whatever happened to those art requests you took?
Life ran me over with a truck. Which is only a mild exaggeration. I sincerely feel bad about the fact that I started them and never finished them. If you requested something, I'm really, sincerely sorry that it hasn't gotten done .____.
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I lied.
Pounding HeyThereImAXweetok now.
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Holy crap inactivity. Uhm, hi.
Anywho, I'm pounding a green xwee named HeyThereImaXweetok unless someone wants him (does anyone? o_O)
I'll pound at midnight NST probably.
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Secret Lab Map!?
Does anyone have the first and middle pieces? 
For the middle piece, I can do pure. For the first piece, is anyone willing to accept a baby pb + 200-300k? 
reblog or reply or drop me an ask!
Thanks! 8D
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Officially, no. On top of that, TNT checks places like tumblr and if they catch you actually DOING this, you'll get frozen. Be careful.
Is trading 950 nc for Pirate draik egg allowed? 
I want to get another draik egg ;w;..
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I could give it a go maybe. You're allowed to use art you didn't draw, right?
Ok so, I'm applying for this lovely Krawk with an amazing name.
If I ask super nicely and someone is kind enough and doesn’t think I’m a total  asshat for asking, would someone be willing to draw him anthro style for my application?
I have my design in mind and everything. 
The app is due on Monday and I just have all my feelings. ;~;
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You tell them to go awayyy
They went away on their own. Thankfully.
I think I'd feel a little bad for telling some kids to leave me alone. 
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I'm getting neomailed by a trio of siblings that like capslock, don't feed their pets and are very impatient.
What do.
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If you see likes/reblogs/follows from PachiCake THAT'S ME.
thought I should say that.
Sorry if anyone was like "who the fuck--"
Is this abuse of the neotag?
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You could try googling the blocked URL and seeing what you get. I just went to the tumblr, and Avast is really good about sending off an alarm when there's something suspicious and there was nothing.
… what just happened?
I received a mail so I just went there and…
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so i went like, well, why not? so i went to see
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and my antivirus claimed the page as dangerous.
okay. what the fuck?
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... I could be friends with this Chia...
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Well, I finally hit 50 followers. Or I did — 49, close enough! 
So I’m doing a small giveaway. >A>; 
I would like to say I have items to give away… but my roommate has been playing the Wheel of Extravagance for the past two weeks and now I’m down to 75k. So. Uhm. Yeah. 
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: A fullbody, fully shaded, of their quad character, or a half-body, fully shaded, of the anthro/humanoid character. For artwork examples visit here and here. 
TWO RUNNERS-UP:  A fullbody, cleaned sketch and flat coloured, of their quad character, or a halfbody, cleaned sketch and flat coloured, of their anthro/humanoid character.
You don’t need to be following me… if you find my blog worthy of following, that’s up to you!
You may like once and reblog once. 
I’ll be generating the three winners through some random number generator. 
There may be additional prizes if there’s enough interest. c:
I totally forgot when this thing ends. XD This will end on 11:30 pm PST, May 1st, 2012. 
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Today has plans.
Plans to draw.
Plans to draw things.
Plans to draw neopets.
And dicks.
Happy Easter!!
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I leave tea and coffee mugs all over the house and I almost never bother to clean them unless I want more tea.
So like your basement was when I visited.
Sometimes I just take my clothes off because I don’t like wearing them and you’ll find those everywhere too.
Ya’ll can have your apartment, I’ll chill across the street and watch you all and occasionally come bring you brownies.
None of you will want to live with me, and I don’t want to live with any of you. *sticks tongue out*
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Makes sense. Thank youuuu!
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fantabulouslygeek answered your question: I NEED ADVICE HELP
The Cap is 800k. I know people make up for it with baby pb a lot of the time.
I feel slow. Suddenly, all those wishlists that ask for multiple baby PBs make sense.
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fantabulouslygeek answered your question: I NEED ADVICE HELP
The Cap is 800k. I know people make up for it with baby pb a lot of the time.
I feel slow. Suddenly, all those wishlists that ask for multiple baby PBs make sense.
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I swear I'll stop clogging all the things with my mutant negg spam after this post.
1) What's the cap for NP that can be offered on the TP?
2) What are the chances I would get an offer if I said I wanted the first map piece, the middle one (I think that totals around 1.3M) and the difference in NP?
I'm dying.
I would donate some to the money tree but I don't want money tree snipers (with the programs and shit) to get anything ffffff---
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