faeocs · 1 month
Question: where do you guys think the island of Leng is inspired by?
I have seen different takes, some saying Korea, Japan others Vietnam, Thailand...
We know Yi Ti is based of China, and the cities of Leng Yi and Leng Ma in the northern part of Leng were founded by the YiTish, and the people there are from YiTish decent, but I wonder what country the native Lengii are inspired by? Plus Khiara the Great, dose anyone know of a historical figure who she could be inspired/based off?
Grrm really needs to give us more details for Leng and Yi Ti, they seem to be such cool places especially with Leng being a matriarchal society!
Also I need to know the lore behind, the Jade tiara Daemon gifted to Rhaenyra in canon that's said to have belonged to the God-Empress of Leng.
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faeocs · 2 months
This is how you spell fude
Feud 👍
Great edit
Lmaoooo the way I didn't see that properly has something to do with English being my second language
Thank youuuu anon 🥰❤️
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faeocs · 2 months
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Dearest Gentle Reader, The fallout of Edmund Bridgerton and Thomas Lovelace, occurred years before their respective marriages, before the birth of their children, and long before the first of this author’s society papers was published. Many have, of course, suggested theories as to why the 8th Viscount Bridgerton, and the 13th Duke of Manchester never saw eye to eye, but as neither ever made public comments regarding the issue, we still remain in doubt. The sins of the father will be visited upon the son, and such is the case for Hector Lovelace and Anthony Bridgerton. From Eton to Oxford, both carried on the grudges of their fathers, and thus became known as deathly rivals. It causes one to wonder why? And over what? Sadly, dear reader, much like yourself, this author remains in the dark. It was only after the tragic death of Edmund Bridgerton, that tensions tremendously subsided. Occasionally, during gatherings, one might even notice the exchange of a polite nod between the new Viscount and the Heir of the Manchester Dukedom. It is a common jape amongst chattering mamas that a Lovelace-Bridgerton marriage would finally put the two families senseless feud to bed. While there had been hope for a match between Daphne Bridgerton and the third Lovelace son, Mister Lewis Lovelace, it was soon eliminated after the announcement of Mister Lovelace’s betrothal to Lady Cassandra Gray. There remains Francesca and Hyacinth Bridgerton, who should by all accounts be considered rather odd matches for either remaining unmarried Lovelace Brother, given their vast age differences, and with Eloise Bridgerton's disinterest in matters of love and marriage, there is little possibility for a union between a Bridgerton Sister and a Lovelace Brother.
This author proposes an alternative; perhaps instead of a Lovelace Brother, we must turn our eyes to the sole Lovelace sister, the newly debuted, Lady Juliette Lovelace, and the second Bridgerton Brother, Mister Benedict Bridgerton, who seemed to by all accounts have become rather smitten with Miss Lovelace, much to the displeasure of his brother, the Viscount. I am certain those of you who have not had the pleasure of making Miss Lovelace’s acquaintance before, during, or after her debut must have at the very least heard from a matchmaking mama, of her genteel mannerism, and very, very large dowry. Thus far, the only thing standing in the way of gentlemen vying for her hand in marriage has been her rakish twin brother, Mister John Lovelace, and his rather foul habit of publicly mocking her suitors. Perhaps it must also be mentioned that this season the Duke and Duchess of Manchester have sent their youngest son away on a diplomatic trip, so as to not hinder their dear daughter’s pursuits of finding a husband.  Time is of the essence, bachelor's of Mayfair. I urge you all to try and succeed in winning the heart of Miss Juliette Lovelace before her meddlesome brother’s return from France. In the meantime, this author continues to ponder if Miss Juliette Lovelace will find her Romeo in Mister Benedict Bridgerton or not. The answer will be one I shall certainly enjoy uncovering ...
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faeocs · 2 months
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✧ Love interest(s): Aegon I Targaryen + Rhaenys Targaryen + Visenya Targaryen + in some aus Orys Baratheon
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✧ Love interest(s): Maegor Targaryen + Rhaena Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Daemon Targaryen + Rhaenyra Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Aegon II Targaryen + Aemond Targaryen + Cregan Stark
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✧ Love interest(s): Aemon "The Dragonknight" Targaryen + in some aus Naerys Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Daemon Blackfyre + Aegor Rivers
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✧ Love interest(s): Valarr Targaryen + Aerion Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Duncan the Tall
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with the new season approaching plus the duncan and egg franchise I've finally decided to make a full asoiaf oc list! let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any future stuff 🥰
do excuse the bad blending I'm still learning <333
taglist: @noeverse
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faeocs · 2 months
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Women of the Dance of the Dragons – Part One
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faeocs · 2 months
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❝ Throughout her life, Shiera Lannister loved and lost many; she loved Aemond for how he understood her ambition; she loved Aegon for how he was so beautifully broken, just as she was; and her sweet good-sister Helaena, she loved her for she was all things good and pure in a world so full of fire and blood ... ❜❜
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OG GIF CREDITS: @perioddramasource @useyourtelescope @aemondtargaryensource @earlgodwin @alicenthightcwer
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faeocs · 2 months
Charity Wakefield
Kaya Scodelario
Olivia Cooke
Phoebe Fox
Andrea Riseborough
Danielle Rose Russell
Lily Collins
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faeocs · 2 months
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❝ crawl inside this body, find me where i am most ruined - love me there.❞
Keep reading
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faeocs · 2 months
( my hotd ocs addition )
SO : Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
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She was the God-Empress of Yi Ti.
Her duties lay with securing her own people's safety; she would never send them off to fight the Dragon's war.
History had been filled with tales of betrayal, and Mei Lin had studied them all. Among them was the tale of the Amethyst Empress and how she had been killed by her younger brother, the Bloodstone Emperor.
The Blood Betrayal.
She could not sit by and let happen to the woman she loved.
Mei Lin would stop the dying of dragons before it ever began.
SO: Alicent Hightower, Gwayne Hightower, Criston Cole
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Rhaenyra had been her dearest friend once.
Until she chose to fuck Daemon Targaryen, and lie about it.
The man who openly named her "the Whore of Highgarden"
Alicent was Daphne's only comfort. Her good-sister, her light.
Gwayne was Daphne's husband. The brave knight who'd stood by her side, defending her when no one else had.
Ser Criston was Daphne's friend, a man of honor who had nearly taken his life, had it not been for Daphne and Alicent finding him moments before.
She would stand beside them, no matter the cost.
SO: Aemond targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Cregan Stark
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Her choices had been made long before her birth, by her father, uncle, and all those who bore the name Lannister.
She was innocent, and yet the blacks had come for her.
Her son, her sweet Aurion, whose soul was as beautiful and untainted as a white rose, who would cling to her whenever he'd wake from a nightmare, did he really deserve to die!? No, he was good and pure, and still they killed him.
No, Shiera would not let her darling Vaela and sweet Raella meet a similar fate to their brother.
They would live. She would make sure of it.
The Blacks would rue the day they hurt a lioness and her cubs.
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idk what I did but yea let's pretend it's cool lol.
OG GIF CREDITS: @commiebeatle @ladynamie
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faeocs · 2 months
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"No soul is born with vengeance in their blood." Her hands traced the bars lining in front of his holding cell. "I am what they made me," she looking at him, a sly grin on her face, "the mad king, the mountain, and your father." Her voice was low, hands tightening around the metal.
For a moment, Jamie saw a ghost of what she had been to him—the charming lady he danced with all those years ago during his first night at Harrenhal. She loved to smile then; for she was happy, truly happy . . .
"They are all dead now," she smirked. "My son's murders are dead, but I will never forget, never." The cold gleen in her eyes making him shudder. How could someone so beautiful be so terrifying?
Vorian Martell, son of Oberyn Martell and Felicity Florent, the valiant little prince who'd died holding on to a dagger trying to protect his cousin Aegon, and aunt Elia.
Jamie remembered him a child barley passed his seventh name day with his father's viper eyes and mother's sweet smile, the brave lad who dreamt of becoming a knight.
King Aerys had ordered Ser Jonothor Darry to rip the boy away from his mother's arms, and have him locked up alongside Princess Elia and her children.
All to keep the Dornish from turning against their King.
And Jamie had watched it all happen.
He wondered if he could've stopped it sooner?
But he didn't, he stood by as Jonothor obeyed the King's orders.
Felicity had cried and screamed as Ser Barristan Selmy was dragging her away, back to her chambers.
Jamie had wavered then, clasping on to the handle of his sword with half a mind to cut down the King and his fellow brothers of the Kingsguard.
Vorian Martell did not live to celebrate his eight name day.
In his rage Prince Oberyn had killed all four messengers who had arrived from King's Landing to deliver his son's remains, Jon Arryn had barley escaped with his life.
"The red viper wants you dead Tywin, he wants us all dead, he wants justice." he had told them after returning from Dorne.
"let him try" his father dismissed the hands concerns.
Jamie wished he didn't remember it all.
The little boy's blood soaking the floor.
Felicity's screams as she held her son's lifeless frame.
But He could never forget, not now, not ever.
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just a random scene I wrote for my oc Felicity Florent. set during the time Jamie went to Dorne.
Fel suffers from my son is dead syndrome just like my other oc Shiera 😔
OG GIF CREDITS : @lucyllawless @mistressvera @jaeausten @spellfuls
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faeocs · 2 months
"I could fix him" well I could be the one person he's nice to and soft with, while he remains just as unbelievably awful as ever to everyone else <3
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faeocs · 3 months
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“Form the time of her birth, Zhu Mei Lin was said to be destained for greatness; being the eldest daughter of God Emperor Zhu Yichen and Empress Chai Zetian, she was a paragon of royalty, and everything it stood for....”
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My Daemon/Rhaenyra oc Zhu Mei Lin 🥰 I really love the golden empire of Yi Ti and overall how it's based of ancient china soooo.
OG GIF CREDITS: @xiaolanhua @storge @dramashii @smittenskitten @baimengyan
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faeocs · 3 months
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Born in 110 AC, Shiera Lannister was the eldest and loveliest of lord Jason Lannister and his wife lady Johanna Westerling's daughters.
Lord Jason had initially held high hopes of wedding his daughter to the eldest son of the King, and Queen, Prince Aegon targaryen, but it was not to be: instead, Queen Alicent proposed for a match between her second son, prince aemond targaryen, and lady shiera, an offer that was accepted by the reluctant Lord Jason.
Together Aemond and Shiera had three children, their son Aurion was a killed as act of revenge by Blood and Cheese. their daughter Vaella, was wed to King Aegon III, and her twin sister Raella to King Viserys II Targaryan.
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- Shiera to Aemond
- Shiera to Aegon II
- Shiera to Cregan
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In honour of season 2 trailer I give you all my baby Shiera of House Lannister. She serves cunt and does all of team greens PR 😊
tagging : @lemonhemlock for hose lannister supremacy also i had talked about my Lannister oc in their asks ( tho now I did some rebranding with names, fc and life plot )
Inspo: @hiddenqveendom
OG GIF CREDITS : @useyourtelescope @lady-arryn @georgeplantagenet
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faeocs · 3 months
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Asha Greyjoy (b. 276 AC): Daughter of Lord Balon Greyjoy and his oldest surviving child. Despite the fact that his legal heir, his son Theon, still lives, Balon considers Asha his chosen heir. She captains her own ship, commands men in battle, and has had many lovers. Currently she is a captive of Stannis Baratheon whilst he marches on Winterfell to oust Ramsay Snow. Fancast: Lily Allen.
Ashara Dayne (c. 263-283 AC): Beautiful lady of House Dayne and lady-in-waiting to Princess Elia Martell, wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. She was the sister of Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. She committed suicide after the end of Robert's Rebellion, although it is not known why. Rumour has it that she may have been Eddard Stark's lover and even the mother of his bastard son, Jon Snow. Fancast: Saadet Aksoy.
Assadora of Ibben (main series era): An Ibbenese prostitute at the Happy Port in Braavos. Fancast: Margaret-Mary Hollins.
Baela Targaryen (b. 116 AC): Daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his second wife, Lady Laena Velaryon. She had a twin sister, Rhaena, and was the older half-sister of Aegon III and Viserys II. She rode the dragon Moondancer. When Aegon II took Dragonstone during the Dance of the Dragons, Baela attacked him with her smaller, younger dragon. Although Moondancer died and she was gravely injured, Baela not only survived but also inflicted a deadly wound upon Sunfyre, Aegon's dragon, as well as serious burn wounds and broken bones upon Aegon himself. After the Dance, she defied the will of Aegon III's regents by marrying her cousin, Lord Alyn Velaryon, who had become Lord of the Tides and Head of House Velaryon. She had at least one child, Laena, with him. Fancast: Gaia Weiss.
Barba Bolton (b. approx. 117 AC): A northern maid who attended the Maiden's Day Ball in King's Landing. This ball was held to make Aegon III choose a new wife. She told the king to send her home with food, for it was a hard winter and people were starving in the North. Fancast: Lucy Griffiths.
Barba Bracken (b. 155 AC): Mistress of King Aegon the Unworthy and mother of his bastard son Aegor Rivers. She had been a lady companion to King Baelor the Blessed's sisters whilst they were imprisoned in the Maidenvault. Once Aegon became king, he made Barba's father his Hand and took Barba openly as his mistress. However, Aegon's son Daeron and brother Aemon managed to get Barba sent back to Stone Hedge after her father spoke openly of having her married to the king. Fancast: Marta Gastini.
Barbara Bracken (main series era): Eldest daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken of Stone Hedge. Fancast: Jenna Coleman.
Barbrey Ryswell (b. approx. 262 AC): The younger daughter of Lord Rodrik Ryswell of the Rills, and the widow of Lord Willam Dustin of Barrowton. Barbrey was in love with Brandon Stark, the eldest son of Lord Rickard Stark, and hoped to marry him, but he was betrothed to Catelyn Tully instead. Lord Willam rode to war with Eddard Stark during Robert's Rebellion, against Barbrey's wishes, and was killed at the Tower of Joy. Barbrey loathes the Starks (because she could never be one of them) and supports House Bolton as the new Wardens of the North after the fall of the Starks. Fancast: Frances O'Connor.
Barsena Blackhair (d. 300 AC): A female pit fighter in Meereen. When the fighting pits of Meereen are reopened to celebrate Queen Daenerys's marriage to Hizdahr zo Loraq, Barsena is killed by a boar during combat. Fancast: Cynthia Addai-Robinson.
Bathi Ma Lo (Scarlet Empire of Yi Ti, after the Long Night): The wife of God-Emperor Lo Doq. She may have been the true power behind the throne during his long and wise reign of thirty years, since he was known to be physically disabled, and may have been mentally disabled as well. Fancast: Jacqueline Kim.
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faeocs · 3 months
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HOUSE TARGARYEN ♔ the nine mistresses of Aegon IV ( part II / II )
Lady Melissa Blackwood, also known as Missy, was a kind girl who befriended Queen Naerys and Princes Daeron and Aemon. She “reigned” for five years as Aegon’s mistress, before being set aside. During her five years as his mistress Melissa gave birth to three children: Mya Rivers, Gwenys Rivers, and a son, Brynden Rivers (b.175 AC), who would later be known as Bloodraven. Lady Bethany Bracken, the younger sister of Lady Barba, had been trained by her father and sister to seduce Aegon and replace Melissa. She caught Aegon’s eye in 177 AC, when he came to visit his son by Barba, and was taken back to King’s Landing. Aegon had grown fat by then, and Bethany was not comfortable with the relationship. She found comfort in the arms of Ser Terrence Toyne of the Kingsguard. They were discovered by the King in 178 AC, who had Bethany and her father executed, and Terrence tortured to death. Lady Jeyne Lothston was the daughter of Falena Stokeworth, Aegon’s first mistress, and Lord Lucas Lothston, (though some would claim Aegon himself was the father) and only fourteen when brought to court in 178 AC. She became Aegon’s mistress, but not for long as she caught the pox from Aegon, who had caught it from a whore he’d been seeing since Lady Bethany’s death. Jeyne and her family were sent away from court quickly after. Serenei of Lys was brought to court by Aegon’s newest Hand, Lord Jon Hightower. Serenei was said to be a sorceress, and would go on to die in childbirth with the last of the King’s acknowledged bastards, her daughter Shiera Seastar.
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faeocs · 3 months
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The Nine Mistresses of Aegon the Unworthy
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faeocs · 3 months
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Time of Dragons → Lovers and Wives
Jospeh Morgan as Aegon IV Targaryen, Léa Seydoux as Naerys Targaryen, Tabrett Bethell as Daena Targaryen, Alicia Vikander as Falena Stokeworth, Hera Hilmar as Merry Meg, Patricia Velasquez as Cassella Vaith, Estella Daniels as Bellegere Otherys, Brooke Williams as Melissa Blackwood, Rose Byrne as Barba Bracken, Charlotte Riley as Bethany Bracken, Kate Mara as Jeyne Lothston, Claire Holt as Serenei of Lys.
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