fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
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her 🙄😍 her ☺️😍 her 😏😩 she just soooo 🙄🙄🙄🙄😍😍👅😍, then she just 😍😍😡😩 like wow she just 🙄😍😍😍😍😍👅 man oh maan 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😭💍 she’s a blessing 😩👑
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Me: *takes a deep breath*
Me: I lo-
Anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: Yes, you love Bangalore, we know, you love Bangalore so much, she’s the light of your life, you love her so much, you just love Bangalore, we KNOW , you love Bangalore you fucking love Bangalore ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE BANGALORE. WE GET IT.
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Could I possibly get a headcanon for the crusaders reactions to a stand user reader who comes along with Iggy on the plane and their stand can calm anybody or thing down just by releasing a type of mist into the air (a close range type of stand)? Maybe like their first thoughts on them (if that's ok ^^°)
Well of course darling! I will be ever so happy to write this!! I do apologize that it took so long, I’ve had some personal things I’ve needed to iron out before I could start writing again!
Jotaro Kujo-
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;Jotaro was… less than pleased to find out ANOTHER person was going to be joining the crusade. Like…
;He is surrounded by idiots, and there’s going to be another potential idiot joining? Yare Yare Daze... 
;When you took your first step off he was shrugging you off, watching as you smile and softly chuckle at the antics of Iggy, before shaking his grandfather's hand in remembrance to say “Yeah, I’m here,” Honestly? Doesn’t care that you’re here.
; The only time he WILL notice you, however, is when you’re standing right in the ground, feet planted firmly in the stand in order to not raise suspicion from N’Doul, the water using stand. He hasn’t attacked you yet, but the panic in the air was making you shiver and fret- as you weren't well built for stress.
;You stand came to life, tall and lean with holes of every size varying across it’s purple body. The legs were too long and thin, the same as the arms were- for the strong looking midsection it had. Its head was incredibly frightening however, as it hadn’t any eyes- simply one longer slit across the upper half of its face, where Jotaro would have assumed its eyes were.
;The thin sheen of sweat across your face was not from the glaring sun beating down on you, Jotaro had initially guessed, but from the yelling of Polnareff for Kakyoin, and the general aura of fight or flight when the stand user initially attacked.
;Because it was just you standing in the sand, the granules sinking your feet ankle deep from the refusal to move
;That’s when he noticed a thin cloud starting to appear over his head. Thin like when you burn incense sticks but smelling so much incredibly better than those stupid wooden sticks.
;It smelt like lavender to him, freshly picked lavender because he knew his mother enjoyed those. More often than not, if he had a few spare coins of change he would go and buy some, to replace the dying ones in the vases at home.
; Not outright giving them to her- but just quick enjoy to make it seem as if those lavenders were in fact not dying, but everlasting.
;His jaw had untensed and eyebrows relaxed, the calming effects of your stand affecting him increasingly and allowing him to do what is known as…
;A pro gamer move. He had launched himself off of the jeep and onto Iggy's stand, riding it like a plane.
;When he had returned, you sat by the boxes, standing at your side as Kakyoin's head rested in your lap. “He’ll be fine,” You spoke reassuringly, calmly swiping away the hair that rested against his fresh wounds- ones you wrapped up gently with spare bandages
;He thinks you’re… interesting, but often uses your stand as a relaxant afterwards- small words and gestures leading you to believe that this teenage boy had been fighting the chance to stay calm.
Kakyoin Noriaki~
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;Kakyoin was never one to fret, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched DIO hop from one building to another.
;You sat by his side, silent as always and vigilant for the big baddie.
;Kakyoin had been skeptical when you first arrived, but nonetheless welcomed you with open arms, and apparently it had been you who rested with him those lonely nights before getting him to the hospital to keep him calm and allow him to recover until specialists could look at him.
;He appreciated you greatly, but now was not the time to visit old memories as now was a time for action and patience.
;You noticed the thick tension in the air, and could almost sense Kakyoins anxiety through unspoken words, and the way he constantly tried to crack his knuckles. He was sure this plan was going to work.
;”It’s okay Kakyoin,” You smiled, raising your hand, but your stands arm appeared first and cupping his other jaw, forearm right underneath his nose as a soft mist of purple began leaking from the holes in its arm. “Just breathe it in, and you’ll be fine,”
;The intimacy of the touch nearly caused the student to faint, cheeks flushed red and eyes dilating to try and wrap his head around why. But he figures you could tell he was anxious.
;The mist was calming, soothing, made the knot in his mind unravel and allow for the burning wood and wet forest smell to invade his senses. There was almost a taste to it, but Kakyoin was far too concentrated to find it. There were many things Kakyoin could be thinking about, but the one image that pops to his mind was Jotaro.
;The image of him being hovered over him, stand pulling out the bug that DIO left planted to fester in his brain. The first image of a friend he never knew he would have, the man that accepted his offer to help his mother on the basis that she was kind, and well natured. He loved his parents, but Jotaro refused to allow Kakyoin to sit and sulk, inspiring him to go forward and do what he wanted.
;There was a snap, and both you and Kakyoin looked towards the noise. It had worked! DIO had triggered Kakyoins stand- yet he was easily deflecting the Emeralds like it was nothing. “Don’t do anything stupid,” You requested, your stands hand sliding from his cheek to rest in your lap. “Don’t die,” You asked of him.
;And there was that glint in his eye, the one that knew he wouldn’t break his silent promise to you, as his friend.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff~
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; Polnareff was incredibly charmed by yourand your stand, its lean body looming over you like a great oak, its yellow beady eyes occasionally peering out from between the slit over its face and making huffing noises at the jokes Polnareff was making instead of you replying.
; He figured you were shy, or rarely spoke, but let your stand do it for you because- well- what’s more intimate than letting your own soul speak for you? NOTHING I TELL YOU! ; JP was incredibly swooning over you, offering you his hand to you when you had to walk down a few steps, or offering to buy you the most expensive jewelry and food just to impress you.
; Does Polnareff give a shit if you’re male, female, in-between, trans, black, white, asian, american, english or from fucking Antarctica? No! 
; He views you for you, and despite how incredibly gorgeous you look to him, he enjoys your general calming and sweet presence in the group- much better than the ever so stoic Jotaro.
; When Alessi came to attack, however, it was a different story.
; You worried, pondered, and scurried across stalls and market places looking for Polnareff, already missing his sarcastic and flirty nature. The general comfort of having a loud mouth besides you feeling unnatural as Jotaro was much more… quiet.
; And Polnareff? Jesus H Christ he was upset. There was no longer and sort of calming being for him to lean on, for him to get a kick out of. He was a child, covered in his baggy clothes and stupidly cut hair that made him look like a fanboy to his older self.
; Squealing in french was the only way to get anyone to notice, and noticed he got.
; You had come running over when you saw a small boy crying against the window of a store, clearly distressed and wanting help. Jotaro followed behind you, muttering some nonsense of how this was pointless, and that you had to keep looking for Polnareff.
; Yet you hushed him, finger to your lips as you calmly approached the child and touched his shoulder. “Excuse me, little boy, are you alright?” That voice! He knew it! Turning from his wettened arms he stared at your face, hot tears bubbling from his lower lash line. “Que?” he asked, wiping his tears and looking at you once again.
; He knew your name, but the tip of his tongue seemed to have been caught by something as there were no words leaving his mouth. It was a shame, but he knew both you and the larger man standing behind you, gazing at you with such annoyance.
; You began reassuring him, hand carefully stroking through the silver hair that seemed way too familiar to leave alone. Your stand appeared from behind you yellow balls from behind that damn slit staring right into Polnareffs soul. The mist it released was… nice. Calming, soothing. Thick enough to see but thin enough to not become a fog. And the smell? God, it smelt like when you walk past a bakery! Hot pastries and warm, melted chocolate! Just like those stuffed croissants that always costed too much money to buy, but Polnareff could stare at them through the window until smacked with a broom.
;He can remember when his sister was 9, and he used what he had left of his pocket money to buy one, just for her. Her first one was amazing, her eye lit up and there was this sort of glow about her when she realized it was chocolate filled.
; He’d never forget that day, and as the tears dried you began to realize that you had forgotten all about your missing friend. “I’m sorry little one but I must go. I’m searching for a friend. Please stay safe out there!” were your parting words and before Polnareff knew it, you had been whisked away in a crowd of people, leaving him unknowingly open to Alessi again.
Muhammed Avdol~
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;Avdol knew you were a saint, fingers wrapped around the coffee mugs delicately in the submarine when you smiled and offered him a hand in knowing.
;Not yet had you met him, the way his smile seemed to bring warmth to your skin.
;It was illuminating and Avdol enjoyed your calming presence. It reminded him a lot of Holly, and how relaxed everyone seemed to feel when they were around. Finding her on the floor that day was uncomfortable, even for Jotaro.
;So when you entered the submarine with him, he could feel the loving nature of your aura.
;It was.. refreshing.
;The coffee was a good wake up call as he listened to your stories of N’doul, Alessi, Maria and more- those stories making him laugh harder than he had before. The vivid and exaggerated details made his eyes crease in laughter, and you stand seemingly huffing in happiness whenever he laughed.
;Your stand was also incredibly intricate with design that he was sure he’d memorized by the time that the next stand user attacked. Every dip and crevice, every deepend hole that seemingly fell into nothing but darkness, and tried to view what was behind the thick shielded faceplate with that slit and nothing but yellow and darkness. He had yet to find out what was behind it.
; He was able to find out what your stand did when you were all knee deep in water as the submarine sank further and further. Joseph had glanced over his shoulder at you, making sure you was okay until he saw the panicked look and saw you struggle to slip on the diving gear, shaking hands nervously fidgeting and missing the buckle every time.
; You stand had arisen, looming far above your frame and released the smoke from the holes in its body, thin fog encasing the room and seeping into the water that was now mid thigh.
; With it encasing the room, he breathed in the smoke, and could immediately feel the effects on his body as his shoulders relaxed and his arms untensed as the dewdrop and food stall smell seemed to get stronger and stronger with every breath he took inwards.
;The memories of being crowded in India coming back greatly, as he stared at his friends' discomfort with how many beggars surrounded them. It had been all in great fun, but he could never forget how refreshing it was to be back in a familiar country, especially one he so thoroughly enjoyed! India was like a second home to Avdol, his knowledge on the food and tradition, the almost unbearable heat, the constant chatter and laughter that emitted from the crowds and flocks of people who were haggling or just buying. He loved India with everything he had in him.
;And so such a familiar smell allowed for him to relax further, to the point where he sauntered over (to the best of his abilities of course) and clipped you in, making sure it was adjusted comfortably. “You should have just asked for help,” ; “Thank you-” Joseph Joestar~
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; Joseph was… a loudmouth. He was kind, caring, determined and confident but… 
;Got you guys into quite a bit of trouble. The loudmouth nature he had got you into trouble on too many occasions, and this one was one of them. The look you gave him as he shoved his arm elbow deep in oil made his begin spouting off at how this was the only way
;You knew the stand that grew on his arm was no more than a stand user however, the panic began setting in when he pulled his arm out and saw the lump of the face still there.
;When it rose up and screamed, you jumped and got scared, hands shooting out as you began pushing down on the face, watching as its skin pops between your fingers and its scream became muffled.
;Joseph began yelling at you, telling you to run and other nonsense. “I can deal with this on my own!” He cried out, trying to swat you away before a long, purple hand wrapped around his hand. Your stand!
;The fog had already begun filtering its way into his nose before he realised it, thick purple had seeped from the holes in your stands arm. It smelt like… sweet perfume. The French Connection Eau De Toilette he knew so well had been a gift given to his wife by him, metal fingers wrapped around the box as he watched her face light up. It had been her favourite and long gone from the store's shelf. He had found some strings to pull in order to get some of the last batch ready.
;He smiled softly and relaxed, before you finally smacked the lump and it seemingly disappeared.
;Your stand disappeared, before you removed your hands and stared at the dripping oil. “You owe me,” You snickered, before wiping your palms on your clothes.
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Today on Shower Thoughts
bruno could unzip your pussy so he and abba can fuck you at the same time in the same hole even if you’re tight send tweet
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
excuse me
w h a t
Bangalore after she heard Forge say they used to date
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Oh yeah no she can fucking ruin me
do you simp for the Legend you main or are you normal?
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Had to make this 💀💀💀
Inspired by @localcrypto ‘s post
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Apex Legends OC Drabble
I’ve been really into Apex Legends and Sea Of Thieves at the moment, so here’s the drabble of my OC legend, RIOT, mourning the loss of her friend. 
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Content Warning: Suicide Mentioned, Police Brutality Mentioned, Riots Mentioned (16+),  Some what spoilers for the new map?? (If they ever fucking release it god damn bring me Olympus, but not really spoilers because Cape Horn isn’t actually in Olympus nor are beaches I don’t think)
In which a team of three Apex Recruits (bending the rules somewhat) lead riots against inequality for the poorer states of Olympus. Events happening now are around Taylor, one of the leaders who ‘died by his own hand’. 
(Song that is included- Santiana by The Longest Johns )
I stood there face on show for the first time but for the reason of respect, gas mask resting against my feet as my fingers were wrapped around each wrists behind my back. My feet were shoulders width apart and my eyes burnt holes into the MRVN police units that stood in a line before us.
'Us' being the flocks and swarms of people who had joined me and knew the man we once called Taylor, the once vacant streets behind me flooded with crowds and crowds of individuals of all ages, races, types and . The riots had been what killed him. The police brutally battered him until he was a mess of black and blue limbs- barely recognisable, yet clearly him because of the bright red tattoo that had the Apex games logo on his neck. He died to suicide to prevent any questioning in custody, an arrangement the riot leaders agreed upon. Murmurs and quiet whispers from the crowds that gathered on the side streets of Olympus joined the wind in it's journey. Every single body who stood behind me in the same stance had previously been in the riots, the war driven protests which caused flames to rage on to the underbelly of Olympus's poorest parts. "Riot?" My friend besides me turned their head upwards to look at me, my red hoodie standing out amongst the dark sky and gloomy mood of the crowd to signify glory. "You ready?" The question was answered with a nod of my head, fingers tightening as I parted my lips and breathed out the words that showed the loss of our closest friend. "Oh! Santiana gained a day Away Santiana! "Napoleon of the West", they say Along the plains of Mexico," This had been practiced over so many hours since his death, and the unanimous cry of others belonged with the voice of mine too. Children, the elderly, robots, half beasts, criminals and the rich who had all united to join our cries for equality amongst those who took granted of the poorer of us, me included. "Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go, Away Santiana! Heave 'er up and away we'll go, Along the plains of Mexico!" Not everyone had joined in, yet the chorus was incredibly easy to learn and so I expected nearly everyone to join in. Camera drones darted around the masses to capture what was happening in the streets of the planet we used to call home, now it was just a desolate place for the rich and wealthy. On the other half of the planet where the rich flocked and flourished The Apex Legends had only just landed on the planet, when they saw what was being broadcasted across all the TVs and wide screens. Bangalores eyebrows furrowed as the camera zoned in on a woman, red hoodie clear as day and gas mask pressed against the toes of her shoes. "She's a fast clipper ship and a bully good crew Away Santiana! And an old salty yank for a captain too Along the plains of Mexico Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go, Away Santiana! Heave 'er up and away we'll go along the plains of Mexico," The woman kept on singing, her eyes dead ahead at the updated MRVN bodies that took a single step every time she opened her mouth to sing, but the unanimous cries of the people behind her created an almost wave of emotions to crash through the TV despite the Legends not being even close. "What's happening?" Mirage asked, eyes squinting to Octane- who wasn't as hyper as he normally was. "There have been riots in the poorer ends of Olympus for a few months now and one of the riot leaders known as Taylor, an Apex recruit who frequently won along with Riot who's singing," He pointed out, and Anitas eyes followed his finger to the woman who stood upon the wooden pedestal. "And Wyvern," Everyone looked to the bald person besides them, black clothes only standing out with the golden jewellery they wore- "Was beaten by police officers when they caught him. Died from suicide apparently amigos," He breathed out. "Santiana fought for gold Away Santiana! Around Cape Horn through the ice and snow Along the plains of Mexico Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go Away Santiana! Heave 'er up and away we'll go Along the plains of Mexico," The chorus repeated and this time more than just a few crowds of people joined in, nearly everybody seemed to sing in unison. My body shook with emotion as the thought of my closest friend being in agony before his inevitable suicide. "T'was on the field of Molly-Del-Ray Away Santiana! Well both his legs got blown away Along the plains of Mexico. Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go Away Santiana! Heave 'er up and away we'll go Along the plains of Mexico," The emotion I was pouring into the Shanty shouldn't have been as visible on my features, but my eyebrows had furrowed in guilt and a pleading sadness. My nails dug into my wrists, causing a small line of blood to fall and drip just behind my mask. "It was a fierce and bitter strife Away Santiana! The General Taylor took his life Along the plains of Mexico- Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go Away Santiana! Heave 'er up and away we'll go Along the plains of Mexico," The Shanty had been written back when Taylor was just a lad, his parents flying in from another planet that had been flooded with water causing a pirates life for them for years. The rocking of the hull and small island adventures had been Taylors childhood, and this his favourite Shanty to sing amongst others like Wellerman, Spanish Ladies, Drunken Sailor and Randy Dandy-O. It held such a special place in the hearts of those who knew him as it was heard throughout his apartment on drunken nights being lazily thrown together. "Santiana, now we mourn Away Santiana! We left him buried off Cape Horn Along the plains of Meeeexiiiicooooo," I hummed the last part, eyes closing to let the moment sink in and allow for those amongst the crowd to breathe out their last goodbyes to the General Taylor, to their leader... To a friend. The burial had been the final hurrah for the few who attended, such as me and Wyvern. His body being buried on a gorgeous beach in Olympus called Cape Horn which was 'The closest place to home' in his own words.
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
I’m geuinely losing my shit right now, funniest shit on tumblr
kakyoin: Peeling a clementine is so easy. It comes so naturally. It's inviting… The clementine WANTS to be peeled. It's melancholic, sanguine… But an orange? What's an orange but a nuisance… The orange torments and mocks with its brute strength. It exists only to create chaos. Next time you decide to indulge in a citrus delight, heed my word. Choose the clementine.
jotaro, trying to fucking sleep:
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
FireAlpaca is now COMPLETELY a Paint Tool SAI alternative!
BITMAP WATERCOLOR BRUSHES, Y’ALL!!! Want to make some SAI brushes in FireAlpaca? Check out THIS handy Guide!
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Want to make this brush? Just make a perfect circle and save it (I call mine “round”) and use it as the bitmap, and copy the settings above. It works pretty nicely :D
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
I LOVE SHARKS!! Here’s some facts about sharks:
Sharks are under threat! Humans catching sharks on purpose and on accident is a big crisis right now. In addition, climate change is affecting sharks too! And nobody cares.
Even though sharks are “scary,” they play a really important role as an apex predator.
When you flip sharks upside down, they go into this trance.
Sharks! Have no bones! They’re just full of cartilage. How cool is that?
They’re a special type of fish called an “elasmobranch.” ^^
Sharks have the thickest skin of any animal, and the largest brains of any fish.
Shark skin’s texture is similar to sandpaper.
Sharks don’t like the taste of humans. On average, only about 16 shark attacks happen per year, and only becuase sharks mistake humans for their natural prey.
Scientists measure the age of sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae.
There are over 500 species of sharks.
Sharks have super good eyesight!
They have these special black spots that let them sense electromagnetic fields and temperature shifts underwater.
Sharks can only swim forward, not backward.
The oldest shark fossils are from around 455 million years ago. Even though they don’t have bones, they can fossilize!
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Whale sharks spots are like human fingertips! They’re all special and unique!
The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark. The largest is the whale shark.
Sharks have eyelids.
Different shark species reproduce in different ways. Some sharks lay eggs, some give birth.
Great white sharks can jump up to ten feet in the air!
Even though most sharks are cold-blooded, Great White Sharks are warm-blooded!
Sharks just... don’t sleep! They have to constantly pump water through their mouth or they’ll die.
Sharks have smooth scales, compared to fish which have rough scales.
Sharks typically have around 40-45 teeth in seven rows. They can go by 30,000 teeth in their lifetime because of how often they lose them.
Can hear up to 3,000 feet away.
The biggest threat to sharks is humans! But sharks do have predators; larger sharks, killer whales, seals, and crocodiles.
Hammerhead sharks are one of the few species that hunt in groups.
There are around 440 known species of shark!
I had somebody in the comments suggest a few facts that I haven’t been able to verify yet, but you should see them anyway:
Some shark species eat plants! I find this very fascinating!
Great White sharks cannot be held in captivity.
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
OOOO! They’re my favourite candy! Thanks a lot love, I hope you start to feel better soon- and my DMs are always open if you wanna pop in :)))
✨~ hope you’re doing okay recently!
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(Source: uhh I forgot and we on mobile now, so. rip. It’s not mine though)
(Also thank you sweet, I’m hanging in there I guess😬)
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
I love this persons Instagram so much lmaooo
This video gives me life
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