fallen4delusional · 8 months
Season 1 : ( Ep 3 )
In Matt workplace
Asahi: So do you want to do this? It’s a tough job but if you are ok then I’m okay with it. And then we planning to go to my country Japan for the work business there.
Matt: Hmm, let me think, but I really want too! I need to confirm back with my wife I am not sure if she would accept me to go Japan. But erm, how long will we stay there?
Asahi: Well, it depends on how we finish the work business. It can take quite long to finish I can say roughly about 5-6 months. But I’m going alone and my wife is okay with it. You know it’s my hometown. You can stay with me so no issue to book hotel there.
Matt: Alright thanks man, 5-6months it’s quite long. But it’s for the work business so I’m okay then. Just need to confirm back with my wife later going back home. Okay then anything I let you know again! Will get back to you later! See you!!
In Maria School
Door bell ring….
Mr Smith: Alright class, make sure you revise back what I thought just now and don’t forget to write an assay too!! Goodbye class see you tomorrow!! Oh and Maria can I see you for awhile?
Maria: Erm yes sure!
Everybody in class all already gone off and only left me alone. And I was thinking what Mr Smith wanna talk to me about. I hope it nothing serious. As I pack up my stuffs everything inside my bag and then I push the chair in and walk through to Mr Smith desk.
Mr Smith: Well Maria, so this is your 1st day in school. I will give you another chance for coming late to class. You know, when you see my schedule you cannot be late ok, because I’m type of person very particular. Attendance and come on time is consider you are active in class and you can truly get good grades. But for other lectures, it’s okay to come late abit. But for my class no. Understood?
Maria: I understand, Mr Smith. I promise myself I will come early for the next schedule.
Mr Smith: Okay then I see you tomorrow! Take care!
Maria saying bye to Mr Smith and then I went off the class and I look at my watch it’s 4pm. Where the school ends at 4pm! And Marine ends school at 4:30pm! Probably I should text Marine if I can fetch her back to home or not. I send her the message and waiting for her to reply back. While waiting I walk back to my locker and I try to open up the lock and it’s still locked but then I find a safety pin out of nowhere on the floor I pick it up and adjust the pin and then I try to unlock using the safety pin. And I made it! It’s unlocked!!
Maria: Wow I never thought this is quite easy to do! As I see the life hacks thing at YouTube. lol I should have done it just now when class about to start! Jeez!
As I put everything my books all some at the locker already and I close and locked my locker. I received message from Marine.
Marine: Oh, it’s okay! Me and my friend going out after this to the cafe she ask me to follow her. She told that this cafe is so good the worker at there is really good in making the cafe delicious! I will see you at home later! Bye sis take care!!
I read through what Marine was saying in the text. And I thinking…
Maria: Wow, she on 1st day already makes friends that fast!! If only I find any friends here but… ermmm, oh well it’s just the 1st day. Will see how tomorrow..
Maria: Okay take care and be safe too!! After the cafe please go home if nothing to go anywhere. I will wait for you at home! See you lil sis!!
So I went straight home by taking a bus. I’m thinking what it’s gonna happen for tomorrow school like. I open up my file and see the schedule for tomorrow. Morning session will be Mr Smith again until lunch time and then afternoon session will be Ms Jane. Ohhh Art and craft & music my favourite!! Hope I don’t be late for Mr Smith class tomorrow. As the bus drive all the way, I listening to music and rest my head on my hand at the window and close my eyes for a while. It’s so relaxing and calm.
In Marine and her friend(Danielle)
Marine and Danielle went to the cafe after the school ends. They decided to go to the subway and arrive just 5 stations. And then Danielle show the way to the cafe through.
Marine: So Danielle, what is so good about this cafe? You have been here many times? And how did you know about this cafe?
Danielle: Ok I’m gonna talk about the cafe it’s really famous here! They just opened it this year!! I found out this cafe from the tiktok and they say the food here is so delicious and it’s made by the person itself! And you never know guess what?
Marine: Ohhh, what?
Danielle: The person is a guy and he made this cafe food delicious! And the coffee tastes so good! Of course I have come here many times but I come with my family. Just wanna know he is so handsome and cute!! Heh
Marine: Ohhh, now I get it you ask me to accompany you and then you want to come here just to see that guy? Omg girl you are still young like me and I don’t think that guy will like you or want to be your girlfriend. Ok Danielle stop!
Danielle: Well just come here and flirt or maybe wink at him or say something nice? It won’t be a problem right? Some more what I hear that guy is still single. Heh
Marine: Okay Danielle if you talk again about the guy I’m gonna walk off and go home.
Danielle: Jeez girl, relax!! I’m just playing hahah.
So they went inside the cafe and find a seats. Danielle ask Marine to go to the menu and see what to order. And Marine was so shocked the prices were quite expensive and then I saw chocolate muffins that one is surely my sister favourite food. If I have enough money I would buy for her. Just that it’s quite expensive.
Benjamin: Hello girls, what would you like to order? I’m gonna introduce today’s menu special is Tutti fruitti ice cream with waffles and sprinkles on it and Hazelnut ice blended and also mostly Chocolate muffins!
Danielle: Hi Ben! You know me? I’m a regular customer here. But this time I bring my friend here her name is Marine. Maybe for today can you give us discount since my friend here 1st time coming here so let her try the food and the drinks!
Marine: Danielle it’s fine! You know here the price quite expensive. And then I feel like wanted to give to my sister the chocolate muffins. It’s her favourite food. At least got something to give her then until.
Benjamin: It’s okay girls. You don’t have to worry about the prices. I will give more discount on you both only because your friend is a regular customer and also your sister her favourite food is chocolate muffins too.
Danielle: Omg thank you Ben! Marine what do you want to order? For me I would like to get x1 Strawberry Shortcake cake and x1 hot chocolate .
Marine: Maybe I wanna try the today’s special menu. Also ordering for my sister chocolate muffins x1 .
Benjamin: Alright girls! For your sister chocolate muffins I do it later when you finish eating and want to go home later. If not it will not be nice if it’s already cold. Okay, total will be $30.90 together with your sister chocolate muffins included the price.
Danielle took off her wallet and then she take out $50 money and give it to Ben. I was so shocked how she got that money that a lot.
Benjamin: Okay you both can sit first while I settle the food and drinks.
Danielle: It’s okay Marine this time I will pay cause it’s your first time. You don’t have to worry about.
Marine: Ok Danielle, But I’m making you trouble some and it’s your money I will try my best if I have enough money or soon when I grow up a little I will find a job and treat you back the money too.
Danielle: Marine it’s fine! Don’t have to do that. Relax girl. Actually my parents give me money I don’t always eat at school. I save up to come here always just to get the good food and also Ben!! He is cute right??? Oh wait how about you ask your sister to come here one day. Your sister love chocolate muffins a lot she must come here like me . Heh
Marine: Danielle you know at school you need to buy food cause who knows you will feel hungry. Even though it’s not that nice but still food. I’m just lucky my parents always preparing me food early morning before go to school. And also bring to school too. Well, he is cute but I’m not crazy in love like you. Haha. And he is so kind. Yes I will try to convince ask my sister to come with me and visit here sometimes. But you know it’s quite bit far from this cafe to my hometown. So probably only free if my sister is also free then we can go out.
Danielle: Okay if your sister are planning to come here with you then let me know ok. Who knows can give another more discount. Cause Ben say if you or your friends or relatives is a regular customer here always come and bring his/her friends. Then he will give discount. But when he see me surely he give more discount. Girl, I’m so special! Heh
Marine: Ok Danielle , whatever our food has arrived!! And wow it’s smells so good!!
Benjamin: Ok girls your food and drinks is already here! Enjoy it and don’t forget to leave a review at our Instagram too! Feel free to follow and also our tiktok too! Okay enjoyed!!
Danielle: Okay let’s eat!!!
Both of them: Bon Appetite!!!
I am so sorry everyone. I nowadays never active much here but whenever I free I will keep uploading the stories here. Just so you know for episode 3 as you can see here it’s quite longer I make the story. And the story soon gonna start the exciting part !! We almost there guys!!
- What kind of work business is Matt and Asahi involve to? And why is at Japan?
-Why Matt need to confirm back with his wife again when he need to go Japan with Asahi for work business?
-Is Maria gonna be late for the next Mr Smith schedule?
Lastly …
-Will Marine invite her sister to come to the cafe or not?
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fallen4delusional · 8 months
Season 1 (Ep 2)
Maria: Hey Marine, have fun in school! Byeeee!!
Marine: Ok byeee, sis!!
As the cab go off to the next location to my school, I was thinking of how the 1st day of school is. I just don’t really know what it is about I mean, I’m not like my sister, Marine. She is always active for school and I’m not really. And I don’t know if my brain really works or not for studies. LOL.
As I think and then look outside I saw that it is going to reaching to my school place. And in my mind I am thinking, wow, is this the school that I am gonna studies for the next 2 years? And then I saw some people students are walking to the school and their costumes it’s like can see some of their body so revealing And some are comfy clothes they wearing. I wonder are these students doesn’t care much of school rules or they just wear for fun?
Cab driver: Yo, thinking for too long? You have reached the school now girl.
Maria: Oh hey sorry, I’m getting off now. And Thank you!!
I get off and shut the cab door and then it went off . And now I don’t even know how or where I should report to. When I step inside the school all I see a bunch of group were talking and some were laughing at each other. And I am here thinking what’s going on. But then I just walk away and pretend nothing happen. As I walk to the locker and I check back my locker it is 168 the number so I went and find my locker and when I wanted to find it, I accidentally knocked out by someone. And when I got knocked out by someone I check it is a girl with her face like some kind of badass look and she started to staring at me from up to down and her eyes are so shuts. I was like who the f**k are you looking at me like that and i quickly answered apologies.
Maria: Oh no, I’m sorry I got knocked by you as I’m not aware of the surroundings here.
Lexi: Excuse me sir, you just knocked to me and thinking that you can easily say sorry to me? What type of person are you, girl?
Maria: It is true I just got knocked to you and I didn’t see what’s coming to me. As it was my first day of school in here. Don’t blame me, I get lost here. And who the hell are you talking to me like that?
Lexi: Whoa chill girl, what did you say? And who give the f**k it’s your 1st day of school here. And listen here if you tryna mess up with me again, I will mess up with you badly.
As I heard what the girl say to me and then I saw her hands pushing me and then walk away off just like that thinking like it is nothing happen. And then everyone around me saw what’s happening and then carry on with their own stuffs. And yes, no ones deserves to help me or stand up for me.
I just wanna walk out from here and then I went to the toilet and wash up my face with water. I am thinking who the hell is that girl talking to me like that. Like she rule in this school. So I quickly cool myself down and then I check back my locker number is 168 and then I quickly went off from toilet and find my locker number.
Maria: Oh yes! I found it!!! Damn these school it’s so hard to find my locker! Okay all I have is to open up this locker. But wtf how???
As I wanted to open my locker I heard a bell ring, and I saw everyone are running to the class and some are walking to classes. And i am here stuck with my locker. I try to open it and it can’t. I guess I have to bring all my stuffs to the class instead.
Maria: Damn this bag and heavy books! I quickly walk out and search my classes and I lost again my way and in the end I get to find it. I look at my watch I see it’s 9.15am my class starts at 9am and I am really late already. Seriously on my first day!! Geez!!
As I found my class already. I walk inside I see everyone staring at me and then the teacher looking at me and he ask.
Mr Smith: Hello morning, are you late for class? It’s look like you the only person is late here and everybody get here on time. May I ask what’s your name again?
Maria: Hi morning, I’m sorry for coming late to class today my 1st day in school and I got lost the way here to find my class. My name is Maria. Nice to meet you all.
Everyone didn’t say anything just keep staring at me like it’s nothing happen. But some are gossip one another. But I don’t really care.
Mr Smith: Alright, Maria next time don’t be late again. And now you can go find your seat.
So as I look around all I can see is I found 1 empty seat and then beside it is a guy. Well this guy something fishy to me but I just don’t care. So I walk straight to the empty seat and I sit down. And then that’s how the days goes in class.
Well guys I am very sorry for the short story I making for every episodes. I am promise later will be a quite longer story I making. So stay tuned!!
Is Maria gonna be happy schooling here or she unhappy with it?
What’s with Maria and that girl she argue with?
That guy in class looks so fishy I wonder who that guy is? Why is he looking at Maria like that?
Let’s find out in the next episode guys!!!
Stay tuned everybody!!
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fallen4delusional · 8 months
Season 1 (Ep 1)
“Where am I? What is this place? Is anyone there? Why is the door locked?” Hello!!! Get me out, anyone I’m stuck in this room!! said Maria
Suddenly I saw a group of men walking to me slowly and looking at me as if I had done anything wrong. And they all started to grab me by their hands and come to me closer and closer and bend down to me and then they say… Mariaaaa, you are so beautiful, I would love to kiss you….
And then I awake by the sound of my mom.
“Mariaaaa!! Get up and be ready for your 1st day of school now!” Said mom
Gosh, I don’t wanna go to school! School is boring how I wish can escape from school. Nah, Maria you lazy ass get up my ass and get ready for the day!
So I wake up, tidy abit my bed and then go shower clean myself and then I wear my school clothes well it’s lucky they never give us school uniform attire. I can wear what I wanna wear. I just hate it when there is a uniform need to wear. Geez, my mom last warning please stop shouting to me!!
“Mariaaa, are you gonna get down here and eat your breakfast or you still upstairs sleeping?” Said mom
“Ok mom I’m coming down! And what’s for breakfast mom? Oh wait! Is that muffins? Oh yes, it is chocolate muffins!! Yum yum, ohhh mom it tastes so good!! said Maria
“Ok please eat slowly don’t eat so fast enough, you will choke later. And then I make you some food for later lunch time it is sausage with eggs and toast with ham and cheese. So better eat til finish okay Maria.” Said mom
“Mom, you don’t have to okay. I can buy it at school you know. Stop make you troublesome. I know what I want. Geez.” Said Maria
“Good morning, mom & where is dad? Is he already went to work?” Said Marine
“Dad already went off early morning to work cause he have urgent meeting from boss. And morning Marine. Please have a breakfast before you go to school too!” Said mom
“Oh how nice mom you give us food to school! Yay! Thank you mom! Hope I eat this full! And mom are you gonna send us to school or we need go by ourselves?” Said Marine
Well I just hope we can go by ourselves! But then…
“Oh no! Don’t worry I will book a cab for you all to go to the school. As for today I’m not free I also need to rush to work after this. I’m so sorry dearest. And please Maria behave at school ok?” Said Mom
“Geez, of course I will mom, as if you were at there at my school watching me. And alright!!! 1st day go by ourselves!! Just my lucky day!” Said Maria
Marine: Well Maria, please don’t get to excited because you won’t know the school how it’s like and the people there how they treat you.
Maria: Well I know what I am doing and you are not my teacher. Geez, So please keep quiet.
Mom: OK girls! Please once you finish eating just leave the plates here and go! The cab is on the way now!
So me and Marine done eating and we all take our bags and walk outside the house and then the cab finally arrived. Once we go inside and my mom saying goodbye to us and wave to us! Stay safe in school~
So guys, what is gonna be up next? Did Maria gonna have a good time in school or everything gonna be not okay? Why is dad leaving so early this morning was it really his boss at work or something else? And, what is Maria dreaming about? Find out in the next episode 2!!!
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fallen4delusional · 8 months
Hello and welcome to my page!
I am here to write my own stories about anything. Just so you know these stories it’s just an imagination for you and it’s not real ones. Before I start making a stories I wanna share some introduction about the characters and the names in this stories. Note that the names are not real.
Starting off with Enhypen romance, comedy, fantasy stories ~
*Name on the right is not the real name just for purpose putting on the stories~
<For Maria’s family>
Me(Myself) - Maria Lisa
Mom - Lisa Kelsey
Dad - Matt
Younger sister - Marine
<For Maria’s friends>
Her cousins: Chelsea, Nick
Her school mates bff: Sophia, Jackie & James(Jungwon)
Her workmates: William(Sunoo) becoming her partner, Carter(Jay) her manager, Heena & Kim
Her crushes: James(Jungwon) , Ethan(Heeseung), Carter(Jay), Aiden(Jake), Benjamin(Sunghoon), William(Sunoo), Niki (Ni-Ki)
~All I could say is all Enhypen members her crushes mostly
Her love interest: Niki (The Japanese hot guy)❤️
Bad girl bitches: Lexi, Raven & Gina
<For Niki’s family>
Mom- Emi
Dad - Asahi
Older sister - Hinata
Younger sister - Yumi
These are all the characters that gonna play on my stories season 1!! The title is not yet show I am still thinking what to put. So I am starting my stories right now~ ✌️
Good luck to me and stay tuned on my stories!!! ❤️❤️
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