fademirrored · 7 months
PROMPTS FOR THE MORNING AFTER *  adjust as necessary, nsfw implied
this... isn't my bed.
i'll make us breakfast.
wait, how long have you been here?
did you stay the night?
you're so beautiful like this.
did i give you that hickey?
don't get up. stay right here.
kiss me again.
nice bedhead.
are you... wearing anything?
this was a bad idea.
i've wanted to do that forever.
did you enjoy it?
i did a number on your back. sorry about that.
is this your shirt?
maybe you should go.
i had a great time.
if you stay, i'll make us coffee.
i shouldn't have stayed over.
come back here. please?
i've never been like that with anyone before.
there's a bra on the ceiling fan.
did we... actually...?
we could do it again, if you want.
you made me feel... incredible.
was it... okay?
you look beautiful in my bed.
what do you remember?
was i too loud?
you can borrow my shirt.
i guess this makes us more than friends.
this can't be happening.
i could spend the day just like this, right here with you.
is that a hickey?
this was just for fun. it doesn't mean we're together.
this wasn't supposed to happen.
should we talk about it?
what time is it? i'm late for work.
how long have you been awake?
i remember... everything.
we should do that again sometime.
i think we cuddled.
that was the best night of my life.
what parts do you remember?
why don't you stay for breakfast?
was it good for you?
the sex was great.
how do you like your eggs?
are we still friends?
sorry, i've got morning breath.
i'd really like to keep seeing you.
i'm glad i invited you in.
finally... fucking finally.
please don't leave the bed.
don't make fun of me if i walk funny.
this doesn't mean anything.
my friends are never going to believe this.
i don't even know who i was last night.
no one's ever taken care of me like that.
let me help you clean up.
maybe we should forget this even happened.
i'm just going to... leave.
you said some wild things last night.
you're wearing my shirt.
maybe we could make this a regular thing.
am i blushing? i'm blushing, aren't i.
where did i put my glasses?
your clothes are in the living room.
i need a shower.
your hair's a mess.
you make a great pillow.
i thought we agreed this would ruin our relationship.
did i do something wrong?
we were pretty loud.
do you want me to leave?
i asked you to stay the night.
i bet your neighbors hate us.
stay like this.
well, that's one way to bounce back.
what about round two?
don't let go of me.
why don't you join me in the shower?
we can't keep doing this.
we're fucked, aren't we.
how long have i been asleep?
i tried to keep feelings out of this. i really did.
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fademirrored · 7 months
"Did the Wardens themselves actually figure out what's going on at some point?" Oleander wondered wryly. "If so, they've neglected to tell me." Based on how much he wasn't being told and Blackwall's general disinterest in what the rest of the Wardens had been up to, Oleander had basically assumed the Warden Method To Success was to lock something in a box, say 'shhhhh,' and then forget about it.
Admittedly, it was a very tempting route, but it seemed a bit like the sealed evils were beginning to escape the boxes.
Hawke opened his mouth and then closed it, not saying anything before laughing, full and loud. ❛ Yeah well, when something stops moving and breathing, usually that's a good indication it's dead, ❜ Hawke said, amusement rife within his tone. There was no saying what help he could offer beyond that. But Varric wanted him here, so here he was.
❛ But what do I know, I'm not a Warden. ❜
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fademirrored · 7 months
possible triggers, read/reblog with caution.
❛ Nine years! Why have I not seen you? ❜ ❛ Where the hell have you been? ❜ ❛ Would you please shut up! ❜ ❛ Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects. ❜ ❛ Surely, the dead can wait. ❜ ❛ Did I offend you? Sorry. ❜ ❛ What the hell do you know about being a bastard? ❜ ❛ I heard you the first time. ❜ ❛ It’s no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain. ❜ ❛ I just want to stand on top of the Wall and pissoff the edge of the world! ❜ ❛ Give me a good, clean death any day. ❜ ❛ What good will my sympathies do them? ❜ ❛ Your absence has already been noted. ❜ ❛ One word and I hit you again. ❜ ❛ I’ve half a mind to leave them all behind and keep moving. ❜ ❛ You’re too hard on yourself. You always have been. ❜ ❛ I swear, if I weren’t your king/queen, you’d have hit me already. ❜ ❛ Trust me, that’s not the worst thing. ❜ ❛ Tell me we’re not speaking of this. ❜ ❛ Oh, it’s unspeakable to you? ❜ ❛ Look at me and tell me what you see. ❜ ❛ You broke my nose, bastard! ❜ ❛ I wonder how long it’d take you to hit! ❜ ❛ They hate me because I'm better than they are! ❜ ❛ Glad to see you’re protecting the Throne. ❜ ❛ It must be strange for you, coming into this room. ❜ ❛ But you just stood there and watched. ❜ ❛ Is that what you tell yourself at night? ❜ ❛ How could you let this happen?! ❜ ❛ I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit. ❜ ❛ Do you remember anything about what happened? ❜ ❛ Why are you here? ❜ ❛ I have a gift for you. ❜ ❛ Will I really be able to ride? ❜ ❛ Is this some kind of trick? ❜ ❛ Piss on that! I wanna hit somebody! ❜ ❛ You do move quietly. ❜ ❛ You’re speaking of murdering a child. ❜ ❛ You will dishonor yourself forever if you do this. ❜ ❛ I felt something for you once, you know. ❜ ❛ Does that make you feel better, or worse? ❜ ❛ You wish to confess your crimes? ❜ ❛ My crimes and sins are beyond counting. ��� ❛ I’m good at convincing others to do violence for me. ❜ ❛ What do you think you’re doing?! ❜ ❛ I have that right, same as you. ❜
❛ We looked for you on the battlefield, but you were nowhere to be found! ❜ ❛ I…I’ve been here, ruling the kingdoms! ❜ ❛ I’m glad you’re not dead. ❜ ❛ Knowledge is power. ❜ ❛ Excuse the interruption. Carry on. ❜ ❛ It’s been a… remarkable journey! ❜ ❛ You brought this on yourself. ❜ ❛ I’ve done nothing. ❜ ❛ Do you understand we’re losing the war?! ❜ ❛ Disappeared? What, in a puff of smoke?! ❜ ❛ Must be hard for you- to be the disappointing child. ❜ ❛ Oh, I trust them with my life- just not with yours. ❜ ❛ Three victories don’t make you a conqueror. ❜ ❛ I won’t need a servant to do my beheading for me! ❜ ❛ I heard you suffered a terrible head wound.  ❜ ❛ I am very good at keepingsecrets for my good friends. ❜ ❛ Who threatened you? ❜ ❛ I understand the way this game is played. ❜ ❛ I’ll have you thrown into the sea! ❜ ❛ I am a pirate- I’m an excellent pirate! ❜ ❛ That’s a promise that always comes true. ❜ ❛ You don’t know how persuasive I am. ❜ ❛ You’re the mosthonest smuggler I ever met. ❜ ❛ You have no need to see this. ❜ ❛ I believe we know how to pour our own wine. ❜ ❛ Maybe I’ll hire this cook of yours. ❜ ❛ I don’t listen to filth. ❜ ❛ I appreciate your loyalty. ❜ ❛ I’ll not have my honour questioned by an imp! ❜ ❛ I just wouldn’t feel safe with you lurking about. ❜ ❛ I command you to arrest this cutthroat! ❜ ❛ Do you hear me?! ❜ ❛ I think there’s more to ruling than that. ❜ ❛ There’s no bigger joke in the world than that. ❜ ❛ What about all the dreams you had that didn't come true? ❜ ❛ Your time with the wolves has made you weak. ❜ ❛ You gave me away if you remember. ❜ ❛ You gave me away like I was some dog you didn’t want anymore. ❜ ❛ You won’t get away with this. ❜ ❛ I’ve decided I don’t like riddles. ❜ ❛ You want to know what side my family fights on? ❜ ❛ You gonna tell me where you’re from? ❜ ❛ You can’t talk to me like that! ❜ ❛ That’s twice I’ve warned you. ❜ ❛ I don’t want you in my tent oneminute more than necessary. ❜ ❛ It would be my pleasure. ❜
❛ You’re wearing the wrong color. ❜ ❛ When I’m free, will I be free to go? ❜ ❛ I'll be free to kill you. ❜ ❛ From now on, you’d better kneel every time I fart. ❜ ❛ You’re telling me you saw… one of them.  ❜ ❛ Did I come to the right place? ❜ ❛ We’ll need to find you a new cloak. ❜ ❛ I need an army. ❜ ❛ It’s too beautiful of a day, to argue. ❜ ❛ I am wondering why you sent for me. ❜ ❛ Have you grown boredprotecting me? ❜ ❛ I’m sure you’ve filled your pockets. ❜ ❛ I don’t loan it out to friends as a favor. ❜ ❛ I don’t even know what I’m paying you now! ❜ ❛ Am I enjoying it? ❜ ❛ I heard how happy you were. ❜ ❛ I gave you real power and authority. ❜ ❛ You brought a whore into my bed. ❜ ❛ Why does everyone assume I want something? ❜ ❛ A little bloody gratitude would be a start. ❜ ❛ So tell me what you want. ❜ ❛ I want what is mine by right. ❜ ❛ The next whore I catch in your bed, I’ll hang. ❜ ❛ I’m not your enemy. ❜ ❛ I’ve never seen anything like it. ❜ ❛ Even the bravest men fear death. ❜ ❛ Tell the good master there is no need. ❜ ❛ Here, I’m done with you. ❜ ❛ How many do you have to sell? ❜ ❛ We don’t get to choose who we love. ❜ ❛ I only want to know what that means. ❜ ❛ Are you frightened, child? ❜ ❛ Tell us the truth. No harm will come to you. ❜ ❛ I have traitor’s blood. ❜ ❛ Please don’t make me say anymore. ❜ ❛ Please, don’t stop the wedding. ❜ ❛ That doesn’t mean they’re not worth helping. ❜ ❛ I have no doubtyou will prove equal to this challenge. ❜ ❛ This is the safest place in the city. ❜ ❛ Any advice for me, on my new position? ❜ ❛ How long will you be gone? ❜ ❛ You don’t have the strength. It would kill you. ❜ ❛ There is another way, a better way. ❜ ❛ The blood of my enemies, not the blood of innocents. ❜ ❛ What’re you doing, leading a mob of peasants? ❜ ❛ I should have killed you! ❜
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fademirrored · 7 months
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Angry/Irritated Sentences, Vol. 4
(Angry and irritated sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Do you think you could make a huge effort and behave yourself?"
"Dear God, what is the matter with the men in your family?"
"If I take you to a party, I expect you to behave yourself!"
"Is it just me, or is this beginning to look a bit bloody hopeless?"
"Your concern for me is false and poisonous!"
"It's all about sex with men, isn't it?"
"Can we do something besides talk about murder?"
"You bloody hypocrite!"
"Why mustn't we be seen together? Everybody knows we're 'friends'."
"You give me a headache."
"What is it? I'm at work."
"You can be nice - I know that you can. You have this tiny, little zone of courtesy, but you're only ever willing to extend it to me."
"Don't touch me. I don't like to be touched."
"Did you get arrested again?"
"You set me up!"
"Why do you think I would need your forgiveness?"
"If you were thinking of hugging me again, don't do that."
"How many times have I lied and covered for you?"
"Don't be so stubborn. You know I'm right."
"You've betrayed everything we ever talked about!"
"Why are you asking this if you know it all anyway?"
"Don't touch me."
"Perhaps it's best that I don't hear the full explanation."
"You just think you can come up here and do whatever you damn please, don't you?"
"We all know what dirty dogs men are."
"Maybe you should stop asking so many questions, hm?"
"I can see how irritating this must be for you so I'll ignore what you just said."
"Men are such swines!"
"Listen, don't start thinking we're besties just because we had a moment, alright?"
"You were out of line today."
"Oh, alright! Be boring then!"
"I don't expect you to trust me, but at least accept that we want the same thing."
"I wish you wouldn't keep doing what I tell you to."
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fademirrored · 8 months
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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fademirrored · 8 months
there's still a lot of work to be done.
i'm not finished with it yet.
i can't give up just yet.
there's nothing noble about working yourself to death.
you think i can't handle this myself?
there's not enough hours in the day.
i realize you think you have to do this.
working like this helps me think.
i'll sleep when i'm dead.
your work ethic scares me sometimes.
i don't need your help.
do you ever sleep?
they need me.
no matter how hard you work, it won't bring them back.
do you realize how crazy that sounds?
i'm not stopping until this is done.
you need to slow down.
i feel like i'm wasting my life.
have you ever taken a vacation?
i can handle this on my own.
i'm nothing without my work.
you're going to get sick if you keep going like this.
you've proven your point.
you're going to work yourself to death.
there are worse ways to spend a life.
you can't keep going at this pace.
i don't have time to rest.
it needs to be done.
do you have any healthy coping mechanisms, by any chance?
there's no time to waste.
i think it's time for you to take a break.
everything was going great until you stopped me.
i can't sleep yet. not until this is done.
i'm the only one who can do this.
at least let me help you.
if i just focus on my work, i don't have to think about anything else.
i'm not asking you to take a break, i'm telling you.
did you really have to interrupt like that?
i'm not budging.
it's my life's work.
you're not going to convince me otherwise.
when was the last time you slept?
i'll help you finish the job if you promise to get some rest.
you're practically falling asleep standing up.
you can finish this in the morning.
let me get you to bed.
don't you get it? it's over!
working yourself to death isn't going to fix anything.
if i don't do it, no one else will.
i wish you would take some time to rest.
i'm not taking a break, if that's what you're asking.
you just broke my concentration, thank you very much.
i'm not going to bed.
i don't know how to quit.
they're counting on me.
too many people rely on me.
i can't disappoint them.
you need a vacation.
i wish you would just listen to me and slow down.
your eye bags have eye bags.
all right, that's it. i'm putting my foot down.
no more excuses.
what do you get out of this? this overworking thing?
without my work... i'm nothing.
no one else is going to step in.
i don't care about me. i care about them.
we have unfinished business.
if i stop now, it'll be like giving up.
i'm a perfectionist. it's in my nature.
better to pour myself into my work than something else.
i wish you would go easy on yourself.
this is very unhealthy.
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fademirrored · 8 months
"Roughly as well as your efforts to kill Corypheus," Oleander replied pleasantly, linking his hands together behind his back. He didn't bother pointing out that the Templar's had been aimed at the Breach, not the smaller rifts, and the Breach itself had remained closed. Not much point in reminding people of things they knew but didn't care about. "Bang up jobs all around."
Besides, circular arguing was basically a sport. He could use the practice for whenever he had to step foot back in Orlais.
Last Hawke checked, the only way Templars really made magic go away was by killing the mage. But this was one of those moments that Hawke truly needed to take a step back. This wasn't Kirkwall. This was something else entirely and it was none of his business no matter who asked him to help or not.
❛ Sure, sure, ❜ Hawke murmured with an idle nod of his head, hand coming up to scratch at the beard on his chin. ❛ How's that working out for you with the hole still there? Or really, holes. ❜
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fademirrored · 8 months
headcanons: kieran
Caje Cousland: Caje pestered Alistair into doing the ritual with Morrigan. He would not recognize Kieran from a whole in the wall. On an average day, he does not even remember that Morrigan had a child.
Darrick Tabris: Darrick did the ritual with Morrigan, but then he also never really saw Morrigan again after the Archdemon was dead. If anyone asked him if any of his companions had children, he would say yes. If anyone asked him if he had children, he would say no. Kieran was, as callous as it sounds, a means to an end, and Darrick chooses not to put much thought into it beyond that.
Temry Mahariel: In their canon, they romanced Morrigan. They did the ritual with her. They parented Kieran alongside her. Kieran is their kid and they love him immensely. In verses where Temry and Morrigan are not together, Temry is still open to doing whatever Morrigan needs of them for Kieran's benefit, as they still feel a level of responsibility for him, regardless of whether they're co-parenting.
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fademirrored · 8 months
where is your place in the royal court?
I threw a dart and got
the jester
you spark humor wherever you wander, always seeking to brighten a room with the roar of laughter. but, you are no fool. you have seen the pain in the world, and you would give anything to keep others from feeling it, too. though, humor is a balm, not a cure. take care you do not merely conceal your tragedy beneath a smile.
rigel is being called out in this applebee's tonight
tagged by: @proelio-procusi tagging: uhhh ... you over there. if you see this, just say i tagged you.
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fademirrored · 8 months
minor headcanons: critters: gamma world state
Temry Mahariel:
The mabari: Lethallin is calm, quiet, and always thinking. He's Kieran's primary babysitter once Kieran is old enough to start toddling on his own. Lethallin is incredibly gentle and patient with Kieran, and he can and will rip out someone's throat for looking at Kieran or Temry wrong. Physically, he's got a Great Dane-y sort of build, being mostly legs, with merle coloring.
The weasel: Nehn has been Temry's pet since they were a teenager. She lives in their pack or their pockets and likes to put in inconvenient appearances. She also likes to try to eat fingers, generally with limited success.
The owl: Atisha is Temry's hunting aid at night. She's a barn owl, and while she's not the most intelligent creature in the world, she is very good at dropping rabbits at Temry's feet, and that's the important part.
The crow: Samahl likes to act as lookout during the day. Temry didn't really train him to do this. He just sort of started doing it after he started following Temry around because they fished him out of a pond and fed him jerky. He's a worryingly clever little thief who likes to collect shiny things. His collection lives in Temry's pack, though, so they're not too concerned about it, even if they do need to fish their wedding ring out of it every other day. They're not entirely convinced Samahl isn't a mage having a laugh, but they suppose they'll never know. He likes to tag team with a shapeshifted Morrigan to cause Antics and Shenanigans.
The fennec: Honestly, Dalen is less a pet and more an unexpected tagalong. He climbed into Temry's pack one day and fell asleep, and stayed unnoticed for probably 18 hours, at which point he decided to stick around.
The hart: Sabrae is an albino hart. He's tall. He's very pretty. He's very majestic. He's also dumb as a post. He's very sweet and very obedient and does exactly as he's asked at all times because if he doesn't then he loses track of where his own ass and head are.
Madry Hawke:
The mabari: Grim is a mountain variety of mabari, which means he's basically a Newfoundland with a nubbly tail. He consists of endless amounts of black hair and slobber. He's very friendly and tends to play dumber than he is. He's still a puppy when the Blight starts, so he's still got enough pep in his step to follow Madry to Skyhold during the Inquisition, even if he is visibly slowing by then.
The horse: Kelpie is an Akhel-teke that Madry steals from some rich fuck on the way out of Kirkwall, because stealing from rich fucks is one of Madry's favorite hobbies, even when the situation is urgent. She's almost entirely black except for a white face and highlighter blue eyes. She looks very alarming coming down the road on a foggy night. She can and will chase someone down to check their pockets for snacks. Madry will make no efforts to contain her enthusiasm.
Petrichor Lavellan:
The dog: Mi'Durgen is a high content wolf/mabari cross. He's worryingly intelligent and can generally be seen visibly weighing the pros and cons of whatever he's being told to do, and tends to ignore anyone who isn't Petra or who Petra hasn't temporarily put in charge of him. He actually makes Petra's trek to find the Inquisition again after Haven gets buried easier, since he's waiting for them outside the cave when they come stumbling out into the snow.
The moose: Some people ride horses. Some ride harts. Some ride dracolisks or nuggalopes or other strange creatures. Petra has a bull moose named Revas. They've had Revas since before the events of Inquisition; together they tended to act as trail breakers for the clan when they were on the move, riding ahead to make sure there was nothing in the way. Revas is generally calm, but with the air of someone holding onto their patience with both hands.
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fademirrored · 8 months
minor headcanons: critters: beta world state
Darrick Tabris:
The mabari: Clegane miraculously makes it out of Ostagar in one piece, follows Darrick across hill and dale, and decides 'this is mine.' It's a mutual decision. There were a lot of different types of mabari at Ostagar, and Clegane is a working variety, which means he's essentially a Bernese Mountain Dog with tiny ears and a nubbly little tail. A big boofer. He adores Dare, pleasantly tolerates Dare's friends, is politely disdainful of most other people, and will go straight for the throat as soon as Dare gives the signal. He lives a respectable 11 years and dies in his sleep on the road while Dare is looking for a cure to the Calling. Afterwards, Dare cries harder than he has since being told his mother isn't coming home as a child.
The wolf: Admittedly, Fang is less a pet and more of a coworker. Darrick frees her from a trap and feeds her at camp. She starts trailing the party for a few days, accepting whatever food is thrown to her, and dives in to help when shrieks attack the camp. If she is hurt, she lets Dare tend to her. If Dare is knocked down, she protects him, and she checks on him if he is hurt. If it's particularly cold, she'll come into the tent. She does not snuggle. She only barely tolerates being pet on rare occasions, and only by Dare. She tends to stay out of arm's reach at the closest.
The horse: After Awakening, while Darrick is in Tevinter trying (and failing) to track down the elves from his alienage who Loghain sold into slavery, he acquires Belle. She's a small, strawberry roan Arabian, or whatever the Thedosian equivalent is, and she is Spicy. Darrick steals her. He doesn't know who he steals her from; he didn't check. That detail was unimportant.
Rigel Hawke:
The first mule: A trader passing through Lothering had a cart drawn by a blatantly neglected draft mule mare, and Rigel disapproved. So he stole her, and kept her hidden until the trader eventually gave up looking for her and left in a huff, sans most of his stuff. Her name was Jenny, and she and Rigel would do errands around Lothering for people. Unfortunately, she did not make it out of Lothering during the Blight.
The mabari: Sirius is a derp, but a very well-behaved derp. He's primarily a sort of dingy white with a light blue-gray mask and saddle markings, and mismatched eyes; one blue and one amber. Most of his girth is side to side, instead of top to bottom. He's short for a mabari, but Beefy. He's very polite and very well trained. While he does live for a rather impressive 13 years, that still means he passes of old age towards the tail end of Act II.
The second mule: After dealing with the Inquisition and being sent to Weisshaupt to explain what was going on with the Wardens, Hawke buys another mule for a pittance on his way north. She's very pretty, and Hawke suspects she was an accident involving some nobleman's prized horse. Rigel calls her Cassie, and while she's a bit bitey at first, she warms up to him pretty quickly.
Oleander Trevelyan:
The dracolisk: Citrine is a hunter-shade dracolisk. She's primarily sort of beige-y orange with dark brown spots and red-brown points, and despite the fact that she has a face that only Olly could love, she is a sweetheart. This poses some problems, considering she is the size of a draft horse and made of knives and gravel. She is convinced she's a lap dog. She wants to snuggle. Unfortunately, she is not an easily snuggled shape or size.
The falcon: Verity is Oleander's falcon from back in Ostwick. Considering he stays on good terms with his family, it's not a hassle to get him brought to Skyhold after the events of Inquisition. While Olly does go hunting with Verity himself, he also lets the Inquisition's falconers borrow him if they need to.
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fademirrored · 8 months
This or That: Fandom Tropes Edition
slowburn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or and best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence
hurt/comfort or amnesia
fantasy au or modern au
mutual pining or domestic bliss
smut or fluff 
canon-compliant or and fix-it
reincarnation or character death
kid fic or road trip fic
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
college romance or middle-aged romance
time travel or isolated together
neighbors or roommates
sci-fi au or magic au
angst or crack
apocalyptic or mundane
tagged by: @proelio-procusi approximately 6 years ago tagging: @fadedpath @whalefelled
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fademirrored · 8 months
minor headcanons: critters: alpha world state
Caje Cousland:
The mabari: His name is Squirrel. He is the most quintessential mabari that ever was a mabari. He's a sort of earthy brown with black points and usually goes paintless, but has the Kaddis of the Trickster warpaint when Caje knows they're going into something big. Caje loves Squirrel dearly, but one gets the sense that if Squirrel hadn't imprinted on him, Caje would not have any animals.
The horse: After Awakening, when Caje has well and truly taken up his role as Anora's husband, he has a horse. He's an Akhel-Teke palomino gelding named Valerian. He's very pretty and very impressive, which is his primary purpose. Caje's relationship with Valerian is neutral, politely. Valerian is very well trained and tolerates Caje, who doesn't really spare him a thought when he's not in the saddle. Most of Valerian's care is left to stable hands, unless Caje's on the road and has no spare hands to care for his horse for him.
Cyrus Hawke:
The mabari: His name is Decker. He's only about 9 months old at the start of the Blight, so he does live to see the Chantry Boom, but at that point he is geriatric enough that Cyrus has taken to leaving him home to be babied by Sandal more often than not. Early on, though, he goes with Cyrus everywhere except the privy. He's got coloration similar to a rottweiler and he's a big mush. You could hand him an egg and he would carry it without cracking it.
Owain Trevelyan:
The hart: Early on, before they've even had to leave Haven, Owain and his party find a small herd of horses and harts in the Hinterlands. No one is sure if they were deliberately released or if they escaped during all the fighting, but regardless, there's no way to figure out where they came from and they're clearly not wild, so the Inquisition claims them. Among them is a wild hart. Owain calls dibs and names him Moo. I'm going to be blunt: he is a megaloceros with less-stupid antlers. He is a draft horse-sized elk, with stereotypical elk coloration. With a bit of a pot belly, because Owain's never had a pet before and he loves Moo immensely, even if he bellows like a congested trumpet.
Aneirin Trevelyan:
The dracolisk: While Aneirin initially uses whatever horse is free from the stables, he does eventually acquire his own dedicated steed. She is a sharp-tail dracolisk named Ozone. She's predominantly a sort of muted olive-y green with almost leopard-like spots, but dark red-brown points on her face, legs, and tail. As far as Aneirin is concerned, she is the goodest girl who has never done anything wrong in her life, and for him, that is true. He gets to feed her an appropriate amount of treats every day and still keep all of his fingers. He can ride her without getting thrown and she'll even stop on a dime precisely when he asks. If Nye is not at Skyhold, however, stable hands draw straws to see who has to deal with her, because when Nye is not around, Ozone considers herself valid to eat fingers.
The falcon: Nye had a falcon as a teenager in Ostwick, and Owain gifts him a new one after the events of Inquisition to try to get himself back into Nye's good graces after a terrible and prolonged falling out. It doesn't work, but Nye does like the bird. She's a grey falcon named Swifty, and she likes Nye about as much as can be expected, which mostly means she comes back during a hunt and only tries to eat his ears and fingers a little bit.
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fademirrored · 8 months
Grim is a friendly dog. An incredibly friendly dog. Perhaps a bit too friendly, considering he's a mound of black hair and drool approximately the size of a pony.
Grim is, unfortunately, blissfully unaware of his size, as made evident when he bowls some poor sod over in his attempts to say hello. Him vigorously slobbering over them is probably just insulted added to injury, really.
"Grim, for Maker's sake!"
Madry Hawke is doing a very bad job of sounding disapproving. It sounds, instead, like they're half a breath away from laughing as they jog over. Nevertheless, Grim backs up half a pace and sits down, tongue still lolling from his mouth.
Madry peers down at the poor unfortunate soul Grim has tried to flatten. One eyebrow arches as they wonder, "Still alive down there?"
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fademirrored · 8 months
from the grump ❛  how can you be this cheery already? we haven't even had breakfast.  ❜ ❛  just don't make a big deal out of this.  ❜ ❛  you know i love you, right?  ❜ ❛  i know, alright, i know i'm an asshole. but i'm trying here.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said earlier.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so damn optimistic?  ❜ ❛  nobody has ever made me feel the way you do.  ❜ ❛  there's no way in hell i'm doing that.  ❜ ❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜ ❛  you make me want to be better. you make me want to be good.  ❜ ❛  can't you just move on and forget about it already?  ❜ ❛  i'm only doing this because you asked me to.  ❜ ❛  you're the only one who has ever believed in me.  ❜ ❛  you won't stop this until i say 'yes', will you?  ❜ ❛  how are you so happy all the time?  ❜ ❛  until i met you, i never thought i would've been capable of that.  ❜ ❛  you're the polar opposite of me.  ❜ ❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜ ❛  your optimism might be starting to rub off on me.  ❜ ❛  why don't you give up on me like everyone else?  ❜
from the sunshine ❛  come on, it's gonna be fun!  ❜ ❛  see? i told you there's some good in you.  ❜ ❛  you should smile more. you have such a beautiful smile.  ❜ ❛  i'm so excited! there's so much i have planned for us.  ❜ ❛  i was just trying to do something nice for you.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so pessimistic?  ❜ ❛  stop being so stubborn. i'm trying to help you.  ❜ ❛  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜ ❛  i always feel better with you by my side.  ❜ ❛  sometimes you should let others in.  ❜ ❛  light up, [name]. we're gonna be here for a while.  ❜ ❛  why is it so difficult for you to accept a compliment?  ❜ ❛  stay? i just ... don't want to be alone right now.  ❜ ❛  just because i'm generally a happy person doesn't mean i can't have an off day.  ❜ ❛  i'm not some helpless little girl/boy!  ❜ ❛  you're not gonna get rid of me that easily.   ❜ ❛  stop that. i don't want you to talk about yourself like this.  ❜ ❛  of course, i remember! i remember everything you told me.  ❜ ❛  let's go outside and dance in the rain.  ❜ ❛  you don't mean that, do you?  ❜
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fademirrored · 8 months
Send ‘🤔’ and I’ll name three ways I think our muses could meet one another. If you can’t see the emoji send the phrase ‘thinking x3’ instead!
( Remember to specify muses involved if necessary! )
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fademirrored · 8 months
"I'm a ghost now, actually," drifts back out of the underbrush, entirely matter-of-fact. They don't even look back as they say it, coming to a cautious halt by the fallen tree. "It was a very impressive death, you would have been proud," they add, tone turning slightly distracted as they crouch beside the fallen tree.
The trunk of seems to be crumbling apart, spreading up from the roots, until it seemingly imploded under its own weight partway up the trunk. Temry picks at some of the bark and it flakes away easily in blackened chips, revealing the half-rotted wood beneath, streaked with black, almost vein-like lines.
"Hey, Grackle," they call, curious but unconcerned, their tone still lighthearted. "What sort of Darkspawn do you suppose trees turn into?"
The words 'don't let Keiran touch it' are on the tip of their tongue, but remain unspoken. Given the circumstances of his conception, Keiran is likely just as infected as Temry is.
A little snort of affection left Morrigan as she fixed the sling to tuck Kieran into. "I feel as if the amount you swear is a good gauge," she noted with some lingering affection in her tone if you squinted.
"Watch for snakes," she added blindly over her shoulder, if only because there should not be any bears in this part of the forest to worry over.
Keiran was picked up and tucked securely into the sling around her chest. She'd prefer Kieran on her back, but unless Temry helped her this would do until their investigation was over. A hand moved to Lethallin's fur and for all she complained about the beast, she did find solace and petting the creature.
Morrigan had her suspicions that perhaps if time was not the enemy of the tree that the blight rotted the roots sickening the tree early. Though if something so big could fall to the blight she worried about other parts of the forest.
"There's a distinct lack of cursing, are you still alive?" she called out, peering over at the fallen tree now.
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