falcon-forest · 53 minutes
art I invented
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falcon-forest · 54 minutes
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"Lesbians Against Police Violence" sign, Gay Freedom Day Parade (June 24, 1983) Corbis via Getty Images
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falcon-forest · 54 minutes
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damn where did these lesbian necromancers find such a big bacon on space
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falcon-forest · 2 hours
sometimes you'll see a post that starts with "unpopular opinion" and it will tell you one of the most basic actions you can take to be a halfway decent human being and you'll think surely this isn't unpopular. but then you open the notes and realise dear lord. dear lord it IS unpopular.
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falcon-forest · 2 hours
i need to look like a man so i can dress like a woman
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falcon-forest · 4 hours
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falcon-forest · 4 hours
2025 discourse is gonna be like "aww idk :( I don't like bourgeoisie and proletariat... it's kind of a false binary that you guys just made up"
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falcon-forest · 4 hours
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stumbled across some of my printer opinions that i don't recall writing but am correct about
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falcon-forest · 4 hours
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Sorry this is so funny. Not a single part of this is correct
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falcon-forest · 4 hours
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my trick for getting through grad school is learning to navigate the quadrants with all their nuances
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falcon-forest · 5 hours
> url dykefagpenisrevolution or some shit
> queer as in fuck you
> kill your oppressor
> check pinned post
> "[Tumblr user of color who lives outside of the USA and suffers the effects of imperialism and has therefore dared to make a 5 sentence post offering the mildest form of critique aimed at USamerican libs] is a tankie guys block them"
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falcon-forest · 5 hours
Sudden brain blast over morning coffee:
John Gaius, necrolord whatever, cringiest man alive, refuses to let the earth die. And not just in the literal sense of locking the earth’s soul in a barbie on ice, in subtler ways too.
The most obvious is the memes, John constantly references memes that are dated even to us, but are in universe from a culture that died ten thousand years ago!
Slightly more subtle is the years. Why does everyone in the Houses measure in earth years? It’s been ten THOUSAND years since anyone lived on the earth! But John keeps them as a unit of measurement.
Even more subtle is the language. In sci-fi and fantasy we’re all used to the idea of the translation for the reader, people don’t speak english in lord of the rings, or dune, but the dialogue is in english for us, the readers. Not in The Locked Tomb. In this series, they ARE speaking english. Modern, bog standard english, to the point where two people born thousands of years apart speak similar enough dialects that one can pose as the other (dulcie/cytheria).
Now, this could possibly fall under that standard sci-fi trope, EXCEPT!!!! In Nona The Ninth, we see the non-house humans! And they speak dozens of languages, like you’d expect after TEN THOUSAND YEARS of linguistic drift!
John is trying SO HARD to keep the earth alive that he’s forced a language to stagnate for, say it with me now, Ten Thousand Years, to the point where even completely new things with no equivalent in our world don’t even have new words, just repurposed old ones (flimsy, sonic).
John Gaius, the first necromancer, could resurrect the planet itself, and millions of people, but he couldn’t resurrect the culture. So, John, cryogenics researcher, tried to put the culture on ice, to keep it as close to the one he remembers as possible. And he still failed.
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falcon-forest · 5 hours
i made a grindr and in under 24 hours i got the most insane unsolicited nude to ever exist. hes fully nude on the beach and in his right hand is a black tipped reef shark i could not make this shit up if i tried
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falcon-forest · 16 hours
I come bringing news from Twitter for those of you wise enough to no longer be there.
In case you didn’t hear, Elon has made it so that your likes are no longer public. Now there are a few theories as to why he did that. Some people think it’s because it makes it easier to fake interactions with bots. Others think it’s because people found him liking embarrassing tweets and making fun of him. Others think it’s so that bigots can get away with liking terrible posts without being called out for it.
Regardless, this has led to a new trend where in order to show that people like something publicly, they do this:
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falcon-forest · 18 hours
btw it is SO funny to me that harrow the ninth sets up the question of gideon's parentage by obscuring g1deon's name through most of the book. and if you're able to piece any of it together early you're like hang on..... a lyctor named gideon.... who MUST have known commander wake...... biblically, dare i say........ and he's a ginger......... and then the actual reveal happens and it's like oh actually that's all unrelated. yeah wake did have a torrid affair with two people in the same body but that's not relevant to her pregnancy. you see actually there was a nefarious threesome and they stole god's sperm so wake could self-inseminate. yeah g1deon kind of just happened to be there. sorry
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falcon-forest · 18 hours
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Fight Coven #9
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falcon-forest · 18 hours
every time someone draws gideon with a broad and flat nose, an angel gets their wings
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