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A Sasori x OC fic: Komushi's accident confrontation
The interior of Grandma Chiyo's home was as familiar to her as yesterday's dream. Hatsue wandered through it in a daze. She touched various objects, sparking various memories, concrete connection to a friendship that has always been tried and tested.
It was everything to her.
She stood at the window, watching the sunset break through the skyline. The dark haired girl had planned this day differently being the usual hangout with Sasori and Komushi. Saying another farewell for another mission. But Komushi accidentally injected poison through his prosthetic arm, after an intense operation she had managed to save Komushi in the nick of time.
The horror descended on her, when she realized had she not been able to do so, Sasori would have blamed himself.
Or. . . would he?
Her steps slowed as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Lanterns flickered in the dark and Sasori's hair was more of a beacon down there than any source of light. The wooden limbs and torsos led her mind inexorably to the memory of Komushi, gasping in pain. Hatsue wished she would never have to see a friend like that, not after the skirmish with Iwa; never branded on her memory of Komushi's body violently shaking, skin burning, his screams, and his purple veins.
Even now she could see them, each branch of a poisoned vein seeping from his chopped limb.
She pictured how it could have spread to his torso: would she able to save his heart and use Sasori's prosthetic—
Something was wrong. Hatsue looked up on the puppet parts by the wall. She could feel the edges of her certainty fraying.
Sasori's puppets were never that small. Never that uninspired and human-like. They were not misshapen, not massive for concealed weaponry. It has been there for awhile as if it was saved for a time to use.
Which meant that Komushi's poisoning was no accident.
She let out a choked sob of horror.
The sequence of events had been engineered so perfectly to acquire Komushi's body.
"Sasori," she whispered.
"Hatsue," he answered, his back turning slowly.
"Yet here we are." He nods and turned, as though considering going back to his puppets to avoid being subjected to Hatsue's gaze. "I see this upsets you. I knew it would. I endeavored to keep you ignorant."
The brown eyed girl wanted to stagger back and run from him. From seeing more than the loneliness he embodied. "Sasori. . . you almost murdered our dearest friend."
His eyes flashed and all ease left his posture. "I am your dearest friend."
The enormity of her culpability threatened to overwhelm her. "Did he— Did you pick him because I like him?" A new realization stole her breath.
"Do not be petty," he clicked his tongue, his very denial confirming it was out of jealousy. "The creation of human puppets is complex. I needed to start with our age. Adults are afterall, troublesome."
"You would have taken a piece of me had Komushi died. War already takes chunks of me." She grabbed a random thing in the dark, and her easel and paints crashed on the floor. "You would have snuffed out the purest light in Suna just so you could make acopy of it."
His fists clenched, white skin pulled taut over the knuckles she had touched to remind him to release that tension. The hands she had held and looked for protection. "You overestimate his value. He was simple."
"He's almost like a brother to us! I don't understand, Sasori." Hatsue hesitated. "I don't understand you."
He frowned, tilting his head. "You understand me, Hatsue. You do. Don't tell me otherwise. You've seen me and my pursuit of eternity."
"You understand me. You who can appreciate the beauty of the world so easily trying to capture it for time immemorial— I have done all this for you. To save you."
"From what?"
He stood up, moving towards her in an explosive burst. Hatsue stood her ground even though his anger seemed mounting. She wanted to pretend she never discovered this side of him and pacify him.
She couldn't.
He grabbed her by the shoulders with the strength of his terrible grip. "You would die at anytime, and leave me here all alone."
How was it possible that in her attempts to rid him of his loneliness, it has twisted itself into a greater one? Loneliness tied to one's existence can only be called an obsession.
Hatsue looked at him. Really looked at him. This was worst of him yet. She doesn't want to run away. She owed him that much. She took a deep breath and steeled herself.
"You don't need to save me," she says finally.
There were books of fairytales that told her of jutsus to rid of curses. Of a princess who was punished because she desired. Of a princess who was shown mercy by taking away her ability to want.
When they were at the academy, she only wanted to be his friend.
And maybe get the bragging rights to be the first one.
She did this. Maybe because of her, he became twisted. Maybe if she was gone, he'd be fixed.
So Hatsue takes the first step closer, not just literally in making Sasori hate her.
Komushi surviving was a surprise. Hatsue's confrontation was a surprise. How the conversation ended was a surprise. Also, his heart did funny acrobatics that evening.
It leapt out of his throat when she asked him about Komushi.
It dropped to his stomach when he thought of losing her friendship.
It squeezed when she described Komushi's existence.
It drummed hard in between moments and then. . .
It stopped.
In the orange glow of the lamps, and some shadows.
In the heavy silence, save for their breaths.
A gentle tug on his poncho.
Something soft pressed against his lips.
The bitter taste of tea.
He forgot to breathe.
Sasori's first kiss went like this.
AN: @hollowinky
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i had a dream. . . someone was pointing at my casket yelling "this bitch humanized irredeemable pieces of shit and made me like them."
And I sat up thinking of Danzo from Naruto. wtf universe. I'm NOT taking that challenge. 8/19/22
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oc asks that reveal more than you think
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Ask them to describe their love interest.
Do they look good in red?
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
What age do they most want to be right now?
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Name one thing their parents taught them.
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Do they like children?
Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
What do they like that nobody else does?
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Stability or novelty?
Honesty or charity?
Safety or possibility?
Talent or effort?
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Would they date a fixer-upper?
What recurring dreams do they have?
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
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Day 6: Date Night @narutoocshipweek
"That's not why I was staring at you, Sasori."
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Day 5: Outfit Swap @narutoocshipweek
AN: To explain, Hatsue (my oc) has swapped her Sunagakure medical-nin outfit with teen chunin Sasori. On to the mini story!
DISCLAIMER: She's new at this.
It's only been three weeks, she wanted to say since she was promoted chunin and all she wanted to do now was to be demoted. So if she was to be on a mission with you, do something wrong, mess up, it was all planned. Except. . . for some gods damned reason, she manages to complete missions by sheer dumb luck.
Exhibit A: accidentally delivering the wrong missive to an already infiltrated camp. Iwa thought their intelligence of Sand's patrol at the border was accurate and launched an attack to which Suna was well-prepared for.
Exhibit B: taking remedies from a certain medical trainee (everyone knows not to rely on for his healing capabilities because he's more likely to give you a dose of poison) and successfully eradicating spies with Hatsue none-the-wiser.
Exhibit C: tried to kill the Slug Princess's lover by making up bullshit reason that using the healing jutsu would not help the man but if they did a blood transfusion (a fairly new and dubious medical operation, mind you) he might live. Hatsue's motives were: if Tsunade would just stop wasting her chakra and instead use it for her and some of Hatsue's comrades, it'd be good, and yay another Konoha-nin dies (let's be real, Konoha and Suna alliance won't last), it'd be a win for them.
Dan Kato lived.
At her suggestion.
Bullshit. Demote her, damn it!
CAUTION: there's a reason why Sasori of the Red Sand, a medical-nin, has his own moniker.
He's an expert in butchering his patients. Every time he operates a surgery, blood runs to the sand. Recently though, there's this interesting patient ( always choosing him for her treatments at the hospital). So he gifts her poison. Maybe she might ingest it accidentally, he's excited about that. To protect herself.
Recently he finds himself, focusing on her cheek. He wants to scratch it with poison under his nails. Or bite them.
His ear itches when Hatsue catches his eyes.
He hates the warm weather. He hates Suna.
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@narutoocshipweek Day 4: Loss
"The advantage of us being a merchant, you don't have to worry of us passing away sooner than you shinobis, Sasori."
The memory flashes unbidden as he stared at the ceiling. Hatsue sobs in his chest mourning the death of her parents. He couldn't help his disenchantment.
AN: I was gonna draw a three panel here but I spent way too much time admiring Sasori's stoic look. Also, I really tried to find a way to make things easier for me: by hiding Hatsue's face!
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@narutoocshipweek Day 3: Lights
Lights; the glare of the paralytic sun. Hatsue's brown eyes gripped Sasori in a stare. Heat spins. It spirals and swerves-- the desert is flat, but the sky curves in gold. The horizon glistens to a line in silver. The hidden village of Sand shimmers, in sandy grooves.
Then, clear pearls slide down Hatsue's cheeks.
"You're crying." He says so apathetically, wiping her tears with his thumb.
His 'astute' observation is almost hateful if not for. . . well, heartbreak. Sasori being his usual managed to draw the slightest of smile on her lips. "I don't think I can keep being friends with you."
The red head frowns. "You can't."
"You promised," he growls. He pulls her hand, to bring their faces within inches of each other. "You can't leave me." His grip tightens.
Hatsue is limp, there is no fight in her. "That was before--"
"--but why then?" He cuts her off. "Do you hate me?" He seems to realize he's still holding her wrist. Her fingers had gone numb. Sasori releases her,letting his hand fall.
"Considering how I confessed to you and you rejected me, I think you should give me space."
"Reject you?" He looks stunned, and then confused. "I gave you flowers as my response."
Hatsue could almost hear a wheel screech in her head. "You gave me poison."
"Flowers." Sasori deadpanned.
"I studied poisons with you, Sasori. I know which is which."
He raised an eyebrow at her. "And I studied the language of flowers because of you." He holds her stare. The moment felt painfully slow, but he waits. His patience is well-rewarded with the twinkle of her eyes. It clicked.
"Oh." You will be the death of me. Hatsue lets out a sharp laugh. "Only you," she tried to contain her peals of laughter in vain. "You would think it romantic."
Sasori's face matched his hair. He turned his face away, looking at a spot from a distance. He learned that whenever his face felt hot, it was better to look at anywhere else but Hatsue. He explains. "You're the only one I choose to be vulnerable to. You can kill me if you want."
"Whoah there, that went south real quick."
His eyes flickered back at her. "I don't simply like you. Hemlock is the closest thing that shares the sentiment I hold for you and that is: you undo me, Hatsue."
AN: I know I'm late but this took too long. The last bit is inspired from Arcane Netflix. Shout out to my man Silco. The next prompt is gonna destroy me.
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@narutoocshipweek Day 2: Elements
This is late. Sorry.
The sound of a paint brush on a surface on the canvas, the plop of a brush dipping for paint, the swish of a brush being rinsed with water, the clack of ferrule on the edge of a container and the groans of self criticism; all that brought a fond exasperation on his face.
This was their routine. Sasori worked on his puppets while Hatsue worked on her paintings. This is how they naturally are. In their own respective elements.
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Art Debate
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@narutoocshipweek Day 1: Modern
Hatsue feels Sasori shift his weight in his seat again. His leg bump against hers. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean, all beautiful stuff don't last."
He cranes his neck to look at her. The raven head can feel his eyes on her face--they're still soft, no burn-- but she can feel them nonetheless. "Are you sure you're studying art? You don't talk like one."
She snort-laughs. "Not all art is beautiful."
"I don't understand you." And it's true. It might be one of the most honest thing he said to her all day. He doesn't get why an art student like her, whose hobby is to immortalize a scenery to last a life time and more, is telling him that art isn't all beautiful and that genuine beauty is in all that is fleeting. When Sasori thinks of art, it is timeless. Things that stood the testament of time. For example, the Parthenon.
Hatsue doesn't say anything. She proceeded to fiddle with her paper straw and took a sip out of her iced hazelnut coffee.
"Should we continue this debate after class?"
"After... class?" She blinks her brown eyes at him slowly. Hanging out after class was a rare invitation from him. "Yeah, sure. Okay."
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June 20th - Modern AU | Animals
June 21st - Elements | Parents
June 22nd - Lights | Vacation
June 23rd - Loss | Temptation
June 24th - Dress Up | Outfit Swap
June 25th - Role Swap AU | Date Night
June 26th - Fate | Free Day
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Neji x OC idea
title: flightless bird
Everyone's fate has been sealed the moment they are born. There was none who understood it better than Mayumi, a kept maiden. She was bound by rules that shackled her to be nothing more than her people's prized ornament. Her feet never touched the earth lest she turns impure. Her skin never saw the sun lest she grew undesirable. Her hands hath no calluses, they've never known work. What she is but a songbird to sing her people's history. A relic of the past desperately clinging to the present. Maybe there is another fate for her, different from the one she was born into. And meeting Hyuuga Neji who's known for his fatalistic belief of inescapable fate wouldn't help her. Then again, there's this saying about birds flocking together which begs the question...
...did those birds ever end up in a better place?
Letting this marinate. Posting this cause I wanna jinx myself to never writing this.
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I read your review you beautiful human, i'd marry you this very second but i like to take it slow 🥺 Thank you for that. I was pumped but at the same time I am procrastinating but thank you , I loved creating Hatsue and to be honest I've already written the ending, my problem is how I'm gonna bridge it. 😆 So it's been sitting in my documents. But anyways thank you for taking your time and leaving that review. I appreciate the support. 💗✨💗✨
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Listen to me-
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-Youre doing great! Doesn't matter how long you sit on the doc, if it never gets finished! The time you spend on something you enjoy is never wasted or meaningless! It's the best thing that you enjoyed making the character so much! ❤️😤✨
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Naruto x OC ship week
Sasori x OC
Prompt: Flowers (3rd day)
PHOTO: Hatsue, my oc
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this is the ending for my fanfic which is a major spoiler so don't click the link to my
Don't laugh at an old woman
Who has gray on her hair
But still wears flowers on her head.
It used to be difficult for Sasori to articulate his feelings. He had grown from then. He was sitting with his wife inside the greenhouse, their rocking chairs side by side. Their surroundings are filled with colors due to the various flowers planted. They were all harmless. A greenhouse built because of a whim. A show of his devotion. Not that his wife required it of him. He just liked to surprise her.
"I've waited all my life. I am most certain I have been waiting for you, long before I met you. My bond with you, my life with you has been filled with waiting, not in vain. Never. You made it so that life is all sweeter with the wait. But I will not wait for my time to come to reunite with you after death. This is the only time I cannot wait, Hatsue. It won't matter or change anything, I will soon wither away once you pass." The passing years only made Sasori long-winded, a complete deviation from his younger years.
"Is there anything I can say to change your mind?"
"None at all. I have long decided."
They were silent for a few moments.
"Wife." He called out, still getting a rush of warmth at getting to call her that even decades had passed. "I must confess, the masterpiece you proudly call, I do not think it should be called the greatest of your works."
"Oh? Confessing to me when my bones are weak for being old so I cannot give you the smacking of a lifetime." She jested.
"You... made my life a masterpiece. You paint my day. You paint my mood. You painted the rest of my life in your signature work."
"...Sasori." Hatsue would've teased him when they were younger, but when you have lived and have gotten to their age, words of affirmation won't bring that shot of childish embarrassment anymore.
"Do you still remember the flowers I gave to you when I told you I liked you?"
"Hemlock. I swear if this is some poetic interpretation you got in mind-"
"It means you will be my death."
"...I know. Only you would think it romantic."
"Hatsue, I am holding my vow true. You will be my death for I cannot stay in the living when you breathe your last breath."
"...I always thought it was metaphorical. Why do you have to make it literal?"
She sighed, staring at his blurred figure. Her eyes were failing her due to old age.
".. I feel like this would be a bad time to tell you that I made it from Hemlock."
"Of course. Because you had to make this all poetic."
"Truthfully, I'm frightened."
"I'm here." Don't be afraid.
"I feel like it's time, I'm not scared of going. I'm afraid of what comes next. If there is a next."
"If there's a next one, I will be yours again."
"What if in the next, there was no you in the world, or I in the world?"
"Must you ask terrible questions, wife?"
"But what if."
His wife would ask these kind of questions from time to time, he could wave it away by reassuring her, however, it did make him think.
"I would pity myself having to live in a world you aren't. To not know what he'll be missing out. The great joy of knowing and loving who you are, most importantly, he'll never know the joy of waiting for you." His voice old and grey, deep and thick with affection.
Hatsue felt a lump on her throat. Years later, her husband's love and devotion only grew stronger. She felt lucky. "If I had to live in a reality without you, I'd be sad for her for not sharing the joys of loving unrestrainedly. To find someone yours and spend almost every waking moment since meeting."
"I love you."
"I have deep regards for you."
He sighed. "Still not letting that one go, huh?"
She laughed, her eyes shone with mirth. "I love you too."
"I could have turned us into puppets, we'd get to live forever."
"And miss out complaining about athritis with you?"
"Ah yes, because suffering from old age makes me all the more attractive to you."
"You are. When you were going through andropause , you have never looked more handsome."
"I'm happy, husband." Everyday she tells him, even when she's sulking, even when she's mad at him: she'd say something in outburst, stalk away, scowl then go back to him to tell him she's happy (sometimes he found this comical) but she needs some time alone. At that, he'd lie awake in bed on his side, wondering if he'll sleep alone only to feel her arms wrap his waist, he would turn to her wondering, and seeing only affection in her sickeningly sweet brown eyes which he loves.
"I am as well, wife." The first time he brought up being human puppets and getting to live forever, she shot his idea before hearing it out. It hurt him at that time, and when he sulked, he really sulked. He'd keep maddeningly silent but she waited for him, coaxed him and drew him out. In retrospect, he was being petty with his anger. She tells him she never wants to outlive their children, he proposed in making them puppets too, she scowls at him, asks him: if their children have made their own family, will he turn them into puppets too and their grandchildren and so on and so forth? Besides, they'll never know what happens after a thousand years, they might grow resenting each other. He denies vehemently. He'll love her forever. His argument: a testament of him being a hopeless romantic. She would never take the chance. A lifetime of love is better than an eternity of alternately loving and resenting him. Her argument: a testament of her being a realist.
They loved the silence, it speaks much of their bond in ways words would fail. Only, the rocking of Hatsue's chair, the creak of its wood, echoed inside the greenhouse. She felt lucid, as though she's in a trance. These past days, she dreamt of a small Sasori who became the loneliest person in the world. That loneliness drove him to pursue immortality. Only choosing to die out of loneliness yet again. A vision of puppets with the image of his parents, cheap imitations driving their blades in his heart as ligneous arms locked him in a wooden embrace. The dream left a haunting ache in the waking hours of dawn. She banished the thoughts away and gazed at the flowers. Really, to be surrounded with colors was...
Sasori watched his wife close her eyes and felt her body go limp as her chair stopped swaying. He fixed the peach blossom hair pin on her hair. Peach blossom. I am your captive. Her reply to his affection was to wear it. He slowly caressed the sagging skin on her cheek with his wrinkled hand and then he takes out and uncorks a small vial and guzzled it in one go, lying down on his rocking chair, his left hand on her lap; their fingers intertwined.
He was a boy who waited for his parents to come home. In vain.
A boy who, at that time without knowing, waited for someone to curb his loneliness. He found her. A friend.
Only to wait for her to come home. Or when he comes home. For the war to end. For peace to come. For them to grow. Or to give each other time. For forgiveness. For apologies. For falling in love. For reciprocating. For compromising. For building their own home. For their children to grow up. She taught him that waiting can accompany happiness. And he was. He is. Without a doubt. Happy. Indefinitely. Eternally.
He kissed her right cheek one last time and squeezed her hand.
"A reality without me would be kinder to the world...
...and a reality without you would be most cruel of the world."
Really, to be surrounded with colors was...
...fitting for a painter on her deathbed.
"What do you get from my happiness, Hatsue?"
"I get to share it. I get to share your happiness. When you're happy, Sasori, so am I."
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Naruto OC ship week
Sasori x OC
Prompt: First Meeting
[This prompt will become a future chapter to my existing fanfic in FF.net, this prompt is a major spoiler for my fanfic but I'll drop the link here]
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"Hatsue's here."
Sasori of the Red Sand looks up from distorted wooden shapes, an abstract of limbs, an ancient art called moving statues, puppets. An almost imperceptible smile graced his lips and he nods at his long time friend. "Thought the council meeting would run late again."
Komushi, his friend, was a man of relaxed and tolerant manner, and he was the exact opposite of that in this moment. He hesitates. "The council meeting went without problems but Hatsue she–" Green eyes betraying something akin to fear meets steel greys.
Fury consumed the world reknowned puppeteer, he was a man of little emotion, their description of him. Unless it involves his wife. "What now. What did the council ask of her?" Suna had owed their generation too much, til when will they have to bleed for the village? To sacrifice? Their youth. Their innocence. Their life. This is why he had no love for Suna. An irony with how loyal and devoted his grandmother is.
Komushi interrupts his trail of thought with a refute. "No. The council– Hatsue and I, when we took over Elder Ebizo and Elder Chiyo as successors, there's no way they can force her or anyone anything. Not with our sayso." His friend took a deep breath and blurts out something in one breath.
Relaxing at the reassurance, Sasori prompts his friend to say the last bit. He didn't quite catch it.
"Hatsuepetitionedtoadoptthesandsiblingsincludingthejiinchuriki." Komushi blurts out again.
"Slower." He instructs, and then he starts to clean up his tools so he can go meet his wife. Weird. Hatsue could have just barged in here.
The green eyed man sighs defeatedly, shoulders sagging. "Hatsue petitioned to adopt the Sand Siblings including the jinchuriki."
Sasori starts, clattering the mallet, hook knives and chisels. "The Sand Siblings– The jinchuriki. One Tailed Beast." He learned of the recent assassination attempt of the jinchuriki by Yashamaru under the orders of Rasa, a council member. The 3rd Kazekage was able to apprehend the rampaging jinchuriki and took immediate actions to remove Rasa from the council, and then the talks of custody. No one wanted the monster. And damn, damn, damn his wife's bleeding heart.
"I gathered you two haven't talked about having kids yet in a while and Hatsue surprised you, huh?" Komushi grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
He scowls at his friend who took the cue to leave. His wife enters the basement and suddenly, there was light in the room. A bounce to her step and a sunny smile that keeps him enraptured day by day. "Sasori!" Hatsue calls out, laughing.
And she is smiling and whole and his. "Hatsue." He was up from his chair in an instant and gravitates to her, pressing a kiss on her lips. The other half of him. His life and his end.
They pull away; Hatsue's eyes crinkle, the roundness of her cheeks still made him wanna bite them even after all these years. "You working on Karasu?"
He knew when she's stalling. He didn't have the patience for that. "I heard about your petition."
"Yes. I'd like to take care of them." His wife tells him firmly and then timidly, "I'm sorry. I know we should've talked about this..."
"Kids? We can adopt a whole village, I don't mind." He looks at her carefully, considering his next words because Hatsue's face lit up. "But the jinchuriki–"
"The eldest is Temari, then Kankuro, and–"
"Don't–" Sasori tries to interrupt but the effort was in vain.
"–Gaara. I claimed them as mine. They're my responsibility."
The words were short and clipped; her tone gentle but it didn't quell the rage and worry that sprung inside him. "We should have had a discussion first. This is not just your responsibility but also mine."
"It was kind of an immediate decision. If it dragged on, who knows what power hungry mongrels would come out of nowhere and since I didn't talk to you beforehand, I specifically wrote the petition with my name alone." She rambles, hands squeezing his palms to reassure him. It didn't.
"Alone?" He couldn't help but screech. "You would have the village talk, assume, gossip that Rasa had you that's why you're claiming them alone–"
"No." Hatsue's eyes widened. "Kami, no. There's no way a rumor like that would spread, right?"
"People gossip. And it will unless you include my name to your petition." He intertwined their fingers. The things he'll do for his wife. Sigh.
"But I did it alone. It's unfair if they become your responsibility." She frowns.
"May I remind you, we married each other and whatever burden you carry, I'll carry?" He steals a quick kiss, and smiles upon her flushing red.
"Don't call them a burden." She swats his chest without intent.
"They are. Don't ever think that you'd have to do things alone. Whatever actions you take affects me too. And never do this again. If you picked up another jinchuriki I'll go rogue and hunt the rest so you wouldn't adopt another." He was dead serious, a little light hearted at the almost impossible feat. But Sasori could. Oh, he could. He never felt tied to Suna anyways. Not until Hatsue.
"Thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly. She tugs at his hair and he groans, pulling away. Eyes in a daze but he quickly pulled himself together.
"When we go meet them for the first time, I want to talk to the jinchuriki alone."
"This is important. A jinchuriki is dangerous. Adopting one is not playing house."
"I know. I love you." She leans in for another kiss.
"Hemlock." His quip. You will be the death of me.
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Naruto OC ship week
Prompt: Hair
Synopsis: Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were adopted by the well reknowned couple Hatsue (OC) & Sasori, a few decades when the siblings had long been adults, they reunite and reminisce their childhood
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[This prompt will become a future chapter to my existing fanfic at FF.net ]
"You know what, our parents are jerks." Kankuro grimaced and then downed his cup. With a tap, he set it down and his younger brother moved to pour more for him.
Temari, the eldest of the Sand Siblings, giggled in her drunkenness, letting out hiccups afterwards, her eyes half-lidded as the alcohol kicks in. "No kidding."
Gaara couldn't help but snort at that, an action he wouldn't be caught doing in a sober state.
"I mean first, there's our birth mother who couldn't keep herself alive." Kankuro complained. "Don't worry, Gaara, I'll say this again and again: you didn't have to anything to do with her death. Mother protested against Father from making you a jinchuriki and strained herself, risking you to be prematurely born."
The red head sipped generously from his cup. "Then there's our birth Father, who tried to have me killed multiple times for the sake of testing my control over Shukaku."
"Which was real shitty of him." Temari concluded. "He was a stellar father... in another life, probably. Kami, he was terrible."
"He was indifferent to me." Kankuro huffed, downing his shot in one go.
"I could never get a single praise out of him, no matter how well i perform my jutsu." The eldest of the three complained, wiping her face with her hand.
"He tried to have me killed. Multiple times."
The three looked at each other and barked a laugh.
"Oh gosh, are we competing on who among us siblings he treated the worst? Gaara wins that contest hands down." Temari grabs the bottle of sake to herself and orders a new one for her brothers.
"Hey, you should slow down, if you drink too much, we'll get your husband and we'll be cutting our reunion short." Kankuro nagged, squinting his eyes at her.
"I can hold my liquor, Kankuro, besides I know my limits, after this one I'll try to sober up before Shikamaru arrives." Temari assures her brothers, and then takes a swig out of the bottle. She looked... solemn now. "Sorry, I couldn't be here for their burial."
Kankuro gave her a sad smile and Gaara nods at her. Burials here at Suna, when a person dies, the body is buried at the same day because of the heat. The hot weather makes a dead body permeate a strong foul odor so funerals are held almost immediately.
"Hatsue-kaa-san was a damn jerk too." Temari says this without bite, her eyes dulled as she remembers memories of their adoptive mother.
"Yep, mom was a jerk." The middle child agrees, snorting in his drink.
"Agreed." The red head nods, not only to affirm his elder siblings' statements but because the room starts to sway.
"She was so disgustingly kind."
"She was. She had no business on what happens to us and yet she goes ahead and adopts us. Strangers. We would have been orphans if it weren't for her."
"In a way, we already were. Mother died early. Father was negligent."
"She let me use her paints, her paint brushes and... she would paint on my face too.", Kankuro reminisced, a nostalgic smile graced his lips. "She used to tell me I was handsome-
"it's either I'm biased to say you're handsome because you're my son or you're really handsome", the three simultaneously quoted.
"Such a jerk, blowing up my confidence like that."
"Yeah, I remember her combing my hair, hated my hair because-" She looks at her brothers alternately then her eyes went back to her bottle. "Kankuro looked like he got his genes from Hatsue-kaa-san, Gaara looked like he got his from Sasori while I look like neither of them. I look like Uncle Yashamaru. that bastard."
"Everyone here in Suna, knows what's the deal with us. It doesn't matter."
Temari shrugged nonchantly "When we would all travel for Sasori's spy network... It was nice to pretend that we were their real children."
"... The people would give us scandalous looks, doing the math, it would seem they conceived Temari at 16, Kankuro at 17 and I at 18."
The blonde and the raven head guffawed hysterically, remembering the instances conservative people coming up to their mom and passing down unwanted advices. Sasori would hide a smile and Hatsue-kaa-san would turn as red as her husband's hair.
"Hatsue-kaa-san would tell me she loved my hair. She said every time she brushes my hair it's like she's spinning threads of gold."
Kankuro made a vomiting sound. "She was such a... sap."
"... i miss- ... She would hug me the longest."
"She taught me how to care for myself... and I loved it every time she would do her skincare with me." The memories brought the distinct smell of rose scented lotions and citrus moisturizers.
"She would hover around whenever I would get ready to paint my face." Kankuro chuckled fondly.
"You were their favorite." Temari says, a hint of envy was there and there was also acceptance with the way she shrugged her shoulders.
"Me? No way-" The puppeteer tried to deny it; he didn't believe it anyway since there was this saying about middle children often are ignored.
"You are. Hatsue-kaa-san loved that you were interested in painting and Sasori .. bonded with you through puppet making." The red head gave Kankuro a slow nod.
"You don't need to feel bad, our birth mother, Karura's favorite would be Gaara and Rasa's favorite was me, being the first born and all... before he got into the council."
"You were Uncle Komushi's favorite too, Temari, not just father's."
She laughed at that. "Oh, I miss that old man. I think I only became his favorite because of the fact that I was the eldest. He used to say I was what Sasori owed him."
"And Chiyo-baa-san favored Gaara the most."
They had grins on their faces and it slipped quietly to sad smiles. Memories flooded them, brought them happiness and warmth more than they could ever hold, thus it was no wonder if their eyes were a little misty. They blame it on the alcohol.
"I should've spend more time with them." Kankuro opens up, sake really did have a way in making an honest man out of him.
"I should've brough Shikadai more for a visit." Temari regrets
"I should've called him otou-san, at least once."
The three shared a look and couldn't help but be immersed in their shared regrets.
"We should've."
"But Sasori was an asshole."
"Agreed. He made it hard to call him so."
"His guard was up."
"He was stern."
"He threatened to kill me." Gaara paused, and then added. "Understandable since at that time, I recently attempted to kill his wife."
The older siblings froze and stared at the youngest.
"That happened?"
"You never told us."
The red head shrugged.
"But... he was a father to us. In his way. He would find wind technique scrolls for me to learn. When we were younger, I remember him tying my hair up, although Hatsue-kaa-san made him do it but still..." Sasori had a stoic expression the whole time but the slow, barely there tugs as he gently brushes her hair, belies that he cared despite his seeming indifference. Temari remembers catching an almost imperceptible smile he gives her when he was done, and patted her head.
"He told me, after developing my Red Secret Technique... that it was impressive. It was stupid, I admired him and respected him, idolized him even. He was an example to follow as a Puppet shinobi. It was stupid that I-.. I wanted to hear him say he was proud of me." The middle child confessed, whispered his words, one of his vulnerabilities. "But he was such an asshole, he made us look up to him as father figure but we always felt like we weren't allowed to call him that."
"Shukaku was always loud in my head but Sasori- After defeating me, Shukaku was... cautious of him. He'd grumble alot in my head. But he quiets down when I'm near... Sasori made me feel like... everyone was safe because he was there to stop me. That's why I always asked you to go with me and sleep in their room."
"I think we interrupted them a whole lot." Temari snorted.
The three siblings burst a laugh. They remember Sasori opening the door, breathless and Hatsue-kaa-san disheveled, her pajamas looking suspiciously crumpled. Their laughter faded after a few minutes and they sat there for awhile, wondering about their parents. They didn't doubt that their parents loved them but... they wondered if their parents knew they reciprocated.
"I used to think Sasori tolerated us, you know?" Temari waved the bottle, her head was resting on the table. "That us being his kids was only an extension of his love to Hatsue-kaa-san."
"Not gonna lie but I think that's how it was for him in the beginning. Just a bunch of brats he tolerated for mom." Kankuro says, shaking his head a little. "He was a damn good father, though."
"Except... he just didn't make it known that we were allowed to call him that." Gaara stares blankly into his cup.
"Everyone said we could, if we wanted. But I wanted him to say it."
"We were stubborn. And so was he."
"Yet we follow after them. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"Because we love them more."
"More than our birthparents."
"That's why..."
"Our parents.." Temari hiccuped, cheeks red.
"They're..." Kankuro was swaying his head, as if he was hearing a lullaby.
" All..." Gaara rubbed his eyes, trying to keep the drowsiness at bay.
"..jerks!" The siblings all said simultaneously, clinking bottles and glasses.
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June 21st (Mon) – Hair | Trinket
June 22nd (Tues) – First Meeting | Scars
June 23rd (Wed) – Seasons | Flowers
June 24th (Thurs) – Festival | Flowing
June 25th (Fri) – Secrets | Children/Family
June 26th (Sat) – Cyberpunk AU | High School/College AU
June 27th (Sun) – Crossover AU | Free Day
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