fanheater · 5 months
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fanheater · 5 months
'You cannot be a feminist and a capitalist - feminism is about freeing women from oppression, and capitalism oppresses all women.' -- Ruth Wallsgrove
Modern feminism is rooted in capitalism.
Of course this isn't all branches of feminism! I did a presentation recently on the representation of femininity in modern media and ended with a little section on feminism in social media. I never got a chance to get all my ideas in so I'm popping a little of it on here.
Imo, in past decades the idea of feminism was kind of centred around 'women! Climb that corporate ladder! Be a CEO!' which is obviously a feminism that is trapped w in capitalism (linking back to the quote from Wallsgrove) and also sort of comes with the vague idea of sacrificing your femininity to go work in an office, yk what I mean. And I think in response to this, we've ended up at a place where women are leaning into this hyper femininity as a response. Let's look at bimbofeminism:
This brand of feminism leans into this very specific view of femininity - hot pink, heavy make up, revealing clothes, etc. And don't get me wrong I've got no problem w people dressing like this, the problem lies more in the branding of bimbo core to 'bimbofeminism.' It encourages women to embrace the idea of 'sexy and stupid.' We see this on social media with influencers teaching subjects in a 'dumbed down' way - inflation, economics, politics, war. The list goes on. The idea of bimbo feminism is to reclaim 'bimbo' which has always been a derogative term against women. But instead of reclaiming this, women have gone on to adhere to it. I don't care if ur particularly smart or not - don't dumb yourself down for the satisfaction of others. You're unfortunately just appealing to men. This is just embracing this anti intellectual view of women and.. to be dumb is to be attractive because ur just that much easier to control.
Anyway I digress - the whole point I'm getting to here is one part of bimbo feminism is overspending. It was 'go out and spend ur money on shit! Who cares! We're girls we shop!' And we circle back to... capitalism!
While I don't think bimbo feminism is even close to as popular as it was say a year or two ago, the general ideas are still here. We've got 'girl math,' 'I'm just a girl!' Etc. I'm gonna focus on girl math here - a big part of this is making a justification for overspending (particularly for beauty products) - 'If I get 3 lip plumpers, I get 10% off - free money!'
Do you see what I'm getting at? Again we're just circling back to capitalism. There's so many different forms of feminism, and the vast majority are sort of sneakily capitalist. Maybe there's nothing you nor I can do about this, but the least we can be is aware. Keep your head on. Don't get lost in these microtrends.
Anyway thanks for listening to my Ted talk! Hope this all made sense haha.
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fanheater · 6 months
literally stoppp this "im just a girl!" shit. well grow the fuck up. be an adult
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fanheater · 6 months
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David Foster Wallace // Marya Hornbacher, Waiting // Albert Camus, A Happy Death // Kai Cheng Thom, A Place Called No Homeland // Brené Brown, Dancing Greatly // @danielcalmdown // Anna White, Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love and Leaps of Faith // Marya Hornbacher, Waiting // Sleeping At Last—Neptune
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fanheater · 6 months
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@heavensghost // Erin Moran, "940 Main Street" // Jason Schneiderman, "Little Red Riding Wolf" // @mah_hirano on tw // Adrienne Rich, "Planetarium" // Richard Siken, Editor's Pages: Black Telephone // Molly McCully Brown, Places I've Taken my Body: Essays // @loputyn // Mason O'Hern, "You Are Not Just Anything" // Friedrich Nietzsche, Good and Evil
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