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This is my new blog!! I'll be posting on there for the most part now
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Just some pictures of me pitching last season to start this blog off right
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Might be getting rid of this blog
With this blog I have 2 separate sub accounts and it’s really hard to keep all three up. I’m Thinking of getting rid of these three slowly and just starting a new one. If I do I’ll post my new blog in the description box. And I’m my last post. I’ll follow the people on my new blog I know are active, so send me a message and I’ll be sure to follow you. 😊😊
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i hate when people use “millennials” as an insult like???? i didn’t even want to be born u can’t use that against me
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*straight couple* Girl: “Do you have a condom?”
*lesbian couple* Girl: “Do you have a hair tie?”
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Isn’t it weird how we basically have an endless mental conversation with ourselves?
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i deal with my personal problems the same way i study for tests
i don’t
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supergirl season 2a meme → [4/8] scenes
“I really need to talk to you, and if you just give me two minutes of your time, I promise I’ll be out of your hair.”
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for more
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Me: hated social throughout high school
Me: takes sociology and minors in economics in university
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picking out clothes like ‘how gay am i gonna be today’
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