fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than winning and being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.
Harvey Specter
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
I wanna be a cool unshakable asshole, but instead I do one nice thing for an old lady and have to struggle not to cry when she thanks me.
Mike Ross
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.
Harvey Specter
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Mike: There's no i in 'team', but there's one in 'pizza'
Rachel: So you're not going to share?
Mike: I'm not going to share
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
(shortly after they first met)
Mike: I don't want to hurt their feelings!
Harvey: Hurt their feel- Do you just walk around all day, thinking about other people's feelings?
Mike: Yeah, don't you?
Harvey: No! How do you get anything done?
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Rachel: Are you alright? It looks like you got no sleep last night.
Mike: I got 8 minutes.
Mike: Not consecutively though, but it’s fine, you’re not even that blurry.
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Louis: (texting) Where the hell are you and Harvey?!
Mike: (texting) We're fucking -
Mike: getting drinks [not delivered]
Mike: because we deserve it after this case [not delivered]
Louis: Nevermind
Mike: NO WAIT [not delivered]
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Harvey: I care about all of my friends equally.
Donna: We were all attacked while you were away.
Harvey: Is Mike okay?!
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Trevor: See, one day you're gonna look back on this and laugh.
Mike: I assure you, for the rest of my life, every time I look back on this I will personally come to your house and smack you.
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Donna: My coffee this morning cost $93
Harvey: What did you order?
Donna: A $3 latte and a $90 parking ticket
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Harvey: I love you.
Donna: Is that you or the wine talking?
Harvey: It's me talking to the wine.
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Harvey: out of my way, extras!
Mike: stop calling people “extras” just because you don’t know them!
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Donna: I dare you to make-out with the next person who walks in this room.
Harvey: That’s ridiculous! No way-
Mike: *walks in*
Harvey: I’ll do the dare. Rules are rules.
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Harvey: oh no, here we go again fighting over what I said…
Donna: are you quoting Demi Lovato?
Harvey: I’m sorry, yeah I'm sorry
Donna: this is not how you apologize, Harvey
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Mike: I just never thought I’d see it with my own two eyes, and here it is. It’s just…there..in front of me.
Harvey: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Mike: Yeah
Harvey: The Eiffel Tower is behind us.
Mike: Yes…but this is the bridge from Inception.
205 notes · View notes
fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Mike: I need you to support me
Harvey: I’m not a fucking bra!
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fakesuitsquotes · 6 years
Rachel: What's your workout routine?
Jessica: Does running out of fucks to give count as cardio?
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