fairnarcissa · 11 years
To my lovelies
I'm going to copy Hannah & post this on my blog just to give a greater chance of people seeing. 
I've loved being a part of Novum so much, I cannot express. It makes me sad that it has died but my muse has been dying for a little while too. It's a super busy time for me and as much as I would have loved to help keep pushing to keep it going, I really don't have the time to dedicate to that. 
Honestly though, Novum has spoiled me for rping. It's my second rp and my first Harry Potter one and thanks to you idiots there are now so many characters and fc's who I will just always mentally connect with here. I will never forget our crazy all day skype sessions and all the ships and all the drama/dash breaking and the feeeels. Special shoutout to the admins if you see this, you guys did an A+/gold star/ all the awards job. 
Annnnnnyway if anyone weirdly decides that they want to talk to me (actually please do, ILY guys lots) then message me here and I will reply with pictures of puppies and rainbows and cupcakes. 
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Sweet isn't the word I would use.
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They must just be bored with their own tragic lives. Their rumors are all so ridiculous anyway, you would have to be crazy to believe them.
I shouldn’t really be saying that, though. They’re both really sweet, honest.
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Suffice to say that I actually agree. It’s sad in itself what they’re doing. No one deserves to have terrible rumors spread about them!
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Ben would need to get some priorities first. Although you are right, sadly he does spend far too much time with Tobias.
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If those pathetic idiots went out of business, I doubt anyone would be too sad.  
He’s sweet but, Merlin, that boy needs to get his priorities straight. And people wonder why he’s gay with Toby.
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But I digress. I really shouldn’t be saying that. I mean, otherwise the Gossip Royalty will be out of business.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Honestly it was no hassle. Hopefully it's still there. 
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It's not that hard, you just need to keep an eye out.And of course Ben would useless.
Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been looking all over for that. Or, at least, I’ve been trying. 
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I’m not exactly good at looking for things. And Ben wasn’t exactly helping, either.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
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Well I saw a copy in the charms room if that helps at all.
That’s the one! Where did you find it?
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
I wish I could help but I haven't seen any around. Unless it's the one with the green cover.
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Gosh, I seem to have misplaced my copy of Spellman’s Syllabary. Has anyone seen one lying around? I kinda need it…
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
That's true I suppose. Maybe you should change houses. Hufflepuff probably is your best bet.
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Well, yeah, but I mean, er, if I was one, it would be good for that.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
And I'm so flattered.
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I would ask where you've been hiding but I don't care.
It's about time I showed up...
I try just for you Narcissa.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Sounds fantastic to me.
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Been incredibly busy..
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Oh i’ll get you to try somethin love. I’ll meet you in the commons?
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
And you're still the most annoying person in our year. Congratulations.
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It's about time I showed up...
-rolls eyes- Still conceded I see.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
I'm sure it is.
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It's about time I showed up...
Nacissa, it’s great to see you too.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
I know Theo.
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Just because I don't want to eat things that taste like dirt! But sure, bring both. I'll just laugh at you eating them.
Been incredibly busy..
I’ll always be here Ciss.
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Oh you are not adventurous at all!! I’ll bring them both, you can have some frogs.
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Well considering you're not a Hufflepuff I don't think so.
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Well, it’s kinda fun, though, don’t you think? Good for showing some team spirit during a Quidditch game. 
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
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It's about time I showed up...
Anyone miss me?
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Tobias x Narcissa hehehe
Narbias - Tobias Jenkins & Narcissa
They don’t really spoon but if they had to Tobias would be big spoon.
Favorite Non-sexual activity
Annoying each other.
Favorite Sexual activity
Doing the sex I guess.
First Kiss
Tobias got dared to and surprised Narcissa. They were both surprised by how much they enjoyed it.
Favourite make-out spot?
The Quidditch pitch, after Tobias has won a game.
First Time
During their seventh year. They tried to wait even longer but couldn’t.
Does anyone catch them in the act?
Does anyone know about them?
Yeah everyone.
Do people approve of them?
Kind of. Tobias is a pureblood so Narcissa’s family don’t mind. Narcissa is Narcissa, so Ben’s friends are more wary. Ben doesn’t.
Who uses all the hot water?
Narcissa for sure.
Most trivial thing they fight over?
Who has better hair.
What they fight over most?
Narcissa’s family and their blood “issues”.
Who does most of the cleaning?
That’s what house elves are for.
Who steals the blankets?
Narcissa in retribution for Tobias kicking her in his sleep.
Who leaves their stuff around?
Tobias much to Narcissa’s annoyance. It’s one of the many, many things they fight about.
Who remembers anniversaries?
Narcissa remembers them weeks in advance. Tobias normally manages to remember the day before. But they only really celebrate the important ones.
Who cooks normally?
Neither of them, although Tobias is the better cook.
How often do they fight?
Literally all the time.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Send each other owls listing ways the other has managed to annoy them, even from a distance. They do sign them with a message of love though.
Nicknames for each other?
Tobias calls her Princess. Narcissa calls him an idiot so often it’s kind of stuck as a nickname.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Narcissa would try and insist Tobias pay. He would have been planning on it but would refuse just to annoy her. They would end up splitting the bill.
What would they get each other for gifts?
Narcissa would get him Quidditch stuff because she’s lazy. He would get her a joke gift just to see her reaction.
Who made the first move?
Tobias kissed her first, but because that was a dare he denies that it counts. He thinks it should be when Narcissa kissed him the next day, when they were all hanging by the lake. She claims she just wanted to see if it was a fluke, because she doubted he was that good at kissing.
Who remembers things?
They both remember all their annoyances. Narcissa is the organised one of the pair.
Who started the relationship?
No one, because it was never meant to be one. It kind of just happened.
Who cusses more?
Tobias for sure.
What would they do if the other one was hurt?
If someone else hurt the other, they would track them down and hex them. They’re allowed to be mean to each other but no one else is.
Do they get married?
HAHAHAHAHAHA noooooo. It would never work. They get engaged for a little while but its soon called off. 
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Beeenjissssa (:
Benjissa aka Benjamin Mckinnon & Narcissa Black
Ben, all the time. After they run away Narcissa finds it hard to sleep unless he’s there.
Favorite Non-sexual activity
Stealing and copying homework at school. Drinking wine and star gazing in France.Just generally being cupcakes.
Favorite Sexual activity
Well after all the sexual frustration at school, just doing the sex is fantastic. Anywhere and everywhere.
First Kiss
After Lucius’s inability to keep it in his pants came out, Ben fought him (because by then he’d fallen in love with Cissa). Of course he got his ass kicked. Narcissa had to look after Lucius, but afterwards she ran to make sure Ben was okay. He got a kiss as a thank you.
Favourite make-out spot?
Ben doesn’t care. Narcissa prefers somewhere well out of the public eye.
First Time
Christmas break during their sixth year.
Does anyone catch them in the act?
Yep, it’s unavoidable consequence of doing it everywhere. Luckily it’s never anyone they actually know.
Does anyone know about them?
Ben told four people:
- Tobias
- Ella
- Marlene
- Ransom
Here’s a list of everyone Narcissa told:
-No onebecause she’s not stupid.
Do people approve of them?
The list of people who do would be very short. Very very short.
Who uses all the hot water?
They use it up together.
Most trivial thing they fight over?
PDA, Ben stealing the blankets, pretty much every in Hannah’s A+ drabble
What they fight over most?
Narcissa’s continued prejudice. Some habits are hard to break. And who’s the bigger baby. (The correct answer is both of them)
Who does most of the cleaning?
They are both awful at cleaning. Narcissa does slightly more, but she complains the whole time.
Who steals the blankets?
Ben of course.
Who leaves their stuff around?
Ben leaves his Quidditch gear everywhere. Narcissa is pretty good, except in their closet. She thinks it’s more her closest.
Who remembers anniversaries?
They both remember all their anniversaries. First kiss, first time, they day they ran together, their wedding day. And they celebrate all of them.
Who cooks normally?
They are both atrocious cooks. It’s normally a group effort, not that it helps. It’s a massive relief when Ben starts his professional Quidditch career and they can afford help. Before that, it was a lot of takeout.
How often do they fight?
It’s hard to say, because most of their disagreements end before they can start. But massive fights are a rare occurrence.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
During Hogwarts, Ben would send Narcissa “anonymous” owls. After they ran away together, they are never apart until they return to England. Even then it’s an extremely rare occurrence. When it does happen Ben sends owls, but Narcissa is awful at replying. She never likes to admit how much she needs him around.
Nicknames for each other?
Ben calls her Cissa. Narcissa can’t exactly shorten Ben, but she does use Benjamin when she’s annoyed.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Ben, because it’s what Narcissa expects.
What would they get each other for gifts?
Ben would get an amazingly thoughtful gift. Something sweet and exactly what she needed, like her favourite perfume.He might have asked someone for advice but it’s the thought that counts.Narcissa would get Ben something “useful” to help improve his life and also give him the gift of her presence.
Who made the first move?
Ben tried to make the first move, but was quickly rebuffed. It didn’t stop him from trying though. It was Narcissa who initiated their first kiss that really set things in motion.
Who remembers things?
They are both pretty good, although Narcissa has a tendency to conveniently “forget” certain things.
Who started the relationship?
They would both take credit for it, but it was Ben who won Narcissa over.
Who cusses more?
Narcissa hardly ever cusses because she’s a lady. And she tries to stop Ben as much as she can.
What would they do if the other one was hurt?
If it’s not a serious injury, then they tell the other not to be a baby. If it is they would never leave the other’s side. They wouldn’t deal with it well tbh.
Do they get married?
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fairnarcissa · 11 years
Send me a ship (crack or canon) and I'll answer all of the following:
Whose the big spoon and little spoon? Favorite Non-sexual activity Favorite Sexual activity First Kiss Favourite make-out spot? First Time Does anyone catch them in the act? Does anyone know about them? Do people approve of them? Who uses all the hot water? Most trivial thing they fight over? What they fight over most? Who does most of the cleaning? Who steals the blankets? Who leaves their stuff around? Who remembers anniversaries? Who cooks normally? How often do they fight? What do they do when they’re away from each other? Nicknames for each other? Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Who steals the covers at night? What would they get each other for gifts? Who made the first move? Who remembers things? Who started the relationship? Who cusses more? What would they do if the other one was hurt? Do they get married?
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