batmansrobins · 8 years
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I’d be mad but I’m laughing too much
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batmansrobins · 8 years
Literally everything about Batman is so much better when you think about all the little behind the scenes things that must have happened to make Bruce such a goddamn dad
Like yeah he’s really bad with change and his communication abilities are really lacking due to being extremely heavily isolated and traumatized for the majority of his formative years, but like
I am at least 99% convinced that all the bat-named things like the batmobile, batcomputer, batfridge, etc., were originally normal phrases like ‘the car,’ ‘the computer,’ etc., but then Robin showed up he started calling them bat-things because he was nine, and Batman went along with it.
It’s too late to turn back now. Too late to make excuses to anyone. He’s committed. Nightwing doesn’t say anything. The other Robins have no idea. No one has any idea.
Everyone thinks Batman is legitimately obsessed with bats.
No, he just wanted his cave to be child-friendly, and when it turned out Robin #1 really liked the bat idea and thought it was cool enough that it should be incorporated into everything, Batman fucking incorporated it into everything. He just wanted to make the kid happy, damnit
His son is terrible at naming things.
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batmansrobins · 8 years
there’s no need to feel down
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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Henry Cavill on seeing Ben Affleck in costume for the first time
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batmansrobins · 8 years
She’s with me
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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BvS: Trinity
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batmansrobins · 8 years
If you are awake right now, what time is it there and what are you thinking about?
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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↳ Justice League #19 “I was just another Robin”
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batmansrobins · 8 years
How do you feel about batman killing in bvs?
i’ve gotten this question about five hundred times so far, 24 still being unanswered in my askbox and two before i even managed to watch the movie when it premiered. i didn’t want to answer anything so spoilerific yet because i thought it best for more people to watch the movie first, but i’m going to do it now for the sake of my sanity
this is my opinion so before people come raging into my inbox about how i’m wrong, remember that a) good for you b) you can have your own damn opinions and i can have my own damn opinions. just because a tumblr blog doesn’t agree with you, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. it was in 2012. never came. please move on c) spoilers very obviously follow 
batman has killed before. yes, in the comics. yes, in previous hollywood portrayals. remember those arkham games you’ve been worshipping lately? i don’t know man, landing on top of people with a whale-weighing car seems like a good idea to melt some fleshy creatures to the ground
that last part? he did it in the movie. it wasn’t as intentional as some people paint it to be, but it happened. people got batcared in the face. i’d like to batcar some people in the face
he didn’t go out on a murder spree. he punched people, he shoved them through floors (my favorite move), he branded them with the batsymbol, he kicked some teeth in. intentional murder? no, i’m sorry
“but he used a gun!!!!”
you’re either referring to the knightmare sequence, that point where he’s kicking some criminal ass, or during martha kent’s rescue
knightmare sequence: i don’t know why i have to spell it out for some of you, but that was a dream. it’s even a pun. how can you not pay attention to a pun? a dream also means, by very definition, that part of the storytelling isn’t real. a dream means batman, in the film’s reality, didn’t actually ever use those guns to kill the “supersoldiers”. as a matter of fact, it sets up future plots about an alternate/future reality where clark has been influenced by, presumably, the anti-equation used by our good friend darkseid. did you notice those omega letters on some people’s attire? those parademons when bruce got knocked out? lex humming “din din din” as in the motherboxes’ sound? that other cameo i won’t talk about yet? yeah. damn
the point where he’s kicking some criminal ass: he’s not holding a actual bullet-shooting gun. i’ve had so many people think it was a legit firearm when it’s clearly one of bruce’s batarang-thrower thingies that, yeah, can technically slice throats if used right, but he specifically aimed the shoulders/legs/nowhere vital. there was even a cool shot of a batarang getting stuck to a bad guy’s shoulder. he’s got problems. let him work through them
martha kent’s rescue: it’s right out of the TDKR comic which the film has been known, since day 1, to be influenced by. this goes hand-in-hand with the “you forgot he was about to kryptonite the hell out of clark’s face” argument. bruce clearly doesn’t consider clark to be human or worth of anything close to that term up until a very pivotal point.i’m not going to explain why saving martha is so important to both bruce and the film as a whole. it’s basically one of the biggest plot points. that pivotal point makes bruce realize that a) clark doesn’t have any sins he needs to be absolved of, all the more by batman and b) clark isn’t a thing, a bad concept bruce felt the need to eliminate so he could protect every innocent in the world. clark transforms into an actual being with emotions, multidimensionality, and more importantly, people to lose, right before bruce’s eyes in a matter of seconds
this is a tired batman. this is a batman who’s lost a lot, this is a batman who doesn’t give a crap anymore. this ISN’T our batman, but it’s a batman that’s slowly turning into OUR batman throughout the film. this is a batman who hasn’t actively had a robin so long next to him to keep him sane. this is a batman who, in the beginning of the film, doesn’t believe people can be good, and ends up with a fundamentally changed view on everything
please stop painting BvS batman as this bloodlust monster as if y’all suddenly got this so out-of-character interpretation you were so totally not cool with like some of you haven’t been okay with vastly less canon portrayals. batfleck is one of the most benevolent and accurate depictions we’ve gotten to date. sure, completely up to you if you agree at the end of the day, but don’t blow things so out of proportion
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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Do I have what it takes? Can I be what they need me to be? Will I ever live up to the legend?
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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Starfire | Convergence: The New Teen Titans
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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And now, you will fly to him, and you will battle him to the death. Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man. Day versus night! Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!
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batmansrobins · 8 years
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Devils don’t come from hell beneath us. 
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