fairyblue-moon · 3 months
Imagine your F/O kissing you.
No--no really imagine it.
Imagine the feeling of their lips on yours; thin or thick, moist or chapped. 
Imagine the feeling of thier breath on your face. 
Imagine the sensation of give as your lips and theirs touch.
Imagine how they hold you, and where they touch you as you kiss.
Imagine the feeling of their skin on yours.
Do they kiss you softly, and hesitantly? Rough and eager? Gentle and sensual?
If they deepen the kiss, imagine the taste of it on your lips and tongue.
Hold it in your mind, every little sensation and idea until it comes together and takes shape in your mind.
Imagine your F/O kissing you.
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fairyblue-moon · 3 months
if we were bunnies and snuggling i would put one ear over u
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fairyblue-moon · 3 months
Hey, i was wondering if i could push you at the swing Later Today at 4PM
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fairyblue-moon · 3 months
hey sorry I can't go with you tonight the girls and I in the chuuni discord were gonna see whose cursed eye is strongest
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fairyblue-moon · 3 months
How i sleep knowing there’s no rules to selfshipping, I can create as many aus as I want, I can selfship with whoever I want for whatever reason, I can use my self inserts however I want, and I can create any content I want because we’re all just having fun and nobody irl is being affected:
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fairyblue-moon · 7 months
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He admits: Octavia is an efficient worker. They may be annoying as an insect in his eyes, but all their buzzing lives up to what they say, and for that, he couldn’t help but keep his eyes on them. But maybe that was his mistake. He wondered long about whether or not there was a chance that the two would have gotten along when they always looked at him with such vicious eyes – as though he had not exchanged the same. He wishes his body would not give him away, turning the room into a frigid winter just by his appearance. The moment he steps through the door, the flicker of a flame disappears So he only stares: Pluto orbiting the Sun. Far enough away that they wouldn’t see him – feel him. Because this is the closest he can get to seeing that smile again – closest he can get to hearing that laugh that made him remember of the hole in his chest that he’d made amends with for 50,000 years of his life. What were they laughing about? He wonders. How could it be that their companion could make them smile the way he does? He found himself, wanting to know. The hole in his chest aches. He must pull away.
the funnier thing about this is this is probably going to be retconned due to new lore ideas BUT you know. live and dream i guess
tag list: @goldenworldsabound @wanderers-wife (lmk if you wanna get tagged with my stuff!! and specify if you only want to be tagged in certain things 👍🏼)
OH and a bonus photo of the full panel with Octavia since I had actually drawn that out before demolishing it for this comic under the cut ✌🏼
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marius my most beloved adopted brother figure :') it was a pain in the ass trying to figure out what to do with his clothes but you know what fucking around is always a good option. does it make sense? no but whatever ✨
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fairyblue-moon · 8 months
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fairyblue-moon · 8 months
Laying on your bed as you scroll through your phone, play a game or watch videos. Your f/o? Right beside or behind you, holding you close. They might watch along or are (somewhat) asleep perhaps. A quiet moment you two spend together. Perhaps a little mundane but there's no harm in that. As long as you enjoy another's presence.
Proship/Comship do not interact please
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fairyblue-moon · 8 months
your f/o wants to go on a date to the museum with you
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
this prompt is so silly but its soooo funny to think abt...imagine u and ur f/o playing just dance. how enthusiastic would they be and what songs would u guys CRUSH together
do they just shake around the remote and pretend to dance or do they put their everything into each move
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
self shippers with lips that aren't plump or full or anything that's conventionally attractive. self shippers who don't have "Princess Peach Lips" or whatever. I love you. You look fantastic enough. You are so pretty. You are still so so so kissable btw.
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
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okay yeah this one was pretty good
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
Hello there F/o community! I just want to let y’all’s know that it’s okay if you lose interest in your F/o for whatever reason, whether it’s temporarily or permanently. It doesn’t make you bad. What matters is the great memories they gave you. Even with F/o’s the spark isn’t burning bright all the time and that’s okay. It doesn’t make you less a part of the community or not loyal. Sometimes things change with our feelings and if you need a break your F/o will be there when you’re ready
[Proship DNI!!]
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
"are you ok?"
No I want a fictional man to kiss me on my forehead and tell me I didn't deserve all the shit real people put me through
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
You are your f/o's first choice.
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fairyblue-moon · 9 months
self ship is not transactional. don't base your worth or your ships on how much attention or reblogs you get. you don't owe anyone anything, and they don't either. don't turn your time here into something to stress over or some kind of competition. i promise you it's not. post what you want, do what you want. have one f/o or one hundred. ship with villains. post all day or once a week. post nsfw content if you want to. block whoever you want for any reason. don't pay attention to negativity, don't answer anon hate or retaliate against petty vagues. write even if you "can't write", draw even if you "can't draw". trans your f/os' genders or make them all gay. you can make any chara a lesbian. you can post purely non-romantic ships. you are responsible for your happiness, so please make your experience one you enjoy <3
pr*ship/neutral dni
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