faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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Photographic memory. Now that puts her off guard, if only slightly. “I’d fancy having something like that,” she muses, her gaze still darting around them, trying to take notes of their surroundings. “It sure would’ve gotten me to the dining hall ages ago.” It bothers her slightly, if she’s being honest. The fact that others like him have their intelligence handed to them so easily. She might even be envious. “What? Being TOO tall can ruin it.” Nonsense. If anything, the taller the better. But she doesn’t want to hand him the answer to a question that’s awfully out of place on a silver platter. “AT LEAST thirty-four? I won’t lie and say I’m not looking forward to learning, but that sounds daunting. And also like an awful lot of injuries.”
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“The campus is a tad excessive, but you’ll get accustomed to it eventually.” If anything, excessive is an understatement for Maillard, with its convoluted pathways that lead into more than necessary rooms. It doesn’t help either that the abundant French windows and consistently lavish fixtures made every panel of the halls seem identically condescending. “Of course,” he responds curtly, with a cheeky, disagreeing half-smirk gracing his lips. His sudden show of casualness goes as quickly as it has arrived, however, but not enough for it to be imperceptible for a keen enough eye. “Trips to the infirmary are normal here, especially for cadets. That’s why we have highly qualified professionals among our medical staff.”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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    A knowing glint crept the perimeter of her countenance, lips tugged only scarcely by the agent’s comment. “Surely. Though, his magnanimity for humankind rendered him a rebel, did it not? Or perhaps, an iconoclast of the ancien régime. Call it what you will.”  She leveled her gaze, “do you not wonder if your codename shall betoken the same insurrection?”
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He held her gaze with a quirked brow and a subtly challenging look to his eyes. “Are we not rebels now, after willingly joining an organization whose primary purpose is to sabotage whatever plans the world’s governments have that could lead to further broad-ranged manslaughter?’
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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As much as she hated to admit it, Marnie was insanely jealous of how flawless he seemed to look after what she could only assume was a restful sleep. It took her nearly a half hour just to decide what to do with her hair. Looking up from the sheet in front of her, she rolled her eyes at him and let out a small laugh once he spoke. “Obviously I’m trying to drive myself up the damn wall with how annoying all this work is. I’m clearly a masochist because I offered to work on this myself.”
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“Obviously,” he deadpanned in return. Isaac invited himself into her office and casually occupied the seat in front of her desk. His eyes raked over the papers that beheld him. While math wasn’t his strongest suit, he thought himself quite decent at it. The smirk he wore showed he wasn’t the least bit fazed by the formidable bulk of numbers that plagued the sheets. “What are you doing, exactly?”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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Things were getting more and more painful nowadays as she knew that she was getting to be more and more alone. Since joining the agency she had basically cut off all ties with her family and of course she wanted to speak to them, but she was just worried about what could possibly happen if anyone were to tap into the phone lines. “It’s whatever.” She grumbled, not in the mood for him to be even in the room anymore. Feeling his fingers brush against her wrist she immediately flinched away and took a few steps back, “I will take care of myself. I don’t need your help.” It was probably rather harsh of her to put things that way but she didn’t want anyone’s help. Johanna just wanted to be alone, things were just easier that way.
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lsaac was not a cold-hearted man, but rarely did he willingly show warmth towards his comrades. Johanna was one of the very few people he particularly felt soft about, not because he pitied her for her inability to see with her eyes, but because he admired her for always trying to prove herself as useful as anyone else (if not more), despite it. Pride had always been Isaac’s tragic flaw, however, and so when the girl treated the softness he so rarely showed with what he could only register as disgust, he quickly shut himself off. A dark shadow masked the worry on his face and replaced it with a cold, marble smooth expression. “Of course,” he answered in a monotone, taking few steps back with his weight heavy on his heels. “Shall I inform the others that you won’t be joining us in this morning’s assembly?” 
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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❝ jokes on you.❞ she trailed off looking for his name on the paper she got form him. ❝ isaac, jokes on you. because i actually love circuit training and another hout sounds perfect. ❞ while the sanction wasn’t as bad as she thought it’d be, she wondered how long would she last under such strict supervision. ❝ 6 pm sharp, it’s a date, love. ❞
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her inextinguishable fire earned her a raise of a brow from the young man. she had already been given sanctions for her petulance, and yet clearly, she'd taken them into stride. ❝ call me sir, ❞ he drawled before starting to saunter off. ❝ and don’t be late, miss lancaster. ❞
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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❝ sanctions?! ❞ she gasped in shock. ❝ you’ve got to be shitting me right now. ❞ she sighed in disbelief. but of course, this was just part of her performance. she bit down on her lip to hide a mischievous smile from making an appearance. whether it was because this agent completely believed her or that laurel was going to murder her later.
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he heard the cadet’s rather vulgar reaction to his words, but he purposely ignored it. ❝ you’ll be having an additional hour of circuit training after your classes this afternoon, under my supervision. ❞ he signed another copy of the sanction with his name and handed it to her. ❝ be at the gym at 6 pm sharp. ❞
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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Marnie had been staring at the papers in front of her for the past hour, trying to calculate some kind of equation she’d managed to produce after finally getting her hands on a stack of financial statements. Unfortunately for her, where being able to read close to one thousand words per minute could be quite helpful during her typical research, her math was definitely not her strongest suit. The blonde sat back in her chair to look over the answer she’d produced and was obviously frustrated - and extremely tired. “Yeah, that’s definitely not right.” She muttered under her breath, moving to redo the equation once more.
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Coffee mug in hand, Isaac leaned on the door frame to Marnie’s office with his toned arms and long legs casually crossed. His hair stood in every direction. His trousers were barely supported by his suspenders. The shirt he wore was loosely buttoned and crinkled. It was two in the morning and it was evident that the young man had just rolled out of bed. Surprisingly, however, he managed to pull the look off flawlessly. The corner of his lips tugged up into a cheeky smirk before he decided to announce his presence. “Are you trying to be Agent of the Year?”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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“So that makes you smarter than the lot of us. That must be interesting.” She means that - she’d always been bright, but never anything above the norm. It’s what she sees as necessary for someone like her; for a cadet that belongs to Alpha. His question, however, causes her to throw a mixture of a confused and shocked look at him before she only shrugs. “You’re not too bad. Just a little too… tall.” Or that might be attributed to the fact that she had him leave a book to help her, but she chooses to push past that. “I wouldn’t have made it in Alpha if I wasn’t. But I reckon I’ve still got a lot to learn here.”
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“I have a photographic memory. I never took a single note in school but I still graduated top of my class. The ability’s a commodity, more than anything.” Of course, he used to get his kicks out of it when he was younger and the world was still oblivious, but he dared not say that out loud. “Tall,” he reiterated, as his brow rose subtly. There was a ghost of a smirk on his lips that revealed his bemusement. He was still looking at their path straight ahead. “Surely. The training regimen in Maillard is more physically demanding than your average military boot camp, but rest assured you’ll be well-versed in at least thirty-four variable schools of martial arts by the end of the course.”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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she hid a sly smirk as the boy accepted her false name to be the truth. ❝ yep, laurel lancaster, thats’s me. ❞ aurora said tipping on her toes to sneakily catch a glance at what the boy was scribbling on his pad paper. unfortunately she couldn’t see a thing as the man was such a tall person. ❝ if you don’t mind me asking, what’re you writing? ❞ 
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❝ sanctions, ❞ he replied, a bit more sternly now, ❝ for disrespecting an agent and for failing to make it a priority to know who your superiors are. ❞ there was an unmistakably condescending smirk at the corner of isaac’s mouth while he was writing the punishments for her earlier behavior, but he nearly managed to hide it under his cool exterior.
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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❝ a small world, indeed. ❞ she gave a small nod of her head. aurora eyed the pen and pad suspiciously, before turning back to look at him. ❝ — laurel lancaster, ❞ she lied; not that she didn’t trust the guy, she was just being cautious.
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❝ laurel lancaster, ❞ he reiterated as he jotted the name down.  ❝ alpha. ❞ he was completely oblivious to that fact that she’d slyly given him a false name, since he wasn’t familiar with the cadets outside his platoon. also, he didn’t know the girl very well to give him enough reason for doubt.
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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Rebecca couldn’t get her eyes away from the book she was reading, it was too fascinating; A story filled with true love, magic, and evil step-mothers always fascinated the blonde, it may not be real, but she quite enjoyed imagining that it was, she was halfway done with the book when she had felt eyes on her.“You know instead of standing there, you could-” She was about to finish her sentence when she looked up and saw a familiar face that she hadn’t seen in years. “Isaac?” She asked, this can’t be real, she had lost him a while back, she had presumed him to be dead and she was almost sure of it.
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He froze when she mentioned his name. Mere moments ago, all he could hear was dissonance, but now, his raging thoughts had stilled. “Becca,” he breathed out in the softest manner. And then his lips tugged up into a grin, an expression he rarely could afford ever since the late war had broken him. 
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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“You’re an agent, then…?” She’s sure she’s right on that, at least, but she leaves it as an assumption. The last thing she’d want to do is bother him, especially after he’d offered his help. So she only remains silent then, her thoughts going in a thousand directions until she hears his voice again. She cracks a half smile at that, at least. “Nope. I found my calling in Alpha instead, surprisingly.” A quick look at her wouldn’t have anyone thinking that – she looks too small for it, too lean. She’s the perfect example of appearances being deceiving.
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“A field agent, to be precise. Bravo.” If anything, Isaac was impressed that the girl was clever enough to know when and how to be silent. Most new cadets had a tendency to be too chatty for his tastes on the first meeting -- either because they wanted to advance themselves or to flirt with him. “You don’t find me attractive, do you, Cadet?” he asked out of the blue, to confirm his thoughts. Upon hearing her next statement, the agent wasn’t the least bit surprised. Most fighters he knew were as lithe as her. “You’re well-versed in combat, then?”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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“I – yeah, I am.” For some reason, following him hadn’t even occurred to her until he’d pointed it out ( and reminded her of the tea she was looking for ). Steps are taken towards the towering male,  and she allows another peek at their surroundings. “So-” She forces herself to stop there, to keep from apologizing for something that she doesn’t deem too bad. She opts for a simple topic change instead. “How long have you been here?”
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“Five years,” he replied curtly, as he turned the corner. Every step he took was stiff yet relaxed, calculated yet graceful. Isaac was a military man through and through, but he had a characteristic gait that hinted of his past, when he deemed himself free to ignore rules. They were traversing the Cadet-ridden training grounds when he spoke. “You’re not from Bravo, I reckon."
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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“Dining hall?” She echoes, taking a slight pause. “Where’s that? I must’ve missed it.”
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Upon hearing her question, Isaac pauses his reading. He looks at her blankly, clearly in thought. Seeming resigned, he pushes himself of his lounge chair and starts to exit the room. But then he stops short of the door and turns his ear towards her. “Aren’t you coming?”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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“Are we just going to skip to the part where someone tells me why I can’t find any tea?”
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“I presume you haven’t been to the dining hall.”
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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The younger girl doesn’t get up out of her seat when she hears a rustling of books falling from the bookcase, Instead, she stays put and continues reading the book that she had developed quite a liking to; Sure, it was nothing but a fairytale that in no way was based on anything real, but she liked the idea that someday she will find her own prince to sweep her off of her feet as most of the princesses in these fairytales already did.
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Isaac decided that the only way to silence the cacophony in his head was to leave his hiding place and confront her. If she turned out to be a hallucination as he’d expected, he could just breeze by her seat and no one would know of his insanity. If she were real, however, he didn’t have a clue as to what he would say. His mind was telling him to let her be, but his feet seemed to have a brain of their own. Without him knowing, he was already slowly making his way over to her table.
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faprometheus-blog · 8 years
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        “ well it was either this or pursuing a career in shorthand…or secretarial work - honestly the possibilities are endless for a modern woman such as myself.” she retorted with a dry sense of humour, though a glimmer of something did shine in her pale iris’. plucking a cigarette from the carton, charlotte felt her mood dissipate, “much appreciated Isaac. so tell me…” she paused for a moment to light her cigarette, “what brings you back?”
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despite the fact that he found her humor somewhat tragic, he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “i apologize in behalf of the unrightfully prejudiced wankers of our kind.“  in acknowledgement of her thanks, he tipped his head in her direction. “the cafeteria duck confit —” the corner of his lips tugged up into a cheeky smirk before he took another nicotine-plagued drag of his cigarette “— and my sickeningly romanticized belief that the initiative we’re trying to accomplish here won’t end up as a pile of bollocks.“
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