fascistsrbad · 5 years
hey yall please boost this-- im -88$ in the red and i need to pay my upcoming insurance bill + get my brakes fixed. i dont have financial support from my family. i can do nsfw pics / commission some 5$ doodles. please help a broke king out:
venmo: nathanrilee
cashapp: nathanrilee
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
Friend seeking medical attention IMMEDIATELY!!
I’ve posted on here before about a very close friend of mine who recently became homeless. They can’t afford their medication or a copay to go see a doctor.. they have a staff infection and they can’t afford their meds. Their face and body hurts terribly and can’t afford mto get their medication. They’ve been in extreme pain.They owe their doctor $60 in back copays and their doctor refuses to see them until they pay and they need to pick up their antibiotics and steroids from the pharmacy for their Staph infection, which is about $20. So if anyone can help it’d be greatly appreciated. They need those prescriptions as soon as possible.
Cashapp, PayPal, Apple Pay - 6148496495 Pictures under the cut for proof (tw for skin damage, blood, clusters, and infections)
Keep reading
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
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Krasnoyarsk, Russia
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
vibe check
your last three used emojis are your vibes.
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
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update on my situation: there's no real update. i'm still broke as shit
what i need most immediately is cash so i can buy food on campus. the smallest amount the atms on campus let you take out at a time is $20 and automatic bank payments are $5, so i'd like to have at least around $30 so i can take some cash out and then have some still in my account after the bank payment goes through next week.
if you want to help a broke unemployed trans college student out this tdor, my paypal is:
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
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I don’t know what else I can say except that this is really important and please donate if you can!! (and if you can’t, reblog!!)
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
my friend is in the hospital with heart attack symptoms right now
My friend, Riot @juicyparsons​ has been having a feeling of tightness in their chest lately, and recently began experiencing severe chest pain as well. They’ve avoided going to the doctor in the past because healthcare costs in the US are fucking absurd, but they had to go today to make sure they’re not dying. 
Things are difficult for them since they’re a nonbinary black wlw living in Boston, a city which has one of the most extreme divides in median net worth between black and white residents in the country, and they spend so much time taking care of their children and supporting our whole family. They’re a ray of sunshine in my life and in so many other people’s lives, so please consider supporting them during this time, since not only do they need money to pay for what insurance won’t cover for this visit, they also need it for transportation costs and to make sure their kids have food. 
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Venmo: Riot-Diaz Cashapp: $RiotDiaz PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/DiazPaniagua
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
please help me afford my meds
i’m so sorry to do this but everything seems to happen at once and life is really screwing us over right now. so basically the nearest place that our insurance covers my meds is over 100 miles away and neither me or my mom can handle that drive right now. she’s still recovering from surgery and my illness is not letting me travel distances like that (i also haven’t been able to eat for 4 days so that doesn’t help). the cheapest price to get it locally is $330 and i’m sorry to ask for this but i need it asap. if i don’t get this i’ll be even more ill than usual which would be even worse because i’m homeless at the moment. i don’t see any other way to get this and i don’t know what to do. i’m really, really sorry to do this. if you can’t/don’t want to donate please reblog if you can. 
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paypal venmo  cashapp 
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
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!!!!!!!his name is Gourdon!!
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
Fired for turning down the sexual advances of my manager.
Going to keep this short because this just fucking happened.
My boss at my new job, a white man in his forties who tries to dress like he's living out his middle school skating years, told me I was required to wear miniskirts and that if I wore them too low to where my ass cheeks didn't show while I walked, then it was a write-up. If I wore a jacket that covered my ass, it was a write-up. Then he made a physical move on me and I rejected him forcefully to defend myself and left. The next time I saw him, he fired me. I'm trying to get my previous job back, but in the meantime I desperately need money. Thank you.
SquareCash is $eattherichh
Venmo is neoliberalismkills
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
someone post john cena suit gangnam style depression
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
I’m literally shaking as I write this
President Sebastián Piñera just declared Chile at “state of emergency” over the riots that are taking place in Santiago.
This means that the police, military and special forces are no longer subject to our constitution’s laws; they can legally violate our human rights without getting any punishment.
Guys, I’m scared. They’re torturing people and a student is already missing. They’re throwing tear gas grenades directly at people, shooting teens and college students, hitting and hurting anyone who happens to be on the streets. They apparently killed two college students already.
Please, please don’t let this get swept under the rug.
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A post shared by Piensa Prensa (@piensaprensa) on Oct 18, 2019 at 2:35pm PDT
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A post shared by Contrainformación USACH (@contra.infousach) on Oct 18, 2019 at 2:52pm PDT
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A post shared by Radio Tamara (@radiotamara) on Oct 18, 2019 at 3:05pm PDT
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
Oh yeah my Twitter account was suspended so I’ve made a new one, the @ is in my bio
So how is everyone on here doing?
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
So how is everyone on here doing?
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
Less than 80 days until the 2010s are over.
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
Anyways that’s enough tumblr for this year, see you next year
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fascistsrbad · 5 years
me in creative mode placing glowstone all over the cave below my house
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