"Maybe I would," Vidia returned the comment with a smirk. "Pill schmill," she waved off the muggle contraceptive. It wasn't that she disliked it. She just grew up with magibotanist as parents. There wasn't a magical remedy that could replace a muggle one.
"Backdoor action or getting messy? Cause I think the answer would be both," Vidia said with a wink. She was half joking and half serious. The former or the latter shouldn't surprise anyone.
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"Would I offer up my opinion if it wasn't?" She rolled her eyes. It wasn't much of a secret that Vidia had her fair share in the name of carnal knowledge. She didn't pretend like it was, either. "Lube? What's your vagina a dessert? Unless you're planning on a little bit of backdoor action. AAL won't dry out as quickly as Morgana's. It's messier if you use too much but a lot more comfortable."
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"See, don't you feel better? It's always better to tell the truth," Vidia smirked once she spoke. "Do they even have anyone out here keeping an eye on you? Just leave?"
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Vidia spotted someone in one of her favorite sections of the store. Curiosity got the better of the young witch and she went to investigate. "Typically, if you go with that brand," Vidia motion toward the more expensive brand, "you should go with," she paused to grab her preferred type, "these. Get more bang for your buck." Then she flashed a cheeky grin.
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Zira stares at the two packages in her hands. The little grocery store is largely quiet this late at night, particularly quiet for the Summer, as Hogsmeade empties of its younger population for the holiday. She can’t decide between the two. One is only slightly less expensive than the other, but its quality is also slightly worse. Is it worth it? She can’t decide. 
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In Flight || Grad Para
Waiting for Vidia’s name to be called brought her back to her very first night as a Hogwarts student; when she was sorted into Slytherin. The people she sat with were also the same that were sorted with her. A lot had changed over seven years. Seven years. Vidia rattled through every major event in her academic career from making the quidditch team to her N.E.W.T.s. While she only grew a few inches, she grew as a person. Some might not like her but Vidia loved who she became.
With all her sass, Vidia walked up to perform her final task for graduation when she was called. The petite quidditch player stepped upon the platform and within a split second, she was hovering over a lush meadow. “What the…?” She was so stunned the foul words were lost to the air.
Vidia��s hand touched the air behind her. “Wings?” She hissed with confusion as the thin translucent wings buzzed against her fingers. The act made her drop suddenly. But once Vidia fully absorbed what was going on she zoomed across the sky. She went speeds she dreamed of.
She came closer toward the flowers she hovered over and realized they were much larger than her. As she flew close to the daisies, she took in their fresh scent. Her parents would kill for a chance to get that close to plant life.
A cloud floated through the clear blue sky and Vidia shot up to get a closer look. The white fluff surrounded her as she corkscrewed through the cloud. Vidia donned a wide vibrant smile as she shot through the other side. “Whoo!” She exclaimed. Vidia never felt so alive. Every part of her body tingled with excitement.
“Hey, Vid!” Someone called from the ground. Vidia squinted and only saw a blur. Riding on the high of flight, Vidia rocketed toward the ground leaving a trail of gold dust behind.
“Yes?” The dust cloud kept going even though Vidia stopped.
“Just saying hey!” The annoying blonde chimmed.
“I came down for a hey?” Vidia grumbled with an eyeroll. “Anything else?”
“Nope!” She beamed with a smile.
“Whatever,” and Vidia took off again. She flew for what seemed like hours. She flew so much she noticed the gold dust was starting to fade. Surely, Vidia started to float toward the ground and it became harder to push herself to top speeds.
“Oh, Vid,” a red haired fairy said with sympathy, “You’re runnin’ out-a dust! Go see Terrance before ya have to walk to the pixie dust tree!” Vidia rolled her eyes as she headed toward the largest tree in all the hallow.
As Vidia landed and took a step toward the spout of gold dust, she stepped off the stage and back to her seat. She couldn’t help but shake the urge to fly. “Damn graduation,” she muttered to herself. She had to wait for it to end to get anywhere near a broom and that was if her mother didn’t insist on making her to go to dinner.
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Vidia almost split at the seams with laughter, "If that was real, then I'd have to bow down to you and you enchanted booty." While the image was comical it was far from the truth. "What'd you really do, cariño?" Vidia asked as her laughter ebbed.
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Vidia was running errands for her mother because the truth of the matter is, there was nothing else to do in that God forsaken town anyway. Well, not for her anyway. Ever since her uncle died, Vidia had felt empty and not much like herself.
She had just dropped off a parcel to the aurors from her mother and she was walking through when she spotted Pip. He looked worse than she felt, which was saying something. “What’d you do?” Vidia asked nudging his foot with her own.
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
Pip is a miserable fuck. He has no boyfriend. His best friend was probably eaten by a wild hippogryff in the Forbidden Forest. He’s living at home with no job or summer internship program to at least get him away from his Father’s bullshit. 
Leave a miserable Pip alone for long enough and disaster will occur. 
Which is why he is slumped over in his seat in front of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Juvenile Division. He feels a lot like a mouse waiting for the trap to snap on his neck. 
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Initiation || Self Para
“Excited?” Rodney nudged Vidia’s side as they waited for her initiation to begin.
“Yeah, it's been a long six months,” Vidia exhaled and steadied herself.
“Docinha!” Vidia spun around to see her uncle. “You look so grown up!” He ran over and picked her up for a hug. The skirt of her dress spun as they did and kept going even as they stopped.
“Tio, this is Rodney. Rodney this is my uncle, Vincente,” she introduced the two men.
“Nice to finally meet you, sir. The Guild Master has mentioned you often,” Rodney offered him a hand.
“Likewise. Except for the Guild Master part. I've heard quite a few things from Vidia, though,” Vincente winced as he felt a tiny elbow jab into his side.
“You guys should go. I have the first part of my initiation to prepare for.” She pushed them toward the doorway.
“Good luck, docinha,” her uncle gave Vidia a tight hug.
“Uh,” Rodney looked at Vidia then her uncle, “good luck?”
“We're adults, Rodney,” she leaned to whisper into his ear. “You can kiss me in front of my uncle.”
“What?” He blushed.
“If I fail, my memories of this place will be obliterated. That includes you. I get it if you want to kiss me. My uncle would get it, too.” She shrugged. She wanted him to kiss her. She wouldn't tell him that, though.
“Well, if you insist,” he dipped down to meet her lips with his, even with heels she was still much shorter than he was. His arms wrapped around her and lifted her petite frame off the ground.
Vincente cleared his throat when it got to be awkward. “We have to begin at some point kids.”
“Don't fail, okay?” Rodney whispered before giving her one last peck.
“I'll try not to?” She shook her head. Six months ago, of she would've been told any of things she was going through or doing she would've punched the person in the face for such accusations. Rodney wasn't exactly her boyfriend but she liked him almost as much as he liked her. She didn't know if she wanted it to turn into something more. However, if she failed, she wouldn't get much of a choice.
Rodney left with her uncle and Vidia was left alone. She tried to recall Claire’s lesson. She remembered Chamise’s tips.
She inhaled and exhaled. She never wanted something so bad in her life. The need to pass her initiation beat any need she ever had to win the house cup or a quidditch game.
“You’re up,” Fitz came to collect Vidia. He looked so formal with his three-piece gray suit. “Remember, you speak after Pennelegion.”
“Gotcha, Fitz.”
“Just don't call us nicknames during your initiation, okay?”
“Gotcha, Lower Guild Master Pike,” she gave him a wink and they both left for the large room where she first met the Guild Master. Vidia looked at the ceiling and the light from the candles bounced around the small dome and illuminated the image. It was a dragon. “Wow.”
“Dragons are the fiercest flyers,” Fitz whispered as they made their way to the center where Ridgewell stood.
“Welcome,” Ridgewell offered a hand to Vidia as she got closer. Fitz ushered her until her hand met the Guild Master’s and he took his place with the other officers or the faction. “Tonight, we are here to honor our tradition and initiate this young woman into our guild, into our family. Vidia Ligeiro, are you ready to take that step?”
Vidia studied for months. She knew the entire initiation process inside and out. Claire would have been very proud. That was why it came to be a surprise that Trina interrupted the Guild Master, “Are you ready? Really? Are you?”
“Trina,” Vidia hissed through gritted teeth, “What are you doing?”
“Stopping you and our lovely Guild Master from making a huge mistake,” Trina whipped around, her cloak catching the air as she did and rippling as it settled. “Our Guild Master intends on passing our faction over to her uncle who undoubtedly will end up leaving it to her. Why? Because of some ridiculous legacy!” Trina’s words dripped with jealousy as she drew her wand and held it against Ridgewell’s throat. “You should have named a better heir. Someone who deserves it. Someone who has served you for years with unwavering faith. Instead, you bring in her and her family!”
Vidia cleared her throat before speaking, “Whoa, Trina,” She flashed a quick grin, “I don’t want the faction. I just want to finish my initiation. So, let’s just get that over with then you can talk it out, okay?”
“Oh, shut it! Pretending to be all sweet and nice! You’re a bitch. Let it out, Ligeiro! I know you hate me. Speak your mind.” Trina hissed with her wand still jabbed into the elder’s throat.
“You want the truth? Fine. You’re a jealous heinous bitch who needs to shut up and let me finish my damn initiation. So, kindly remove your wand from the Guild Master’s throat or I will make you, cadela. Is that better?” Vidia kept her mind focused on her wand. It was on her hip, in the waistband of her skirt. She needed to keep that image and focus. Trina already had her wand out. She had the advantage. But, Vidia was also a part of the dueling club. She wasn’t completely helpless in a fight of wands.
“Put the wand down, Trina,” A voice came from behind the tall woman. Vidia grinned because out of all the time she cursed Rodney’s silence, it came in handy.
Trina turned her head for a second and Vidia had her opening. Vidia drew her wand and blasted Trina across the room. If it were a proper duel, Vidia would have given her a moment to prepare but it wasn’t and Vidia wasn’t feeling generous.
As Vidia made her move, a few others made theirs. Fitz and Alf both drew their wands and held stoic faces. “I have this handled. We can finish.” But they didn’t move. Vidia looked at where their wands were pointed and her usually tawny parlor drained. It was a coup.
“Put the wand down, Vidia. This doesn’t concern you,” Alf spoke.
“You’re fucking with my initiation. It concerns me,” Vidia wasn’t about to drop her wand. She drew it out and was ready to fight. Rodney had moved alongside Ridgewell and drew his wand as well. He knew that he could best Trina but not Alf and Fitz together. He had to trust that Ridgewell had a plan. Or at least Vidia’s big mouth would talk the situation into a different direction.
“Things like this happen. Vidia, please, step aside.” Fitz tried to keep calm and cool and collected. He was a stark contrast to the man next to him. “No one has to -”
Fitz’s words were cut off by a shot from across the room. Trina came barrelling through firing off as many charms as possible in her frenzy. Vidia threw up a protection charm and tried to deflect the best she could. Trina was determined and angry.
Then chaos ensued. The room was divided, Ridgewell supporters and Fitz supporters. The legacies supported Ridgewell while the loners, the new blood, supported Fitz and his claim over any legacy. People who had been friends for years, decades even, were at one another’s throats.
Vidia had her sights set on Trina. She ruined everything. It was her who interrupted. It was her who first threatened Ridgewell. Vidia was going to make sure she paid for what she did. She was going to pay for ruining the one thing she looked forward to more than anything.
They both cast several charms against one another until Vidia was close enough to make physical contact. Trina was tall but Vidia was fast. They did more damage with their fists than they did with their wands.
Then Trina stopped. Vidia sent a foot into her gut before looking at what caused her opponent to freeze mid-fight. “No!” She shrieked and ran across the room while jumping over injured witches and wizards.
She skidded to a stop and felt a lump rise in her throat. “Rodney,” she nudged him with her foot but he didn't move. Her face felt hot as she knelt down to nudge him again, “Get up!” She yelled into his ear. “For Merlin’s sake! Get up!”
“He's gone,” Claire came up from behind Vidia and tried to pull Vidia to her feet. “Come on.”
Once to her feet, everything stopped. Fitz’s voice echoed, “Enough! Ridgewell is dead. This is over.” Sobs could be heard around the room. Vidia was silent as the anger brewed within her. “Bring Ligeiro!”
Two men pushed pass Claire and scooped up her under her arms and brought her to Fitz. “Let me go!” She kicked and screamed until she was set before Fitz.
“I'm sorry, Vidia,” he stepped aside and showed her the dead body of her uncle. “Death is never easy but it is necessary. We-” A green flash illuminated the room and Fitz crumbled to the ground.
“He monologs too much,” Alf shoved Fitz’s body to the side and stood in front of Vidia. “Look, he was going to kill you. I, on the other hand, find you valuable. So, I'll give you options. Join us or have your memories of us erased.”
Vidia looked around. Ridgewell, Tio Vincente, and Rodney were dead. The anger and the pain she felt surpassed the feelings she had when Lorena died. “Erase the memories.” She wasn’t going to live with more pain than she already was in on a daily basis.
“Are you sure?”
“Once they're gone, they're gone.”
“I know. Erase them. I have no respect for what you've done. I might not be the best person but you didn't have to kill to get power.” She hissed.
“Just like Fitz said, death is necessary.”
Vidia went to lunge at the older gentleman but the two men that brought her up there caught her by the shoulders. “That's bullshit and you know it!”
“I wouldn't have been able to become Guild Master until after Fitz. Then Ridgewell decided to name an heir. That pushed my claim even further back. I would never become Guild Master. I was doomed to remain a Guild Commander for the rest of my life.” Alf walked over to Ridgewell’s body. “Now, I'll be Guild Master. You should thank me. Like I said, Fitz was going to kill you. My first act as Guild Master will be to show mercy. Let you live.”
“Then shut the fuck up and get it over with. I'm tired of listening to you.” Vidia scoffed as the two guys held her in place.
“As you wish,” Alf drew his wand and trained it on Vidia.
3 weeks later…
Vidia was walking through Hogsmeade enjoying the rare occasion of sunshine in the Scottish summer. Her mother was right that a little fresh air would do her good. It had been weeks since they received the news about Tio Vincente’s untimely passing. He was her favorite uncle and losing him pained her almost as much as losing Abuela and more than losing Lorena.
Then there was a crash from the alley as she walked by. Vidia stopped to take a peak at what happened and a cat darted out causing her to jump. “Ooph,” Vidia slammed into someone.
“Watch it, puto,” she hissed as her neck craned to look at the person. He was the tallest person she had ever seen. So tall, even, that she almost didn't see the grin that swept across his face. “What's the smile for?”
“Oh, nothing. How about I take you out for a drink to make up for my offense?” His blue eyes stared down his angular features.
Vidia gave him a side eye. “What kind of drinks are we talking?”
“Whatever kind you want.”
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Aesthetic: Rodney & Vidia
“Yes but I shouldn’t,” He kissed her forehead. “As much as I would love to see how comfortable that bed of yours is, first dates end at the front door with a kiss.”
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Courtship Isn’t That Easy || Self Para (Part 3)
Vidia tried to think of something Rodney would like to do that she also enjoyed. Drinks would work but he would protest. Drunk Vidia wasn’t exactly who she was. It was a less inhibited version of herself.  Vidia preferred it but Rodney was a tough nut to crack. Vidia needed to be at one hundred percent in order to navigate the situation.
“What about a little fighting lesson?” Rodney looked at her with confusion. “In the octagon ring. Like mixed martial arts.”
“Is that what you really want to do?” She nodded. “MMA it is.”
Vidia brought Rodney to the gym. It wasn’t terribly busy but it usually wasn’t for that time of day. A few people waved hello and some sneered at her companion and her.
Vidia walked through to the locker room and came out with gear for Rodney. “Put this on and meet me back here.”
Once in the ring, Rodney tried not to laugh. “Okay, so, this is your idea of a date?”
“Does getting your ass handed to you not sound like a good time?” Vidia jested as she wrapped her knuckles.
“It is pretty mismatched.”
“Oh, because I’m short or because I’m a woman?”
“I’d never say you couldn’t beat me because of your gender.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“What? I’ve beaten most of the guys here at least once.”
“If this is what you want then this is what you shall have.”
“It is what I want,” Vidia stepped forth and squared up. “Don’t think about taking it easy on me because you think I’m attractive.”
“I’d never insult you in such a way,” Rodney commented as he watched her carefully. “Although, I find it difficult to hurt you when you’ve done nothing to warrant it.” Just then, Vidia moved forward and struck him on the side. Rodney staggered back and caught himself on the gate of the octagon ring.
“Did that warrant it enough?” She asked while egging him on.
“Trina has hit me harder,” his retort made Vidia narrow her eyes on him and drop her playful grin to a straight line.
“For that, I’m knocking you out.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Rodney and Vidia drew a crowd as their fight went on. People were placing bets, which was pretty evenly split. Onlookers were shouting tips as it intensified.
Her tiny legs were firmly locked around his waist and she threw her body backward. The momentum of the move caused Rodney to flip forward and land on his back. Vidia was quick and precise. She locked him into hold until the pain was too much to bear and he tapped out.
“Not knocking you out but it’s something,” Vidia released her hold and sat triumphantly. “Care for another round?” She smirked as he tried to regain himself.
“Can’t take it?” She leaned closer to taunt him. “I can go easy on you.”
“No thanks,” Rodney threw his weight over and flipped Vidia on her back and got her hands over her head. “Although, I do like where this is headed.”
“Asshole,” Vidia groaned as she tried to get free. “You’re not getting any in the middle of the ring at the town gym.”
“I said where it’s headed not that it’s right now. Relax.” He stole a quick kiss before jumping up and offering her a hand.
Rodney moved quickly as he pulled her from the ground and into his arms. One second they were in the gym and the next they were somewhere completely different. “I thought we could use the shower,” Rodney picked Vidia up and placed her on the counter.
“You can shower all you want but it won’t wash away the defeat,” Vidia teased as she swung her feet back and forth.
“I don’t mind,” Rodney lifted her chin with a crooked finger, “I’ll win in the end.”
“How’s that?” She asked pushing his hand away. “Vidia Ligeiro doesn’t lose.”
“We can make this a mutually beneficial venture,” he gripped her thighs and slid her closer to the edge. “What do you say?”
“I say,” She hooked a leg around his waist to close the distance between them, “stop talking and just let it go where it will go.”
“Are you always this bossy?”
“I guess I can live with that,” he said as he pulled the hair tie and let her dense dark locks sweep down gracefully. His fingers tangled themselves in her hair and tilted her head to expose the delicate skin of her neck.
Clothes came off and the shower spilled out steam as the pair explored each other’s bodies. The sensation of his hands against her sensitive areas made her body quake. Her moans were a soft whisper against his lips. His hitched as her petite fingers wrapped around his length and moved agonizingly slow.
Rodney’s hips rolled against her hand as his fingers trailed up her body. He moved slowly and pinned her hands over her head.
Vidia knew the second she crossed the line of no return. She’d never tell him that but she did. The sensation of him and the emotional connection made her body shake to the very core. Even after, the delicate way he touched her and held her as the warm water washed over them made Vidia curse herself for breaking her one concrete rule. The rule to never sleep with someone she has feelings for.
Vidia stirred and felt Rodney’s arm draped across her. In her tired state, she shimmied into his body and pulled his arms around her like a blanket. Rodney groaned in his sleep and slipped a hand beneath his shirt that she wore and sighed at the warmth of her skin. “I’m surprised you’re still here,” he whispered.
“Me, too,” she replied as she rolled over to face him. “This stays between us, okay?”
“Who would I need to tell anyway?”
“I don’t know. I’m just putting it out there.”
“Whatever happens between the two of us behind closed doors will stay as such. I promise,” he kissed the top of her forehead and pulled her closer. “Now, go back to sleep.”
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Crackship: VidRod
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Courtship Isn’t That Easy || Self Para (Part 2)
Claire had Vidia coming to the Faction house every possible day to read up on the rules and history of the Guild. When she wasn't there, she was at school. There was nothing else in her life that could possibly fit into her schedule, not even another date with Rodney.
While in the library with Claire, Helen came over to pay a visit. “So, how are you?” Vidia looked up from the leather bound century old text and shrugged. “I heard you went out to dinner with a certain silent giant.”
“And?” Vidia didn't bother to look up. She could feel both, Claire and Helen, staring her down waiting for some sort of Vidia style response. She learned that sometimes she needed to tone it down in order to play their little mind games.
“Just curious,” Helen sounded disappointed. “Oh, and I just want to tell you that I saw Trina leaving his room last night and she didn't look like a woman who was turned down, if you know what I mean.”
“If you're trying to make me jealous, then you need to try harder. Rodney, like you two, is just training me. Whatever he does in his free time is his business,” Vidia forced a quick grin upon her face. She tried to not let it show that hearing Trina and Rodney slept together again after he tried so hard to take her out on a date hurt. It was for the better. Vidia spent ten years or so avoiding forming bonds. She wasn't entirely successful with her few friendships but she did succeed when it came to romantic love.
“Oh well,” Helen pushed away from the table. “Since you're free from Rodney, we can have another lesson this weekend, right? I was thinking Paris. We can all spend the weekend there.”
“I have to see about my quidditch schedule.” Vidia closed the book and got up. “But I'll let you know, okay?”
“Graham will be there,” Helen’s smile twinkled with innocent hope.
“Graham can choke on it,” then Vidia excused herself. She didn't have much of an excuse except that she needed a break. Claire didn't mind. Vidia was diligent with her studies. Guild history was much more interesting than History of Magic.
Vidia was walking through the corridors looking for something to pass the time when she spotted Chamise. “Hello, darling.”
“Hello Miss Petcher,” Vidia gave her a quick wave as the two slowed down to talk.
“Please, call me Chamise. How are you doing, Vidia?” The chocolate colored woman asked.
“Oh, I'm alright. Just taking a break from training. How are you?”
“I'm glad to hear that. I'm good. Thank you for asking,” Chamise seemed like a genuinely nice person. Vidia didn't have much to go on when it came to the older woman but after their few brief interactions, she felt Chamise wasn't much of a bullshit artist.
“Can I ask you something?” Chamise nodded. “Rodney and Trina? How long have they been a thing?”
“Well, Trina was brought in when she was eighteen. Rodney was only fifteen at the time but he was preparing for his initiation probably since he was born. So, he helped her a lot. He didn't start sleeping with her until he was eighteen though, if that's what you're trying to ask.” Vidia’s eyes widened. Everyone in that place had a skill to instantly detect bullshit. Vidia hoped it was some sort of talent earned with the initiation process.
“Nope. Not my intention. Not at all.”
“Sure,” Chamise said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. “He's in the main room. Guild Master is training him a bit today but I think I heard him saying they were almost done.”
Vidia pursed her lips and looked around. How did she end their conversation and go off to find Rodney to ask him about Trina? Vidia was starting to like everyone and she didn't want to be rude to one of the officers of the guild.
“You can go,” Chamise said those three words and Vidia was off in the direction of the main room.
The main room was littered with people. It took Vidia a minute or two to find Ridgewell and Rodney because they were seated on the far side. “Good afternoon Miss Ligeiro. Care to join us?”
“Good afternoon Guild Master Penneleigon, Rodney,” she gave him a small nod of recognition before sitting with the two men. “What are you guys doing?”
“We were training but now we are just sharing stories,” Rodney answered before Ridgewell.
“What kind of stories?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Rodney was just entertaining an old man with his very interesting love life. I, myself, never married. Never had the urge to,” Ridgewell commented. “Maybe Miss Ligeiro can offer some insight on your female companion issue Mr. Crowley.”
“I don't think so, sir,” Vidia protested.
“You're a female. You can offer a unique view.”
“Well, I took this girl out on a date. I thought it went well but she hasn't tried to talk to me or see me. She's busy so I don't want to be a nuisance but I don't know if it's that or a lack of interest. What do you think?”
“I would say that it's probably a little bit of both. Maybe she thinks you're still sleeping with someone else meanwhile you won't sleep with her.” Vidia let a smug expression proudly rest on her face.
“That's funny cause she actually did the same thing,” Rodney jabbed back.
“Well, are you?”
“Actually, I'm not,” They stared one another down while Ridgewell sat blissfully ignorant to what was going on.
“What about Trina?”
“What about her?”
“Someone saw her leaving your room.”
“She's an old friend. Her leaving my room doesn't mean we slept together.”
“How is she supposed to know that?”
“I didn't know there was a rumor circulating about it.”
“It wasn't just a rumor in the past.”
“Well, it is now.”
“Maybe you should just talk to her then.”
“Maybe she shouldn't be so busy.”
“Maybe she doesn't have much of a choice.”
“Maybe you should take this conversation elsewhere,” Ridgewell looked confused by the whole thing and their back and forth had began to attract attention of the other occupants in the room.
“Should we?” Rodney asked Vidia.
“No. I'm busy.” She got to her feet and stormed off.
N.E.W.T.s preparation was taking over Vidia’s life. While the thought of studying for the exams wasn't on her list of fun things to do, it was the only thing going on at the school.
The library at school was packed and the younger students were obnoxiously loud just asking for the wrath of Vidia to rain down on them. So, instead of getting expelled for hexing a first year to the ceiling, which did sound like a promising alternative to studying, she went into town to the Hogsmeade Library, which usually wasn't too packed.
The old wooden door creaked open as Vidia entered. Surely, the old librarian hissed at the same time for silence. Vidia rolled her eyes and headed for the tables.
“Studying?” Vidia flew from her seat when a voice came from behind her. Her scowl settled on Rodney’s grin. “Can we talk?”
“You always want to talk. Go away,” then she turned back toward her book.
Rodney leaned in so he could whisper, “I'm not sleeping with Trina. I figured I should tell you that.”
“I'm not-” the Librarian hissed at Vidia again and cut her off. She looked around for a place they could talk. She spotted a research room that seemed to be vacant. “Come on before we get hexed into oblivion.”
Vidia peeked her head into the room before entering. It was empty, like she thought. The old oak desk had a light coating of dust from infrequent use. There were books scattered around the room and parchment scrolls that looked like they should've been stored away instead of left to yellow with time.
“I'm not in the mood for this. I don't care if you sleep with her or not. Frankly, if you're sleeping with her it makes disliking you that much easier. So, bye Rodney,” and as she spoke he crept closer and closer. His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him. “I said ‘bye’ not ‘touch me’ or ‘hold me’.”
“Is that so?” He lifted her off the floor and captured her lips with his. While she protested at first, Vidia gave in and let her legs hook around his waist.
“Mhmm,” she hummed against his lips as she pulled his shirt up but was stopped. “What?” Vidia buried her head in the bend of his neck.
“Not here.” She groaned as he placed her back on the ground. “If we go any further and I won't be able to stop myself. I'd prefer to have you without worrying the harpy is going walk in on us.” Rodney lifted her face with a finger beneath her chin, “and I don’t want to feel rushed.”
“And what about what I want?”
“You’re the one who said bye not ‘hold me’ or ‘touch me’.”
“Then bye.” Vidia stomped out of the room and went back to studying.
Cristina, Vidia’s cousin, decided to pay her favorite cousin a visit. Cristina and Vidia were often confused as twins since the girls are so close in age, a few weeks shy of six months to be exact, and they looked alike. Honestly, they could pass for sisters and they acted like they were anyway.
Alda had told Cristina that if Vidia wasn't at the castle or at home that she was more than likely in Hogsmeade. Cristina followed her instincts and went to the coffee shop, the Bad Owl, first. Luckily, Vidia was there with a coffee in hand and a far off expression on her face. Cristina and plopped into the chair across from her cousin and exclaimed, “Hola, Puta!”
Vidia nearly flew out of her seat at the sight of her cousin. “What are you doing here?!”
“Just visiting. I’ve been taking time off since graduation. What were you thinking about?” Cristina leaned back in her seat and rest her elbows on the sides.
“Nothing, really. Have you gone to see anyone else? Scotland is a pretty big stretch for a visit.” Vidia was thinking about Rodney and their almost sexual encounter that was cut short. She felt like it was payback for sleeping with Graham and that made her think about it even more.
“I was in the states already. I saw everyone pretty much. Keliani got a boyfriend so that was fun, not. Alejandro started a band. They blow but their lead singer is bangin’ so girls go to their shows. Alex is still a perv. He wanted to come but I said no. I know you hate him.” Vidia make a face at the mention of her cousin’s name. “Everyone else is pretty much the same. The Twins will be in Milan. They invited me to go to some fashion show but I said I was coming here instead. Then they rescinded their invitation. They claimed it was because they thought they had extra seats but the show only could fit so many.”
“Must be so rough for them,” Vidia said sarcastically.
“They’re just jealous that you’re everyone’s favorite over them. Even their own father likes you more than he likes them,” Both girls busted out in a fit of laughter as onlookers wondered what they were talking about as they both faded between languages and dialects.
“That might be a bit of a stretch but hey,” Vidia laughed.
“So, your mom mentioned a guy,” Cristina tilted her head as she waited for Vidia to try and deny it.
“She did?” Vidia kept her cool. She would have to yell at her mother later.
“Why are you being so secretive? It's just a guy, V. Not like you haven't had- oh, you haven't. Is this your first boyfriend?” Cristina leaned forward with a wide grin.
“He's not my first boyfriend. He's not anything. We went out on a date. That's it.” Vidia was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince her cousin.
“Is there going to be a second date?” Cristina asked. She had never seen Vidia date anyone. She was so curious to see how romance and affection affected her cousin.
“I don't know. We saw each other at the library and things got hot and heavy but he stopped it. Like who does that?” Vidia was still bitter if that wasn't evident.
“Did he say why?”
“He didn't want it to be in a dusty research room in the public library,” Vidia muttered.
“Oh, V! You're so used to casual sex. Not every guy likes to have random sex in public places. It's nothing against you. Get him where he's comfortable and you'll see the difference,” Cristina smirked suggestively.
“Can we stop talking about this?”
“What else is there to talk about?” As Cristina asked her question Vidia froze. “What?” She turned around to see a giant man with blue eyes and slicked back brown hair wearing a grin. “Is that him?” Vidia nodded. “Oh. I can leave.”
“Stay,” Vidia whispered.
“Hello Vidia,” Rodney said as he walked toward the table.
“Hi,” Vidia said with a bitter tone. “This is my cousin, Cristina. Cristina, this is Rodney.”
“Nice to meet you. So, I hear you took my cousin out on a date,” Cristina flashed a grin as she tried to look up at him.
“I did.”
“It was a nice date.”
“And when's the next one?”
“That's up to her,” with his words they both looked at Vidia, who was trying to disappear before she was embarrassed anymore than she already was.
“What?” She scowled.
“Well...” Cristina held the word for as long as she could.
“I don't know. Why is this on me?” Vidia hissed at Rodney.
“Because you're so damn picky. So, pick something and we'll go do it.”
“Can't argue with that. You are pretty picky, V,” Cristina interjected.
“I just don't do dates,” Her tone seemed to be holding back her usual venom.
“Luckily for you, it's never too late to start,” Rodney leaned over to give Vidia a soft kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I look forward to hearing from you, V.”
“Whatever,” she muttered.
“It was nice meeting you, Cristina,” Rodney inclined his head before heading to the counter to order a coffee.
Cristina waited for Rodney to be out of range before she turned to Vidia with disbelief. “Vidia Nathaly Ligeiro!”
“Oh my Merlin, what?” Vidia tried to keep her voice down but she was close to fuming at the whole situation.
“Go over there and ask him to do something now.”
“But you're here.”
“I can go visit my favorite uncle for a little bit,” Cristin flashed a cheeky grin.
“I hate you,” Vidia pushed her seat out and stomped her way over to where Rodney waited for his order. “Want to do something, now?”
“Is this how you ask someone out on a date?” He asked while taking the cup with his name into his hand.
“If you have a problem with it then forget it,” Vidia's venom spewed as a defense against her embarrassment.
“No, no. It's great. I've never been asked out in such a manner,” his lips met the brim of his coffee as the corners stretched into a grin.
“Okay,” she looked back at her cousin who was giving her a thumbs up, “Can we leave then?”
“Sure. Where to?” He asked as his large strides carried him toward the door.
0 notes
Courtship Isn’t That Easy || Self Para (Part 1)
“Go away, Rodney!” Vidia picked up her pace as she walked down the road from her parent’s house back up to the castle. It had been weeks since they last saw one another and Vidia wasn’t in the mood to end the streak even if Rodney was the one who should’ve been wounded.
“Can we talk?” He took a large step in front of her and was prepared to become immovable.
“Come on, Vid,” He tried to pull her close but she sent a fist into his gut and shoved him out of her way while he was doubled over in pain.
Weeks went by and Rodney kept trying to talk to Vidia. Each time he learned a new lesson on dealing with a hydra-like Vidia. Each time he thought he figured out a way to cut off the head of her physical aggression toward him, two more sprouted and attacked.
One morning over the weekend, Vidia came down from her room to see her mother and Rodney having tea in the parlor as she showed him the extensive collection of pressed herbs she curated with Vidia’s father over the years.
“Oh! Hi, Honey!” Vidia’s mother beamed a huge smile. “You didn't tell me you knew Rodney Crowley! I went to school with his mother.”
“Whatever,” she pivoted on her heels and walked toward the kitchen.
“Hey, Vid! Wait,” Rodney was encouraged by Alda to follow her daughter. He laughed as he caught up with her and heard mutters of foul language, or what he perceived as foul language since it wasn't something he knew. “Are you mad?”
Vidia slowly raised her eyes to meet his, “Go away.”
“Why are you mad at me?” He ignored her demands and kept following her.
“I don't want to talk to you. Get out of my house,” she entered the kitchen and started digging through the cabinets for breakfast.
Rodney slammed the door shut and forced her to look at him. “Vidia, talk to me damn it! I'm sorry for getting mad about Graham but can you blame me for being upset? I hate seeing you act like this because I have seen other sides of you. There's more than just the bitch.”
“If you don't want to die, you will get out of my way,” her foot tapped furiously as she glared up at him. She wanted to eat. Even more so, she wanted to forget Rodney ever existed. She just wanted him to stop pursuing her.
He rolled his eyes and moved his hand. “Just talk to me without threatening my life.”
“I can't make any promises,” Vidia quickly yanked her favorite cereal from the shelf and poured herself a bowl. “Let me see how I feel after I eat.”
“I'll just talk to you while you eat. It's hard to hit me when you're focused on food,” he chuckled as she took a seat at the table.
“You underestimate my ability to multitask,” she flashed a quick grin before her first spoonful of Honey Hoops.
“I would never underestimate the great Vidia Ligeiro,” Rodney jested as he crammed himself into the small chair across from her. When he stretched out his legs his foot bumped into hers causing her to glare for a moment.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Rodney took the opportunity to finally say what he needed to say, “I want to take you out to dinner.”
“No,” she replied shortly.
“Why not?”
“I don't do dates.”
“Why not?”
“I told you. Leave it alone.”
“Come on, Vid,” Rodney leaned forward to whisper, “I'm not asking for a commitment. It's just dinner.”
“Make it drinks and I'll be there.”
“Drinks and food.”
“That would be dinner.”
“What if we sat at the bar?”
“Does tonight work?”
“I'll take that as a yes,” Rodney leaned back with a victorious grin.
“Can you go now?”
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder?”
“If that's the case, then I'll show myself out.” Rodney rose from the seat like crane preparing for flight, with grace and ease. “I'll see you tonight,” he dipped down to give her a peck on the cheek.
After Rodney left, Alda, Vidia’s mother, came into the kitchen curious to see why her former schoolmate’s son showed up at her house looking for her daughter.
“I met him through a mutual friend,” she wasn't going to mention the Guild of the Wind. She didn't know what her mother knew. She didn't know if her memories were wiped once she decided marrying Luis was more desirable than marrying Vincente and joining the Guild. It was best to avoid the subject altogether.
“So, he's taking you out to dinner?”
Vidia peered up at her mother, who donned a joyous grin. “Drinks and bar food barely count as dinner.”
“It's still a boy taking you somewhere.”
“I'd hardly consider Rodney a boy but whatever makes you happy.”
“Okay, a man…” Alda still wore a huge smile as she corrected herself.
“I get more privacy in the Great Hall than I do here,” she pushed her seat backward, snatched up her bowl and marched out of the kitchen.
Later on, Vidia walked into the backyard where her father played with two of the puppies, Chico and Dante, that Vidia had found in a box abandoned. “Hi, Dad.”
“Hey V. Your mother told me you have a date tonight,” Luis flung a rope and the pups took off after it, bumping into one another the whole way.
“It's not a date. A casual acquaintance is meeting me for drinks and bar food,” Vidia scowled. The struggle of having two parents who were still perfectly in love with one another was their hopes that you find the same. Their unrealistic hopes for your love life were shoved your way at any possible moment. Don't even mention dating. They expect a ring in three months and grandbabies in a year. Frankly, Vidia was thinking of how to get out of the alleged date, not how to get a ring on her finger.
“Your mother said…”
“Don't listen to her.”
“Right,” Luis walked over to stand next to Vidia while he watched the pups fight over the rope. “It's okay to date. Falling in love isn't the worst thing in the world.”
“Can you not?” Vidia grumbled. Her parents were broken records. Same shit. Different day.
“Dochina,” just his tone made Vidia roll her eyes, “I just want you to be happy and settled.”
“Well, fat chance,” she patted him on the shoulder and turn to go back into the house. She might not have considered it a date but that didn't mean she wanted to look like shit either.
Once Vidia finished her makeup, she stood in front of her closet for twenty minutes as she audited every inch for an outfit. She saw a box on its side shoved in the back. Vidia crawled in and yanked it from its hiding spot and opened the lid. They were the Louboutin heels from Fiona. She knew just what to wear with the infamous red bottom heels.
Rodney knocked on the door and Vidia could be heard from across the house that she got it but her mother answered, “Hello Mrs. Ligeiro. It's nice to see you again.”
“Likewise. Come on in.” Rodney stepped into the house upon Alda’s invitation and watched as Vidia came out of the kitchen.
“What's with the look?” Vidia’s eyebrow perked up on one side as Rodney's jaw went slack.
“You look great.”
“Don't sound so shocked. I'm a girl. I can wear a dress,” she commented as she fluffed the skirt of the vintage dress.
“It's not even that,” he shook his head. “You ready?”
“Yes. Let's get out of here before they start planning our wedding.”
“Don't ask just go,” she shoved him as she snatched her purse near the door. “Bye Mom! Bye, Dad! Don't wait up!” The pair was on the street before her parents could make any sort of comment back.
“So, where are we going?”
“Don't worry,” Rodney commented as she glared up at him. “Doesn't your face get tired of the same pissed off expression?”
“Nope,” as the word left her lips she fought the urge to smile.
“Sure,” Rodney grabbed her hand and turned down the street. “We're using a portkey.” He added once he felt Vidia's resistance to the hand holding.
“This is not a bar, Rodney,” Vidia's annoyance was palpable as she turned to leave the restaurant.
“Oops. I guess it's not. Let's just sit and eat, then,” He pulled the ignorant card out and Vidia wasn't falling for it.
“Not going to happen. Take me home or to the castle, I don't care.” The Louboutin’s tapped furiously.
“If I told you it was a restaurant you would have never come. What's a little fib if it means you have fun?” He was bold. She had to give him that. He was fearlessly trying to break down every wall Vidia created to protect her heart. Instead of letting him, she was fighting back with everything she had. “Are you going to say anything?”
“I’d apparate but the last time I did, you followed me,” her arms were firm across her chest.
“It's free food. Just come and eat with me,” he held his hand out for her to take.
“And if I hate it?” She hesitated.
“Then you can leave.”
“Wasn't bad, was it?” Rodney asked as he held the door open for her.
“Tolerable,” Vidia shrugged but she'd never been on a real date before. She didn't have a benchmark to compare with dinner with Rodney.
“I'll take it,” he gave her a smile and allowed his hand to brush against hers. He watched as she pulled her hands together and pretend to hold her bag against the front of her dress. “The dress is nice. It threw me for a loop. I was expecting something more… scandalous? If that's the right word.”
“It was my grandmother’s. My parents gave it to me when they cleaned out her room.” Vidia was covertly sentimental when it came to the ones she loved. “It looked great with the shoes, too.”
“I think it looks great with you,” he said with a nonchalant shrug.
“With me? Shouldn’t it be ‘on’?”
“It goes along with the shoe comment,” He replied as Vidia shook her head.
“So, where to now?” She was just full of questions.
“We can just walk and talk.”
“Really?” Vidia looked confused. Dates were boring if that was it. “Didn’t we talk enough at dinner?”
“How else do you get to know someone?”
“I don’t intentionally get to know people,” Vidia admitted.
“Oh, Vidia,” Rodney stepped in her way and slipped his arms around her waist. “You have so much experience but in all the wrong ways.”
“All the wrong ways?” She awkwardly patted his chest while she wondered what his endgame was.
“Well, most. Okay?” He chuckled. “How about I show you the proper way to end the first date?” Vidia rolled her eyes and nodded her head. “Let’s go.”
When they arrived back at Vidia’s house, Rodney followed Vidia up the front porch steps. “Well,” He stepped closer to her, “I had a good time even if I had to trick you into it.”
“You’re not making a case for you or dates.”
“You’ll just have to give me another chance, right?” He chuckled as his thumb caressed her cheek. Vidia rolled her eyes as her cheeks rouged for the first time in a long time. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Then he kissed her. With a hand on the small of her back, Rodney held Vidia close while she balled her fist in the fabric of his shirt.
“Want to go inside?” Vidia whispered against his lips.
“Yes but I shouldn’t,” He kissed her forehead. “As much as I would love to see how comfortable that bed of yours is, first dates end at the front door with a kiss.”
“What?” Vidia looked at him with disbelief.
“You heard me. Good night, Vidia.”
“Good night?”
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Don’t Call it a Date 
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Confrontation || Self Para
Vidia hated Trina but her training was her favorite. It was the one where Vidia excelled. She was sweaty and beaten but she was walking tall. That was until she got lost while looking for the showers in the faction house.
“Look who decided to continue her training,” Rodney and his silent feet always startled Vidia. She learned how to be quiet but she wasn't as undetectable as Rodney.
“How could I turn down a day of beat the piss out of Trina?” She flashed a quick grin.
“I heard you were doing a bit of combat training.”
“Yeah. I learned a few things about flight combat. I might slip it into a quidditch game. What are you doing here?” She waited to let him catch up with her.
“I'm usually here most days. Ridgewell needed me to file some paperwork for him. He's training me to be an officer. There's annoying pencil pushing to be done.” Vidia didn't think there was paperwork to be done for a secret society but they had a recorded history. So, why wouldn't they have paperwork?
“Fun. Can you show me where the showers are? I smell like a locker room after a three-day quidditch game.”
“I knew I smelled something funky,” he joked.
“That's just the lingering scent of your lover’s loss on my skin.” Rodney just shook his head. Vidia would get her digs in no matter what, friend or foe.
“Follow me,” Rodney turned a corner and lead Vidia down a long corridor. Three doors down on the right he waved a wand over the lock and pushed the door open. “You can shower here. This is my usual spot where I crash when I spend the night.”
“That's nice,” Vidia said as she looked around. It wasn't much, a bed, a nightstand and a small table near the window. The bathroom was small, too. Just a narrow stand-in shower, a sink, and a toilet.
“Towels are under the sink. Feel free to use whatever you want.” Rodney plopped on the bed as his legs hung over the edge. It made Vidia laugh. He was so tall. She couldn't imagine how he fit his entire body on the bed.
The light was a dim yellow hue only to be darkened by the shower curtain as she stepped into the warm water. It felt nice, though. The warm water loosened up her muscles and helped her relax mentally. So much that she started to hum her favorite song, La Rosa Y El Clavel. A few bars in she found herself singing the words. It brought back memories of Abuela. She missed her every day. She missed her most of all when she was alone to think.
But songs only lasted for so long. She turned off the water and grabbed a towel. She stepped out of the small bathroom to find Rodney sitting against the wall next to the door. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry. I sat here to listen to you sing then I was too comfortable to move.” He shrugged pushing himself to stand. With her feet bare and flat on the floor, Vidia could fully appreciate his height. He had to have been the tallest person she knew. Much taller than the guys on the team. Taller than most of the guys she messed around with.
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Vidia rocked back on her heels.
“It was nice to hear something in Spanish leave your mouth that wasn't a bad word.” He laughed.
“Well it doesn't happen often,” Vidia looked around. “So, can I borrow a shirt or something until I can get my clothes from the shower area I was originally going to go to?”
“Yeah,” Rodney walked over to the wall and tapped it. A large square vanished and revealed shelves of clothing. “Here. You can borrow this.” He tossed a gray shirt over to Vidia before digging around for something else. “And some boxers. They’re clean, I think.”
“Oh, thanks.” She laughed while holding the clothes.
“You’re welcome, Ligeiro.”
Vidia took the clothes and just changed. She didn’t care. He wouldn’t be the first guy she got dressed in front of. He would be the first guy she got dressed in front of that didn’t at least try to steal a quick glance. He just sat at the edge of his bed staring at the wall.  
After she hung the damp towel on the back of a chair, she walked over to see if he would be able to guide her through the faction house to her belongings. The dim light in the room bounced off his cheekbones and shadowed the angles of his face. His eyes were focused on the wall. Vidia tipped her head into his line of view and looked at him, the wall and back at him. “Hello?”
He moved his hands quickly and pulled her face to his. Their lips locked for a moment before Vidia pushed him away, “What the fuck?”
His arms were much longer than hers and pulled her back in. “Rodney,” Vidia groaned, “you really shouldn’t.” But he didn’t listen. He pressed his lips against hers until Vidia gave in. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her fingers tangled themselves in his short locks. He let his hand glide across her cheek and locked into her damp hair.
Rodney removed his lips from hers and waited for the barrage of insults and foul words but nothing came. His eyes watched her carefully. “Vid?”
“You really shouldn’t have,” She whispered as she stepped back.
“Oh, come on, Vidia,” He tried to pull her back and she slapped his hand away. “Really?”
Vidia held his gaze for a minute in silence. She didn’t know what to say. That was why she slept with people she disliked more than she liked while drunk. Sobriety let the mind feel things. Sobriety let Vidia feel things. She couldn’t like Rodney. He was Trina’s. He was sleeping with the enemy. Even if he wasn’t, Vidia swore off relationships and love.
“Are you going to say anything?”
“Bye,” and she left.
Her feet moved quickly until she found a small place to hide and breathe. Her head leaned against the wall and exhaled. She wasn’t expecting anything. She didn't expect to feel. Distance. She needed distance. She needed stupid sex to put between Rodney and her feelings for him.
“Ligeiro?” Vidia heard a voice and she rolled her head to the side to take a look. “Why are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding,” She looked around before stepping from where she was, in fact, hiding. “I was actually looking for you,” Graham grinned and waited for her to continue. “How’s your nose?”
“Healed,” He gave it a wiggle. “Is that all you were looking to ask me?”
“Want to get drunk and have sex?”
“Are you going to break my nose again?”
“Only if I don’t finish,” She said with a wink.
“Are you in Rodney’s clothes?” Graham examined her from head to toe.
“Are you going to ask me a ton of questions or are you finally going to be able to let someone win that bet?”
“Let’s go,” He held out his arm for her link with him.
Vidia crept from the room Graham had taken them to. She was still a little drunk from the shots but she was sober enough to try and make her way to where she was supposed to go before she ran into Rodney.
“Left or right?” She whispered to herself when she was startled by a tap on the shoulder. “Fuck!”
“Sorry,” it was Rodney. When will this ever end, she thought to herself. “I thought you would've been gone by now,” he said looking at his watch then back up at her.
“Yeah well, I'm not,” Vidia shrugged.
“Had a few drinks huh?” Vidia didn't think it was that obvious but apparently, she was wrong.
“Yup,” her lips smacked together to make the ‘p’ sound.
“Got undressed, too?”
“Yeah. How'd you know?” She could feel the disappointment before she looked up to see it in his eyes.
“The shirt that I gave you is inside out.”
“Oh,” she looked at the seam on her shoulder, “that would be a good indicator.”
“Do I want to know why?”
“Maybe. What was your date for the bet?” As the words left her lips the look of disappointment faded to pain.
“Really, Vidia? I kissed you and you went to sleep with Graham? Do you really hate me more than you hate him?” She didn't exactly understand the pain in his voice and she really didn't want to. She slept with Graham so she wouldn't think about Rodney. It really wasn't working since Rodney was standing in front of her, making her face the feelings for him again.
“No,” she muttered.
“Then why? Why him over me?”
“I don't know. I'm drunk.” She shrugged as she lied.
“You weren't when you left me so at some point you made the decision to get drunk. Was Graham a part of that decision, too? Or did he come after?”
“He came alright,” Vidia snorted a laugh.
“Fuck you, Vidia,” Rodney rolled his eyes and stalked away.
“Oh, come on!” Vidia followed after him. “Have a sense of humor! I slept with Graham. I don't plan on making that a regular thing but still. It's not a big deal. No emotional attachments. I told you that's how shit works for me.”
“Just shut up,” Rodney picked up his pace.
“Rodney,” Vidia was pretty much running. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Why do you even care?” He stopped short and Vidia almost tumbled in order to as well.
“I'm drunk and I feel bad that you are upset by this.”
“Should've thought about that before you slept with Graham.”
“You're one of the people who made the stupid bet! So, don't get all pissy with me for doing what everyone thought I would do anyway!” Her arms flailed as her voice grew louder.
“That was before I knew you. Before I got to see who you were beneath all the attitude and spunk. You're so much more but you're so wrapped up in not feeling things for people that you don't even know that.” He ran his long fingers through his hair, “I want to like you. I want you to like me back. Apparently, that's too much to ask of you.”
“Maybe it is.”
“But Graham, really?” Rodney scoffed. “I would've thought Alf but Graham?”
“If you're going to get hung up on every jerk I sleep with you're going to be hung up an awful lot.” Vidia shrugged.
“I need to be alone. Bye, Vidia.”
0 notes
Fighting or Training || Self Para
“Faction House. 7pm. Don’t be late.”
Vidia looked at the small card that was delivered during dinner. She knew who is was from. Or at least she thought she did. Trina was the only member she didn’t see for training, with the exception of Helen’s attempt at getting Vidia to be friends with everyone.
As Vidia was blindfolded and brought to the faction house, she tried to think of the different possibilities of what Trina had to teach. What could the bean pole of a woman have to offer petite little Vidia Ligeiro? More tips on how to be a bitter bitch? Maybe she'll try to get Vidia to quit. If that were to happen, Trina was in for a rude awakening. Vidia was a competitor. She wasn't the type to run away because something was too demanding or challenging.
The still air of the Faction house was unique and Vidia instantly knew she was there. The men who escorted her took the blindfold off and led her the rest of the way to a training area she had never seen before.
“We're working on flight combat today,” Trina held out a broom for Vidia as she spoke. “As you learned from Claire, sometimes we're called into situations to help with disagreements. Sometimes we need to fight. Today, I'll assess your skill level then we will work on where your weak points are. I have a feeling there will be many.”
Vidia’s grip on the broom handle tightened as she fought the urge to beat Trina with it, “you would be very surprised what I can do on a broom.” And with one, she thought to herself while recalling the memory of the time she used her broom to defend herself in a fight.
“Whatever,” Trina rolled her eyes and motioned for Vidia to follow then took off into the air. “Keep up.”
Vidia had to give it to Trina. The girl was fast and stealthy for someone so tall. Vidia knew from experience, the taller the flyer the more work it took to stay streamline with the broom. There were the added wind resistance and the extra weight in comparison to the shorter fast flyers. Although, Vidia wouldn’t attribute her height to why she was such a good flyer. It did help though.
Trina dipped and dodged around pillars of the darkened room. Any light that had emitted from the far reaches of the room was extinguished by Trina as she flew by until the room was so dark, Vidia couldn’t see her own hands around the broomstick. She stopped and hovered. Trina wasn’t as quiet as she thought she was. Maybe she needed to do training with Rodney that didn’t involve getting horizontal.
Vidia heard the other witch as she flew over head. She also caught a whiff of the floral perfume she wore. Vidia knew it was Trina because the last time she smelled it, Vidia noted how disgusting it was. It reminded her of old lady church perfume. No one under the age of sixty-five should even own it, let alone wear it.
A gust of cool air swayed Vidia’s ponytail causing her head to snap toward where it came from. As she did, Trina clipped the front of her broom and launched Vidia forward. Her fingers clambered at the stick as her legs held on for dear life. The tail tumbled over a few times and when it stopped, Vidia’s thighs were clutched onto the broom as the rest of her dangled in midair. “Have to do better than that to get me off the broom. Six years of quidditch and you don’t think someone’s tried that move?” Vidia shouted into the void as she righted herself.
It was silent for a few seconds. “I’ll have to up the ante then, Miss Ligeiro,” Trina chuckled as she said her name. Then more radio silence.
“You must think you’re pretty cool. You get to beat someone up while in the dark. Why don’t you put the lights on? Then we can really have a good time.” Vidia fell silent and waited to hear Trina’s movements. Then a flash of light came flying toward Vidia and if she didn’t dip out of the way, it would’ve hit her. “I didn’t know we were allowed to play with wands? You’ve been holding out on me, Trina.” Vidia slipped her wand from its hiding place and held it at the ready. “Have I ever mentioned I’m in the dueling club at school?”
No answer.
“Well, in case I haven’t now you know,” Vidia moved slowly and silently. She didn’t want to crash into anything to give away her location.
A rush of air coursed through the room. A dim light emitted from the distance and a flash went through it. Vidia raced to it and came to a door. As she hovered in the doorway she could see Trina floating as rain pounded down. Vidia could fly in just about any condition. However, rain was a bit of a struggle. Rain made brooms slippery and that made it hard to hold onto. It wasn't impossible but it required a bit more skills than any other flying condition.
“Scared?” Trina shouted and Vidia took it as a challenge. She wasn't about to let Trina think she was better than her.
Trina jetted forward as Vidia was drenched from the downpour. Vidia looked around to see where they had gone. All she could see was gray. What was the room? Were they even inside anymore?
“Come on, Vidia,” Trina called from the gray emptiness. She was in for it as Vidia dipped low. She wanted to see how far down the place went and when her toe skimmed the bottom she steadied herself and kept her eyes up to find Trina.
“Vidia?” Trina called, “I see your training with Rodney was fruitful.” Vidia went slowly as the voice got closer and closer. She learned from Rodney that sometimes slower was better.
Vidia saw something break through the muted tone of the room. It was a foot. Better yet, it was Trina’s foot. Vidia reached up and yanked the large paddle and watched as she dropped from the sky. Vidia was about to make a smartass comment when Trina yanked her from the broom by the neck.
Trina was tall so she had that advantage over Vidia but Vidia was used to fighting people taller than her. Her feet dangled off the ground as she felt Trina move backward away from the brooms. Vidia's head was getting foggy but she needed to think of what to do. If she was at the gym and in a controlled environment she would have people egging her on and shouting potential moves. She tried to focus on if they were there. What would they be yelling?
Vidia’s heels slipped along the slickness of Trina's legs. The long stems seemed to go on forever but Vidia was able to feel the knobs she had for knees. Vidia elbowed Trina in the side causing the taller girl to flinch backward. The split second gave Vidia a surface to plant her feet and use Trina’s own thighs as a launching pad to flip the girl over.
Trina recognized what Vidia was doing and let the smaller girl go. Vidia flipped and the tips of her toes skimmed the ground. Luckily, Vidia rocked back and her feet planted inside a deep puddle. She jumped around to face Trina as the sound of sloshing came quickly toward her. Vidia didn't have to duck low to catch Trina at her center of gravity and toss her to the ground. Truthfully, the fight would've been harder if Trina was closer to her height. Her experience lied more with the taller opponents than the shorter.
Vidia and Trina rolled around on the ground in a mess of grunts and flying limbs. Trina thought she had Vidia pinned but Vidia's tiny legs pulled up to her chest and sprang outward to launch the string bean through the rainy room. Water sprayed outward as Trina made contact with the ground. Foul words escaped her lips as she threw a mini tantrum, sending more water outward.
Vidia scrambled to her feet and took heavy breaths, “Had. Enough. Yet?”
“Go! We're done!” Trina shouted and the rain stopped. Vidia strode through the water with a huge grin on her face. She might not have knocked out Trina but she forfeited. On those terms, Vidia won.
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Are We Good? || Vidia 
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