fairestparadise · 1 year
Hi tumblr
I missed you
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fairestparadise · 8 years
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fairestparadise · 9 years
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We… are the 한복 Gems!
This may be the single most Korean thing I have ever drawn… I kinda like the idea. Maybe I’ll fix up this sketch and paint it all nice before New Years? (Read: that’s never gonna happen, I’m way too lazy…)
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fairestparadise · 9 years
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I mean, this is basically how it went down right? Redraw of the infamous gunshowcomic
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fairestparadise · 9 years
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Just upgraded my Windows and something strange happened
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fairestparadise · 9 years
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bears bears bears bears
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fairestparadise · 9 years
So my dad teaches at a SUPER liberal school, and he’s basically right smack dab in between being a republican and being a democrat. He’s just about the only employee who’s not a raging liberal. And there’s one teacher at this school who’s gay, and his car broke down and he couldn’t take the bus because our city’s buses suck.
NO ONE would drive him. Except for my white straight Christian dad, who picked him up for 2 weeks.
A few months later, all the teachers went on a retreat. NOT ONE of the male teachers would room with him because they didn’t want him to hit on them and they were afraid he would. Except my dad, who was his roommate the whole weekend, and he told me the guy’s really nice (and now they’re friends).
A few weeks ago, my dad told me that the school had hired a trans woman as their secretary, and he was upset because there were lots of other employees saying they didn’t want that kind of image for their school, and my dad was the person who told them that this woman deserved the same respect the rest of us do.
Let’s stop pretending that all liberals and democrats actually practice the social justice they preach, and let’s please stop pretending anyone who’s Christian is homophobic or transphobic, because as far as I can see nothing could be farther from the truth.
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fairestparadise · 9 years
reblog this post and tell me who made u realize u were attracted to women i love to hear these
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fairestparadise · 9 years
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fairestparadise · 9 years
Leonard though. Everyone else has these nearly unpronounceable names but Leonard is just like “I’m not having any of that shit.”
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Names of Demons from Collin de Plancy’s ‘’Dictionnaire Infernal’’, 1818.
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fairestparadise · 9 years
Wait wait wait what?! Rose Alcohol is a thing?
Okay, so you know how a while back ago, tumblr had these posts showing gorgeous sparkly liqueurs (Viniq) that tasted like grape candy and mistakes and then I stupidly drank the red version and hurt myself?
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So, I had a hunch that the sparkly pigments I use in vodka suspensions to decorate my cookies were probably similar, if not the same thing, and if this were true, we would not be chained to nasty-tasting drinks to obtain the magical sparkle.
So, obviously, this called for some experimentation.
I worked with two dark liquors, a cherry lambic and a cheap red wine a friend left at the house, but obviously, I think any somewhat translucent liquid, alcoholic or not, would work. Opaque liquids like milk wouldn’t do at all. I do think the pigments will show best against darker colors, but I may try another experiment with some cider i have about the apartment. 
Experiment 1: Cherry lambic with NU Silver luster dust 
First off, a VERY LITTLE pigment goes a long way. Also, ignore the ‘not for consumption.’ The pigments are widely used in wedding cake preparation and have been tested and okayed in Europe. They’re non-toxic and safe for consumption but haven’t been tested by the FDA, which is why the label. 
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That looks like a lot more than it is. I literally took a pen tip and pushed a tiny bit in, but it spreads like crazy. 
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Result: YES, IT DOES THE THING, but the foam obscures the cool view from above. 
So I was a doofus and left the NU Silver at vrumblr‘s place, so when I decided to try again with red wine, I went with Super Pearl, a white pearly version, which is less shiny, but still pretty bright. 
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Again, this is the tiniest bit I could get in there with a toothpick.
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So pretty! I think it would be even more pronounced with the NU Silver, so there’s that. This would be so fun for a party. Or fancy kid’s birthday, I don’t know. 
I decided to try a less neutral color, and went with SUPER GOLD luster dust, because WHY NOT GO SUPER?
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I used the same wine as before, and this is what happened. I’m going to say right now that the pictures don’t do it justice because it glowed and sparkled. 
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This should work with a red soda or juice, or any dark juice or pop. The darker, the better, I’d think. Have fun!
Anyhow, you can go to an online shop or hit up a cake decorating store (a real one, not Michael’s or JoAnn’s, if you have one) in your area, but I highly recommend getting yourself some gold luster dust. I suspect any of the bright gold luster dusts like old gold, aztec gold, or antique gold would also work. Don’t bother with the stuff they have at Michael’s. It’s banana-colored and has almost no sparkle. 
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fairestparadise · 9 years
I know that this is far past the point where it should have been done but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and it would be wrong of me to remain silent on the matter. This is directly addressing the issue that I’m sure a lot of you are already familiar with. First off,...
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fairestparadise · 10 years
The Sign's Best Features
Aries: Your Teeth
Taurus: What Your Organs are Worth on the Black Market
Gemini: The pulsating tendrils protruding from your back.
Cancer: The blood you have spilled in my name.
Leo: The fact that you're still here despite being dead for four years.
Virgo: Your tits.
Libra: The fear you've instilled in man over the past century.
Scorpio: Your head is nothing but a void cradling the endless screams of the damned.
Capricorn: Your very convincing human suit.
Aquarius: How important your survival is to the existence of our universe.
Pisces: You're about to find out.
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fairestparadise · 10 years
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but it’s not about race right?
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fairestparadise · 10 years
Too cute.
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“Odin, you’ll protect me, won’t you?” "… If that is what you wish." "Good grief."
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fairestparadise · 10 years
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With under a month to Transgender remembrance day (Nov 20th) I am hoping this design is used and spread by anyone of any gender to build support and help make a small difference. Share to Care! 
If you are inspired creative, and want to raw files to do your own thing, get in touch. Vx
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fairestparadise · 10 years
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