falciformix · 4 months
Why do mathematical theorems exist like damn bro why’d you gotta go mathing around like that
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falciformix · 4 months
If you say “yeah” enough times and quickly enough it starts to sound like “nya”
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falciformix · 4 months
Sometimes I zone out and am brought back by the “Mario CBT full experience” I watched once. It’s really startling to be zoned out then suddenly hit with “cock and ball torture from the Wikipedia the free encyclopedia” in the middle of class while day dreaming
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falciformix · 4 months
I got a question for you, yes you
Be rich and famous for what you love to do, but your unhappy, or be super poor but be super happy
Never thought I’d be asked a question like this on here, but I would rather be poor and happy. Joy is what makes life living, so what’s the point if you can’t find something to love and be happy about?
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falciformix · 4 months
My fuckass cat Jake
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falciformix · 4 months
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I was just gonna get ready for my exams and then LU updated
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falciformix · 4 months
Guys wait... I think I just figured out something very important about this panel.
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Y'all remember how protective Twi is of his village kiddos?
Yeah, threatening Twi's village kids is like threatening Sky's Zelda. If you're smart, you don't. Because their respective Links will hunt you down and murder you in protective rage.
Now then... what, exactly, did Wild do, again?
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Oh. That's right.
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He hunted down Dink and tried to murder him in a protective rage.
And Twilight knows that.
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Prior to all this, Twilight was more serious and stern with Wild, attempting to model Time, which Wild never jived with.
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But now Twilight understands where Wild is coming from. Wild doesn't view Twilight as a mentor: he views Twilight as a friend.
As a brother. As family.
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Wild has lost so much that he is murderously protective of anyone he has left. And now Twilight sees that. Viscerally, he understands what it means to go into a blind rage because that person you just hurt is mine and I will not allow it. He knows that because he's been there. And now, he knows that that's how Wild sees him.
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And so now they can be brothers.
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falciformix · 4 months
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Honestly the concept of bagged milk confuses me. Like it works. It’s functional. But why a b a g? Every time I go to the cafeteria and see bagged milk it gives me flashbacks to elementary
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falciformix · 4 months
I wish I knew what I was doing 95% the time because I bet my life would be so much better if I had more coherent thoughts. Anyway one time I was talking to my brother and told him “maybe things would be better if you were better.” And I’m sure he’s fine but I never emotionally recovered from my own words
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falciformix · 4 months
Honestly the concept of bagged milk confuses me. Like it works. It’s functional. But why a b a g? Every time I go to the cafeteria and see bagged milk it gives me flashbacks to elementary
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falciformix · 4 months
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falciformix · 4 months
So. I have thoughts a lot of the time and they confuse me. Like, I’m chilling in my bed right? And all of a sudden my peace is interrupted by the words “proverbial twink death”. Why?
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