couldn’t go in there! She’d die— aaaand there goes the other, stepping off in it’s direction. Eyes widen slightly, the guardian has to stop herself from reaching to take the other’s hand. But she was determined to go and... and she couldn’t just let her go off in there alone! What if something horrible happened in there?
“I... guess you’re right. Maybe we won’t even have to be there for long! Maybe the rain will clear up soon!” Ever hopeful, always trying to make the best out of a horrible situation. Lucky her that a certain green demon wasn’t there.
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faded-melody · 3 years
His head tilted the other way, mirroring hers as he listened. His blink was slow, owlish. “How did you know I’m from Tempo….? Are you from there too?” He hadn’t seen her around. But this wasn’t his reality, either. Maybe she’d seen his alternate here, enough to recognize him? It was just odd, even if she didn’t seem unfriendly or dangerous.
Her point did draw a chuckle from him. “Okay. Well. Maybe more archeologist adjacent in work is the better explanation, actually. I’m just more surveying and exploring than digging up bones.” At least that was pretty plausible, and true for the most part without too much detail. He let his shoe brush over the ground, bending some of the grass and moving some leaf-litter until the faint remnants of tile were visible. “There’s things here that I can find that are important and stuff. For my work. Even if it’s not always uh. The safest.”
The last part left him with another blink. He rubbed at his neck. “….Yeah, I don’t think you’re weird. It definitely has an… odd vibe. Part of why I came here, actually.”
If her head wasn’t already tilted, she would’ve tilted it again, returning his slow blink. Confusion settled in. “I didn’t know you were, to be honest. I’m from Tempo, though, it’s just the closest place I can think of.” Mostly because she didn’t actually know where anything else was. A laugh escapes her then, and she dips her head apologetically. “Oh geez! I promise I’m not a creep. Really I’m being honest. It’s kinda complicated but Tempo is actually... the only place I really know of. I’ve got some really bad memory problems.”
Mood intact, though, her smile returns back upwards onto him. “Ahh, archeologist, I see. Well it sounds pretty fun, you know, job hazards aside.” She glances back at the shattered light on the ground. “I bet you see lots of nice places like this then, right? I mean despite the weird feeling it’s kind of...” The guardian fishes for the right word, taking in the scenery with a sparkle in her eyes. “Pretty. I like it. Especially all the flowers everywhere.” To prove her point she reaches to pluck a small wildflower springing up from the floor, examining it before offering it over to him. “I can’t exactly imagine what you’d hope to find in this kind of place, especially this late at night, but I hope you find whatever it is.”
She seemed surprised by his agreement though. “Oh wow, so you can feel it too? That’s a first. I wonder what’s causing it.”
@punsandfuturekingsmen liked for a starter!
What had started as a routine walk out into the forests around Tempo soon turned into an exploration when Melody had stumbled upon an old decrepit building, drawn subconsciously towards its strange energy. She didn’t even stop to think about it before she wandered inside. The place was crumbling, falling apart. Broken glass and debris littered the floor at nearly every step, accentuating each one with a crunch. She hasn’t touched anything yet— hadn’t exactly found anything to touch that was worth the risk of possible tetanus. Mostly just old furniture, some of it molded from time. It gave the air a sort of mildew like scent. Maybe she’d have to start keeping masks in her backpack for impromptu discoveries like this.
But then she stops. Somewhere nearby she can hear the crunching of unfamiliar footsteps, moving steadily. Curious, the guardian steps lighter than before, practically tip-toeing to where she hears the noise coming from. To her surprise she finds another person. But something is... off. The energy coming from the stranger twists up inside her, laying heavy and cold like a stone in the pit of her stomach. What was it? Dread? Anger? Fear? But it’s not all there, either. Whatever this energy is, this feeling coming from this person, it’s residual. Whatever was causing it was no longer actually there.
A small crack sounds from the high ceilings, drawing her attention upwards. A large light fixture sat hanging by a thread, right above where the stranger was standing. What was he looking at, anyway? And then, a snap. The single thread holding the fixture suddenly fails and sends it falling, aimed right for the other. Her heart pounds and she rushes forwards, aiming to grab his arm and pull him out of its path. “Hey watch out!”
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