fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
"Only because you requested it," Mundus purred, moving closer to Nelo and ghosting his breath over Vergil's neck once more, following the learned movements of his pet so easily now, it was but a simple task to read his reactions and guess with a certain level of accuracy what his response would be.
And just as Mundus predicted, Nelo twisted in his arms to look at him, eyes wide, cornflower blue and ocean swept red, singing at him, begging him, perhaps even pleading. It could have been so easy to reach out and pluck those eyes and turn them into their own trophy, but that would come with time no doubt.
"Do you not remember the pittance you begged from me, sweet pet," Mundus asked, hands trailing down from Vergil's shoulders to slowly grasp his neck, carefully light, purposefully gentle, a warning in itself. How easily it could be to snap it, and the hunt be over, but what fun would there be in prey that couldn't flee?
"I recall, vividly, how you used to tremble," he continued, his hands leaving his pet's neck to trail and roll over his shoulders, a pale mockery of a massage, but too tight, too rough to be called such, a joy unlike any other flooding his neuroreceptors at the delightful shiver that spread over Nelo's body.
For all his bluster and denials, his pet truly did recall, and from the way, he held himself, perhaps even missed it, but even a dog would begin to love its master, regardless of treatment, and just as a slave always remembered their torment, so too must his own.
"Tell me, sweet star," He began, fingers trailing a spider web dance across the various plains of his Nelo's beautiful form, "If you do not want me, then tell me to go." He hissed, flicking a tongue out to slowly slide over his pet's small, pale ear, teasing the lobe slightly with a nibble before pulling back.
"Do you not crave my heat?" He asked, relinquishing his grip entirely on Vergil's body, plastering a sombre gaze upon his face for when Nelo, predictably turned around to look at him fully. Always play the long game, ready to make the next move.
"Perhaps," Mundus started, gazing at the blue devil from behind a fan covering his lower face, "I have judged you too harshly, my sweet."
He gave a dramatic sigh, snapping the fan closed as he strode over to Vergil, gently and carefully putting a hand oh his shoulder, rubbing a thumb over his shoulder blades.
"Will you ever forgive my stone heart, sweet meteorite?"
Gods, he made his skin crawl. Vergil just managed to keep his face neutral and his body controlled enough that he didn’t flinch away from the contact. This was a carefully played game of theirs. No matter how much time passed, Vergil had been conditioned to have the same answer as a knee-jerk response.
I could never hate you, Master..
He inhaled, instead and just nodded. He could keep his treacherous tongue behind his teeth and not embarrass himself further.
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fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
“How kind you must be, “ Mundus spoke carefully, each word forming in the short eternity in between each breath his human form took, “To visit me in this far flung dark world, between lava and ash.” Oh, he knew the rules, the terms of engadgement, what to say, how to act, but perhaps he didn’t care for this small wraith, coming down from her high tree to glare at the worms and tell them how much dirt they needed to dig. “Do tell me, your highness, what divine nature have I angered, are you here to buy parley for your precious cariad?” - a word which here meant something entirely different, but perhaps it would give an opposite to just what he wanted - “Are you here to barter for that which is beyond your treasures?” He smirked, spinning on his heel fully to face her, a soft smile lingering in the hidden warnings. “Or Perhaps to just while away the hours with idle chatter?”
"Hmmm, you're not at all what I've expected from the rumors that reached my realm. I can't decide if that is a good or a bad thing."
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"And thus, spoke Merlin, You shall have her body and soul, but not her heart."
Mundus smirked softly, offering a customary curtsy to the Queen.
"I had wondered just when you would approach me, your Highness. I see now that I was right to wait."
"And just what honour do I owe to one such as yourself to visit me in this far flung corner of the realms?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
“Come now, sweet pet,” Mundus muttered, moving his fan down, tucking it into a pocket of his long robes, before leaning forward, smirking slightly at the barely visible flinch Vergil game him - delicious fear as always -, and slowly nuzzled Vergil’s neck, letting his hair drape and fall onto the devil.
Always moving a piece, always ready to take 5 for every one Vergil lost.
“Tell me, my Nelo, my lovely falling star,” He purred, draping his other arm over Vergil’s shoulders, before tugging him back against his own body, warm, human-shaped, comforting, “Do you miss those quiet moments between us?” He paused to draw a breath, letting it hit Vergil’s ear as he let out a small, sulty moan, carefully crafted, completely designed all to play one game, and lure his former knight back in, - like a fish, only no more splashing, not for this fragile broken creature, - willing to play Vergil and his all-too-human emotions, morallity like a fine tuned instrument. “Those secret moments no other soul saw?” Play with his emotions, make him think that the truth is in fact, something else entirely unsaid. “When you laid in my arms, shaking and needy?”
He pulled back again, pressing a small kiss, more of a flick of a tongue than anything else, to the curve of Vergil’s ear, continuing “When you begged me to fill your empty soul?” He drew back, withdrawing his arms completely. Letting him feel the cold of the air around them, make him miss the warmth, draw him in wihtout him even noticing. “How I miss -...”
"Perhaps," Mundus started, gazing at the blue devil from behind a fan covering his lower face, "I have judged you too harshly, my sweet."
He gave a dramatic sigh, snapping the fan closed as he strode over to Vergil, gently and carefully putting a hand oh his shoulder, rubbing a thumb over his shoulder blades.
"Will you ever forgive my stone heart, sweet meteorite?"
Gods, he made his skin crawl. Vergil just managed to keep his face neutral and his body controlled enough that he didn’t flinch away from the contact. This was a carefully played game of theirs. No matter how much time passed, Vergil had been conditioned to have the same answer as a knee-jerk response.
I could never hate you, Master..
He inhaled, instead and just nodded. He could keep his treacherous tongue behind his teeth and not embarrass himself further.
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fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
sparda @ mundus after defeating him 2k years ago: Wench, ha! For what reason is thou angry? Because mine own pussy poppeth sev’rly and thine own does not?
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fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
"Hmmm, you're not at all what I've expected from the rumors that reached my realm. I can't decide if that is a good or a bad thing."
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"And thus, spoke Merlin, You shall have her body and soul, but not her heart."
Mundus smirked softly, offering a customary curtsy to the Queen.
"I had wondered just when you would approach me, your Highness. I see now that I was right to wait."
"And just what honour do I owe to one such as yourself to visit me in this far flung corner of the realms?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 2 years
(( Okay so it's been an actual hot minute since I last did any writing on any of my accounts and that because I've been ill as fuck, mentally. Had a breakdown and tried to commit suicide, though I'm doing better now.
I'm not entirely sure when I'll be back to writing fully again, but I'm working on it! I'm sorry about the long wait everyone!
I'll be posting the same post on my other accounts, just so it's easier for me. Thank you for being patient with me ❤️)
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
((Sorry for the lack of quality or replies lately, been super ill and it's taking most of my energy. I'll try and sort them out tomorrow, and once again, I'm sorry))
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
*whispers in ear*
You a bitch <3
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"Yet here you are, crawling back to me just as I knew you would.
You belong on your knees. Beg me to spare you and perhaps I shall be...Merciful."
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
“You were not truly mine before, sweet. You served me. You did not give yourself willingly to me.”
Mundus let the hand on Vergil’s shoulder wander, slowly, softly, enjoying each tell he gently encouraged from his sweet pet.
“Now, you are mine. You mean more to me than anything in existence, sweet Angelo. My very own angel, torn from the heavens.”
He smirked, leaning closer, allowing a finger to ghost over Vergil’s lips, tender violence in every movement.
“Tell me, no, and I will leave you be, sweet. Tell me to go, and I shall break but go willingly.”
Tell me you want this, Nelo. It will make it all the more delicious when you inevitably break.
"Sweet pet, my precious falling star, am I to understand you scorn my touch when I all but ache for your?"
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"Perhaps if you paid any form of attention to me .. I raised a Qliphoth Tree, I ate of the fruit, where were you .. ?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
hey are you a side blog, I've looked through your pages and I can't find out what your main blog is. If it's okay if I ask.
((I am a side blog! My main is @plegethornspace, and you're fine for asking! It's always worth checking just in case 🙂 I probably should make a page about it but I'm being lazy as it is only a handful who follow me so far \o/))
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
The hand pinching Vergil’s chin soon left it’s space to slowly and lovingly trail up Vergil’s cheeks, making sure to brush gently at his lips as he did so. “And just how would you wish me to do that, my sweet?” He muttered, the wondering hand stopping to cup a cheek, a light pressure to encorage Vergil to raise his head slightly. Mundus’s eyes flicked quickly between Vergil’s eyes and his lips, as though unable to decide which was more attractive to his attention. “Would you, perhaps, allow me to feel your skin on my lips once more?”
"Sweet pet, my precious falling star, am I to understand you scorn my touch when I all but ache for your?"
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"Perhaps if you paid any form of attention to me .. I raised a Qliphoth Tree, I ate of the fruit, where were you .. ?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
When I'm done sealing that pervert Asher in a jar, your next.
"Your existance is as meaningless as pondscum. And yet you somehow persist. How curious. Begone. You bore me."
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
((I will start replying to responces tomorrow, I’m sorry it’s taken so long, irl engagements have been taking most of my free time!))
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
“Of course it was real, how could it not be when you stole the sunsets and gifted them to me? You stole my breath and hart with but a glance, sweet Nelo.” Mundus made a sharp noise, twisting slightly, before raising a hand to rest it gently onto one of Vergil’s shoulders, caressing it slowly with a tumb. “The armour was only ever to make you stronger, my sweet, and now you are a king in your own right, you are perfect. There is nothing I would not do for you, my sweet falling star.” Mundus gave a quiet sigh, more a summer breeze than a gathering storm, and moved his free hand to gently pinch at Vergil’s chin, not forcing him yet. “Should I prove my devotion to you once more?”
"Sweet pet, my precious falling star, am I to understand you scorn my touch when I all but ache for your?"
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"Perhaps if you paid any form of attention to me .. I raised a Qliphoth Tree, I ate of the fruit, where were you .. ?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
"Waiting for you to gain enough power for you to return to me, sweet thing, do you doubt my feelings for you that much that you need question our circumstances? A King cannot simply walk out of the kingdom, sweet Nelo."
Mundus paused, eyes flickering to Vergil's face before he gave an exaggerated sigh and flicked a hand at him.
"Perhaps now though, you are worthy of my touch, my affection."
"Perhaps of even becoming my consort. Would you like that, sweet thing, to rule beside me for all eternity?"
"Sweet pet, my precious falling star, am I to understand you scorn my touch when I all but ache for your?"
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"Perhaps if you paid any form of attention to me .. I raised a Qliphoth Tree, I ate of the fruit, where were you .. ?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
"Hope you don't mind me returning Vergils coat. Blue isn't your color, trust me."
"Such a small matter. What makes you think that a God would care for if a pet obtains it's coat once more?"
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fallencrownofthorns · 3 years
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"A demon?" Mundus scoffed slightly, a slender hand raising to stall the raven-haired human. "How droll. How quaint."
Mundus shook his head slightly and stood, the raised platform below him creaking. "Tell me, sweet, what is a Demon to a God? What is a God to a King? I am all these and more, and yet you dain ask such pleasantries?"
Mundus smirked.
"How incredibly human of you, doll. Sweet puppet."
The raven haired hunter tilted his head. “Doll? You speak as though you know me.” Which was odd because he did not know this… Was entity the right word? V could sense there was more to this stranger than meets the eye. He could feel it in his veins.
“It is not my intention to bother anyone. Only to draw strength from demons.” V aimed his cane at Mundus. “Is that what you are?”
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