#c: johanna
hxabernathy · 1 year
Haymitch hated the festivities around The Games. Honestly, he just flat out hated The Games. But as District Twelve's only Mentor, he had no choice but to get dressed up in his best and then get dragged to the Parade. Almost quite literally, depending on how much alcohol he had beforehand. Effie tried to cut him off before the Parade, but he did manage to sneak his flask in the breast pocket of his jacket. He arrived up in the viewing box and took the closest open seat, which was near Johanna Mason.
"Willing to bet you're about as happy to be here as I am," he murmured, taking a glance around to see if anyone had any drinks in hand. Didn't seem like it, from what he could tell. Dammit. He slipped his hand into the pocket of his dress jacket and pulled out the flask he had hidden. "Bet you can't guess what they dressed up the kids from Twelve as this year. Again." After twisting the cap off, he took a swig and then tipped it toward Johanna in a silent invitation. Want some?
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 year
Nic lent Seiji his jacket 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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sodafizzyart · 2 years
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Hijacked Peeta 👁👄👁
I kind of love him bc he’s so damaged snarky 🧍
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wintcrstcrfall · 5 months
for @hiddcnhorizcns continuing from here
Jo knew that the man had a point but there was something reassuring in watching outside the window, something about the falling snow and the inevitability of their current moment, that brought a sense of ease over her. It was strange, she knew that, but darting one look inside the unfamiliar cabin hid in shadows that the fire caused to dance, a sense of dread crept over her shoulders. The redhead shuddered, both from the cold and that uncertain feeling of being locked with an almost stranger once again. She tried to look at him and smile, thankful for the fire, for him and his goodness to her. It was clear that it wasn't like Nikolai had planned this too; he was a victim of their circumstance just like she was. "I just-... I can't believe no one would drive by at least. Maybe a snowplow?" The bright snow slowly started to make her eyes uncomfortable and she had to remind herself not to make a habit out of rubbing them, making them more irritated then they already were. Nikolai's next words almost made her laugh and that was enough of a win on itself; this time she looked straight at him, fingers nervously touching her collarbone, shifting the sweater a bit closer. "Can you do that? Whip a gourmet feast?" This time she was almost smiling. And then it dropped, in its place something else. "Please... don't worry about me", the words came out softer than she meant for them, almost like a whisper. After a gentle throat clearing, she tried again, "I'm only worried about the weather. What if we have to stay more than a day? And you... you surely have work to do or... people that would be worried. I feel like it's my fault we're in this place."
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hxlcycnx · 2 months
almost everybody who meets you wants to kill you. (from Johanna)
“that’s not true! some people want to fuck me! and who can blame them!?” astarion defended, acting more hurt than he really was. “it’s a nice, healthy balance between the two feelings. it makes for good fun. you should try it sometime.” astarion teased, never allowing himself to find too many flaws with his own personality and demeanor. “surely you don’t want to kill me…right?”
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allthatglxtters · 5 months
@ofcelestialstories || "I beg your fucking pardon?" (from johanna)
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Skye winced when the other spoke, looking at the other now very concerned that she'd offended them. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say anything offensive! I was just offering you some tea from my shop and was saying that it's a calming blend. Most everyone can use some calm in their lives, and I thought maybe you could to. But obviously I said the wrong thing and I am genuinely just so sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
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wastheheart · 7 months
The Five Senses
@perceivedpast asked: [ 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender gives receiver flowers.
The gesture comes unexpectedly, especially from Johanna. It's not a bad thing, no, it's just the understanding of how withdrawn both her and Jasper are compared to Alice and the other members of the house. Yet with that knowledge, Esme can't help but feel slightly choked up.
She has always adored flowers. With enhanced senses, she's found a deeper admiration for them; their colours are richer, their scent more noticeable.
She took them with intentional delicacy, beaming. "Oh, Johanna, these are wonderful!" Her voice matches her smile, eyes studying the different kinds of flowers and colours. "I'll put them in a vase!" she annouced with enthusiasm. "We'll place them in the window! What do you think?"
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thisshadeofred · 1 year
would you like me to stay? / mac
Mac is curled up on their soft couch in the apartment. She came home from work after one of the worst shifts she thinks she's ever worked. Loss is a part of life when it comes to working in the medical field. She knows that. But it doesn't make it any easier when it does happen. She's a full nurse now, no longer a student or a CNA. It's by no means the first code she's been on, nor the first where things had turned for the worst. But some losses will always hurt more than others, especially in her line of work. But thing after thing after thing had happened on her shift tonight only for it to end with that.
She's been staring at the wall for hours, not sleeping despite the utter exhaustion that comes with her night shifts. She must have dozed at some point- there's a blanket on her that she doesn't remember putting on. The sun is lower now in the early afternoon. Johanna must be home from work now. She doesn't know how long Johanna has been there, how long she had been staring at the wall, tired and numb. But when Johanna asks, Mac nods her head. She doesn't want to be alone any more. All she says is:
"I'm sorry."
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noahelson · 8 months
Despite how happy he'd been at the ceremony, Noah was quickly becoming irritable at the after party. He'd tried to ignore it, but there was alcohol everywhere he looked, and he'd noticed some rebels sneak off to the toilets for a fix more than once. He wanted to put Amy and Rory's happiness first, understanding how important this day was for them, but with the constant string of triggers around him it was becoming more unbearable the longer he forced himself to endure it. He was considering just walking out, leaving everyone to it, when Pansy came over to their table, agitated by Effy's comments. They quickly arked eachother up, and that was the final straw to get Noah out of his seat, an overprotective arm snaking around Johanna's waist. "Come on, let's just get out of here. We don't have to listen to this bullshit." He cared a great deal about Effy, but it was situations like this that pissed him off beyond belief, her lack of conduct. Now wasn't the time for Victor politics, and he knew if he got involved, it would end a lot worse. "You can fight your own battles, y'know? Nobody asked her."
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I’m still on my ship dynamic epiphany bs so please hear me out
Curses is the sketchbook Crane Wives song, and Metaphor is the raven scientist Crane Wives song
Daylight is the sketchbook Taylor Swift song, and Midnight Rain is the raven scientist Taylor Swift song
Yellow is the sketchbook Xana song and i did this all for you! is the raven scientist Xana song
Like the Dawn is the sketchbook The Oh Hellos song and Notos is the raven scientist The Oh Hellos song
Please feel free to add with your favourite artists and their sketchbook/raven scientist songs. I’m going insane but I need MORE songs to go even insaner. The insaniest if you will.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 years
Fence AU
Nic as a knight
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demongemz · 10 months
Ada rarely had time to stop into cafes back home. So used to getting off to places unknown and working odd hours. She usually ended up making her source of caffeine, but the downtime here was new so she had to find ways to entertain herself. She’d been typing away on her laptop when the barista set down what they thought to be her order but the cup held a different name than she’d given. She locked her laptop, grabbing the order to take back up to the workers, noticing a couple of other people near waiting for their orders as she made a small announcement “I’m sorry my name isn’t Johanna, you've given me the wrong order, does this belong to anyone?”
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So many people are way way too deep in “there need to be clear good guys and bad guys in every story and I need to relate and like the good guys who also need to be the protagonist” land. Grow up fr
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shadowparx · 2 years
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he looks like aidan gallagher 😭😭😭
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wintcrstcrfall · 1 year
@elpida continuing from here
The sound of the leaves under her feet was the only calming one she had heard since leaving the protection of her new home with Ellis. Wandering outside wasn't something the woman did all that often - mainly because everything was too new and scary to venture and explore on her own, especially in her condition. Most of the times she opted for wearing sunglasses wherever was possible - it created a far better opportunity to not be unnecessarily stared at, to not draw attention at herself because that was the last thing she needed. But then, when the sun was almost setting and there hadn't seem to be a living soul anywhere near, the sunglasses were gone and the blurry greenery all around didn't even hurt her still sensitive eyes. It was a calmness so unreal and one she definitely didn't know a lot about. Not in the life she had chosen for herself. Or... she used to chose. Not anymore. Here, the redhead was just another nameless woman, not Johanna anymore, but Elizabeth; she had taken on her second name as her first when moving to this place and it was another kind of fresh air, another new start. And she war married now, to a man who still seemed too good to be true. In moments of stillness the woman caught herself waiting for the second shoe to drop, for him to turn out to be another monster in her life. But so far it hadn't happened. That little fact was what had helped to keep her sanity while healing and learning how to live again.
Yet apparently she had trusted her desire to be in the nature too much. When she heard an unfamiliar voice that was clearly directed at her, her feet stopped. The woman tried to offer uncertainly a soft question, eyes squinting to try and better make the shape of the man in the shadows. But after that... everything happened too fast. And for a moment she thought that this was it. She would finally die. He had found her, once again. How Jo found her way back to the penthouse - she couldn't remember. Ellis' worried words settled over her like a blanket and it was then that Jo truly crumbled, shaking altogether, glad for his strong embrace. "I-I couldn't see his face... it was too dark." Grasping desperately at his hand - both for comfort and to lean on, a small sob escaped her. "But He send him... I know it. It was because of Him again..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have walked so far away. I was so stupid to think that He wouldn't find me..."
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annieodaiir · 2 years
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“I don’t understanding what’s happening,” Annie mumbled, watching Kol walk away after leaving her with Johanna. As much as she enjoyed spending time with him, he couldn’t support her the way Finnick could. Every time she’d reached for her partner’s hand this evening, to ground her, he hadn’t been there. Every time she glanced in his direction, he glanced away. “Why is he ignoring me? I don’t understand -” her lip trembled, and she closed her eyes, feeling herself begin to slip away. She had vague memories of nights similar to this, but she couldn’t focus on them, and seeking them out left her confused and scared. There were so many unfamiliar faces, it was so claustrophobic and loud. “I want to go home.” Annie’s hand snapped out, grabbing Johanna’s own, her grip tight. 
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