#ic. ๐’ฅ๐“Š๐“ˆ๐“‰ ๐“‰๐“‡๐“Ž๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘” ๐“‰๐‘œ ๐‘”๐‘’๐“‰ ๐’ท๐“Ž
faded-melody ยท 3 years
@punsandfuturekingsmen liked for a starter!
What had started as a routine walk out into the forests around Tempo soon turned into an exploration when Melody had stumbled upon an old decrepit building, drawn subconsciously towards its strange energy. She didnโ€™t even stop to think about it before she wandered inside. The place was crumbling, falling apart. Broken glass and debris littered the floor at nearly every step, accentuating each one with a crunch. She hasnโ€™t touched anything yetโ€” hadnโ€™t exactly found anything to touch that was worth the risk of possible tetanus. Mostly just old furniture, some of it molded from time. It gave the air a sort of mildew like scent. Maybe sheโ€™d have to start keeping masks in her backpack for impromptu discoveries like this.
But then she stops. Somewhere nearby she can hear the crunching of unfamiliar footsteps, moving steadily. Curious, the guardian steps lighter than before, practically tip-toeing to where she hears the noise coming from. To her surprise she finds another person. But something is... off. The energy coming from the stranger twists up inside her, laying heavy and cold like a stone in the pit of her stomach. What was it? Dread? Anger? Fear? But itโ€™s not all there, either. Whatever this energy is, this feeling coming from this person, itโ€™s residual. Whatever was causing it was no longer actually there.
A small crack sounds from the high ceilings, drawing her attention upwards. A large light fixture sat hanging by a thread, right above where the stranger was standing. What was he looking at, anyway? And then, a snap. The single thread holding the fixture suddenly fails and sends it falling, aimed right for the other. Her heart pounds and she rushes forwards, aiming to grab his arm and pull him out of its path. โ€œHey watch out!โ€
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island-stranded ยท 5 years
โ€œWho wants to go diving off of the cenote with me? Itโ€™s really fun!โ€
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
@punsandfuturekingsmen said: *pinches*
โ€œEep!โ€ With a laugh the now crab turns to her friend, reaching to pinch him right back! No mercy when it came to the pinching, it would be war if he wanted it!
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
@talesofnovembria liked for a starter!
The rain had seemed to come out of nowhere. And there was so much, it was practically a downpour! Being so far away from home, and barely able to see through the weather, she was forced to seek shelter, sending her running for the mouth of the cavern. But that feelingโ€” that terrible, gut-wrenching energy radiating from the cave, it got stronger the closer she got, weighing her down until she was fully stopped, in the rain, staring up at the opening of the rock formation. She was soaked to the bone but it felt like she couldnโ€™t move at all, she couldnโ€™t even breathe. What was this place? Why did it feel so wrong? Why did it feel like she had to be here all of a sudden?
It takes a long time, but her feet start to move slowly backwards. Whatever that place is, whatever that energy is, it feels like itโ€™s swallowing her whole, devouring her from the inside out. She canโ€™t go in, sheโ€™d rather sit out in the rain and get sick than go in there. But as sheโ€™s backpedaling her back meets flat against something else, no, someone else. A small yelp of surprise leaves her and she spins on her heels, fear etched into her features as she faces whoeverโ€™s behind her. It fades fast, however, this stranger feels nothing like the energy coming from that place. Hand shaking, it raises to push a wet lock of hair from sticking to her face. โ€œO-oh, gosh, Iโ€™m so sorry about that, I didnโ€™t mean to bump into you.โ€ Deep breath in, let it out slow. Itโ€™s fine. โ€œAre you okay? I didnโ€™t hurt you, did I?โ€
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
Your muse becomes a crab until they dance amongst the crabs
A cloud of pink smoke envelopes the guardian, leaving her as a tiny little crab! Confusion floods as she stares at her new claws. Was this... real? โ€œWhoa... wait, where do I find other crabs to dance with!โ€
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
โ€œHello~โ€ Vivzy bumps open the front door to the flower shop, glancing around at all of the blooms and stems. She meets Melodyโ€™s eye and waves her hand, โ€œhey there!โ€
Melody is sitting at the counter, lovingly tending to a beautiful potted flower. It needs to be trimmed up, remove the dead leaves so it can grow anew and continue to thrive. But sheโ€™s half asleep too, nights gone either to her insatiable wandering or to the lady in her dreams. The one that tries to tell her things that she doesnโ€™t understand. That sometimes she sees in the mirror, even if sheโ€™s awake.
The gentle chime of the bell almost isnโ€™t enough to rouse her, but it does bring her back to reality with a few blinks. And she looks upโ€” and beams at the newcomer. She stands from where sheโ€™s sitting, offering a wave. โ€œHi there! Welcome to Tempoโ€™s Tulips, how can I help?โ€
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
โ€œWhoa... look at all these crabs! Are these really other people? Gee, wonโ€™t it be kinda weird for all of us to turn back mid dance?โ€ Snickers
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
โ you look lost, do you need help? โž
(Monochrome Lewis)
A soft voice amongst the trees calls her attention, and Melody turns to see who had spoken to her. It was someone she didnโ€™t know, or at least... she didnโ€™t think she knew. Either way, they felt friendly.
The guardian had wandered too far from home this time, and in the darkness of the forest at night sheโ€™d lost her sense of direction. What was it that made tonight especially feel so dark?
A smile makes its way onto her face, soft and warm. โ€œAm I that obvious?โ€ She comes closer to the stranger, to better see him. โ€œI usually wander at night but I think Iโ€™ve gotten myself pretty turned around. Do you happen to know which way Tempo is?โ€ A bit of a strange question surely, sheโ€™d wandered quite some way away from the little town.
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faded-melody ยท 3 years
(viviskull) [ FAKE ]ย :ย  forย  yourย  museย  toย  pretendย  toย  knowย  myย  museย  inย  publicย  toย  saveย  themย  fromย  aย  difficultย  encounter *Vivi*
Wandering around the streets of Tempo aimlessly seemed to become a pastime for her, familiarizing herself with her new home, the places and the people. Itโ€™s getting later now but the setting of the sun doesnโ€™t deter her, she hasnโ€™t quite shaken her wanderlust for the day. And then she stops. Up ahead, on the street, two people stand talking. One of them she recognizes as the girl who works at the Tome Tomb, the one with that dog sheโ€™s taken note of on more than one occasion.
But this feels... off. The closer she looks the more she can see the signsโ€” the shifting, the glances, all moving away from that guy as he tries to inch ever closer. A knot twists up in her stomach, itโ€™s heavy and sickening. Before she realizes what sheโ€™s doing, her feet are moving towards them, faster. But she canโ€™t just jump in all gung-ho and whack the guy. No, but she can at least try to help get the other away from him.
With an excited smile she runs to Vivi, eyes wide and shimmering. โ€œHey!โ€ She looks so happy, sounds so genuine, attention seemingly all focused on the blue individual before her. โ€œIโ€™ve been looking for you everywhere!โ€ A laugh escapes her, in her temporary narrative they were close friends. โ€œWhatโ€™re you doing all the way out here? Weโ€™re gonna be late for our reservation. You havenโ€™t forgotten already, have you?โ€
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island-stranded ยท 5 years
A scream echoes throughout the caves within Earnhardtโ€™s mountains, a high pitched scream of terror. Mary had wandered in curiously, looking for something fun to do and instead had stumbled into a patch of the infamous cave mushrooms. It turned the once interesting caverns into a nightmare labyrinth, and she was starting to think that sheโ€™d never be able to escape.
Needless to say, her first trip was turning out to be a bad one.
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island-stranded ยท 5 years
" Whats this, huh? Thought Alec lost his daughter when she was but a small baby. You...You...I don't think we have meet before, have we? "
Red, lots of red. Like an animal showing off itโ€™s venom, warning others to stay away. It was all too glaringly obviousโ€” the color, the weaponry, this was a pirate that stood before her. Great, Alec would just be thrilled when he heard about this one.
Honestly unsure of what the other meant about Alec losing his daughter, Mary tried to gloss over it as she offered a kind smile and a dip of her head in greeting. โ€œI donโ€™t think we have, sir. Iโ€™m Agnes.โ€ Hands once folded in front of her, one is now extended to the other as a pleasantry. The other could kill her in an instant, drag her back to those terrible cagesโ€” but why would any pirate do that to their dealerโ€™s daughter? The thought comforted her, even if just a little bit.
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island-stranded ยท 5 years
Tag dump 1
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