Kurt wasn’t sure what the future would bring, but there was something he was certain right now, and that was that in this moment, he and Blaine were okay - maybe not in the healthy sense, but okay in that they were alive, together, and would succeed in getting through this rough patch in their lives.  That joke though, helped ease the tension.  The reality was that the two probably couldn’t last a quarter of their usual time. And yeah, eventually there’d be energy for that. For now, both were quite content with blankets, pillows, a nice couch, and Netflix.
“Well - a little dreaming doesn’t hurt.  Also, it’s a good goal to work towards.” He winked and then nodded in agreement.  “Yeah, I say today is a good day to order soup delivery from that nearby deli.  We’ll definitely talk about hiring someone to come in to help with the cooking and cleaning for the both of us, it’d be a good idea.  We need to focus on our health.”  He brushed his lips lightly over Blaine’s before there was a knock on the door, which marked the doctor ready to come in to give a few more details.
It was just a bit more, but then there they were, leaving the doctor’s office, on their way home, with a few prescriptions to drop off at the pharmacy, some reading material, and a list of dietary and treatment guidelines.  They made that follow up appointment, and yes, they were on their way.  Kurt gestured at the prescriptions.  “I - guess we should drop this off at the pharmacy.  Should I get the car?”
and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
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Kurt had to laugh, amidst the madness that life threw at them yet again.  Maybe it wasn’t the idea time for laughter, but hopefully it lightened both their spirits in that moment.  It was almost like a moment where Kurt could pull out of his day-to-day self-blame for all the wrong that he had done through the years.  True, he wouldn’t be able to re-do the past years.  There was a deal of trust to earn with the kids - notably Luke - that was one relationship that was touch and go at that time.  It certainly seemed like Kurt’s relationship with Blaine was on the mend.  Thank goodness, because now, Blaine needed to let go of “not wanting to be a bother” and lean on Kurt.  Kurt was more than ready to step up.  
“Well - you know, playing doctor and patient can add a whole new level of roleplay to our NSFW routine,” Kurt quipped.  “Kidding, of course, or am I?” Well if they were going to lighten the mood... why not?  “I - think we should let the doctor back in to his own office, we can finish what we have to do, and go home, what say you?”  
and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
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Kurt wouldn’t have wished ill health on his worst enemy.  Sometimes, he wondered if his own health predicament wasn’t the result of karma he, himself, had earned in the past years for his own greedy ambitions.  But Blaine? There was nothing on this Earth that Blaine had done to deserve this, especially on top of the situations at home with Kurt.  Kurt knew words like “I understand” wouldn’t even come close, but he could be silent for a moment, hug Blaine, and let him have a good cry.  
When Blaine apologized, Kurt tilted his head to the side, perplexed.  “Why would you apologize?  Life has given you a lot to deal with, Blaine.  Marriage goes both ways. Life is a two-way street.  When you’re weak, I’m here to catch you, just like when I’m weak, you’re there for me.  And trust me, I may look out of it these days, but there’s a lot of fight left in me, enough to hold things together for the both of us.”  He flashed an encouraging grin.  When Blaine kissed him, he returned the kiss, and clung tightly to Blaine - and I have you, which always tells me that I - we’re - going to get out of this alive.  And then we’ll take the longest, most luxurious trip anywhere where we want to go, to enjoy everything life has to offer.”  
and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
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One thing about the medical profession, they were trained to handle patients that broke down.  This doctor cast a sympathetic look at Blaine’s direction.  “This isn’t a death sentence by any means, you must understand that.  We have great advances that can ensure that you live a full life, albeit under the proper medical regimen.”  
At this, Kurt took off his mask and he looked at the doctor with this calculating, judging look.  “That... is the best you can do?” he asked incredulously.  “Your patient is distraught after a life-altering diagnosis, and you talk about how his life will be normal - Really?”  The doctor, used to certain patient and family member outbursts, was unfazed by Kurt’s outburst.  “Mr. Hummel, it’s understandable that this is a lot to take in, I’ll give you two a moment.”   At this, he and his intern stepped out of the room, and Kurt shot another incredulous look at the doctor and the intern’s direction, but quickly turned his attention to Blaine.
“B - look at me - okay?  I’m here - I - am not going anywhere -”  He reached for Blaine’s cheek and gently wiped some tears away with the back of his hand.  “Shh - I’m here - whatever it takes, you won’t go through any of this alone - do you hear me?  We’ll find you the best experts - the best treatments - whatever it takes, and I won’t ever leave your side, I - I swear it.”  His voice shook slightly - as the shock and initial anger towards the doctor was wearing off.  “Oh B - “ he whispered, as he wrapped his arms around his husband, struggling not to start crying himself.  Life really wasn’t fair for the lot of them lately.  
and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
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Kurt could think of many things that he had dreaded in the past.  Starting from coming out to his dad all those years ago, to embracing his sexuality and who he was in a small town, to even facing the challenges into adulthood.  Then, there had been the challenges to his marriage, and even facing his diagnosis.  But all of that paled in comparison to the notion that something could be gravely wrong with Blaine.  When Kurt was diagnosed with cancer, he had to imagine what it could be like if cancer won.  It was hard to think of the possibility, but it was easy to make plans just in case.  But.... nothing could ever prepare him to begin to think of the prospect of Blaine departing this world before him.
To say that Kurt was overprotective was an understatement.  Being a ‘regular’ in the treatment and medical testing scheme these days, he was extremely critical of the treatment and testing performed on Blaine.  If he sensed the slightest bit of incompetence, a careless needle stick, a needless test, even an unnaturally cold draft in the room, he made it known that incompetence would not be tolerated in the slightest bit.  
Letting out a soft, defeated sigh, Kurt reached for the mask and put it on.  He had spotted Blaine’s file, the one at the top, but damn the voices.  In his hurry to take his seat, he managed to smack his shin against the desk.  Now it was fortunate he had the mask on, because it managed to further muffle the sudden explicative Kurt had exclaimed.  He rubbed his injured shin with one hand, held Blaine’s in the other.  The misfortune of that was probably the bruise it’d leave later - a curse of his present malady.  But he’d worry about that later, because there was something suddenly more important.  “B it’s fine - it’s going to be fine,” he murmured, as his eyes focused on the opening door, and the doctor that entered, with someone else, that looked younger - a student or something?
Kurt raised a quizzical eyebrow at this, as both people entered.  The doctor couldn’t see the pursed look of disapproval behind that mask.  If a doctor was going to bring some intern into the room, maybe delivering news to a patient and his spouse wasn’t the ideal moment - in Kurt’s opinion.  
“Hello there, Mr. Anderson, I’m pleased you and your husband could make it.”  Blaine’s doctor looked cheerful, too cheerful in Kurt’s opinion.  Again, he wasn’t exactly sure if Blaine’s doctor could read it, but Kurt was totally judging him.  Was it normal to be so cheerful?  I mean, doctors were all gluttons for pain and punishment, why smile about it?  Of course, that fake, sugary sweet compassion, as if they were genuinely concerned.  Kurt clicked his tongue impatiently, then he took off the mask.  “Well - I gather, you asked both of us to come here, you found something, didn’t you?  Hopefully a diagnosis, something we can treat?”
Of course, Kurt was never the sort to be warm with doctors or nurses, only the one he was related to, his sister in law.  The rest, eh, they were sketchy folk.  Blaine’s doctor looked at Blaine.  “The results confirmed the diagnosis for Lupus, an auto immune disease that targets the healthy tissue in your body.  This explains the pain, inflammation, and stiffness you are feeling.  The good news, it’s treatable, and we have many advances in medicine and research.  The bad  news is, while this disease can reach remission, there is no cure.  At its best, it is manageable. At its worse, it attacks not only the tissue of your muscles and joints, but also your organs, including your kidneys, skin, heart, lungs, and blood.”  
The doctor continued talking, but suddenly, the droning sounded far away, as if he had been talking through a tunnel. Kurt suddenly couldn’t speak, as his grip tightened around Blaine’s hand. This sounded serious - this was serious. “How - can you be so sure?” he managed to respond - though he looked to Blaine to see what his reaction could be.
and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
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and the walls kept tumbling down (/tag-Klaine)
Kurt never liked hospitals.  While it took a huge step to go to them for his own devices, the most nerve-wracking thing was when he was there as family of a patient, like when they ran tests on Blaine, and one test led to another, to another, and to yet another.  They were scary too, ranging from blood work, to scans, to even these scary things involving wires and needles and electrodes.  
Given Kurt’s own illness, he thought he had seen all sorts of scary tests, but there was something about needles being stuck in Blaine’s nerve endings being charged with electrodes to rule out MS.  When it wasn’t MS, it was because something else had fit the mold - something coming up in lab work.  Now, that had been something that brought chills down Kurt’s spine.  But with deep breaths, and a confident front, those performing art years had come in handy.  But in all honesty, Kurt was terrified.  
Looking back to the Chemo, Kurt being in the midst of another round, combined with powerful anti-nausea medication to allow him to keep even the lightest broth down, heavy-duty B12 vitamins, and right now, sipping very strong home-brewed iced tea in a water bottle brought from home because that was the safest way to avoid contamination,his gaze darted nervously between Blaine, and the Dr’s office.  When things couldn’t be said over the phone, it was always something, and the last thing they had done on Blaine had been the biopsy.  Biopsy was already a really scary word.  Especially when earlier in the week, they had been scanning his head and spine.  
He put the bottle away and then pulled out and held the customized and designed mask that coordinated with his outfit for that day.  Being a designer meant that you could fashion appliques and slip covers on just about anything.  “You think we’re safe in his office - or should I - just in case some other person tracked something in here?”  Shifting his gaze towards the doctor’s desk, Kurt looked at Blaine.  “You think I should peek through his desk to see if I can kill the suspense any?”  He was half-joking to keep Blaine in good humor, but also half serious.  But just then, he heard voices down the hall, like people could have been heading in the direction of the office they sat in.  
Kurt reached for Blaine’s hand, and tilted his head to the side.  “You feeling okay B?” he whispered.  
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Kurt remembered how scary it had been going through that scary thing, knowing something could be terribly wrong, and letting it consume you from the inside, not because you were afraid to tell your sick husband, but because you had already pushed him away for so long that you didn’t think you were worth worrying about anymore.  Regardless, it was an isolated, dark place, a place that he could never let Blaine go to.  Despite the bad days (and face it, today was pretty good), he still had this strength that kept him going - it was Blaine and the Kids, family, and even those wonderful friends, like Rachel and Jesse.  All those things laid out in front, it was easy to say these were things worth fighting for.  
He flashed a smile at Blaine and nuzzled into his neck and inhaled deeply.  “Exactly, we need to be doing moments like these for a really long time, like long enough to have grandkids come home for Christmas at least.  And yes, forever and ever,” he chimed back before he stifled a yawn.  “If - I start to fall asleep s’okay... we can just...” And just like that, in the warmth of Blaine’s embrace, that early rise and spurt of energy had caught up with him...But one thing he didn’t do, he never let go of Blaine’s hand, the same hand he had held and grabbed onto all those years ago at Dalton.  
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt bit his lower lip and cast his husband a sympathetic look, before his gaze guiltily wandered down to his own hands.  He could sense that this deeply troubled Blaine, and rightfully so!  Piano and performance was Blaine’s passion.  Teaching too, but in reality, Blaine’s passion had been performance.  Kurt knew he hadn’t been a saint in supporting Blaine’s talent in recent years like he should.  Maybe if he had, Blaine would have still maintained the confidence to unleash his fullest potential to be right at where he should have been all along!  But this wasn’t the time for mental berating.  He had vowed to be that supporting husband he had been when they first married, and into the first years, before he was consumed with his own personal successes.  
Kurt looked back to Blaine and gently cradled Blaine’s hands between his own.  “We will get to the bottom of it, and do whatever it takes to get you back to 100%, I promise.  And... if it gets to that worst case scenario, if ... we will make the absolute best out of a totally shitty situation - and I won’t leave your side for a second - I swear it.”  
He had to chuckle, and playfully nudged Blaine as he apologized.  “What are you apologizing for, Silly?  We’re cuddling aren’t we?  And - we’re opening up to one another - this is great.  It means... that all hope wasn’t lost before, and that we are doing this - we are stronger than ever.”  Kurt reached for Blaine’s cheek, which he stroked affectionately.  “And despite the shitty things - in sickness - been dealing with sickness here - could be dealing with it again -  we’re in it for the long run - in sickness and in health.  But you know - this means we can beat anything and still be strong... together.  I’m pretty okay with any moment that confirms this.” 
At this, he smiled deeply.  “I love you too - to the moon and beyond, but you know - I never get tired of hearing you love me.  I’m sure you feel the same.  I also never get tired of doing this...” Kurt then kissed Blaine tenderly on the lips.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt sighed deeply.  “I - know both of us haven’t exactly been saints about good communication in the past years, but I like to think we’re getting pretty good at it again, like old times.  Enough where as worried and upset as I get, I can stop and realize, I’ve been guilty of that too, we’re human.”  He knitted his eyebrows together (admittedly what was left of them these days, but nothing a little pencil and makeup couldn’t disguise), and looked at Blaine in confusion.  “Why would you have to give up music?  I mean - I’m sure there’s a good explanation, then a good way to fix things.”  
Optimism was key.  No, it wasn’t one of those silly ‘positive thinking’ books that Rachel had shoved under his nose these days, it was just fact.  “Well, fortunately, I’m doing pretty okay, given the circumstances I’ve dealt with lately.  Even if there isn’t something going on with you - I am always going to lose a little sleep worrying or thinking about something or someone, because I’m just wired to not sleep easily.  But what’s really important is that while we’re taking care of me, we’re taking care of you too.”  
Since he had finished his own mug of Cocoa by now, he saw Blaine’s sitting there, and he picked it up with his hands and offered it to Blaine.  “And if you’re having trouble with that, let me help.  We’ll get to the bottom of this together.”    He flashed an encouraging smile at his husband at this.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt had literally counted the days, hours, even minutes, until he was able to be home again.  Being home again, he finally felt like he could contribute to this household.  At least when he was all work, he brought home lots of money and support, though it did come at a great cost.  But when he was laid up in a hospital, that helplessness he felt sensing Blaine’s increasing fatigue and stress was almost unbearable.  Something that got him through that was the mental promise that when he was there, he would see to it that everything was okay.  He would take on enough responsibility in the household, so that Blaine could give himself a well-deserved break.
...Getting Blaine to stay put was easier said than done. Maybe that was because Blaine still freaked out about Kurt.  Kurt wasn’t totally out of the woods, but he was certainly better than he had been a couple months back.  He was at least one step in the right direction.  There were good days, and there were not so good days, but overall, it was manageable.  But at the same time, he couldn’t shake a nagging, doubting worry.  There was something else. But right when they had started to make great strides in putting together the broken pieces in their relationship, Kurt couldn’t outright admit he had doubts about what was going on with Blaine when Kurt wasn’t around, right?
“I knew it -” he breathed out in a shuddering sigh as he took a bit to compose himself.  The weirdest side effect of this ‘chemo brain’ along with some random scatter-mindedness, was some random highs and lows in emotion.  He grimaced apologetically when that hint of frustration slipped, and the fact that some tear escaped was annoyingly frustrating  “I -sorry I didn’t mean - “ he started, but then set aside the remote so he could gently cup his hand against Blaine’s cheek in an attempt to soothe him. 
“I - it’s fine, I mean, admitting there’s something wrong is a good first step.  Uh take it from me, it’s never good to let these snowball out of control.”  His voice hitched up slightly in octave.  Kurt’s voice was always a dead-giveaway when he was nervous about something to those who knew him best.  But the idea of Blaine being in anything but picture perfect health did alarm Kurt.  
“We just have to get you to a doctor to check things out - and please, none of this - but Kurt you’re sick - business.  I’ve got my silly sick business perfectly under control.  But part of us making it for the long haul is you staying in good mental and physical health too.”  He paused and then sighed.  “That - isn’t supposed to come out sounding like some lecture.  Um, if you make an appointment, I’ll come with you, whatever you need.  Even if you want a crazy person to call the doctor’s office barking some demand that things get moved around ASAP to get you in their schedule.  You know I do that well-enough.”  
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt could press and whine and nag for as long as it took, though it did little to set a cheerful, positive mood.  He relented, for now, and instead opted to appreciate the special, intimate moment with his husband. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.  A little tray would kill me,” he chirped as he snuggled closer to Blaine.  It was a bit chilly.  Even illness aside, he had always been fond of layers to keep him warm, but nowadays it was like this deathly chill to the extent that he slept with a heated blanket of his own to make sure that Blaine didn’t sweat bullets at night.  He held his own cup of coca between his hands and flashed a meek, playful grin.  “Okay, horror another day.  Cheesy movie it is.”  
Kurt busied himself with the controller though paused for a moment when Blaine mentioned the cocoa being too hot.  “Huh, really?  I left it to chill for a few -”  He started, but then caught himself.  “Well, um, maybe a few more minutes isn’t so bad,” he finished lamely, but on the inside he wasn’t exactly sure what he just saw.  Usually Kurt was more clumsy at handling things than Blaine.  Blaine had this extensively fine motor skills of his hands to the extent that he could play piano at fast speeds, sometimes blindfolded.  He could have sworn he saw him fumble with the glass.  “Well - hm - Christmas royalty movie or average person romance?” he asked, trying to smooth over that skeptical moment.  
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt frowned, sensing some unease, something that was off, but knew that it was better to give the benefit that it was just his paranoia.  It had been a roller coaster of emotions in recent months.  They had gone from the brink to a crumbling marriage (in large part to Kurt’s blind ambition - which he still silently blamed himself for) to having to deal with Kurt’s illness right in the middle of working on building back the trust in their marriage.  It wasn’t an easy feat.  For Kurt, there was a lot of self-resentment and guilt, and with Blaine, well, Kurt certainly hoped he was earning back his trust.  In the meantime, right now, he was truly and honestly in that role of concerned husband.  He tilted his head.  “Promise you’ll check things out if it’s more than nothing?  I - take it from me, um, it’s really a horrible thing when things blow up in your face.”  He grimaced at that revelation.  
Though he had to chuckle at the thing about age. “Oh wow, gone are those tequila sunrise and long island iced tea nights.  We drink those, and we’re lucky if we manage to make it to our beds at night instead of the front hall.”  He hummed softly in contemplation about the R&R talk.  “Well, in the meantime before we take on some long weekend getaway, you know I give some pretty good massages.  We got to make sure you’re not so tense and stressed out.  Next thing you know, you’ll wake up with a full head of gray.”  
Once Kurt finished with the kitchen and headed back to the couch, he found Blaine there, and he smiled at Blaine as he artfully balanced a tray of two cocoas and a plate of cookies, which he set in the coffee table.  “Hmm, what are you thinking?  Musical, cheesy Hallmark movie?  Comedy?  Or maybe some psycho serial killer thriller?” he asked, as he again looped his arms around Blaine and kissed him gently.  “I - mean - nothing sets the mood better for a psycho serial killer film than biting the heads off then dismembering little cookie people, just kidding,” he quipped.  For a moment, it felt like the old days, before illnesses, before stresses, before blinding ambition got in the way....
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt flashed a small, fond smile as he handed Blaine a cookie, and then he turned his attention to start brewing up some cocoa.  “Well, true, cocoa and cookies, that’s a classic for sure.”  Kurt pressed the back of his hand against Blaine’s to make sure he wasn’t coming down with the flu.  Maybe he was simply run down after all.  “Well you don’t feel feverish, but still, you should take it easy.  Stress messes with the immune system. Maybe for the next few days we should up your Vitamin C intake or something to be safe?”  
In all honesty, it made sense that Blaine could be run down and losing sleep.  Being there for Kurt and keeping the household running, all while keeping Kurt’s um - health predicament under wraps - was no easy feat.  “Well, maybe some deserved R&R can help you feel less your age.  45 should be the new 30 after all.”  He hesitated, but then saw that there was the rolled out dough and shapes to be cut out and baked.  “Okay, but don’t do any heavy lifting, unless it’s a mug and a plate of cookies,” he instructed.
It didn’t take Kurt much longer to finish up with putting the last of the cookies to bake, to clean up, then to take the cookies out of the oven.  Though, there were a couple moments where he had to stop, take a breather, and keep going.  While there were bursts of energy, his stamina wasn’t completely there yet.  When finished, he walked up to Blaine and hugged him from behind, before he nuzzled into his neck to take in the moment.  “Well, maybe some tired middle-aged fogies like us could use some quality cuddle time on the couch.  There’s plenty of cookies and Cocoa, and maybe we can pop in a movie or something?” he suggested. 
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Kurt had drifted off into a distant memory, where his mother stood, rolling out and cutting out cookies, only stopping to watch Kurt, struggling to hold the piping bag. just hold it steady, and let everything fall into place.  Things always fall into place.  A young Kurt looked up, smiled shyly, and played with the fringe of the scarf his mom wore, tied, twisted, and knotted fashionably at the nape of her neck.  A voice jerked Kurt out of this memory, Blaine’s voice.  “Mm, Good morning, B,” he murmured, as he flashed a soft smile, and returned the kiss with a soft brush over Blaine’s own lips.  “Something just told me it was a perfect moment to pull out Mom’s old recipe.”  He gestured at the cooled off cookies.  “Want to taste test?  Obviously they have to cool before decorating, but I thought it might be fun, for later.  Cookies and cocoa, or more eggnog.  We still have some left.”  
He finished putting the remaining cookies on a pan, and put it to bake before he turned his total attention to Blaine.  “Did you sleep well?  I - decided to let you sleep, you looked so peaceful.  I figured I’d let you have a day off, let me hold down the fort so you can get all the R&R you need.  Plus, you know, better to be up and at them, instead of some Ambien induced Amazon spree.”  True, also part of Kurt’s treatment involved getting off the sleeping pills he took for insomnia.  Just some days, he was so tired and weak, he didn’t notice.  Other days, he was up and about with minimal sleep and so much energy that it was easy to forget he was sick.  But one thing that was alarming, but perhaps a good sign, not once since he came home, had he logged in to work from home.  
Kurt walked up to Blaine, hugged him from behind, and then gently kneaded on Blaine’s neck and shoulders.  “Babe, you’re so tense, hm - you want me to make you some ginger tea or something to relax?” he asked, as he raised an eyebrow at Blaine. It was true, Blaine had taken on a lot, what with Kurt’s illness, work, and keeping the kids at bay (and from suspecting anything).  With cold and flu season at full swing, and Kurt just getting over it, and Blaine having nursed him through it, the last thing he would ever want is for Blaine to work and stress himself sick (or worse, to death).  
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
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Baby, It’s Cold Outside
It had been a couple of weeks back home.  Kurt had immediately taken to bringing the holiday cheer to the Hummel-Anderson household.  Kurt and Blaine had talked about telling the kids about Kurt’s health, but Kurt, being stubborn, kept finding excuses to not want to put a damper on the holidays.  He had promised Blaine that after the holidays, he’d come clean to the whole family. In the meantime, they should behave as normal as a happy family as possible.  The last thing Kurt could ever want was, should things have turned out as none of them wanted, for the last holiday to be depressing.  This was going to be a great holiday, like the ones before things like work and pride and silly ambition got in the way. 
There were good days, and there were weak days, still.  The blood work had revealed that Kurt had stopped progression of his illness, but little improvement had been made.  His doctors expected at least 3-4 more cycles of treatment before Kurt could be declared NED.  For Kurt, this took an emotional toll on him for a few days, until he gathered his bearings once again.  The plan was that he would resume his next cycle of therapy just after Christmas.  However, because his immune system was still weakened from the first round, Kurt managed to catch the flu maybe by just breathing outside.  He had managed to stay out of going back to the hospital, but only because of the concierge medical services he contracted on standby.  
Because of this, doctors hesitated in allowing outpatient Chemo as of yet.  Though Kurt, stubborn and steadfast in making the right calls and proper arrangements, had managed to find a way to get the home sanitized and approved for home-bound, concierge treatment.  He would just have to keep the house free of germs, and have to have the hospital on standby if he happened to get sick to the point of needing round-the-clock medical supervision.  It was funny what possibilities opened up when money was no concern.   
The kids were, well,like most young adults, off in their antics, and occasionally home for supper.  On this particular weekend morning, Kurt and Blaine had the place to themselves. Kurt was definitely feeling much better today, enough that he wished to bring another fun holiday antic into the household.  He woke up early to bake cookies, to later decorate.  The cold air was an indicator that fresh cookies and cocoa (or eggnog) seemed like the way to go.  Before too long, the heavenly sweet aroma of cookies hung in the air, accompanied by the Christmas Music channel on the radio.  
Leave it for Kurt to wear a designer turtleneck, even when covered by an apron in the kitchen. The apron somehow managed to coordinate with said sweater and the designer scarf that was twisted into a fashionable head covering, and elegantly knotted at the nape of Kurt’s neck.  This very moment, Kurt stood over rolled out cookie dough, his cheek unknowingly streaked with flour as he stared at the dough, likely in contemplation of what cookie cutters to use...  
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Oh B...
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You still manage to take my breath away, each time. I love you too!
Being home again is amazing!
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Kurt smiled fondly at a recollection.  “You always did rock a cool beanie look back in the college days.  Plus with the cold weather days, the beanie look is very rocker chic.”  A knot formed at the bits of Kurt’s stomach at the dismal realization that he now looked even more like a cancer patient.  it was one thing to deal with the fatigue, nausea, and weakness that came with the chemo.  But the pallor and lack of hair certainly made things all so real.  But a voice from within pushed Kurt out of this self-pitying state, as he flashed a confident, never-better smile.  Staring at the face of it all without breaking down made Kurt feel that much stronger.  There was a light at the end of the tunnel.  
And Blaine being there made the world of difference. He was so supportive of Kurt, even at his worst.  Kurt cupped his hand against one of Blaine’s cheeks and nodded.  “It’s fine, I’m fine.  I feel better than I look I promise.”  Something told him it was a good idea to comfort and reassure Blaine.  
When Blaine reassured him about going through with the head shaving, Kurt reached for Blaine’s hand and gently kissed his knuckles.  “Okay,  I’ll be gentle, I promise. Here we go.”  Kurt started working on Blaine, whose ringlets floated to the ground and eventually formed into a fuzzy pile.  After a while, Kurt reached for the hand mirror.  “It’s a new look, yes, but still pretty handsome.  Um, want to take a look?”  
all you need is love /tag-Blaine
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