faeryfaieth3 · 2 hours
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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faeryfaieth3 · 5 days
this pride month i pray for free and safe Palestine for all my fellow queer Palestinians and for everyone
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faeryfaieth3 · 17 days
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faeryfaieth3 · 21 days
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faeryfaieth3 · 21 days
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faeryfaieth3 · 24 days
Idk man it’s so easy to get bogged down in all the bullshit online but when my then-6 year old cousin found out I was trans he said “ok” then corrected my grandma when she misgendered me. I was once the third between a gay man and a lesbian. Two lesbians once invited me back to their place when I presented as a man. I met an AMAB nb butch who looked strikingly to outsiders like a cis man and it was one of the more sapphic experiences I’ve had. I nervously wore a boydyke shirt to pride and got 3 different cis-looking femme folks tell me they loved my shirt. I once told a trans group at a protest that any pronouns were fine for me and one person said “wow, I’m impressed and intimidated by people like that. I don’t know that I could be that chill with pronouns.” I once told a GNC friend I wished I could wear a type of “opposite” gender clothing after I had already transitioned and so it would be associated with my AGAB and he said “You could just do it.” I’ve had cishet men fight cops for me before. The first time I had a doctor ask me if my name was different than what was on my forms I had to try not to cry. Last week, a phone call with a doctor’s office where I am generally cis passing asked unprompted if my name listed is what I want to be called. It touched me then too. I told a lesbian friend once I felt like my attraction to men AND women both felt gay. She said “makes sense.” And we moved on. I go by different pronouns in different circles. I’ve had gay women love my facial hair. I’ve had gay men like my tits. It’s all out there, I promise. It can be hard to find it but I promise there is community like you and community who likes you. And it’s more messy and beautiful than tumblr discourse makes it out to be.
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faeryfaieth3 · 24 days
Pride season is approaching and if I hear ANYONE speak poorly of bisexual women with boyfriends/husbands I’ll pop all your tires okay thx for listeninggg <3
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faeryfaieth3 · 1 month
sometimes i worry that *i'm* wrong and SU is bad/rushed/blah blah. then i remember whites fragile need to be perfect and ego defense of thinking she's fixing things. i remember how its perfectly mirrored by stevens need to fix others. how its both beautifully symbolic in CYM an made more explicit and heart-rending in future.
yeah that shit rules. white being reformed is great. its the ultimate rebuttal to the ideology that only good/useful/perfect people deserve to live- which is exactly the standard white held herself and everyone else to. it mirrors stevens arc of selfless heroism. it mirrors the toxic, insecure selflessness thats plagued everyone from pearl to jasper to rose about what it means to "deserve" to live it ties into "love like you" of how learning self-love is intertwined with loving others. it ties into how steven can't let go of his hero role until he's confronted by *literally* having his own mind in white's body, hating the idea of being like her yet ironically reacting exactly how she would - "this is someone bad for society, they should be shattered, this is what's best for everyone." trying to hurt her only hurting him. trying to help her helping all of gemkind - from the corrupted gems to dismantling a system that was held up by those exact ideals.
yeah no SU is fantastic. i'm so sad that its reputation is "oh well it wasn't that good, but it had some lgbt+ rep :)" which is just about the most condescending crap ever. i would gladly flip it. i think most cartoons that have come after SU haven't been that interesting, they've just been mostly generic stories with some lgbt+ rep.
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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They will destroy nature and call it saving the planet.
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
Talking to a someone who is also into occult stuff: Yea, I have weird feelings about calling it a "religion" or "spirituality". I consider myself a soft animist soft polytheist, but divinity is a construct and doesn't necessarily imply significance over other spirits, with a focus on nature energy. But then again, I've changed my mind often and recently, so none of this is set in stone. The best way I can describe it is just "witchy shit".
Talking to literally anyone else: yea, I'm pagan
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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Come out in numbers to support student and worker rights to free speech in New Haven on April 28th at noon.
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THIS MORNING: our comrades at yale's solidarity encampment, which they are not calling gaza solidarity plaza, are requesting supplies including: tents + tarps, blankets, power banks, and umbrellas. new haven locals and yale students show up and bring what you can!
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
Upcoming family friendly action nearby for people near the New Haven area!
Free Palestine, End US aid to Israel, STOP the seige on Gaza!
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JUST IN: Around 50 Protesters from NYC and CT shut down a Pratt and Whitney Factory in Connecticut, about 10 arrests were made from the police. Pratt and Whitney created engines for the IDF’s planes that have been dropping bombs over Gaza
-- Spyder Monkey, 15 Apr 2024 11:59 AM EDT
More than 50 protestors from NYC & CT shut down Pratt & Whitney Factory in Middletown, Connecticut demanding it halt its profiting from ongoing genocide in Gaza; Israel has been using planes powered by Pratt & Whitney’s engines to drop bombs on Gaza. Demonstrators are demanding Pratt & Whitney and parent corporation RTX lead a “just transition away from the war economy.” This is just one of many actions occurring worldwide today by the A15 Actions group (April 15 Economic Blockades for a Free Palestine) to blockade Israeli arms manufacturers… Footage by J. Rampagoa
-- The Indypendent, 15 Apr 2024 11:20 AM EDT
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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Maternity kits, medical threads and scissors, water testing kits, anesthetics, mobile desalination units, etc do you see the pattern? Israel is not only starving the people of Gaza but it also wants to ensure the spread of disease through contaminated water and surgical tools, as well as ensuring injured Palestinians suffer through horrendous pain.
It's beyond sickening.
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
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Mass action in CT! April 28th in New Haven!
The witch-hunt rolls on:
The New York City Police Department arrested dozens of students after Columbia University President Minouche Shafik authorized the NYPD to sweep the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on South Lawn at around 1 p.m. on Thursday.
At around 1:27 p.m., NYPD “Strategic Response Group” officers began arresting students. Officers carried batons and had zip ties on their persons.
At around 1:20 p.m., NYPD informed protesters that they would now be placed under arrest for trespassing after protesters did not disperse, pursuant to a previous message relayed by the officers.
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faeryfaieth3 · 2 months
It is never too late to learn to speak Irish.
You do not have to be Irish to speak Irish.
Once you're out of school, there is no grammar police and most people are just excited to have someone to speak Irish with.
Incorporating Irish words into your day when you're not fluent (I have to go to the leithreas, throw it in the bruscar, that's a gorgeous gúna) is an act of decolonisation.
Helping people to understand the language is an act of love.
Gaeilge go deo ❤️
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