faetels · 1 month
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     — THEY CURLED INTO A tighter ball and shook their head. " i can't. " usually it was her pride that kept her from accepting kiyan's help but jade didn't know who it was. each time she saw them they wore a different face and this one, she thought, may have been the closest to their true one but she still didn't know who it was. they lifted their head to look at the potion and took it though they could barely feel the injuries anymore. " i don't know who it is but if i don't . . . keep doing what they ask they'll kill me. "
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It was like a dagger to the heart, hearing the disappointment in their response and seeing the sorrow behind those eyes. "Right. Well, you just tell me who did this to you and I'll take care of it." And it was the sweet promise of revenge against whoever dared to hurt their precious Jade that brought a devious smile to their face before they got up and moved back to their desk. They grabbed a first aid kit that they put in one of the drawers out of habit, then slid back down to Jade, opening the wooden box and taking gauze and bandages out, and a little warlock's potion that they handed over to them already opened. "Drink this. It'll dull the pain."
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faetels · 1 month
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     — JADE CHUFFED WEAKLY AT kiyan, but turned their face away from them. after a moment she shifted back to their human form to shake their head. " no. " that was the part that she didn't like the most. getting hurt was one thing and having to go back with their tail between their legs but it was worse that jade hadn't been able to handle herself. jade didn't want to put kiyan in the middle of it but after years of dealing with it they didn't know else to do anymore. " they won. "
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They were pushing their belongings to the side on the top of their desk as soon as the tiger entered, only to be stopped in their movements as soon as they realized the blood that was trailing after them was their own. Kiyan could smell the sweetness in the injury, and he got up without a word, walking over to where Jade had settled. He gave them a reassuring scratch under their ear, then their chin before he squatted down to catch their gaze. "Aw, my darling..." He cooed, giving her a gentle smile. "Even if you didn't start it, tell me at least you finished it."
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faetels · 1 month
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 … CLOSED *       ◟    : @effcrvcscents
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     — THE LATEST TYPE OF technology that their daughter had placed in front of them was a phone with flashing lights and videos that ayana didn't understand. they tried to follow them before a rush of heat and flickers of fire sparked across the room. " nalia ! " she waved a hand to put the sparks out. " good job my sweet, but not in the house. if you want to keep practicing we can go outside. "
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faetels · 1 month
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 … CLOSED *       ◟    : @irigy
     — ONE PAW THEN ANOTHER entered their office before she stopped in the doorway. green eyes watched the wicked for a second before the shifter crept closer and left behind a trail of blood that would usually be someone else's. jade would normally settle on top of kiyan's desk so they would have to do things around their body but the tiger passed them instead to hoist herself onto the nearby chaise that they barely used because it was too low.
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faetels · 1 month
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     — THEY HAD THOUGHT TO visit since they'd been in new york on business but hadn't expected to be greeted by someone laid out on the ground that hadn't gotten up yet. " i don't think you threw them hard enough. " do you not have security for situations like this ? we don't need another situation of something happening to you. " emmanuel would feel pity for the poor fool. " are we doing face masks this time ? " he asked and stepped over the other person.
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luxe was typically quiet at this hour , close to being too late to be considered night anymore . minty's first foray into seeing if it being open all hours of the day would work and already she regretted it . it took some poking for the werewolf to be annoyed enough to seem anything more than happy go lucky without a care , but a new patron had managed it . rude to her employees , too loud for the hour and now ── held aloft with her right hand gripping their jacket to throw them onto the new york streets . “ don't bother trying to come back , ” she warned once they'd hit the ground a few inches away from the entrance , glancing up and meeting the eyes of another . “ whoops . sorry you had to see that . you can still come in . ”
open starter : in front of luxe spa
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faetels · 3 months
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     — THEY GLANCED OVER AT the response before back at the video. " a friend did. to not be lonely. " emmanuel didn't think his existence was lonely, per se, though they could see the advantage to a companion. " many people shouldn't as they aren't capable of even taking care of themselves. " they saw plenty of instances of it but emmanuel could still see the appeal. " how can you play a game with a dog ? i'll have to look it up. " or ask minty since they were sure she would send multiple if they asked for examples. " no, i'm not certain. if i got a dog there would have to be some adjustments. "
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the archangel narrows his eyes in confusion . ❛ now who the fuck told you that ? ❜ he questions as he moves around the bench to sit next to emmanuel . ❛ there are more than enough people who absolutely should not have a puppy . or anything else , for that matter . ❜ the statement does not refer to the reaper , even though they should not buy a puppy because someone else told them to either . ❛ mundanes have a game for everything . they are so . . . inventive . ❜ cosimo makes a face at that as well . ❛ are you certain ? that you want a pet ? ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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     — THEY HUMMED IN THEIR throat. " it isn't to us. " impartial beings that didn't have a bias to anyone and a desire for revenge came because of others not themselves. " they aren't logical. it wouldn't surprise me if there will be downworlders showing up dead for no reason. " crazier things had happened for less. " it was nice, yes. you should visit at some point when you feel like exploring. " if they felt like going into new york for any reason. " i don't underestimate you. they start training early enough with missions where they could see the possible end of their life. it ending may not scare them as it does others. " they nodded again. " so you will know soon enough. "
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is that what these rogue shadowhunters are after ? finding their own , twisted form of revenge — even if it entails harming innocent downworlders ? the mere thought fuels zion's anger . ❛ it is not revenge if it targets people who are not responsible . a werewolf getting soup is not a threat to anyone . ❜ mundanes and shadowhunters alike . the ancient nods their head as emmanuel speaks of his day . ❛ i cannot say that i paid a visit to the gallery , but i am glad to hear that you have enjoyed it . ❜ the reaper's statement brings a small smile to his lips . ❛ do not underestimate me . i can be fearsome . ❜ and while he finds the job easier whenever a soul is at ease , there are those he want to fear him with every fiber of their being . ❛ yes . minty knows . ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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     — HOWEVER DMITRI WANTED TO phrase it. " i wouldn't call new york's air fresh. " mike joked and put his phone back into his pocket. " no, that's not what i'm implying. i've never been sitting on a bench during a nightshift. that's all. " though it wasn't as though there had been someone there to lead the brigade, and his own ' nightshift ' ideas wouldn't align with what dmitri was talking about. " so i figured you were just out enjoying the lights, or something. " when mike couldn't sleep he did that all the time since being in the city that never slept, there was always something going on to watch.
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reading a text sounds like a plausible excuse , though michael would not be the only one who attempts to avoid him . the new york institute fell apart a long time ago and it seemed like most of its inhabitants forgot just about everything they used to stand for . having someone take over must have come as a shock and many saw dimitri as a threat to their newfound freedom . ❛ i am not lurking . i am sitting on a bench , getting fresh air . ❜ the inquisitor's tone is friendly enough , despite the somewhat inappropriate comeback . ❛ are you implying that you have never been on nightshifts ? this place must be in a worse condition than i thought . ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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     — HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER. it was a little sad how easily they believed her but maybe isko wasn't all naïve rainbows like he seemed like and knew that demons weren't a bunch to put his trust in. " three, please. " jade expected more of a fuss, it would've been more fun that way. " sorry, you know. to have to be the one to tell you. at least it was early on in your friendship, right ? you weren't getting strung along for a long time. " she'd been so jealous that she didn't know how long kiyan and isko had known each other. the sooner the distance the better, it wasn't as if either demon would have to know why.
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isko nodded eagerly and stooped down to get one of the cupcakes that had already been iced and sitting in the display box , hurrying to wrap it for her . his movements slowed as they spoke , placing the wrapped cupcake down gently onto the counter . like a toy . that wasn't so hard to believe of kiyan , with how their first encounter had gone and had taken the demon at their promise not to mess with him again ── but kwame had been his friend for years . “ oh . ” a toy ? “ how many bear claws do you want ? ” isko asks , more subdued . the sooner he gathered them and handed them off , the sooner they could block their numbers and , hopefully , find a way to not allow either of them in the bakery again .
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faetels · 3 months
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     — HE WAS STILL MAD about the ruined brunch and now, lack of regular spot that they could go to but could see that logan was upset about more than the stabbing. " it's been that long ? " mike couldn't say he wasn't surprised especially when that was important information but logan and minty had broken up so long ago that maybe he didn't think it was important enough to share. " wait, so you'd seen her before ? or how did you find out ? "
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𝑖𝑛 𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝘩𝑜𝑐𝑘 , 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 , 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑡 , 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑓 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑑 to araminta , logan never realize he did not share her fate with his parabatai . its with that realization he is able to calm down a little , fumes still building inside him , but one that is extinguished enough for him to sit down at the nearby bench , hands ringing together in front of him as he sighs heavily . ❛ i found out a few weeks ago . ❜ or however long its actually been .
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faetels · 3 months
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     — THE NAME DIDN'T RING any bells for the shifter and jade's features remained unimpressed. " okay. " was it supposed to mean something to them ? jade's attention went back to the shelves now to see if there were any other titles that could seem interesting since their bid to listen to others had been interrupted by this nosey person. " you're not a very good guesser. no, i'm not. if you think i'm one of kiyan's friends why wouldn't i be part of their house ? "
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𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑝𝘩𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑛 , jade's answer is not at all convincing . but whatever . she does not care enough to prode . ❛ aurora de' medici . ❜ there is a sense of dignity in her voice declaring her last name , a hint of her italian accent slipping through ( perhaps the only time it does outside of when she speaks her native tongue ) . ❛ let me guess , you're part of house pride ? or maybe wrath . ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4.16 | “Who Are You?”
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faetels · 3 months
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     — THEY DRANK A FEW sips of their own coffee, nodding along to zion's answer. " i would suspect they don't feel there's a reason not to, or, in some sort of revenge for what happened. " emotion clouded a lot of judgment where many would pay the price because of one. " i did, yes. i hadn't seen some of the pieces except for books. it was interesting to see where they'd ended up. " though they imagined much had been stolen and restored it was still interesting. " they've been trained since children, most of them. i doubt that death is a fear that they still have, but consequences from the clave might be. or, use it to your advantage. if you want to take it over, use whoever it was as a proxy to do it. do you or minty know who did it ? "
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the reaper's touch helps them unclench their fingers , even if it cannot erase the tension that death feels . ❛ no . ❜ there is not a thing that warrants the shadowhunter's actions — which fuels the urge to punish him for them . ❛ many of them seem to believe that the clave has fallen . the accords have to be rebuilt and signed . i can only imagine that a few of them use it as an excuse to go against their very own laws . ❜ zion takes another sip of the coffee , dark eyes studying emmanuel's features . ❛ i am glad that you enjoyed yourself . ❜ he means it too , despite his sour mood . ❛ it is . . . but we all know that the clave protects their own kind , unless their demise benefits them . ❜ a corrupt institution . ❛ perhaps there is another way to teach them a lesson . there are worse fates than me . ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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     — " EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A puppy. " emmanuel repeated what they had been told when he'd be sent video after video and the answer when they'd questioned it. a companion didn't sound like a bad idea so they didn't ignore the suggestion though the little fluffy things that had been sent to him weren't the type they'd get if they did. " they have puppy games ? no, i don't mean a game. "
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mismatched eyes linger on the reaper , but cosimo does not say anything until they acknowledge him . the statement confuses him and he makes a face as he tries to understand . ❛ why are you looking for puppies ? ❜ he glances at the phone in emmanuel's hand . ❛ are you trying to adopt or is that a new game ? ❜ mundanes continue to come up with the strangest pastimes , after all .
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faetels · 3 months
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     — AYANA LOOKED AT KALADHAR in warning, their step backwards one of defense whether warranted or not from him. one didn't spend as long locked in a prison with the sounds of their children crying to return and not be prepared to fight tooth and nail to never return there. a brother had betrayed them once, and it would take time to build trust that another wouldn't again. " the monsters are mine, and not what hurt me, nor could they. only three others could. " despite being defensive they didn't think that her other two brothers were monsters and hoped they wouldn't hurt her.
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❛ 𝑖 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 . ❜ 𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 , one he tries not to take to heart ( but it pieces it anyway ) . no , he did not forget family is the reason she was imprisoned . he did not forget during the times he tried to free her , to tear down purgatory itself to get his little sister back . but he does not voice this , allowing her anger to wash over him . he steps closer , shadows lurking behind him as his piercing gaze stays on her . ❛ i wanted to see that my sister is well . that she escaped unharmed and was not followed by other monsters who may wish to do her harm . ❜
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faetels · 3 months
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     — " I'M NOT LURKING. I'M reading a text. " mike had been trying to find a way around the inquisitor, especially when what he'd been doing out that late at night wasn't something that he'd like the clave to have known about. luckily for him he'd stopped by a friend's house before going back to the institute so he didn't look as guilty as he felt so he didn't mind walking up to dimitri even though he raised an eyebrow at him. " you know, it looks like you're the one that's lurking in the dark. isn't it past your bedtime or something ? " he asked and slipped his phone back into his pocket since he had been telling truth about that.
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taking control of the new york institute had not been planned . dimitri returned to the city to study the thinning veil that separates their world from the faerie lands , but his fellow shadowhunters did not leave him much of a choice . each and every single institute requires a firm hand , especially this one , and while it is infuriating to witness the reigning chaos , it motivates him to put an end to it . run faster . jump higher . isn't that what his family taught him ? the inquisitor tightens his jacket and he leans back against the bench in front of the institute when he notices a shadow from the corner of his eye . ❛ care to join me ? ❜ his voice is firm as he calls out to @dihstarters . ❛ you should know that lurking is creepy , if that's what you're doing . ❜ but who the hell knows . there is a chance that they got lost , or that they are ready to pee in the bushes .
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faetels · 3 months
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     — MIKE COULDN'T SAY THAT he wasn't expecting logan to be upset, but he had been expecting for a public place to lessen the reaction. the punch barely hurt, he'd had worse in training accidents, but his pancakes flying up in the air and then getting put out of their favorite brunch spot ? mike dusted himself off and cracked his neck. " you got one hit. you try again i'm going to punch you in your trachea. " especially since now he was hungry and would have to wait for more food. " and i was thinking that minty isn't a fucking werewolf. shocking, i know it. "
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𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑠 𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 , 𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 all his sense . his parabatai's next words do not reach him . suddenly it's only red that he sees and before he knows it , logan is leaping across the table , tackling mike to the ground as his fist meets his face . the next seconds ( minutes ) is a blur . within a blink of an eye , both shadowhunters find themselves outside of the restaurant ( kicked out of fucking course ) . logan takes a deep , raggedy breathe , facing his long-time friend . ❛ what the bloody hell were you thinking ? ❜
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