fakhrezh13-blog · 7 years
Al-mutaqin mosque
Al-mutaqin mosque built since 2000.Long time ago Al-mutaqin mosque it was a musholla than there are so many people want pray in Al-mutaqin mosque. Currently is still in progress for second floor.The facility in Al-mutaqin is 2 bath room for women and man,Al-mutaqin have a secretary DKM Room and room for pray and pengajian. Every Tuesday and every 1 month 1 pengajian.And every afternoon Hafidz class in Al-mutaqin.The leader of DKM is H.J Nofian and the leader assistant is H.J Ubaidi. Al-mutaqin mosque is on ahmadwijaya street indraprasta 2 RW 15 Regal gundil North Bogor in Bigot city.The founder of Al-mutaqin mosque is 1 of a villager in indraprasta 2.
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
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Fadhlan went to the garden with 2 custodian. Hadi and Ardi has wash 2 motorcycle. Rafid is a security in sm he protec sm start 08 00 o'clock until 15.00 o'clock. Mufid go to market for sell the food and go to market every 03.00. Jordan has cleaning preschool with mr.denih Azzam and Hugo is cutting the paper for Bu Ai Nabawi and Avin work in rancage in there he's making the vas from magazine. Me work in SD with Edgar clean the area sd every 08.00 until 15.00. Naufal and Ikhsan didnot work because he has take a rest. Lintang has make a food with gege.
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
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PROJECT SMS SM2,KE Kelurahan,Rw,Puskesmas. Day 1: I no went to school, because i sick and i no follow the KE with school to District administrated. Day2: I went to house of RW with my friend and my teacher,i went to RW Walked,in home of Rw i interview miss RW and talk with them. Day3: I went to puskesmas with my friend and i used a public transportation to puskesmas upon arrival the doctor has a presentasion about HIV AIDS.
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
Tugas inggris My vacation. Last week i went to Padang and Bandung with my family.We flew in a big plane and went by car.We stayed ine the hotel and droped the bag.6 hour later i and my brother bought some nasi padang for my family.The next day i and my family went to Bukittinggi.In bukittinggi we stayed in novotel and i connected a wifi.The hotel was very good,great,nice and expensive.We tried local food it was delucious.
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
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This is a photos of english project#1
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2016 English Homework #Project 1. Garbage Cart Definition : An equipment to collect the garbage from Residential area  2. Garbage Truck Definition : An equipment or vehicle to move garbage from temporary garbage dump  to the final garbage dump.      3. Excavator Wheel Definition : Heavy Equipment to take and move the garbage   4. Mini Exvacator Definition : Equipment to move the garbage from one place to another place.  5. Compost House  Definition : Equipment to convert the garbage to compost    
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
HOW TO MAKE "BIOPORI HOLE" First, prepare the tools to make Biopori like adrill ground and materials for the filler hole. After that, specify the location where you want to create these holes biopori infiltration. The place has been determinded, you simply make a cylindrical hole vertically into the ground with a diameter of 10-30 cm. Design is also the depth of approximately 100 cm or not to exceed the ground water. if the soil water was shallow, preferably the hole recommended distance between 50-100 cm. After the hole-bioporicompleted, another thing you should do isstrengthen the mouth hole with cement. Finally,fill the hole with organic waste, like garden waste and kitchen waste. that's all. It is easy isn't it??                                                               http://interiordesignestyle.com/create-biopori-at-home/ The definition of underlined words in bahasa : 1. Prepare : Menyiapka sesuatu agar dapat digunakan 2. Drill : Alat untuk membuat lubang 3. Specify : Menyebutkan secara spesifik dan detail 4.Create : Membuat atau menciptakan sesuatu 5. Determinded : Menemukan suatu fakta tentang sesuatu 6. Make : Membangun,membuat atau menyiapkan sesuatu 7. Completed : Menyelesaikan sesuatu 8. Do : Menghasilkan atau membuat sesuatu 9. Strengthen : Menjadikan atau membuat lebih kuat 10. Fill : Menjadikan sesuatu terisi penuh
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fakhrezh13-blog · 8 years
In this year i have learned about -Pronoun. -Definision -Descriptive text. -Generic structure -Pass events. -Pass verbs -Recount. -Story telling -Imprative. -Sigh -Intrinsik elemen of narrative & -How to make&Do The parts that i like and enjoyed the massed were=The parts that i like How to make&How to do,&Verb. Because that part is enjoyed and easy The Difficulties that i found were = I don't like a Decriptive text. What i have to do ti be better -Study more -I must consistent From now i will and insyaallah try to use in english skill i have learned in my english class&english day.My teacher will help me if i find Dificulties
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