familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Isabella, Xiu, Jane, Declan, Sophie and Henri are now @palaceofmuses
This blog is now an archive, please stay tuned for the new url in the next week
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
This blog is now an archive, please stay tuned for the new url in the next week
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Might archive and remake in the next week or so, feel like I need a fresh start
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
* soft family things
‘ i love you so, so much. ’
‘ stop putting your head down in my house. you know my rule. it’s all love and all pride in this house. ’
‘ lost things have a way of turning up. ’
‘ watch your mouth. ’
‘ not so fast. you still have some vegetables left. ’
‘ very funny. ’
‘ i think you’re due for a haircut. ’
‘ come on. bedtime. ’
‘ and when were you going to tell me? ’
‘ i’m glad you came into my life. ’
‘ you were talking in your sleep. ’
‘ come here. i’ll fix it. ’
‘ this show sucks. ’
‘ mom/dad, can we go home now? ’
‘ you forgot something. ’
‘ can we stay like this for a little while? it’s nice. ’
‘ hot chocolate helps. and good company. ’
‘ you’ll feel better once you take your medicine and have a nap. ’
‘ close your eyes. it’s a surprise. ’
‘ it’s good to have you home. ’
‘ i’m not angry with you, just disappointed. ’
‘ your shoe’s untied. ’
‘ i missed this. ’
‘ hey, hey. sit down. deep breaths. ’
‘ will you tuck me in? ’
‘ go to your room and stay there until you’ve calmed down. ’
‘ i heard crying. i got worried. ’
‘ don’t use that tone with me. ’
‘ well, i love you more. ’
‘ just focus on my voice. that’s it. you’re okay. we’re okay. ’
‘ this movie is too scary. turn it off. ’
‘ how long have you been sick? ’
‘ don’t play with your food. ’
‘ i’ll stay right here until you fall asleep. ’
‘ don’t even think about going outside without your coat. ’
‘ i’m not asking you, i’m telling you. ’
‘ you can pick the story tonight. ’
‘ everyone needs somebody. we got each other. ’
‘ you call that a hug? ’
‘ i was the same way when i was your age. ’
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Heaven help the guy/girl that hurts Mira.
Antonio could sic the equivalent of Noah’s Ark on them.
One well-placed cactus from Isabella and they won’t be able to sit for at least a week.
RIP when Dolores tells Luisa.
They may run the risk of getting whisked away in a hurricane once Tia Pepa finds out and gets close enough.
And Camillo...
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
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“Gracias, hermanito!“ Added thanks are shown by the hug and flower crown that appears on Miguel’s head.
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“Look, Mamá and Papá may be the first gate you gotta pass if you want to date any of my sisters, but I’m the second.”
That doesn’t sound as intimidating as he wants it to.
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Put 'Confess!' plus an accusation about my muse in my ask, and my muse will confess whether it's true or not!
Here’s some examples to start you off-
Confess! Are you turned on by [insert kink here]?
Confess! Do you like [insert name here]?
Confess! Is it true that you once [insert odd/silly activity here]?
Confess! Are you scared of [insert fear here]?
Confess! Did you cry during [insert movie here]
Or think of your own! Be as cunning as you like…
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Send me “Last Will” to see what my muse would leave yours in the event of their death.
Send “Last Will and Testament” for a list of items and also a letter from their deathbed addressed to your muse. 
~Requested by Anonymous
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me.
Alternatively, have the sending muse tell the receiving muse something they’ve always wanted to tell them.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
just in case no one told you, you did well this year. you don’t even realize it :( I’m proud of you, you should be proud of yourself too
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
💛💛💛💛 Thank you for being a friend. 💛💛💛💛
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
Anonymously tell my muse something you'd never say to their face.
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
soft caring sentence compilation
❛❛ I took your hoodie and I’m not giving it back. ❜❜ 
❛❛ Please just… just hold me. ❜❜ 
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜
❛❛ You look like you need a hug. Come here. ❜❜ 
❛❛ I’m never leaving this blanket nest ever again. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you don’t like hugs, but… I could really use one right now… ❜❜
❛❛ Just stay a little longer. Please. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s so cold outside, but you’re so warm… ❜❜
❛❛ I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… it reminded me of you. ❜❜
❛❛ Let me hold you for a while. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s okay. I’ve got you. ❜❜
❛❛ Everything hurts. Being with you is the only good thing in the world anymore. ❜❜
❛❛ Hey, hey, don’t cry. It’s okay. C’mon, come sit under the blanket with me. ❜❜
❛❛ All I want to do is sit and eat cookies and watch cheesy romcoms right now. But I’d love some company. ❜❜
❛❛ I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help. ❜❜
❛❛ Please stay with me tonight. I don’t want to be alone. ❜❜
❛❛ I made some tea. Now, do you need to talk? Or should I just put on some music? ❜❜
❛❛ I’m not going to leave. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. ❜❜
❛❛ Your hair’s soft… I just want to pet it until I forget everything but how soft it is… ❜❜
❛❛ Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe now. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you’re hurting right now, and I’m so sorry. Tell me what will help and I’ll do it. ❜❜
❛❛ I just want to see you smile again. ❜❜
❛❛ This is stupid but… could you sing to me? You have such a nice voice, and I think it might help calm me down… you don’t have to, but… ❜❜
❛❛ Lay your head in my lap and try to get some rest. ❜❜
❛❛ wait , did you just say you love me? ❜❜
❛❛ i’m so happy! ❜❜
❛❛ is this a gift for me? ❜❜
❛❛ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! ❜❜
❛❛ i love you. ❜❜
❛❛ wow … your smile is breathtaking. ❜❜
❛❛ let me take you out on a date. ❜❜
❛❛ so what will it be tonight? ❜❜
❛❛ you know , you’re really cute. ❜❜
❛❛ shh … don’t cry. ❜❜
❛❛ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? ❜❜ 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
❝  i like seeing you smile.  ❞
❝  you’re so beautiful.  ❞
❝  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ❞
❝  i miss/missed you.  ❞
❝  let me do this for you.  ❞
❝  i’m on your side  ❞
❝  i’ve got your back, okay?  ❞ 
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familyxdutyxhonor · 2 years
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