*Nick goes on to show Jess he cares about her even though they’re not together yet*
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Nick taking Jess’s unsolicited advice, even though they just met.
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New Girl Fanfiction Review: Second Chance by ActualBabe
It's the night before Schmidt and Cece's wedding when Nick has a revelation about his feelings towards Jess. He decides to save them to deal with later, after their friends' wedding. But then the next morning Nick wakes up to an unexpected surprise:
He's gone back in time.
(For the prompt: "Tell me you need me.")
Merrill ‘The Merciless’ has perfectly captured Nick and Jess’ personalities. Jess is so sweet and caring and Jess and in both timelines you can sense her love for Nick seeping through. She sees him the way he doesn’t see himself. Her optimism is a heart-wrenching contrast to his innate pessimism. And Nick, poor Nick, is completely in love with Jess but the stupid, bumbling man doesn’t think he’s good enough for her. You really get an insight into the mess Nicholas Miller calls a brain. 
If that isn’t enough, there are little dashes of classic New Girl humour and hope scattered throughout to compel you.
Oh, and another thing. You will get feelings, whether you like it or not.
You can read Second Chance by @actualbabe​ here.
Some favourite quotes:
He has no idea how he got here, but he seems to be inhabiting Past Nick’s body, including the extra weight, messy hair and lack of beard. That’s a burn on S3 Jake Johnson if I ever saw one. ‘Extra weight.’
Jess looks at him warily. “Are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?” She rolls her eyes and mutters to herself, “I knew that playing Sky Knife was an awful idea...” I am both thankful for and terrified of the concept of Sky Knife. It should never be forgotten.
“Why on Earth would I date Doctor Sam again?” Yeah, Jess. Why would you. Why would you. One thing I like about the way the time travel here is that it allows for ironic moments like these.
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Good galloping gazelles, gloriousness.
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the Nick & Jess alphabet
↳ G: the Griffin
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Schmidt sits
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Nick These guys love you too, Jess.
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Ugh. I hate how the writers made Nick so willing to help Jess get laid. I don’t think the Real Nick Miller™ would behave this way. I guess there’s an argument that he knows he’s sleeping with other people, and he wants her to be happy, but still. It doesn’t sit well with me. 
It’s not the first time Nick has helped Jess get laid, or helped her in her relationships; e.g. in Fluffer, in Helmet when he breaks said Helmet. 
I think here he especially makes an effort for several reasons: yes for her happiness, but also out of guilt that Jess has to tolerate all his ‘Uh-Ohs’ (AKA Pork Pals, Bony Cronies, C-Plussy Hussies), and in a bid to try and prove to himself and everyone else that he is over Jess and has no problem with her being with someone else.
Best Nick Line/Scene: “I’m terrible at lying; I’m terrific at make-believe” For Nick Miller, this paradox actually makes complete sense.
Oh, and I forgot another reason. Make-believe is super fun.
Nick’s solemn nod when Jess asks if he’s blaming autumn and also how quickly his laugh turns serious when Ian walks by are two moments that always make me laugh no matter how many times I’ve seen it.
“...Are you blaming autumn?” and the following solemn, slightly ashamed nod is one of my favourite moments in this episode in addition to the Schmidt Boob Miscommunication. Coach and Winston slowly bouncing at the end gets me every time.
Best Jess Line/Scene: Her one woman production of A Christmas Carol (also I love how much Nick loves it.  I’ve always wondered if he’s saying it’s perfect for driving Tina away, or it’s perfect like it’s actually good.  Which way do you all interpret it?)
I’ve always interpreted it as Nick saying it’s amazing. Do you not think Jess’ one-woman production is Oscar-worthy? In all seriousness, it’s just the kind of quirky thing Jess does, and the weird thing Nick loves as a result. Since they’re in love. #Ness.
I guess this is the episode for hilarious misunderstandings because Schmidt being himself but believably passing as Nick’s gay lover is also so great. This is one of the many episodes that shows that Nick/Schmidt should be considered for Best Platonic Pairing.
I absolutely love that Schmidt had no idea whatsoever about the Gay Nick thing, and unwittingly plays the lover role perfectly, and it’s not out of character at all. It must have really meant a lot to him that Nick Fredo-kissed him. (I wouldn’t put it past Nick to never tell him it was for the Gay Nick act). It would have been so easy for the writers to have Schmidt in on it, but having him simply obliviously being himself adds a whole new level of hilarity to it all. And then the whole exchange is rendered futile by Tina, hahaha.
This is a super interesting episode because honestly, all 3 storylines could be considered offensive/problematic. I think Coach and Winston’s is the worst; I hate that Winston has been doing all those things for the girls just to get to sleep with them, and also Coach for thinking the same thing. I didn’t find the rock-paper-scissors thing for who has to sleep with Winston to be funny at all. No one should feel obligated to have sex with anyone.
I’m not really a fan of this storyline either, for the reasons you said. I will say that that the rock-paper-scissors thing was of the girls’ own volition. They decided of their own accord that one of them would sleep with Winston. They called him back. If Winston had straight up said, ‘you have to sleep with me or I won’t do stuff for you anymore’, and they clearly didn’t want to sleep with him, then I would find it problematic. But I didn’t think either of them had a particular aversion to the idea, and they specifically called him back for him to sleep with one of them when he was about to walk off.
Then Schmidt has no right to have an opinion on Cece’s boob reduction, and I found him talking to her boobs while requiring her to not listen to actually be kinda gross.
I mean, we all have a right to an opinion on everything, so of course Schmidt has a right to an opinion that he can voice. However, in the end, Cece’s opinion is the one that matters most and is the one to decide because it’s her body, which she does. Schmidt doesn’t decide for her and prohibit her by force. He just makes his opinion known (tactless as it is) and acknowledges that he needs to get over it. By the end of the episode, he does accept it -- which is the important thing.
As for him requiring Cece not to listen to his farewell to Harold and Kumar, I found that more funny than gross. The humour in the storyline is that Schmidt is being overdramatic, and that extends to this scene where he treats Harold and Kumar as totally separate entities from Cece. His motivation is ultimately sweet and I think that’s what distinguishes it from being gross. Schmidt is genuinely just wanting to say goodbye to two dear friends, not simply jumping at an opportunity to stare at Cece’s boobs.
Nick pretending to be gay might be seen as making fun of gay stereotypes, but I guess overall that one’s not too bad.  What do you all think, does anyone agree, or am I being too oversensitive about this?
See, I would think that, except that the show didn’t portray Nick in a flashy, stereotypical way (e.g. tight shirts, although I don’t think the fanbase would oppose Jake wearing those) and even addressed the stereotype, which I love:
Jess: I just can't get my mind off, like, why you dress this way. Why aren't you in better shape?
Nick: Don't put me in a box! There's nothing we gay men hate more than being put in a box. Look, maybe I'm a bear, maybe I'm a twinkler.
“Maybe I’m a bear.” 
- Nick Miller
Yes, the fact that Gay Nick’s sexuality was mentioned to the point of overkill, but that’s because Gay Nick is not actually, you know, gay. Nick Miller Make-Believe Skills for the win.
S4 Rewatch: Goldmine
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The way the guys don’t protest at all when the girl says she’s going to steal stuff (”Take what you want honey”, “We don’t read those anymore”) really makes me laugh
Ugh.  I hate how the writers made Nick so willing to help Jess get laid.  I don’t think the Real Nick Miller™ would behave this way.  I guess there’s an argument that he knows he’s sleeping with other people, and he wants her to be happy, but still.  It doesn’t sit well with me.  
Best Nick Line/Scene: “I’m terrible at lying; I’m terrific at make-believe” For Nick Miller, this paradox actually makes complete sense.  
Best Nick/Jess Moment: Nick and Jess create his gay backstory together OR Nick and Jess talking about their predicament in the morning.  These scenes are kinda similar and I can’t decide which one is funnier.  Both of them show how great Nick and Jess’ chemistry is even when it’s strictly platonic/goofy.  Nick’s solemn nod when Jess asks if he’s blaming autumn and also how quickly his laugh turns serious when Ian walks by are two moments that always make me laugh no matter how many times I’ve seen it
The scene where Schmidt is describing Cece’s boobs but the girls think it’s Winston and Coach is such a funny misunderstanding.  I’m not positive which category this is best for… Best Friendship Moment?
Honesty time: I actually loved Nick’s “special friend” Tina in this episode and found her to be hysterical (”You look like my dead friend Karen.  Did anyone ever tell you that?”, “Don’t die Myron…”)
Best Female Guest Star: Amanda Lund as Tina
Best Jess Line/Scene: Her one woman production of A Christmas Carol (also I love how much Nick loves it.  I’ve always wondered if he’s saying it’s perfect for driving Tina away, or it’s perfect like it’s actually good.  Which way do you all interpret it?) 
I guess this is the episode for hilarious misunderstandings because Schmidt being himself but believably passing as Nick’s gay lover is also so great.  This is one of the many episodes that shows that Nick/Schmidt should be considered for Best Platonic Pairing
Best Schmidt/Cece Moment: Schmidt says it doesn’t matter what Cece does because she is the most beautiful person in the world 
Best Schmidt Line/Scene: “I saved you.  I’m your Schindler.  One day your children are gonna put rocks on my grave.”
This is a super interesting episode because honestly, all 3 storylines could be considered offensive/problematic.  I think Coach and Winston’s is the worst; I hate that Winston has been doing all those things for the girls just to get to sleep with them, and also Coach for thinking the same thing.  I didn’t find the rock-paper-scissors thing for who has to sleep with Winston to be funny at all.  No one should feel obligated to have sex with anyone.  Then Schmidt has no right to have an opinion on Cece’s boob reduction, and I found him talking to her boobs while requiring her to not listen to actually be kinda gross.  Finally, Nick pretending to be gay might be seen as making fun of gay stereotypes, but I guess overall that one’s not too bad.  What do you all think, does anyone agree, or am I being too oversensitive about this?  
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Not to be confused with Big Brunch, where they eat a big brunch.
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Hey, I hope it gets better for you. Life really sucks sometimes, doesn't it? But it's great that you have some reason to carry on, even if it's only for your doggo. Just try and remember that so many people love you and care about you and would miss you, and that you have so much more to gain by living, than if you didn't. It’s hard, and you might not believe it, but it’s true. It’s a truth I’ve learned from experience and it applies to you too.
I've felt like this before, and I’ve really, really struggled with this emptiness and numbness and sadness, and every now and again I still do but: I'm still here. 
And although it gets tough, I’m still here, and you know what... I’m glad I am. I really am. And I’m glad you’re here too.
Life isn’t always going to be this way, and you’re not always going to feel like this though it might really, really feel like that right now. Trust me.
You absolutely have no need to feel sorry for expressing how you feel. In fact, thank you for being honest. More people should be honest about how they feel, and too many -- including myself in the past and occasionally now -- are too afraid to do so. The only person you owe anything to is yourself. Yeah, we love your writing! But we love you more, and we want you to get better and we don’t want your writing and posts to come at the cost of that.
I hope life gets better for you. You can talk to us any time about anything. And don’t you dare feel bad about being honest about how you feel. We’d rather you let it out than keep it inside.
(I will say that I’m probably not the best person to go to because I’m not on here that often, but I will always try to reply... even if it’s a week later LOL.)
guys listen. i am trying every day to keep my strength, to remind myself that i am blessed, that i am here + breathing and that in itself is a gift. but man. i wake up every day and think about not being here. about how easy it would be. but i don’t want to take the easy way out. i want to get BETTER. i want to feel whole. i want my stomach to stop hurting when i think of certain people; certain people who weren’t able to love me the way i needed them to. i think the only reason i wake up everyday is because of my dog. i look at him and i just know life is okay. i rescued him, and i don’t want to confuse him be being gone because i feel i owe him. he pulled through for me in really dark times. idk i’m just a mess. and also haven’t been writing stories or posting for that reason. I’m sorry guys.
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This sounds knife.
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How to wear a knife strapped to your thigh with a garter like a fucking lady while managing not to slice yourself open because you were fool enough to carry an unsheathed weapon next to a squishy part of your body that moves when you walk.
Get a garter from somewhere; this one is a sock garter from Sock Dreams, which means it’s made to stay the fuck up there.
Get a fucking sheath for those sharp, pointy things and put them in the sheath. There’ll be a velcro loop at the top so that they won’t slide out if you hold the sheath upside down.
Put the garter through the loop at the top meant for whatever you’re using to attach it to yourself. Attach it to yourself, adjusting for ease of grabbing. You don’t want to put it on your inner thigh because that is awkward as hell to get out. The only way you’d be able to get it out in a timely manner is if you attached the sheath upside down, at which point you’d need two garters to keep the sheath from tilting inward toward your other thigh.
Oh no, now the sheath is hanging loosely and is going to make a weird pattern against your clothing. Tuck that shit into your stockings if you’re wearing them, or use another garter if you’re not.
Pull your pencil skirt back down over the knife sheath. Adjust accordingly due to tightness of skirt and shape of sheath. Make sure you can get at it as quick as you want.
People look at you really strangely if this is the knife you pull out when you want to cut your apple up.
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I actually started watching during Season 4 so I consider it one of my favourites to rewatch alongside Season 2. I’d say it was a very strong season other than the Nick/Jess angle. I love all the episodes except Girl Fight (seriously, what was up with that one?).
Fawn Moscato. Cumin. Popcorn machine. Meth.
I can imagine the Nick-Jess situation being extremely frustrating for someone who’d been watching since S1/S2 though, and if I had begun watching then I’m sure I would like it a lot, lot less.
S4 was def a really strong season, but it stayed in my memory as a season that refused to deal with Nick and Jess breakup and ignored they were ever a thing. I was so annoyed because of that, but taking Ness out of the equation (which is really hard to do because the show IS Ness), S4 had some of the funniest, strongest written episodes.
I agree! It’s an underappreciated season but I do get why. If you think about Nick playing gay for Jess (literally one of my faves eps of that season) it’s really strange considering they’re exes who really loved eachother.. When I watch that ep I just pretend it’s from S2 before they were exclusive. And that’s with the entire season.. I also REALLY LOVE COACH!! So thats why I like it too! But yeh I agree with you
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Well then.
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I would LOVE an elevator proposal although I’m not sure how that would work. Hmm…
Maybe Nick will be trying to propose all day and things keep getting in the way and by the time they go back to the loft, he’s had enough and just:
[Elevator is not moving up.] Jess: Nick, you didn’t press the button. I’ve told you about this before. Nick: Marry me. Jess: …What did you just say? Nick: Marry me, Jess.
Before Jess can answer, someone rings up the elevator from upstairs and the doors open to a stranger. They enter the loft, Nick striding towards the kitchen while Jess walks after him, babbling incessantly about “forget it” and “I’m pretty sure I’m still drunk from those potatoes earlier”.
Jess: Nick. Nick: I knew I shouldn’t have ordered them– Jess: Nick. Nick: It’s all good. [Finger guns.] Nicky’s good– Jess: Yes! [Nick freezes, still doing finger guns.] Jess: Yes, I’ll marry you, Miller.
Cue disbelief, delight, and kisses.
Pick a wedding location for Ness.. beach or loft
If Schmece wouldn’t have had the loft yet, loft hands down. They got robbed from that perfect wedding location. Beach would work too (ep Injured) but .. ill forever be salty about that lol
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I really like that story!
Also it’s like he’s saying bye-cycle to everyone.
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I love you and you’d butter do that.
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1/∞ favourite nick miller moments 
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If Nick could sing he’d be like Uno Mars.
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1/∞ favourite nick miller moments 
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I agree with this.
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I was studying for my exam, and then… This happened.
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You know it’s serious when Schmidt risks all the frozen stuff melting. 
That’s cold of him.
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Nick: My name’s Schmidt. I was born rich. I had a $40,000 bar mitzvah.
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