fatfables · 3 days
Shawn makes some new friends at Yale
This is a sample section from the third part of my gainer novel, Camp Shawn.
The first three parts are available to read at fatfables.com
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Shawn and Harry sat down next to Tom who introduced Shawn to a few of the others. There was a tall Dutch boy with ginger hair and a long low bell shaped belly that hung off his six foot seven frame, he was called Bart, so everyone referred to him as Simpson. There was also a guy from Toronto called ‘Big John’, a nickname that he had kept from school. You can guess why. And the only guy there who was fatter and heavier than Shawn, Terry Thompson. TT was a massive superchub, 536 lbs and eager to grow. Shawn eyed him enviously.
The barbecues had been cooking constantly for the last four hours and were still going strong. Shawn started with a few plates of cheeseburgers but soon found himself starting to become bored by the meat. He sighed heavily, when he realised why, and Harry handed him three more beers. Fortunately for Shawn the posh Yale boys had provided salads and sides. 
Shawn found the potato salad. It was made with whole baked potatoes smothered in mayonnaise, creme fraiche, and other buttery sauces that he couldn’t quite recognise. He ate four huge bowls of it. It was one of the most filling side dishes he had ever had and the calories soon started to fill out his own sides. He drank 3000 calories in beer alone and his massive belly filled with gas and started to balloon accordingly. College was starting to turn him into a big drinker and his size meant that he could drink a lot. He burped loudly after throwing the contents of one of the red party cups down his throat in one. He belly laughed and asked if they were hiding the desserts from him. Harry called another boy over and told him that it was time to empty the fridges.
The jokes continued as the beer poured and barbecue sizzled. The YGS boys started to reminisce about their success earlier that evening and took much joy in telling and retelling the story of how Dr Steve Stringer had fallen in the custard and slipped a disc. Shawn licking the custard off him was one of the funniest things any of them had ever seen. The memory of his Dad being taken away in an ambulance and the thought that he was right now laying paralysed in a hospital bed, raking up a massive bill, while he was here feasting and partying with his new fat friends filled Shawn with joy. It also enabled a new hunger to overtake him just as the deserts arrived.
Shawn, Harry, Tom, TT, Bart, and Big John went to town on the deserts. Thanks to the new Dutch Simpson they had massive amounts of Stroopwafles and Poffertjes. The deliciously gooey waffles were stuffed with a thick caramel syrup that ran down the double chins of all six boys as they raced to ram as many of them in their mouths in one go as they could. They devoured at least twenty each and devised a game of trying to say ‘poffertjes’ with the correct pronunciation while chewing on chipmunk-esque mouthfuls of cakes and cream.
“Puffedjerkges,” said Tom.
“Priflgedjes,” said Harry.
“Preodflegas,” said TT.
“Plufdgasgas,” Shawn spat loads of pastry out from between his greedy fat lips when he laughed as he tried to speak.
“Proffertjes,” said Simpson, with expert native pronunciation.
The beer and more than generous portions continued to flow. Shawn was starting to feel lightheaded just as his belly became achingly overfull. All the beer and sugar was reacting in his huge tightly packed stomach. He could hear and feel it all sloshing and gurgling about. Once or twice he did a small sick-up as the slimy digested fatty treats struggled to find anywhere else to go due to just how gloriously overfull he truly was. He felt like such a wonderful pig.
At this moment he felt someone grab his heavy arms and tie them behind his back. It was Harry. The same was done to Tom Stanton 315 lbs.
“This game is called Hog-tied.” Harry said. “The aim is to see which one of you can eat the most chocolate cheesecake in under three minutes.”
A pile of family sized cheesecakes were placed on the table in front of Shawn and Tom. Shawn’s eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the sky.
“I’m gonna kick your skinny little ass Tom-boy!”
“Good fucking luck, Big head. I’m hardly a newb at this!”
TT started the clock.
Both pigs let their heavy heads drop forward into the pies. Shawn snuffled and grunted as he took huge bites from the cake. Tom was also pigging away at a rapid rate. He used his long tongue to sweep the rich topping into his mouth before gnawing at the cookie base like a starving rat. Shawn was the first to lift his head as he finished licking his tongue around the edges of the metallic tray. His huge moon-like face was covered in cream, chocolate sauce, and syrup. It ran off his forehead into his eyes. It was up his nose and dripping into his mouth. He was clearly salivating.
The second cheesecake was placed in front of him. He dived in without a second thought. Both boys were full to the point of bursting. As Tom lifted his head his belly pushed out and the shirt he was wearing ripped wide open. Three buttons flew off across the table and 315 lbs of pure belly fat plopped out into the cooling night air. The gathering crowd cheered loudly.
Shawn lifted his head for a second time after barely thirty seconds. He tilted his head as far back as it would go causing the folds on the back of his neck to scrunch together. He stared up at the stars and groaned loudly.
“Had enough?” Harry asked.
“No fucking chance. Cake me!”
The third cheesecake was slid in front of him and he dived in face first. As he bit, licked, chewed, gulped, and swallowed, he could feel his belly straining and stretching out in front of him. His gut was so big and swollen that it took real physical effort to lean far enough forward to reach the tantalisingly tasty torta. He continued to huff and puff as he gobbled down every last inch of the third round. He lifted his head just as Tom was finishing his second cake. Of course Shawn was going to win.
There was just over one minute left as the pigs started to gorge on their third and fourth pies. Shawn’s belly was now in real pain. It was once more far too full to hold any more food but he kept eating anyway. He was such a lard balloon. It really was a glorious sight for all the other boys to see. He ate with such passion and desire and his belly was just the biggest roundest ball of fat that any of them had ever known. Shawn heard a creaking noise. At first he thought it was the bench below him but he quickly realised and ate with even greater gusto. He felt his belly grow, licked up the last of the crumbs, lifted his head and let the seams of his new YGS t-shirt, that he had only just been gifted, rip open down his left hand side. Another huge cheer rang out.
“That was the largest size we had.” Someone said.
The first to show itself was his marvellously meaty love handle. It plopped out with a thud and hung in the open air, five inches over the side of his trousers. The fat was thick and rich and lightly tanned. Next out was the huge fat roll that sat on top of it. Four inches tall and just as wide. The tight skin struggling to hold the fat in was as smooth as silk. Then came his left breast, the size of a basketball and just as round. It shone in the moonlight, a huge erect nipple on top. The t-shirt then flung open and fell down his right hand side. His bulbous balloon belly burst out, forward and free. It was magnificent. Over 76 inches in diameter standing. It must have measured well over 100 inches sitting. Glistening red stretch marks ran all around it, melting into his tan. The blubbery layer of fatty adipose covering his digestive organs must have been at least two feet deep. His fat fat face was still smothered in the creamy cake. Shawn really was the world’s most glorious looking glutton.
He squealed like a prize hog. Leant his head backwards and screamed at the top of his voice;
The fifth cheesecake was hastily chucked in front of him. He screamed in pain as he leant forward. The weight of his tits and fat rolls crushed down on top of his screaming stomach. He dug his tongue deep into the cake and ate and ate and ate.
Tom lifted his head from his third round just as the three minutes were up. Shawn groaned in frustration. He knew they wouldn’t let him finish the final cake. 
“Tom Stanton 315 lbs, three chocolate cheesecakes!”
 “Shawn Stringer, King of Fat Camp, four and a half chocolate cheesecakes!”
There was a large round of applause as all the YGS boys cheered and laughed.
“I once did five, ya know,” TT said to Shawn.
“Fuck you!” Said Shawn.
“Not quite,” retorted TT.
Harry put a hand on Shawn’s aching shoulder. Every cell in his body ached. He stared down at the lunar landscape that was his new friend’s belly and stroked himself.
“Now it’s time for your reward.” He smiled widely as he and a group of the boys including Tom, TT, and Simpson helped him to his feet and led him groaning back to the frat house.
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fatfables · 11 days
I wrote a straight (ish) weight gain story!
Meet Danny: A fat eighteen year old English schoolboy who is approaching the end of his A-levels. Constantly put upon by his ever condescending father he builds a friendship with his kindly grandfather, best mate Mikey and the beautiful Sarah, who seems to have taken a real shine to Danny and his equally chunky friend.
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fatfables · 15 days
Adam and Evan - New Weight Gain Story
In 19th century England two young aristocratic brothers share the same shameful secret; their desire for an unusually large boy in their service...
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“I don’t understand how a servant boy can get so fat,” said the Father, who was sitting at the head of the long mahogany table.
“That’s very impolite. He only has this second left the room. He might hear you,” rebuked the Lady of the House.
“I don’t care if he does. I’m not paying servants to overindulge themselves. Who does he think I am?”
“I’m sure you pay him exactly the same as all the rest, father,” said the eldest son in defence of the boy.”
“And not a penny more! But that’s my point. In all my years I’ve never seen or heard of a fat servant boy before. I really don’t understand how he does it?”
“He’s really not that large,” said the younger son, also in defence of the boy.
“Not that large? He’s a dumpling of the largest proportions, a real jelly belly if ever I saw one.”
“Sshh now husband, I can hear him returning. It is unsightly to speak of one behind one’s back, even a servant boy.”
Johnny re-entered the room pushing a dessert cart. He was a little disconcerted by the sudden silence, as he had opened the door, but knew that it was not his place to comment on it. He placed the trifle, sponge cake, and rhubarb pie in the centre of the table along with a large silver jug of warm custard. He stood up straight, nodded at the head of the table, and took three steps backwards before retreating to his place by the door, where he stood, legs a few feet apart with his hands behind his back, looking at the wall opposite.
He was five feet and six inches tall, with a thick head of black hair combed over from the left hand side. He wore smart dinner dress as was the custom for waiting staff in such houses. His suit was ill-fitting even though it had only just been handed down to him from one of the older boys. It was at least three inches too long in the trouser leg. This fact he had tried to hide by rolling the bottom of each leg up on the inside of each trouser. This effort was now half undone and he’d had to be careful not to trip by standing on the fabric when he entered. 
By contrast his shirt was too small for him as a larger one had yet to be procured. It strained in the middle under the force of his protruding stomach and he was always desperately trying to tuck it back into the waist of his trousers whenever he thought that no one was looking, only for it to always pop straight back out every time. His jacket, also passed down from the elder boy fitted him well around the waist and shoulders but was far too long in the sleeve, in a similar manner to his trousers. Rolling one’s sleeves up in good company was unheard of so it just had to hang loose, his cufflinks two inches lower than his wrists. At least now no one could notice or comment on how limp they were.
“This rhubarb pie is delectable,” the Lady of the House commented, “Johnny, please pass my compliments on to your mother, she has once more outdone herself.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you, I will, Ma’am.”
“Maybe Johnny would like some himself? If it really is so good?” His wife stared at her Lord. Johnny’s eyes opened wide at the suggestion but then he quickly remembered where he was and composed himself.
“Father, that is unkind, you know very well that the service are not allowed to indulge in food for the house.” It was the elder brother once more coming to Johnny’s defence.
“Yes Father, Adam is correct, leave the poor boy be. He’s probably not even had his own dinner yet.”
“Is this true, Little Johnny? Have you not been sustained yet this evening? You look like a boy who has had his ample fill to me?”
“I will eat after service with the rest of the staff, as usual, Sir.”
“His Lordship is well aware of how his own house is run. I recommend, Johnny, that you don’t speak from now on, even when spoken to. His Lordship is in a very funny mood and I fear that you won’t be able to say right through fear of saying wrong.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you Ma’am.” Johnny was relieved to be dismissed from the conversation. The Lady was very kind to him.
“The question remains as to how he did ever get so fat?”
“Sir Geoffrey Bloomington! Whatever has happened to your prudence? The boy is standing right there.” The Lady motioned her eyes towards Johnny without looking at him.
“According to my Lady it is rude to talk behind one’s back and also rude to talk to one’s face. Is there anything that I may be allowed to discuss in my own house with regards to my own service?”
“You act as if it is a financial matter. Personal comments are not for the dining table.”
“Financial comments are certainly not for the dinner table either Mother,” said the younger son, though no one payed him any heed.
“I believe it to be a financial matter dear wife, for who do you believe is paying for that stomach much more ample in size than my own? I have never seen such a belly on a boy his age before, not in all the houses in England.”
“You are repeating yourself now, Father,” said the elder son.
“Yes, you are repeating yourself,” said the younger son without any recognition of the irony.
“My own sons, so young and athletic around the waist. How quickly you do both rush to protect this slovenly boy. Are you happy for him to take advantage of your Father so?”
“Father you know not that he doth take advantage so. Maybe it is just a natural effect of his disposition?” Adam proposed.
“Has he always been so disposed?”
“Truly not. But he is a good boy who has been in our service for many a year. Do you not remember when Evan and I were young and allowed to attend school and play with the children in our service. This boy was a good friend to us both. On these grounds I beseech you to leave him be.”
“If he was not always so disposed then it cannot be in his disposition to appear so. If you consider yourself to be on good terms with this particular boy then I beseech you to take it up with him in person.”
“That I will do, Sir. For I agree with Mother that this is not an appropriate time to be discussing such things.”
The family fell into silence. Johnny, who had been standing as still as a Royal Guard throughout this discussion moved towards the table upon the slight beckoning of the Ladies hand. He carefully cleared away the untouched trifle, half eaten sponge cake, and remaining four slices of rhubarb pie, placed them on his cart, and wheeled it out of the dining room.
He made his way down the main corridor, turned left into the great hall with the portraits of previous Lords and exited into the servants quarters through a small door at the end of that great room. He paused at the top of the stairs that led down to the kitchen, next to the dumbwaiter. He removed a large serving spoon from his trouser pocket and proceeded to demolish the entire trifle with his Lord’s words ringing in his ears, “never seen such a belly on a boy his age before, not in all the houses in England.” He smiled broadly as he swallowed another huge spoonful down.
The trifle was rich and sweet and fruity, containing no less than three oranges, two apricots, and a quarter bottle of rum. He licked the cream from his lips and he dug the huge spoon into the first slice of rhubarb pie. He sliced the still warm pie open and the thick filling dripped out. He savoured the smell and took a large bite that warmed that back of his throat. Picking up the jug he took an unceremoniously large slug of custard straight from the silverware before pouring the rest of its contents on top of the remaining pie. This he devoured in just a few minutes. He had to be quick, Mother was waiting for him.
His belly was now straining overfull, it felt warm and luxuriant, beyond his station. His greedy hands grabbed at the sponge cake, he tore off a large piece and proceeded to stuff it into his wide open mouth. He chewed as fast as he could, considering his discomfort, and continued to pull the cake apart.
By the time he was finished his mouth was parched with thirst and his belly hugely distended. He tried to pull at the tails of his shirt in order to tuck it in and make himself presentable once more but it was a useless task. He loaded the empty dishes into the dumbwaiter and rang the bell before awkwardly making his way down the stairs.
“Where ‘av ye bin?” His mother’s tongue lashed him.
“In the dining room.”
“All dis time?”
“Yes Mother, the dessert went down very well. Everyone had several servings. The Lady asked me to commend you for the pie.”
“She did, did she?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Look,” he said, going over to take the dishes from the dumbwaiter, “All empty, every last one of them!”
“Well I neva! ‘Ow about dat! I’s neva known it before, at ‘em finish all four courses. Not a morsel left!”
“Not a morsel, Mother,” he said with a wicked smile on his greedy young face.
“Well, give ‘em dishes ta Mary ta take care ov, an’ I’ll get ya supper on. Ye must be starvin’ be now?”
“I am, Mother!” He smiled and patted his swollen round belly. “What is for super this fine eve?”
“Well, for da liddle gentleman we ‘as a starter of potato soup, followed be roast beef, an’ dunny tell no one, but I’s saved ye some av ‘at rhubarb pie.”
“Oh, thank you, Mother!” He beamed, before sitting down at the kitchen table for his second large meal of the night.
He was just undressing for bed when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me Adam, may I come in?”
“Of course, enter!”
The elder son stepped cautiously through the door. Normally sure of himself the tall handsome young man was unused to being in the servants quarters and was certainly not used to being in a servants private room. Johnny normally visited him.
The young heir of the estate looked around the small room and took in the sparse simple furniture. There was a small wooden chair, surely unsuitable for an ample boy like Johnny, and the single bed looked uncomfortable. He felt unsteady in this environment until his gaze fell upon Johnny who was sitting topless on the bed adorned by just his pantaloons. 
Johnny’s paunch was splayed out on top of his thighs. His abdomen wider than any young Lord’s in England. The lower half of his gut lay soft and flat, creased in the middle under its own weight. The top half was thick and round and protruded out further than the lower half hung. Atop his belly were the soft and delicate breasts of a young woman fallen slightly to each side with no brazier to carriage them.
“My dear Johnny, you look as delectable as your Mother’s rhubarb pie,” The young charmer said. 
“That may well be, dear Sir, because I have rather a large amount of it stirring inside me.” Johnny liked to tease his Master.
“Interesting indeed! For a servant boy may not feast on the food for the house. This matter in fact is the reason why I am acquainting myself with your boudoir. I am here, as bad by my Father, to talk to you so as to ascertain the source of that monstrous mountain of flesh that you carry so ably forth. To inspect which I would have asked you to lift your shirt only you are not wearing any, therefore all of the evidence is already plain to see.” Adam also liked to tease the servant boy.
“If you are so keen as to discover the source of this rotund stomach muscle,” Johnny paused to lift up his overhanging belly fat, “then I suggest to you, my good and kindly Master, to look no further than the young gentleman that I am currently looking at, for I believe that he is as much to blame as anyone else in the matter.”
Adam turned around to look to see if anyone was standing behind him and then feigned surprise when he discovered that there wasn’t.
“Dost thou mean my good self?”
“Of whom else could I be talking? Who else gave me explicit permission to eat the food for the house? And as much of it as I please? Who else gave me an extra purse for private contributions? Who else calls me to his chambers at night to service him with food when indeed all he pleases is to service myself?”
“I am aghast that you, a mere servant boy of portly manner, would dare to speak to your Master in such an accusatory tone!”
“If you do not like the tone of which I use to speak then I suggest that my Master either fills my mouth to silence with some form of nourishment or if none is forthcoming that he fastens it closed with his own lips.”
With this last comment Johnny let go of his expansive soft belly fat causing it to bounce and jiggle as it had only the forces of gravity to contend with. Adam, unable to resist any longer, stepped forward and knelt down next to Johnny on the bed planting a big long kiss on his aforementioned lips. They shared a shameful and passionate embrace as his Master’s hands explored every inch and fold of his servant’s body.
“Fear not, my dear,” Adam said, “I shall proceed tomorrow to ensure that you continue to receive your ample purse and portion, despite of what my Father says.”
“But, my Master, will the Lord not surely notice if I doth continue to grow? He made it aptly clear that he already believes me to be too large for my station. If I continue to expand then I will surely meet his ire and be expelled from the house?”
“Fret not my sweet jar of jam, I do firmly believe that the Lord only noticed your magnitude due to the proximity of your clothing to your stoutly frame. That shirt, which I can see you sensibly no longer adorn, is at least three sizes too small for you. Any adolescent boy who continues to wear the clothes of his childhood will appear oversized due to the poor correlation between himself and his garments.”
“From where shall I acquire new garments? I would require both a dinner suit and more general clothing for my other tasks. The extra purse with which you have furnished me is indeed generous but not so generous as to afford a poor servant boy a new dinner suit?”
“Worry not, for also tomorrow you shall with me to the town, whereupon we will visit a tailor, a good friend of mine. I shall instruct him to befit you with an oversized suit, one that so hangs off your portly frame that it will give the appearance of much exercise and improved diet.”
“But will your Father, our Lord, fall for such a simple trick?”
“He is long in years and poor in sight. Not so poor as to fail to notice your pervasively  peachlike paunch in the first place, but poor enough to be fooled by its disappearance under baggy cloth. I am indeed so sure of this plan that I have no doubt that you can in total disregard of his Lordship’s wishes continue to expand triumphantly and continue to win my faltering heart.”
With this the two young men once more became embroiled in a shameful embrace of gentle kisses and caresses. Some of them in places unfit to mention in a gentleman’s tale.
Continue to read the full story for free at: https://www.fatfables.com/adam-and-evan
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fatfables · 19 days
I found this undergrad project online looking into the growth of adipophilia (fat fetishism).
Well worth a read as the guy gets kinda carried away!
It's reproduced here in full.
How do cultural, societal, and technological factors intersect to shape the emergence and growth of adipophilia among young male adults in the digital age?
Shane Tjock
(Bachelor of Science student)
University of Michigan
Department of Environmental Philosophy
Obesity Studies
This research project outlines a comprehensive approach to studying the growth of adipophilia (a sexual attraction to fat or overweight people) among young male adults online, integrating observational and experimental methods as well as qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Adipophilic tendencies have been on the rise in the United States and other western countries in recent years amongst young males and in particular within the homosexual population. The occurrence of sexual attraction to big, round, bloated bellies and buttocks, as well as thick thighs and swollen man breasts is clearly visible through social media platforms, forums, and so called ‘gainer’ dedicated websites. The rise of ‘gainer societies’ at colleges and universities, including the University of Michigan, evidences that the growth of gainerism is not limited to online spaces. Gainerism and feederism are linked sexual proclivities where people actively participate in a concerted effort to make themselves and or someone else fatter. Sexual arousal is often achieved through the act of binge eating or ‘stuffing’ until the stomach is stretched to the max after the consumption of excessive amounts of food and drink. Adipophiliacs like to rub their own and other people’s swollen bellies and elicit pleasure from the effects of purposeful weight gain, such as; out growing clothing, button popping, the appearance of stretch marks, and watching big bellies bounce. Pride is taken in calorie counting, measuring growth, and regular weigh-ins. As well as a personal increase in laziness, selfishness, and greed. The growth of gainerism amongst young LGBTQ+ males is multifaceted and has been caused by the normalisation of obesity in society, the overabundance and marketing of cheap unhealthy foodstuffs, a move towards body positivity, an increased awareness and openness to kink lifestyles, and the fact that it is sexy and fun.
The rise of adipophilia as a cultural phenomenon is of interest to psychologists, sociologists, and fat fetishists. The question of why young men chose to over-inflate and swell their bodies with fat until their abdomens are abnormally round and swollen, like water balloons about to pop, is the key question of this study. What is it about huge, heavy, rounded-out bellies, that evidence the greed of the young male overconsumer, that is so deliciously desirable?
This study seeks to answer this question through a mix of observational and experimental techniques that provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence that the results of purposeful weight gain are hot as hell. Observations of publicly posted photos, videos, and conversations of male gainers will be carefully considered and analysed in order to identify common themes and factors related to stuffing your belly so full that it strains and stretches out inches over your belt, jiggling with every step you take. Due to the doubtful efficacy of feeding healthy participants up to the point of morbid obesity, the author has decided to partake in several gainer related activities himself and will rate them on a likert scale, from 1: Not at all arousing, to 5: Extremely arousing, in order to gather real world data into the immense joy of feeling oneself grow bigger and bigger everyday. As a voluntary participant the author will also undergo a regular testing and measurement routine in order to ascertain the effectiveness of various weight gain diets and to see if the experience of having one’s growth recorded is as hot as other gainers say it is.
Literature Review
There is a very limited amount of scientific literature on this topic, I have chosen therefore to give a brief overview of adipophilia in popular culture. The most commonly cited adipophilic book is Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, (Dahl, 1964), in which an extremely fat German boy wins a trip to a chocolate factory by eating an obscene amount of chocolate. His wonderfully greedy guts are then sucked up a pipe while he attempts to drink an entire chocolate river. A disappointing failure. It also includes a girl who inflates like a giant blueberry, but this study is not interested in girls. A recent prequel film, Willy Wonka (2023), features a heavy-set policeman who is fed chocolate bribes by chocolatier gangsters until he almost triples in size. A life goal for many. The Fattest Man in America (Nicholson, 2005) is a novel about a thousand pound man who eats himself up to a glorious size in order to become a tourist attraction. Alternatively The Fattest Man in Britain (2009) is a TV Movie (freely available on YouTube) starring Timothy Spall about a man who gets into an eating contest in order to prove that he is in fact the fattest. Heavyweights (1995) is a Disney film featuring the fat kids from The Mighty Ducks and a young Ben Stiller. It is set in a summer weight loss camp. The storyline features a lot of alarming similar events to the story of my friend Shawn when he went to fat camp. Life imitates art. The Simpsons (1989-Present) features several episodes in which characters gain weight, and I also used to fancy Kenen from Kenan & Kel (1996).
Research Objectives
To observe online gainer content in order to identify and analyse themes and factors that turn me on.
To experience the pleasure of gaining an insanely unhealthy amount of weight within a very short period in order to discover just how sexually gratifying it is.
To promote adipophilia as a lifestyle amongst other young gay men.
Observational Study
Conduct a systematic observation of online communities, forums, and platforms known for adipophilic content. Utilize qualitative methods to analyze discussions, interactions, and content shared within these communities.
Select a diverse range of online platforms catering to a single interest and demographic.
Collect data over a specified time period to capture variations in content and user engagement.
Data Collection:
Employ data scraping techniques to collect publicly available content.
Record observations, noting patterns, themes, and prevalent attitudes towards adipophilia.
I have spent the last four months observing several online gainer platforms and websites. I have viewed thousands of photos and videos of fat growing men of all ages, from 18 years and up. Though I have a few doubts about all of them being at least 18 and for some reason I couldn’t really find any gainers much older than about 65. I am unsure as to why this is.
Common themes and factors that I have identified are; huge round bloated bellies, ball bellies, balloon bellies, and beer bellies. Some bellies hang low while others stick out really far. Some look soft and squishy while others look hard and round - as if the guy has swallowed a basketball whole. They are my favourite. All of them are wide, swollen, and beautiful. Gainers often eat in their videos and stuff themselves stupid on takeaways. They like to watch each other over-eat and encourage each other to eat even more. I often did this whilst being sure to maintain my distance as an observer. Other factors were; soft flabby love handles and muffin tops that overhang tight shorts and boxers. These were lush fat rolls that I watched grow fuller and thicker on many sweet boys. Moobs, man breasts, and titties are also very popular. Fat boys tend to get big flat nipples that accentuate their doughy chests. I like how once you’re fat enough your tits rest on top of the dome of your distended over-ripe belly.
In many videos boys play with their fat tits, they squeeze and caress them, while teasing the viewer to suck on them like they were a woman. They also like to rub and pat their bloated bellies. I would eat tacos and rub mine while watching them. Some guys burp really loudly after downing fizzy drinks. It makes them seem so wonderfully greedy. One guy on Tumblr did this in only his boxers and I swear I saw his dick twitch.
I didn’t do all of the data collection I was supposed to due to becoming distracted by all the sexy fat men, especially the comparison pictures that show you how they used to look when they were thin compared to now. Other reasons for this weakness in my study design will become obvious when I explain the experimental study.
My prevalent attitude towards adipophilia is very positive as is that of all the gainers I spoke to online. They love getting fatter, telling me about it, and sharing private pics with me via DM’s.
Below is a list of all the fat factors that I identified, my rating for how sexy they are, and my explanation of why they are so fucking hot.
Trying on old clothes - Level 4 - Super Hot - Because I love how it demonstrates just how much they must have eaten. Watching a fat young guy struggle to fit into a XXL shirt makes me super hard.
Button popping - Level 5 - Dick Burstingly Hot - As above, only better! Boys suck their bellies in to try and look as thin as they can and they breathe out. Their bulging bellies overwhelm their shirts or pants as they expand, sending buttons flying off as fast as it makes me cum.
Burping - Level 3 - Sexy - Burping due to overconsumption is cool. I think I prefer it when I do it myself compared to watching others. I love how the escaping gas creates extra space in my belly for even more food!
Shaking/Jiggling - Super Hot - Big bouncing ball bellies and just the best! They make me want to grab them and smash my face into them.
Trying to exercise - Level 2 - Kinda Hot - This one I don’t get so much. Why would anyone want to exercise? It goes against all of the glory or adipophilia. It is though kinda cool to see sweaty fat boys struggle on the floor.
Belly measuring and weigh-ins - Level 6 - Super Dick Burstingly Hot!! - Videos and photos where boys measure their belly circumference and stand on scales cause me to nut directly. I love how happy they seem when they see the benefits of all their gorging. It makes me so proud of them.
Experimental Study
Spend three months eating as much as humanly possible in order to see just how fat I can get with the help of my friends in the gainer society.
Data Collection:
Quantitative data: Weekly weigh-ins and belly measurements.
Qualitative data: Personal record of how turned on I get by my gains.
I first decided to gain when a friend of mine told me about the new gainer society that meets every week at KFC. I had always found fat boys attractive and was overweight myself. My starting weight was 193 lbs. My friend knew that I liked being fat so he suggested that we go together. There was a guy there called Shawn, he was the fattest kid I’d ever seen. He was so cool! He ate like three family buckets to himself. I wanted to be able to do that. Shawn said that I had a good attitude and welcomed me to the group. I ate eight pieces of chicken, a burger with extra cheese, and three corn on the cobs. I felt so full and my belly ached as I walked home. I knew I needed more. That’s when I decided to do this study for my end of year project.
My friends in the UMGS thought that the project was a great idea and helped me to write a plan and food diary to ensure that I ate an extra 500 calories every day in order to expand my capacity and ensure growth. I stuck to it for the first week and then couldn’t be bothered any more so I just ate as much as I wanted. The plan was too restrictive and writing everything down all the time became a fucking ball ache. I just wanted to eat!
After two weeks I was noticeably fatter. My pants felt tighter and my t-shirt began to ride up my belly. Danni one day even pointed out that one of my love handles was on display in class. I started eating all the time and always snacked on Doritos and Snickers during lectures. I started to go topless in my room so that I could see and play with my fat while I did my observation study and snacked. I started jerking off more often. Gaining is definitely arousing.
After a month I needed bigger clothes and went to TJ Maxx to buy cheap shorts and t-shirts. I knew they wouldn’t last long! In the lunch hall my favourites were chilli dogs and fries, with chocolate fudge cake for dessert. I ate so much of it that my friends started to call me ‘Fudge’, I’d never had a nickname before!
My belly was now noticeably bigger. It protruded out and the front and felt heavy due to the fact that I kept it constantly stuffed to the brim. I could now cup my hand under it and lift it up. I love doing that. The fat feels so smooth and luxurious. My Mom even mentioned to me on a Zoom call that I looked like I’d gained weight. I told her that it was normal for guys at college. I was so impressed that I even looked fatter through a screen!
I kept eating and soon I could manage a family bucket at KFC with ease. I would drown the chicken in gravy, which Shawn said they make out of the fat scrapped from the bottom of the fryer. I so hope that this is true. I also started drinking nothing but Cola and Fanta and Beer. If it ain’t carbonated keep it the hell away from me! Brrruuurrrrppp!
From my observational study I learnt that some gainers like to rest their full bellies on a sink. I thought at first that this was just a bit weird and silly but then I tried it! I was amazed by how fat I felt resting my gorgeous growling gluttonous gut on top of the cold service. I spent ten minutes lifting and fondling it while I jerked off to my own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
By the end of the second month I felt massive! My dick was constantly as hard as my tightly packed stomach. Adipophilia is so sexy. I bought new clothes again and they already felt restrictive. My tits became more sensitive and I was overcome with pleasure when Danni sucked on them. They didn’t quite rest on top of my belly yet but I knew it wouldn’t be long.
In the lunch hall I turned to pizza and pasta and all the carbs. It was like the Atkins diet but in reverse. ‘Fudge’ was turning into a real fat boy. My thighs were thicker and began to chaff in the heat. At first this annoyed me but Shawn said that it was a sign of my progress and kindly offered to rub vaseline onto my groin for me. He said that my thighs were soft like two tubes of thick cookie dough. That made it feel much better.
With all the extra weight I was carrying I felt myself become more lethargic and lazy. I spent even more time in my room alone doing my observational study but lost the urge to continue with the boring data collection. All I wanted to do was eat, watch videos, and jack off. My gut is now so big that I really have to stretch to reach my dick when I’m sitting. When I lie down it still rises up into the air, whereas before it splayed out wide and flat while I slept. I guess it’s because I always have a pre-sleep meal of filling chow-mein and dumplings every night.
On the very last day of this study I returned to KFC by myself and ate three family buckets! I knew that I could do it! I was so proud of myself that I had to go into their bathroom and jack it while I farted ferociously on the toilet!
I would never have behaved like that before I got into adipophilia. I feel now like a much happier, sexier, more fun, and adventurous guy. I’m sad that this study is over, but I know that my adventure with gaining is only just beginning. I’m now 286 lbs and am determined to gain my first hundred. I am so close and just typing this makes me deliriously hungry. I’m gonna go stuff myself with a mountain of McDonalds before I write out my results which are summarised below.
Month One:
Starting weight 193 lbs, Waist size 36 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Chocolate Fudge Cake.
End weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Turn ons: Outgrowing my pants, feeling my belly swell, burping.
Month Two:
Starting weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers.
End weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Turn ons: My fast ass ripping my boxers, eating so much that I actually puked, abdominal pains, lifting and massaging my soft silky overhang, my love handles spilling out in class.
Month Three:
Starting weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers, McDonalds, Chinese, Cheesecakes, Profiteroles, Tacos, Ice Cream, Chicken Wings, Candy. So much candy!
End weight 286 lbs, Waist size 42 inches (and feeling tight AF!!)
Turn ons: Red raw stretch marks that circle my deep belly button like a whirlpool sucking me deeper in to the world of gaining, my fat heavy circular tits that feel soft and squishy, eating despite the fact that my stomach is howling in pain due to being stuffed with delicious high calorie junk foods, licking Shawn’s ass out while he farts, knowing that I’m already a huge fat gluttonous pig that’s only going to grow rounder and fatter with every greedy day that passes.
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Implications and Recommendations
I recommend everybody to get into adipophilia. Fat is not only beautiful, it is tantalising, addictive, and highly erotic. Fat boys are the epitome of sexual desire and the most lush and lavish example of the human form. Big, round, heavy, ball bellies are the most attractive and every gay boy needs to have one. Social media and other online forums are a great way to get into adipophilia and the gainer/feeder scenes but nothing is better than doing it for real. Growing as fat as you can with the help of friends who want nothing more than to see you bulk out and grow into the fattest, roundest, blob of lard possible is unbeatable. Especially when they are more than happy to beat and suck you off while you gorge yourself on heavy milkshakes.
The personal implications for my belly and ass have been massive. They have both grown and swollen out immensely. Other gay boys love to watch and grope my fat ass as it bulges out of my straining gym shorts. It’s so soft and wide and round now, more of a balloon butt than bubble butt! The belly is so much bigger than it was. It loves what I have done to it and only wants more. It speaks to me now and says “Feed me!” all of the time. I have forgotten what it feels like to be hungry. A sensation that I never want to feel again. Being constantly full is the only way to be. The only way to ensure that I keep expanding.
Societal implications are also hugely positive. The more young guys who get into gaining then the more sexy fatties there will be for me to look at, encourage, play with, and fuck. Boys deserve to be fed to the brim with everything that they could ever desire and more. I want everyone to experience the advantages of the fat, lazy, and greedy lifestyle of a true glutton.
Adipophilia is on the rise and we should all welcome it with open arms and a tray of twenty four chocolate cream donuts! Through my observational and experimental studies I have discovered just how thrilling purposeful weight gain can be, both for the gainer and the people encouraging them. Online adipophilic content is growing every day, like my waistline, and I predict that it will continue to do so. I sincerely hope that adipophilia continues to develop into the mainstream and recommend any young male researchers interested in the topic to repeat and expand upon my study in order to help validate the scene. I promise that you will have a whale of a time!
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fatfables · 20 days
More Weight Gain Stories
Fat People Can Sing Too
Ben is a frustrated young singer working on a cruise ship dreaming of making it big. When his friend enters him into a TV talent show without his consent he begins his journey towards becoming the world's biggest pop star.
Will he make it to the big time?  15,000 words
Camp Shawn: Part Two
The second part of my full length gainer novel. Shawn and the remaining fat friends fight to save their peers, defeat David, and regain their positions as the biggest boys at camp!
Part two is 20,000 words.
Alonzo: A Fat Fable
Alonzo is the first fat fable that I wrote back in 2021. It is in two parts. Set in southern Germany it's a tale of gluttony, greed, sibling rivalry, hatred and envy. It's also a love story between two beautiful young men; one incredibly fat and selfish, and another who works in a Pizzeria.
As Alonzo grows so does his need to be satiated. Part one is 12,000 words.
Vore Wars: Playing with Fyr
Two obscenely fat and rich youths from the galaxy's ruling race 'The Surplus' are attending an annual feast on the resort moon of Lyx, designed to balloon their magnificent stomachs further. When a Vore Warrior is spotted amongst the party goers the elite Surplus don't seem too concerned. After all the Vore War is over, isn't it?
Will their arrogance come back and bite them in the ass?  2,000 words
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fatfables · 24 days
Selection of Weight Gain Stories
Camp Shawn (Part One)
Shawn is a lazy overweight teen with a bad jerking habit and terrible attitude. When his parents decide to send him off to a fat camp in Indianna to lose weight and learn some discipline he is horrified, but it's his Mum and Dad who are in for a shock.
This is the first part of 'Camp Shawn' my full length weight gain novel. 25,000 words. Contains; stuffing, bloating, gaining, farting and competitive eating, and more.
Big Ben
Set in London in the early 90's, Big Ben, tells the story of an overweight unemployed alcoholic who meets his dream boyfriend. His feelings of guilt soon start to get the better of him when he starts to feed up his much younger lover. Is Ben the sinful old pervert that he believes himself to be?
5,000 words. Contains; stuffing, feeding, drinking, smoking, death feederism, and more.
Gainfully Unemployed
Kyle California is one of the hottest young gainers online. His videos get tens of thousands of hits and his OnlyFans is blowing up as quickly as he is. He loves the attention and money that he gets from his subscribers as his belly and income continues to swell. But is all of this attention good for him?
2,000 words. Contains; gaining and stuffing.
Long Island Liberals
Dr Steve Stringer meets Benji a friend of his son's who cruises the public toilets at Jones Beach State Park. Benji is tall and broad and big bellied. The pair soon develop an infatuation that put's Dr Stringer at odds with his personal and professional beliefs about public health and the U.S. obesity epidemic.
1,500 words. Contains; gaining and stuffing.
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fatfables · 25 days
Abundance, Oklahoma
A short companion piece to my full length fat fable 'Camp Shawn'
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Mr Nimby’s palms were itching. He scratched and scratched at them until they were sore with red marks running down the middle. He held his left hand up to his nose and his right nostril flared as he took a big sniff. He grimaced and pulled his face away from his hand.
“What on Earth are you doing?” Mrs Catinhellschance asked him.
Being rather a short man he looked up at the old woman, and frowned. He had never liked the crazy old bat but this damn new settlement had made allies of them. After all, who in their right mind would want a fat cult moving in down the road? Those people were crazier than she was, and she stunk of urine and screamed at passing cars.
“I’m preparing for my speech. What do you think I’m doing?”
“Well, it better be a good one. They got that famous lawyer man coming. Ya know, the old Swedish one from the TV news.”
Who the fuck still watches the TV news, he thought. “Yes, I’m well aware of that, Irene, thank you.”
“He’s very good, ya know.”
“I know, Irene. He’s also very old. Quite frankly it’s amazing that he’s still alive given the damn size of him!”
“Human rights lawyer, he is.”
“Yes, Irene, I know!” He was on the verge of losing his temper.
“No need to shout at me, Mr Nimby, I’m only trying to help.”
“I know that as well, Mrs Catinahellschance. None of us want this. These people are batshit crazy.”
“Who’s batshit crazy?”
They both turned round to see Mr Bunterson, famed human rights lawyer from the TV news slowly making his way towards them. He was at least eighty years old, had a full head of wild, curly, grey hair, and a walking stick in each hand to help him keep his balance and take the stress off his spine, caused by the planet sized belly that he was rocking up front.
Mr Nimby and his neighbour tried their best not to stare at the old man’s waistline but it was very hard not to. How often does one see a 500 lb plus octogenarian? 
“I can only assume that you are referring to myself or my clients?” Steve said.
“Too right!” Mr Nimby said. “We don’t want your kind here. You’re a disgrace to this country!”
Steve Bunterson instinctively let out a massive burp that he had been saving up, “Buuuurrrrrppppppp!” He blew it in Mrs Catinahellschance’s direction.
“Sorry,” he said, “Too much Dr Pepper in the car.”
“Vile man,” she spat at him, “Puerile, like a spoiled child!”
“And what is wrong with spoiling children Mam? Aren’t children meant to be doted on? The twinkle in our eyes? Do you not believe that the children of America should have everything that they want?”
“No, we do not! Isn’t that right, Mr Nimby?”
“Yes, that’s right! You people represent everything that is wrong with this country!”
What a fucking idiot, Steve thought. He was about to speak when a fourth person entered the hallway. It was the chairman of the town council, Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks.
“Ah hello Mr Bunterson, so pleased to see you! It’s a real honour to have you here in our town. You must be looking forward to putting your plans forward” He reached out a large Indian hand and shook Steve’s soft wrinkled palm with genuine warmth.
“It’s very nice to be here. And yes I’m really excited about the Abundance proposal. I think that it will bring a lot of growth to the region.”
“Bollocks!” said Mr Nimby abruptly.
Steve Bunterson turned and looked down at the small man over the rim of his round glasses, individually designed at great expense to match his round face.
“Very strange turn of phrase for an Okie?” He said, “Have you spent a lot of time in the UK? Mr er..”
“Nimby! The names Nimby. And no I’ve not. Though I do like to watch a lot of their comedies online.”
“Hmmm, not surprising for a man who hates America. Did you know that Mr Nimby was a red coat-wearing self-hater?” He aimed the question at Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks.
“No I did not, but I can’t say that I’m at all surprised.”
Mr Nimby tried to protest this childish name-calling but he was spoken down by the much larger chairman.
“You must be very hungry Mr Bunterson. You’ve come a long way today. We have prepared a special buffet meal before the meeting.”
“I thought you’d never ask!” Steve smiled widely at Mrs Catinahellschance, purposefully pushed his belly out and made a loud noise out of not saying goodbye to either her or Mr Nimby.
Stupid people like that clearly weren’t worth bothering with. The two of them obviously thought that their protests might actually work. They were both far too stupid to know that they hadn’t just already lost but had in fact lost ten times over.
Steve was sat at a large round table with Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks, four young members of the Surplus and three rotund local supporters. Eight of the party glutted themselves to the limits of human endurance while one of them spoke at great length.
Considering his advanced years, Steve still knew how to eat. He was now more than 200 lbs lighter than his heaviest ever weight, a consequence of the limited medical technology available to him, but he still more than enjoyed his food.
One day the youth of America would no longer need to be restricted by such basic things as the limits of evolution, but that day had not come yet. Steve filled his face with oysters, shrimp, crab legs, and lobster. He quaffed down the quail, and chugged down the champagne. He had developed a real taste for expensive cuisine in his older years. The younger Surplus stuck to pizza, fries, and burgers.
Plate after plate was delivered to the table in order to save the guest of honour from having to fetch his own food, and the empties started to pile up as the serving staff struggled to clear the table quickly enough. One Surplus boy, Kaden, 22 years old and just over 300 lbs, was keen to show his abilities off to his elder. He ate so many burgers and cocked back so much Coke that he burst the buttons off his best shirt as his belly bulged. To his delight Steve raised a toast to his achievement and demanded that they all have another round of three more plate fulls in celebration.
Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks didn’t care one way or the other about the behaviour of his gluttonous guests, he was already dreaming about his upcoming trip to Rio. As far as he was concerned if the white man wanted to eat himself to death then he was more than welcome to do so. He didn’t even raise a note of concern or dismay when the young Surplus and rotund locals started farting wildly at the table. He had done his homework and knew that this was an old Surplus tradition dating back to the camp, so didn’t want to offend his paying guests by commenting on it.
After two hours of eating it was time for the meeting to begin. Himself, Steve Bunterson, and Mr Nimby moved to a long table at the front of the room so that they could take it in turns to address the attendees.
Steve was very slow to stand and even slower to walk. His replacement knees were suffering from the strain of having to hold up his bulk. His 500 lb frame was now swollen to the max and his huge round low-hanging gut swayed as he shuffled forwards with small heavy steps. Two thousand miles away his twin brother, Henry, was sitting on his sofa eating four whole pavlovas while a servant boy tried to massage the pain away from his fat swollen legs.
Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks spoke first and at great length. He took ten minutes to go through the attendees, twenty minutes to go over the minutes of the last meeting and half an hour to introduce Steve and the topic of the night. Fortunately for the young Surplus and their local rotund friends there was still plenty of food left on offer to keep them entertained. Poor old Steve just had to sit and listen to it, wishing that he was younger and still sat at the table with the other fat boys.
Second to speak was Mr Nimby. This in itself irritated him and he spent fifteen minutes complaining about the fact that the anti-proposal speaker should really get to speak after the proposal in order to be able to rebut it. Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks interrupted him three times to state that the order of the speakers had been chosen at random. Mr Nimby finally got to his point.
“The Surplus are an unethical, immoral cult that threatens the basis of our country. This obsession with growing as fat as possible may now be very popular but that doesn’t make it right. As decent law-abiding people we should reject them and their principles. Allowing them to build a whole town dedicated to making its citizenry as obese as possible in our county would be not only an acceptance of their way of life but an approval of it…”
His speech was interrupted by a slice of strawberry cheesecake hitting him straight in the face. A loud cheer erupted from the table of fat boys.
He wiped the sweet sticky dessert from his cheeks and continued. 
“That, ladies and gentleman, that is the level of people that we are dealing with! These disgusting gluttonous pigs have no conscience! If we allow them to build on Peterson’s Farm then that is what we are welcoming into our community. And I for one want nothing to do with it!”
Mrs Catinhellschance, sat at the back of the room, attempted to applaud him but she was easily drowned out by the boo’s of seven severely obese young men, who jeered and pelted him with after dinner mints. He sat back down.
Steve Bunterson rose slowly to his feet. His distended belly bashed into the table in front of him as he stood, knocking over his drink and those of his fellow speakers. He waved a fat old hand up and down to beckon the boys to quieten. They did so immediately.
“Mr Nimby is a moron. He is an antiquated idiot. His outdated ideas of morality belong firmly in the last century. A century of untold wars and horrors. He dare not speak it but he clearly believes in the debunked ideals of public health. Of the type that have been rejected by the vast majority of Americans. He seeks only to curtail the liberty of us all. He wishes to deny all of us the right to enjoy our own bodies, to pursue happiness through eating. This is not only unconstitutional, it is downright un-American! This man hates America, he told me so himself earlier this evening. And beyond even this he is not only wrong in his beliefs but he is also wrong in his facts. We are no longer planning to build our new town on Peterson’s Farm but on the reservation. This sale of private land has been agreed with Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks and the rest of his tribe. A fair and legal agreement between the original inhabitants of this great land and a people who represent its great future.”
Fourteen young heavy hands banged on the large round table in pronounced agreement. Mr Nimby looked at the chairman next to him in total surprise.
“Is this true?” He asked him.
“Yes,” said Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks, “We signed the contract yesterday. The new town of Abundance will be built on twenty seven acres of reservation land. As such the consent of the town council is no longer required. I invited Mr Bunterson to tonight’s meeting as an act of courtesy to the town’s folk so that he himself could talk to you and explain the benefits.”
Mr Nimby slumped defeated in his chair. Steve Bunterson’s smile was as wide as his stomach. Fuck these ignorant inbred assholes, he thought. No one would stand in his way.
He rose once more to his feet, scratched at the top of his huge belly, straining under his designer 6XL shirt, and began to speak again.
“Every American youth has the option to choose our way of life. To choose a fulfilling life of abundance in Abundance. I want every boy in this great country to be able to grow into his full potential. To be the biggest and best that he can be. It is not only his right, it is his birthright! Gaining is the epitome of the American dream and I repudiate anyone who says otherwise. I was lucky as a child that my father cared deeply about me and my brother. He cared enough to not just let us be who we wanted to be but to help and encourage us every bite of the way. He understood human rights better than anyone. While so-called public health crusaders tried to deny us a right to life, liberty, and happiness, through intrusive social programmes that went against the spirit of the founding fathers, our father sent us to fat camp in order for us to indulge in our passion. Meanwhile the public health lunatics attempted to ban trans-fats, they attempted to limit the variety of food available in schools, attempted to limit portion sizes at fast food restaurants, attempted to limit the number of restaurants and food stalls through anti-business zoning laws, there was all sorts of government overreach going on, but we fought them all! And we were victorious! We grew as fat as we wanted in spite of them, and thanks to ever improving medical technology we will continue to grow to new unheard of sizes without any negative health effects! I was once over 700 lbs and lived a perfectly happy life. You my boys, you the future of the Surplus, the future of America, you will soon be able to grow to over 1000 lbs at least! That I have no doubt about. And you will be able to do it in a town called Abundance!”
There were loud cheers from the large round table as shouts of “Hip hip hooray” started up. Steve received a standing ovation from his corpulent young followers and a few more heavy set people in the room.
“And now my friends, we shall feast to celebrate!”
Steve sat back down at the large round table as Chief Likestotalkandtakespaybacks spoke again for another twenty five minutes in order to bring the meeting to an end. Mrs Catinhellschance and Mr Nimby tried to slink quietly out of the door but an extra-large apple pie hit him in the ass as he did so.
The elderly Steve Bunterson, attorney at law, four young Surplus, and three new recruits continued to stuff themselves stupid with desserts for the next three hours. They guzzled down gateaux, chomped their chubby chops on chocolate cheesecakes, and downed dozens of delicious dairy donuts each. They swallowed every item in sight until they all strained and heaved around the waist. Every one of them extended themselves to a delirious level. Eight tight stomach bags groaned with delight. More buttons popped and every one of them had to undo his belt and fly in order to let his delightfully overfull belly breath.
Steve was so impressed with his fat young charges that he let three of them come back to his hotel room so that they could fellate him and each other.
Click here to read the first of three parts of 'Camp Shawn'.
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fatfables · 1 month
Adam and Evan - New Weight Gain Story
In 19th century England two young aristocratic brothers share the same shameful secret; their desire for an unusually large boy in their service...
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“I don’t understand how a servant boy can get so fat,” said the Father, who was sitting at the head of the long mahogany table.
“That’s very impolite. He only has this second left the room. He might hear you,” rebuked the Lady of the House.
“I don’t care if he does. I’m not paying servants to overindulge themselves. Who does he think I am?”
“I’m sure you pay him exactly the same as all the rest, father,” said the eldest son in defence of the boy.”
“And not a penny more! But that’s my point. In all my years I’ve never seen or heard of a fat servant boy before. I really don’t understand how he does it?”
“He’s really not that large,” said the younger son, also in defence of the boy.
“Not that large? He’s a dumpling of the largest proportions, a real jelly belly if ever I saw one.”
“Sshh now husband, I can hear him returning. It is unsightly to speak of one behind one’s back, even a servant boy.”
Johnny re-entered the room pushing a dessert cart. He was a little disconcerted by the sudden silence, as he had opened the door, but knew that it was not his place to comment on it. He placed the trifle, sponge cake, and rhubarb pie in the centre of the table along with a large silver jug of warm custard. He stood up straight, nodded at the head of the table, and took three steps backwards before retreating to his place by the door, where he stood, legs a few feet apart with his hands behind his back, looking at the wall opposite.
He was five feet and six inches tall, with a thick head of black hair combed over from the left hand side. He wore smart dinner dress as was the custom for waiting staff in such houses. His suit was ill-fitting even though it had only just been handed down to him from one of the older boys. It was at least three inches too long in the trouser leg. This fact he had tried to hide by rolling the bottom of each leg up on the inside of each trouser. This effort was now half undone and he’d had to be careful not to trip by standing on the fabric when he entered. 
By contrast his shirt was too small for him as a larger one had yet to be procured. It strained in the middle under the force of his protruding stomach and he was always desperately trying to tuck it back into the waist of his trousers whenever he thought that no one was looking, only for it to always pop straight back out every time. His jacket, also passed down from the elder boy fitted him well around the waist and shoulders but was far too long in the sleeve, in a similar manner to his trousers. Rolling one’s sleeves up in good company was unheard of so it just had to hang loose, his cufflinks two inches lower than his wrists. At least now no one could notice or comment on how limp they were.
“This rhubarb pie is delectable,” the Lady of the House commented, “Johnny, please pass my compliments on to your mother, she has once more outdone herself.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you, I will, Ma’am.”
“Maybe Johnny would like some himself? If it really is so good?” His wife stared at her Lord. Johnny’s eyes opened wide at the suggestion but then he quickly remembered where he was and composed himself.
“Father, that is unkind, you know very well that the service are not allowed to indulge in food for the house.” It was the elder brother once more coming to Johnny’s defence.
“Yes Father, Adam is correct, leave the poor boy be. He’s probably not even had his own dinner yet.”
“Is this true, Little Johnny? Have you not been sustained yet this evening? You look like a boy who has had his ample fill to me?”
“I will eat after service with the rest of the staff, as usual, Sir.”
“His Lordship is well aware of how his own house is run. I recommend, Johnny, that you don’t speak from now on, even when spoken to. His Lordship is in a very funny mood and I fear that you won’t be able to say right through fear of saying wrong.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you Ma’am.” Johnny was relieved to be dismissed from the conversation. The Lady was very kind to him.
“The question remains as to how he did ever get so fat?”
“Sir Geoffrey Bloomington! Whatever has happened to your prudence? The boy is standing right there.” The Lady motioned her eyes towards Johnny without looking at him.
“According to my Lady it is rude to talk behind one’s back and also rude to talk to one’s face. Is there anything that I may be allowed to discuss in my own house with regards to my own service?”
“You act as if it is a financial matter. Personal comments are not for the dining table.”
“Financial comments are certainly not for the dinner table either Mother,” said the younger son, though no one payed him any heed.
“I believe it to be a financial matter dear wife, for who do you believe is paying for that stomach much more ample in size than my own? I have never seen such a belly on a boy his age before, not in all the houses in England.”
“You are repeating yourself now, Father,” said the elder son.
“Yes, you are repeating yourself,” said the younger son without any recognition of the irony.
“My own sons, so young and athletic around the waist. How quickly you do both rush to protect this slovenly boy. Are you happy for him to take advantage of your Father so?”
“Father you know not that he doth take advantage so. Maybe it is just a natural effect of his disposition?” Adam proposed.
“Has he always been so disposed?”
“Truly not. But he is a good boy who has been in our service for many a year. Do you not remember when Evan and I were young and allowed to attend school and play with the children in our service. This boy was a good friend to us both. On these grounds I beseech you to leave him be.”
“If he was not always so disposed then it cannot be in his disposition to appear so. If you consider yourself to be on good terms with this particular boy then I beseech you to take it up with him in person.”
“That I will do, Sir. For I agree with Mother that this is not an appropriate time to be discussing such things.”
The family fell into silence. Johnny, who had been standing as still as a Royal Guard throughout this discussion moved towards the table upon the slight beckoning of the Ladies hand. He carefully cleared away the untouched trifle, half eaten sponge cake, and remaining four slices of rhubarb pie, placed them on his cart, and wheeled it out of the dining room.
He made his way down the main corridor, turned left into the great hall with the portraits of previous Lords and exited into the servants quarters through a small door at the end of that great room. He paused at the top of the stairs that led down to the kitchen, next to the dumbwaiter. He removed a large serving spoon from his trouser pocket and proceeded to demolish the entire trifle with his Lord’s words ringing in his ears, “never seen such a belly on a boy his age before, not in all the houses in England.” He smiled broadly as he swallowed another huge spoonful down.
The trifle was rich and sweet and fruity, containing no less than three oranges, two apricots, and a quarter bottle of rum. He licked the cream from his lips and he dug the huge spoon into the first slice of rhubarb pie. He sliced the still warm pie open and the thick filling dripped out. He savoured the smell and took a large bite that warmed that back of his throat. Picking up the jug he took an unceremoniously large slug of custard straight from the silverware before pouring the rest of its contents on top of the remaining pie. This he devoured in just a few minutes. He had to be quick, Mother was waiting for him.
His belly was now straining overfull, it felt warm and luxuriant, beyond his station. His greedy hands grabbed at the sponge cake, he tore off a large piece and proceeded to stuff it into his wide open mouth. He chewed as fast as he could, considering his discomfort, and continued to pull the cake apart.
By the time he was finished his mouth was parched with thirst and his belly hugely distended. He tried to pull at the tails of his shirt in order to tuck it in and make himself presentable once more but it was a useless task. He loaded the empty dishes into the dumbwaiter and rang the bell before awkwardly making his way down the stairs.
“Where ‘av ye bin?” His mother’s tongue lashed him.
“In the dining room.”
“All dis time?”
“Yes Mother, the dessert went down very well. Everyone had several servings. The Lady asked me to commend you for the pie.”
“She did, did she?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Look,” he said, going over to take the dishes from the dumbwaiter, “All empty, every last one of them!”
“Well I neva! ‘Ow about dat! I’s neva known it before, at ‘em finish all four courses. Not a morsel left!”
“Not a morsel, Mother,” he said with a wicked smile on his greedy young face.
“Well, give ‘em dishes ta Mary ta take care ov, an’ I’ll get ya supper on. Ye must be starvin’ be now?”
“I am, Mother!” He smiled and patted his swollen round belly. “What is for super this fine eve?”
“Well, for da liddle gentleman we ‘as a starter of potato soup, followed be roast beef, an’ dunny tell no one, but I’s saved ye some av ‘at rhubarb pie.”
“Oh, thank you, Mother!” He beamed, before sitting down at the kitchen table for his second large meal of the night.
He was just undressing for bed when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me Adam, may I come in?”
“Of course, enter!”
The elder son stepped cautiously through the door. Normally sure of himself the tall handsome young man was unused to being in the servants quarters and was certainly not used to being in a servants private room. Johnny normally visited him.
The young heir of the estate looked around the small room and took in the sparse simple furniture. There was a small wooden chair, surely unsuitable for an ample boy like Johnny, and the single bed looked uncomfortable. He felt unsteady in this environment until his gaze fell upon Johnny who was sitting topless on the bed adorned by just his pantaloons. 
Johnny’s paunch was splayed out on top of his thighs. His abdomen wider than any young Lord’s in England. The lower half of his gut lay soft and flat, creased in the middle under its own weight. The top half was thick and round and protruded out further than the lower half hung. Atop his belly were the soft and delicate breasts of a young woman fallen slightly to each side with no brazier to carriage them.
“My dear Johnny, you look as delectable as your Mother’s rhubarb pie,” The young charmer said. 
“That may well be, dear Sir, because I have rather a large amount of it stirring inside me.” Johnny liked to tease his Master.
“Interesting indeed! For a servant boy may not feast on the food for the house. This matter in fact is the reason why I am acquainting myself with your boudoir. I am here, as bad by my Father, to talk to you so as to ascertain the source of that monstrous mountain of flesh that you carry so ably forth. To inspect which I would have asked you to lift your shirt only you are not wearing any, therefore all of the evidence is already plain to see.” Adam also liked to tease the servant boy.
“If you are so keen as to discover the source of this rotund stomach muscle,” Johnny paused to lift up his overhanging belly fat, “then I suggest to you, my good and kindly Master, to look no further than the young gentleman that I am currently looking at, for I believe that he is as much to blame as anyone else in the matter.”
Adam turned around to look to see if anyone was standing behind him and then feigned surprise when he discovered that there wasn’t.
“Dost thou mean my good self?”
“Of whom else could I be talking? Who else gave me explicit permission to eat the food for the house? And as much of it as I please? Who else gave me an extra purse for private contributions? Who else calls me to his chambers at night to service him with food when indeed all he pleases is to service myself?”
“I am aghast that you, a mere servant boy of portly manner, would dare to speak to your Master in such an accusatory tone!”
“If you do not like the tone of which I use to speak then I suggest that my Master either fills my mouth to silence with some form of nourishment or if none is forthcoming that he fastens it closed with his own lips.”
With this last comment Johnny let go of his expansive soft belly fat causing it to bounce and jiggle as it had only the forces of gravity to contend with. Adam, unable to resist any longer, stepped forward and knelt down next to Johnny on the bed planting a big long kiss on his aforementioned lips. They shared a shameful and passionate embrace as his Master’s hands explored every inch and fold of his servant’s body.
“Fear not, my dear,” Adam said, “I shall proceed tomorrow to ensure that you continue to receive your ample purse and portion, despite of what my Father says.”
“But, my Master, will the Lord not surely notice if I doth continue to grow? He made it aptly clear that he already believes me to be too large for my station. If I continue to expand then I will surely meet his ire and be expelled from the house?”
“Fret not my sweet jar of jam, I do firmly believe that the Lord only noticed your magnitude due to the proximity of your clothing to your stoutly frame. That shirt, which I can see you sensibly no longer adorn, is at least three sizes too small for you. Any adolescent boy who continues to wear the clothes of his childhood will appear oversized due to the poor correlation between himself and his garments.”
“From where shall I acquire new garments? I would require both a dinner suit and more general clothing for my other tasks. The extra purse with which you have furnished me is indeed generous but not so generous as to afford a poor servant boy a new dinner suit?”
“Worry not, for also tomorrow you shall with me to the town, whereupon we will visit a tailor, a good friend of mine. I shall instruct him to befit you with an oversized suit, one that so hangs off your portly frame that it will give the appearance of much exercise and improved diet.”
“But will your Father, our Lord, fall for such a simple trick?”
“He is long in years and poor in sight. Not so poor as to fail to notice your pervasively  peachlike paunch in the first place, but poor enough to be fooled by its disappearance under baggy cloth. I am indeed so sure of this plan that I have no doubt that you can in total disregard of his Lordship’s wishes continue to expand triumphantly and continue to win my faltering heart.”
With this the two young men once more became embroiled in a shameful embrace of gentle kisses and caresses. Some of them in places unfit to mention in a gentleman’s tale.
Continue to read the full story for free at: https://www.fatfables.com/adam-and-evan
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fatfables · 1 month
Gainfully Unemployed:
A new fat fable about obsessive weight gain.
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Gainfully Unemployed
Kyle California was his handle, I didn’t know his real name, not at first. I first came across his YouTube channel in early 2017. I was his first follower. I don’t know if it was his strong jawline, muscular biceps, or Pacific blue eyes that caused me to fall in love. Back then he had short brown hair spiked like a child’s, a deep tan from years spent lying by his parent’s pool, and a soft hairless stomach. His early uploads were of him jiggling his pudge and smiling. He always wore a pair of azure blue Quiksilver boardshorts and spoke softly about wanting to grow bigger. He would post his statistics below his videos. He said that he was 5ft 10 and 183 lbs with a 30 inch waist. He claimed to be 23 years old.
I was the first to subscribe to his Patreon and his OnlyFans. I felt honoured that he allowed me to share in his intimate moments. He invited me to shower with him, let me watch while he sat on his dildo and jerked his thick 10 inch cock right in my face. I really used to love that. I regularly sent him $10 tips that I really hoped he would spend on food. He promised me he would.
Kyle said that he loved to eat and it showed. I watched him working on his legs and arms in the gym. In the changing rooms he would film himself shaking his round belly wearing only a wet towel around his midriff. He wanted to remain healthy and muscular whilst continuing to grow his stomach. I watched him eat pizza and cream cakes. In May 2018, at my request, he bought the same azure boardshorts, 34 inches. He flexed his guns and stroked his swollen round belly. It was so soft, like his face, in contrast to his strong arms and chest. His thighs were thick and round like a fat ballet dancer’s. His ass was perfectly perk and succulent. I loved watching his cheeks bounce while he swallowed his dildo and came. We had such fun.
He first spoke to me when he answered my question on Tumblr and Instagram. Do you think you will always want to keep gaining? He was 220 lbs at this point and had developed nicely thickening love handles that stuck out half an inch over the boardshorts that so beautifully matched his eyes. Yes, I can’t imagine ever not growing bigger. I just love the feeling of too much to ever stop. I believed him.
By 2019 he was one of the most popular gainers online. He regularly got tens of thousands of views on YouTube and had hundreds of followers on his other socials. I was so proud of him. His belly was really starting to balloon, thanks to my encouragement and kindness. Kyle had such a perfect round gut that stuck out two or three inches beyond his 36 inch shorts. He looked so swollen all of the time. Like he had eaten a whole watermelon. He was the perfect all-American gay boy.
When the pandemic hit Kyle lost his service job meaning that his online presence was his only source of income. I felt so sorry for him and really appreciated his honesty and hardwork that he was putting into growing himself and his socials. I more than doubled my contributions and he almost doubled in size.
Being locked-down was so good for Kyle, he got to stay home all day and make a living from eating and jerking off online. I started paying for his Uber Eats and he was so thankful. The weight piled onto his belly, thighs, and ass as he ate junk food daily. Burger King was his favourite. He gobbled down Double Whoppers like they were Tic Tacs and the results were wonderful. During those months he exploded into a real sexy fat boy. His belly bulged and his butt ballooned. Stretch marks started to appear on his love handles as his body grew wider at an unbelievable pace. Quicksilver no longer made the same boardshorts so he would eat in just his underwear. XXL tighty whitey’s that were so deliciously tight. He could no longer go to the gym so his upper body and legs quickly began to soften. Kyle would play with his new moobs for me. Squeezing his thick man breasts while he sucked down supersized shakes. Lockdown was lonely for many people but not for Kyle and me.
By the time he went to get his first vaccination Kyle was 289 lbs. So close to the big 300. His youthful face was soft and chunky with chipmunk cheeks and a thick double chin. I had been with him all the way on his journey and was thrilled to finally be getting the chance to meet him in person.
I had been looking for jobs in Carmel for the previous six months and had finally landed a role at an online shoe retailer which paid enough to support both of us. It was important to me that Kyle could afford not to return to work, or the gym, in order to continue with his gains. When he announced that he was making enough money online to keep doing it full time I was delighted.
I found his parents' house on Google Maps. I had seen the exterior and pool enough times on his earlier videos. Locating his apartment was harder so I had to wait for him to visit his folks. I assumed that he would be thrilled to see me. We had now spoken a few times during his Q&A sessions and had always gotten along so well. I couldn’t wait but his fucking parent’s went and ruined it.
At first meeting him in person was perfect. He was even more beautiful in real life than in any picture or video and I should know, I took thousands of pictures of him during our relationship. He was so circular, a real buxom boy, with a massively plush ass, round and soft enough to turn the head of any Catholic Priest. His balloon belly bounced with every step as he walked up his parent’s driveway. He was wearing a dark yellow t-shirt that did nothing to hide the layers of fat that stuck so beautifully out the front of his distended abdomen. He was very surprised to see me.
At first I was shocked that he had forgotten my name but when he explained how many followers he had I forgave him. I was so proud of his success. When he asked me to leave I was initially furious but he explained that his parents were not aware of his online activities so it was inappropriate to introduce me to them at that moment. I accepted this explanation and told him that we could meet at Burger King the next day. I left in a very upbeat mood. When he didn’t show I was again enraged and sent him twenty seven DM’s. Eventually he responded saying that something else had come up. I tried to rearrange our next date but he was always too busy.
He kept performing online so I wasn’t too brokenhearted. Making videos must have been taking up a lot of his time. His gains had seemed to be slowing down though so I sent him a $200 tip with a short message saying to spend it all at Burger King. I signed it with lots of kisses. I was totally bewildered to discover two days later that the money had been redeposited in my account. Again I DM’d him only to discover that he had blocked my messages. I really started to wonder if I had done something wrong. The idea that I’d done something to upset him caused me real pain.
My mind was put at ease the next day when he posted that he had decided to stop gaining fat and wanted to regain more muscle. This initially relieved me, however, I couldn’t believe that he would make such an important decision without consulting me first. He had after all promised me personally that he would never stop gaining fat. I knew that I would find him at the gym. I had been there many times before.
When he saw me in the showers he completely lost his mind. I think his parent’s must have found out about his gaining or his OnlyFans or something. I’d never realised before that he could have such a short fuse. His heavy ass glistened when wet and his bulbous belly was so fucking beautiful. I gave it a rub as I knew he liked that, but my compliments didn’t calm him down like I’d hoped. He ripped his shorts trying to put them back on quickly and left the gym with his right ass cheek hanging out below his tight t-shirt.
I followed him to the parking lot trying to calm him down but it was no good. He had now gone stoney quiet so I was the only one doing the talking. I told him how much I loved him and how fat and beautiful he was. I even offered to blow him right there in his car. But it was all to no avail. He drove off at high speed.
I decided to follow him as I needed to make sure that he was alright. I hated seeing him so upset. All I wanted to do was take care of him. Keep him as my own fat boy. But I would never get the chance to take our relationship to the next level. 
He was so stressed out that he ran a red light. The Uber Eats driver t-boned his sedan on the driver’s side. Kyle had left in such a hurry that he’d forgotten to put his seatbelt on. I never knew this before but airbags are designed to protect people wearing belts. The seat belt stops you from being thrown forward towards the deploying airbag. No belt hence massively increases the impact force. The coroner’s report said that Kyle’s heart had been dislodged. He died instantly. If there’s one lesson to be learned from this story it’s that seatbelts save lives.
His last post update said that he was 5 ft 10 and 296 lbs with a 42 inch waist size. He claimed that he was 23 years old.
At the funeral I met his parents. They were lovely and had no idea that Kyle had a boyfriend. They were pleased that he hadn’t spent all his time alone. His weight gain had been a concern to them and they were starting to worry about his well being. I assured them that Kyle had been fine and was perfectly happy with me. It was just a tragic accident. I didn’t mention how stressed and furious he’d been that day as I didn’t want to upset them. They were very nice people and I couldn’t get my head around why Kyle had been so angry at them. They seemed like such a nice family. It’s a real tragedy. I keep in touch with them every so often.
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fatfables · 1 month
More Weight Gain Stories
Fat People Can Sing Too
Ben is a frustrated young singer working on a cruise ship dreaming of making it big. When his friend enters him into a TV talent show without his consent he begins his journey towards becoming the world's biggest pop star.
Will he make it to the big time?  15,000 words
Camp Shawn: Part Two
The second part of my full length gainer novel. Shawn and the remaining fat friends fight to save their peers, defeat David, and regain their positions as the biggest boys at camp!
Part two is 20,000 words.
Alonzo: A Fat Fable
Alonzo is the first fat fable that I wrote back in 2021. It is in two parts. Set in southern Germany it's a tale of gluttony, greed, sibling rivalry, hatred and envy. It's also a love story between two beautiful young men; one incredibly fat and selfish, and another who works in a Pizzeria.
As Alonzo grows so does his need to be satiated. Part one is 12,000 words.
Vore Wars: Playing with Fyr
Two obscenely fat and rich youths from the galaxy's ruling race 'The Surplus' are attending an annual feast on the resort moon of Lyx, designed to balloon their magnificent stomachs further. When a Vore Warrior is spotted amongst the party goers the elite Surplus don't seem too concerned. After all the Vore War is over, isn't it?
Will their arrogance come back and bite them in the ass?  2,000 words
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fatfables · 1 month
New Story! - Fat Boys in Space!
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“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe they chose me! After all the hard work I’ve put in, I’ve finally made it!”
Shane had good reason to be ecstatic. He had been dreaming of this since he was seven years old. For the last twelve years he had done nothing but sit around snacking and playing simulated games in his room. He always did his best to consume the minimum daily calories, he had skipped school, given up all sports, sat on his ass, and eaten his way to success. He had done everything required of him to become a test pilot and had actually been chosen out of thousands of wannabe Surfeits to represent the Surplus Space Core. His parents were delighted.
The day before he left for Florida his friends threw him a surprise party. The whole town of Abundance, Oklahoma, population 136, came out to celebrate with him. All of his best friends were there; ‘Chonky’ Charlie Cheesecake, ‘Meaty’ Mike Mitchell, ‘Flabby’ Francis France, and ‘Portly’ Paul Porter. The whole gang was there. They were all super stoked for their friend but also incredibly jealous.
“I can’t mmfff believe that you got mmff picked,” Chonky said through a mouthful of Cadbury’s Chocolate Roll.
“What did you mmff do that’s so mmff fucking special?” Asked Meaty through a mouthful of meatloaf.
“He mmff did fucking mmff nothing. He just mmff got mmff lucky,” said Flabby through a mouthful of sour Kimchi.
“I mmff guess they mmff just appreciated mmff just how mmff fat and mmff lazy I’ve mmff been,” said Shane through a massive mouthful of mmff meatballs.
“He is mmff the laziest mmff kid in mmff Abundance,” said Chonky supportively through another mouthful of Chocolate Roll.
The other boys were forced to nod in agreement. All of their mouths were too full to speak. 
All of them had been born into the Abundance community within the last twenty years and took their mmff lifestyle for granted. Their parents, or their grandparents, had at some point chosen to join the Surplus, they knew no different.
Life for them was all pizzas and parties. None of them knew when or where the Surplus movement had started and none of them cared to ask. Life was too much fun, too fulfilling. Everything tasted too good to question why. All they knew to do was play simulated games and eat. What else was there?
All of the adults in Abundance were at least 300 lbs and most of the kids were fatter. Especially the teens. Afterall, every parent wants their kid to have a better life than they’ve had. This was the Surplus way.
Shane was 332 lbs and 5 ft 10 in tall. He had short brown hair, parted on the left, and big chubby chipmunk cheeks to match his wide oval belly. He had always been a contented and happy boy, who never wanted for anything - except to go into space. His loving parents had always doted on their only child and had always supplied him with all the food he could ever need. They were so proud of their ‘Sugarplum boy.’ And now he had been selected to represent their kind in the race to find a new home.
The dream of building a moon base where the Surplus could live comfortably and grow to as of yet unachievable sizes in a lower gravity atmosphere had been out of reach for the last three generations due to the financial efforts required for such a mission. Now after the government purchase of the McDonald’s corporation the money was finally in place to actually do it. And Shane had been chosen.
As the guest of honour at the party Shane was expected to consume more than any other person there. Outeating the other 135 members of his town was a challenge that he was relishing. He had long been able to out eat his parents, a source of pride for them, and his friends, although they hated to admit this. However, there were one or two locals there who made him very nervous. The main one was an older boy called Dave Domycket. Dave was a lot heavier than Shane though also quite muscular. He had bought into the gluttony of his parents lifestyle but had never quite got to grips with the sedentary nature of it. He had always been full of energy and hence moved too much. This is why he had not been chosen. He really needed some Ritalin with his ramen.
Shane shouldn’t have worried, ‘Chonky’ Charlie had him covered. He had spent the last two hours filling the hyperactive twenty something with beer. Dave was too drunk and bloated to pose a threat. Being unaware of this Shane ate with gusto. He gobbled down gammon and gravy, pigged out on pork, and stuffed himself silly with spaghetti. His rotund belly swelled and he went to bed that night safe in the knowledge that he would turn up in Florida the next day as fat as a ball of butter.
Corpulent Chuck met him the next day at the gates to the base.
“My you are shorter than your weight is designed for aren’t you!” He said as he welcomed Shane with a big bear hug. “I’m sorry that the Captain isn’t here to meet you himself but he couldn’t be bothered. He’s in his room eating pure bacon and playing simulated Restaurant Owner 5.”
“No problem,” said Shane, “I’m sure he’s not a very busy man.”
Corpulent Chuck showed Shane around the base. It generally went like this:
“This is the mmff human mmff centrifuge. We probably mmff won’t worry about mmff putting you in that.”
“This is the mmff vending machine by the mmff centrifuge. Would you like an mmff Snickers?”
“Yes please.”
“This is the mmff anti-gravity rig. We mmff don’t need to mmff concern ourselves about mmff that.”
“This is the mmff vending machine by the mmff anti-mmff-gravity thingamajig. Would you like another mmff Snickers?”
“Thank you.”
“This is the mmff control centre. I probably should mmff introduce you to the the mmff people in there but over here is the mmff canteen shall we get some mmff lunch?”
“Yes please. I’m starving!”
The two of them sat down to a light lunch of twenty six cheeseburgers. While they munched, Corpulent Chuck explained the nature of the mission to Shane in more detail. I’ll paraphrase it for you so that it goes mmff quicker.
The basic Surplus moonbase is already in place but is currently unmanned due to an incident that Corpulent Chuck can’t divulge. Shane’s job is to fly up there solo to check out the base in order to ensure that it’s safe for habitation. He won’t need any special training for this because if it isn’t then he will die. They will then know that there is a problem that hasn’t gone away. If it is safe, then all he has to do is call them from the base and they’ll send another team up to join him. Simple.
Shane smiled and nodded in agreement, like he understood, because he wasn’t listening. He was too busy eating his cheeseburgers and watching his stomach grow like a good boy.
The next day he was dressed up in a spacesuit, shoved into a rocket, shown where the food dispenser was, and told that the autopilot would take care of everything.
The G-force during take-off was like nothing he had ever experienced before. His heavy 48 inch ass was flattened out as he was pushed down into his chair. His belly sank down to his knees and splayed out over his thighs like a tablecloth. His moobs pressed down into his chest like an elephant was sitting on them and his chubby chipmunk cheeks jiggled around at a fantastic speed. He had never felt so heavy. He loved it. It was like he had suddenly become a hundred times heavier. Space really was a dream come true. I never knew that zero gravity would feel this good, he thought.
He really hadn’t been to school in the last five years.
After a few minutes the force began to lessen as the rocket left the Earth's atmosphere behind. After ten minutes a big sign lit up telling him that it was safe to remove his seatbelt.
He was shocked and amazed when his huge 338 lb ass floated up out of the seat. For a moment he was caught up in a mild panic as he just floated aimlessly around the cabin bumping into instruments. But he quickly got used to it and remembered about the food dispenser.
Having never been swimming it took him a few more moments to realise that he needed to move his arms in order to propel himself in the direction that he wanted to go. Nobody had warned him that he would be required to exercise. He swam ungracefully through the air banging his belly and butt into everything along the way. One machine buzzed at him when he did so but he didn’t worry about it.
When he reached the food dispenser he tried to browse the touchscreen menu in order to select the McDonald’s items on offer in space. This proved to be difficult due to the thick gloves that he was wearing on his fat hands. He bashed his fat fingers against the screen in frustration and by sheer chance and will power managed to order thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries. He really wanted some standard cheeseburgers as well but couldn’t seem to manage it, no matter how many times he bashed his fat palm against the menu.
He punched the screen in frustration. There was a loud whirring sound and thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries were fired out of a dispensing hatch straight at him.
The shock of this caused him to fly a few feet backwards and he bashed into another machine that clicked and clunked. He looked around him at all the tasty floating meaty treats and wondered how in hell he was supposed to eat any of it with this stupid helmet on.
In the cockpit a screen was flashing telling him that the oxygen level was in standard parameters and that it was safe to remove his suit and helmet.
He screamed in hangry frustration and once more flew backwards, this time onto a remote latch with a red warning light on it. The light flashed behind him and the emergency door opened. His bulging ass, thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries were sucked out into the vacuum of space.
“I need to talk to KOFC. There’s been another incident.”
“Please wait a minute. I’ll try to connect you.”
“Hello Mr President Sir, this is Captain Crunch. We’ve lost another one.”
“Oh for mmff’s sake! You useless fucking mmff piece of mmff shit! Do you have any fucking mmff idea how much these fucking mmff rockets mmff cost?!”
“Apologies, Sir. Yes, I do, Sir.”
“What the fuck happened this mmff time?”
“Emergency door malfunction.”
“And the mmff pilot?”
“Dead Sir.”
“Oh well, Just chose another fucking mmff one. At least we’ve got plenty of mmff them!”
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fatfables · 1 month
What a Fat Shame!
A short poetic fat fable.
David Shame was by chance misnamed. By his moniker he was misframed. Shouldn't be blamed for his lack of shame, to others it was just a game. A shameful game for they thought he was to blame. How can you place the blame upon a Shame? If he’s not at fault for the weight he gains?
Young David Shame liked to play with trains, stay in his room, it was that plain. Never went out played sporty games, not with Jim and not with James. Never kicked a ball, never once, or again. Sat in playing computer games, eating chips, grew his ample frame.
Went to school in Fort Wayne. Where they tried to feed his brain. Make him clever, that was the aim. All his friends thought he was a shame, got in the way of his knowledge gains. Referred to his mouth as a drain, sucked in every single strain of available food that was his aim.
Sight of pizza set his eyes aflame. Constant hunger hard to explain. Burgers, fries, and milkshakes came. Everyday it was the same. Were his parents the ones to blame? Every day they called him names. Fatphobic names that caused him pain. Afterall, he was a blobby bain. Joined the young porkers hall of fame.
Teen David Shame accepts no blame. Feels only pride as his belly strains. Big as a house, Big as a train. Chugging forwards to constant gains. Attracted to fat like a moth to flames. Destined to reach the eating leagues post-season games. Getting fatter is not so lame when eating is your favourite game.
His appetite was not so tame, constant fast food deliveries came. Tons and tons of chicken chowmein. Every type of meat he would maim. Size of his stomach could not be contained.  Feet he would never soon see again. Yet still he felt no shame. Liked his size, liked his large frame. On Tumblr started to gain acclaim.
Felt more pride as his friends felt shame. Who was to blame for all his gains? Playing such a dangerous game. Arteries clogged and his feet felt pain. Diabetes was soon to came. Parent’s insurance he would claim. Oh my, oh my, they would exclaim. What a shame to have a son who gains!
Ass as wide as the Great Plains. Started college he did proclaim, “Freshman fifteen I will gain!” Only fifteen pounds it felt so tame. Only fifteen pounds would be a shame. May as well just maintain. Started on a new campaign, fresh challenge to obtain as much more fat as he could gain.
300 lbs was far too lame, 400 was a better game. A rolly-polly roll play game where the only roll was to be as fat as Shane. Or was it Shawn? The king of gains. The one he wanted to became. Ate chilli till his belly became inflamed. No more food could it contain. Downed a cartoon of full fat milk again.
Fat-ass, lard-ass, the names still came. College bros thought he was to blame. To taunt him was still their game. Shame him into losing, they did explain. Unaware of his need to gain. Bigger he grew, too big for a plane. Oversized luggage at the baggage reclaim. David Shame was not to blame. Just needed the dopamine from his brain.
Read more gainer stories for free at https://www.fatfables.com/
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fatfables · 1 month
Shawn makes some new friends at Yale
This is a sample section from the third part of my gainer novel, Camp Shawn.
The first three parts are available to read at fatfables.com
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Shawn and Harry sat down next to Tom who introduced Shawn to a few of the others. There was a tall Dutch boy with ginger hair and a long low bell shaped belly that hung off his six foot seven frame, he was called Bart, so everyone referred to him as Simpson. There was also a guy from Toronto called ‘Big John’, a nickname that he had kept from school. You can guess why. And the only guy there who was fatter and heavier than Shawn, Terry Thompson. TT was a massive superchub, 536 lbs and eager to grow. Shawn eyed him enviously.
The barbecues had been cooking constantly for the last four hours and were still going strong. Shawn started with a few plates of cheeseburgers but soon found himself starting to become bored by the meat. He sighed heavily, when he realised why, and Harry handed him three more beers. Fortunately for Shawn the posh Yale boys had provided salads and sides. 
Shawn found the potato salad. It was made with whole baked potatoes smothered in mayonnaise, creme fraiche, and other buttery sauces that he couldn’t quite recognise. He ate four huge bowls of it. It was one of the most filling side dishes he had ever had and the calories soon started to fill out his own sides. He drank 3000 calories in beer alone and his massive belly filled with gas and started to balloon accordingly. College was starting to turn him into a big drinker and his size meant that he could drink a lot. He burped loudly after throwing the contents of one of the red party cups down his throat in one. He belly laughed and asked if they were hiding the desserts from him. Harry called another boy over and told him that it was time to empty the fridges.
The jokes continued as the beer poured and barbecue sizzled. The YGS boys started to reminisce about their success earlier that evening and took much joy in telling and retelling the story of how Dr Steve Stringer had fallen in the custard and slipped a disc. Shawn licking the custard off him was one of the funniest things any of them had ever seen. The memory of his Dad being taken away in an ambulance and the thought that he was right now laying paralysed in a hospital bed, raking up a massive bill, while he was here feasting and partying with his new fat friends filled Shawn with joy. It also enabled a new hunger to overtake him just as the deserts arrived.
Shawn, Harry, Tom, TT, Bart, and Big John went to town on the deserts. Thanks to the new Dutch Simpson they had massive amounts of Stroopwafles and Poffertjes. The deliciously gooey waffles were stuffed with a thick caramel syrup that ran down the double chins of all six boys as they raced to ram as many of them in their mouths in one go as they could. They devoured at least twenty each and devised a game of trying to say ‘poffertjes’ with the correct pronunciation while chewing on chipmunk-esque mouthfuls of cakes and cream.
“Puffedjerkges,” said Tom.
“Priflgedjes,” said Harry.
“Preodflegas,” said TT.
“Plufdgasgas,” Shawn spat loads of pastry out from between his greedy fat lips when he laughed as he tried to speak.
“Proffertjes,” said Simpson, with expert native pronunciation.
The beer and more than generous portions continued to flow. Shawn was starting to feel lightheaded just as his belly became achingly overfull. All the beer and sugar was reacting in his huge tightly packed stomach. He could hear and feel it all sloshing and gurgling about. Once or twice he did a small sick-up as the slimy digested fatty treats struggled to find anywhere else to go due to just how gloriously overfull he truly was. He felt like such a wonderful pig.
At this moment he felt someone grab his heavy arms and tie them behind his back. It was Harry. The same was done to Tom Stanton 315 lbs.
“This game is called Hog-tied.” Harry said. “The aim is to see which one of you can eat the most chocolate cheesecake in under three minutes.”
A pile of family sized cheesecakes were placed on the table in front of Shawn and Tom. Shawn’s eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the sky.
“I’m gonna kick your skinny little ass Tom-boy!”
“Good fucking luck, Big head. I’m hardly a newb at this!”
TT started the clock.
Both pigs let their heavy heads drop forward into the pies. Shawn snuffled and grunted as he took huge bites from the cake. Tom was also pigging away at a rapid rate. He used his long tongue to sweep the rich topping into his mouth before gnawing at the cookie base like a starving rat. Shawn was the first to lift his head as he finished licking his tongue around the edges of the metallic tray. His huge moon-like face was covered in cream, chocolate sauce, and syrup. It ran off his forehead into his eyes. It was up his nose and dripping into his mouth. He was clearly salivating.
The second cheesecake was placed in front of him. He dived in without a second thought. Both boys were full to the point of bursting. As Tom lifted his head his belly pushed out and the shirt he was wearing ripped wide open. Three buttons flew off across the table and 315 lbs of pure belly fat plopped out into the cooling night air. The gathering crowd cheered loudly.
Shawn lifted his head for a second time after barely thirty seconds. He tilted his head as far back as it would go causing the folds on the back of his neck to scrunch together. He stared up at the stars and groaned loudly.
“Had enough?” Harry asked.
“No fucking chance. Cake me!”
The third cheesecake was slid in front of him and he dived in face first. As he bit, licked, chewed, gulped, and swallowed, he could feel his belly straining and stretching out in front of him. His gut was so big and swollen that it took real physical effort to lean far enough forward to reach the tantalisingly tasty torta. He continued to huff and puff as he gobbled down every last inch of the third round. He lifted his head just as Tom was finishing his second cake. Of course Shawn was going to win.
There was just over one minute left as the pigs started to gorge on their third and fourth pies. Shawn’s belly was now in real pain. It was once more far too full to hold any more food but he kept eating anyway. He was such a lard balloon. It really was a glorious sight for all the other boys to see. He ate with such passion and desire and his belly was just the biggest roundest ball of fat that any of them had ever known. Shawn heard a creaking noise. At first he thought it was the bench below him but he quickly realised and ate with even greater gusto. He felt his belly grow, licked up the last of the crumbs, lifted his head and let the seams of his new YGS t-shirt, that he had only just been gifted, rip open down his left hand side. Another huge cheer rang out.
“That was the largest size we had.” Someone said.
The first to show itself was his marvellously meaty love handle. It plopped out with a thud and hung in the open air, five inches over the side of his trousers. The fat was thick and rich and lightly tanned. Next out was the huge fat roll that sat on top of it. Four inches tall and just as wide. The tight skin struggling to hold the fat in was as smooth as silk. Then came his left breast, the size of a basketball and just as round. It shone in the moonlight, a huge erect nipple on top. The t-shirt then flung open and fell down his right hand side. His bulbous balloon belly burst out, forward and free. It was magnificent. Over 76 inches in diameter standing. It must have measured well over 100 inches sitting. Glistening red stretch marks ran all around it, melting into his tan. The blubbery layer of fatty adipose covering his digestive organs must have been at least two feet deep. His fat fat face was still smothered in the creamy cake. Shawn really was the world’s most glorious looking glutton.
He squealed like a prize hog. Leant his head backwards and screamed at the top of his voice;
The fifth cheesecake was hastily chucked in front of him. He screamed in pain as he leant forward. The weight of his tits and fat rolls crushed down on top of his screaming stomach. He dug his tongue deep into the cake and ate and ate and ate.
Tom lifted his head from his third round just as the three minutes were up. Shawn groaned in frustration. He knew they wouldn’t let him finish the final cake. 
“Tom Stanton 315 lbs, three chocolate cheesecakes!”
 “Shawn Stringer, King of Fat Camp, four and a half chocolate cheesecakes!”
There was a large round of applause as all the YGS boys cheered and laughed.
“I once did five, ya know,” TT said to Shawn.
“Fuck you!” Said Shawn.
“Not quite,” retorted TT.
Harry put a hand on Shawn’s aching shoulder. Every cell in his body ached. He stared down at the lunar landscape that was his new friend’s belly and stroked himself.
“Now it’s time for your reward.” He smiled widely as he and a group of the boys including Tom, TT, and Simpson helped him to his feet and led him groaning back to the frat house.
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fatfables · 2 months
Selection of Weight Gain Stories
Camp Shawn (Part One)
Shawn is a lazy overweight teen with a bad jerking habit and terrible attitude. When his parents decide to send him off to a fat camp in Indianna to lose weight and learn some discipline he is horrified, but it's his Mum and Dad who are in for a shock.
This is the first part of 'Camp Shawn' my full length weight gain novel. 25,000 words. Contains; stuffing, bloating, gaining, farting and competitive eating, and more.
Big Ben
Set in London in the early 90's, Big Ben, tells the story of an overweight unemployed alcoholic who meets his dream boyfriend. His feelings of guilt soon start to get the better of him when he starts to feed up his much younger lover. Is Ben the sinful old pervert that he believes himself to be?
5,000 words. Contains; stuffing, feeding, drinking, smoking, death feederism, and more.
Gainfully Unemployed
Kyle California is one of the hottest young gainers online. His videos get tens of thousands of hits and his OnlyFans is blowing up as quickly as he is. He loves the attention and money that he gets from his subscribers as his belly and income continues to swell. But is all of this attention good for him?
2,000 words. Contains; gaining and stuffing.
Long Island Liberals
Dr Steve Stringer meets Benji a friend of his son's who cruises the public toilets at Jones Beach State Park. Benji is tall and broad and big bellied. The pair soon develop an infatuation that put's Dr Stringer at odds with his personal and professional beliefs about public health and the U.S. obesity epidemic.
1,500 words. Contains; gaining and stuffing.
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fatfables · 2 months
New Story! - Fat Boys in Space!
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“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe they chose me! After all the hard work I’ve put in, I’ve finally made it!”
Shane had good reason to be ecstatic. He had been dreaming of this since he was seven years old. For the last twelve years he had done nothing but sit around snacking and playing simulated games in his room. He always did his best to consume the minimum daily calories, he had skipped school, given up all sports, sat on his ass, and eaten his way to success. He had done everything required of him to become a test pilot and had actually been chosen out of thousands of wannabe Surfeits to represent the Surplus Space Core. His parents were delighted.
The day before he left for Florida his friends threw him a surprise party. The whole town of Abundance, Oklahoma, population 136, came out to celebrate with him. All of his best friends were there; ‘Chonky’ Charlie Cheesecake, ‘Meaty’ Mike Mitchell, ‘Flabby’ Francis France, and ‘Portly’ Paul Porter. The whole gang was there. They were all super stoked for their friend but also incredibly jealous.
“I can’t mmfff believe that you got mmff picked,” Chonky said through a mouthful of Cadbury’s Chocolate Roll.
“What did you mmff do that’s so mmff fucking special?” Asked Meaty through a mouthful of meatloaf.
“He mmff did fucking mmff nothing. He just mmff got mmff lucky,” said Flabby through a mouthful of sour Kimchi.
“I mmff guess they mmff just appreciated mmff just how mmff fat and mmff lazy I’ve mmff been,” said Shane through a massive mouthful of mmff meatballs.
“He is mmff the laziest mmff kid in mmff Abundance,” said Chonky supportively through another mouthful of Chocolate Roll.
The other boys were forced to nod in agreement. All of their mouths were too full to speak. 
All of them had been born into the Abundance community within the last twenty years and took their mmff lifestyle for granted. Their parents, or their grandparents, had at some point chosen to join the Surplus, they knew no different.
Life for them was all pizzas and parties. None of them knew when or where the Surplus movement had started and none of them cared to ask. Life was too much fun, too fulfilling. Everything tasted too good to question why. All they knew to do was play simulated games and eat. What else was there?
All of the adults in Abundance were at least 300 lbs and most of the kids were fatter. Especially the teens. Afterall, every parent wants their kid to have a better life than they’ve had. This was the Surplus way.
Shane was 332 lbs and 5 ft 10 in tall. He had short brown hair, parted on the left, and big chubby chipmunk cheeks to match his wide oval belly. He had always been a contented and happy boy, who never wanted for anything - except to go into space. His loving parents had always doted on their only child and had always supplied him with all the food he could ever need. They were so proud of their ‘Sugarplum boy.’ And now he had been selected to represent their kind in the race to find a new home.
The dream of building a moon base where the Surplus could live comfortably and grow to as of yet unachievable sizes in a lower gravity atmosphere had been out of reach for the last three generations due to the financial efforts required for such a mission. Now after the government purchase of the McDonald’s corporation the money was finally in place to actually do it. And Shane had been chosen.
As the guest of honour at the party Shane was expected to consume more than any other person there. Outeating the other 135 members of his town was a challenge that he was relishing. He had long been able to out eat his parents, a source of pride for them, and his friends, although they hated to admit this. However, there were one or two locals there who made him very nervous. The main one was an older boy called Dave Domycket. Dave was a lot heavier than Shane though also quite muscular. He had bought into the gluttony of his parents lifestyle but had never quite got to grips with the sedentary nature of it. He had always been full of energy and hence moved too much. This is why he had not been chosen. He really needed some Ritalin with his ramen.
Shane shouldn’t have worried, ‘Chonky’ Charlie had him covered. He had spent the last two hours filling the hyperactive twenty something with beer. Dave was too drunk and bloated to pose a threat. Being unaware of this Shane ate with gusto. He gobbled down gammon and gravy, pigged out on pork, and stuffed himself silly with spaghetti. His rotund belly swelled and he went to bed that night safe in the knowledge that he would turn up in Florida the next day as fat as a ball of butter.
Corpulent Chuck met him the next day at the gates to the base.
“My you are shorter than your weight is designed for aren’t you!” He said as he welcomed Shane with a big bear hug. “I’m sorry that the Captain isn’t here to meet you himself but he couldn’t be bothered. He’s in his room eating pure bacon and playing simulated Restaurant Owner 5.”
“No problem,” said Shane, “I’m sure he’s not a very busy man.”
Corpulent Chuck showed Shane around the base. It generally went like this:
“This is the mmff human mmff centrifuge. We probably mmff won’t worry about mmff putting you in that.”
“This is the mmff vending machine by the mmff centrifuge. Would you like an mmff Snickers?”
“Yes please.”
“This is the mmff anti-gravity rig. We mmff don’t need to mmff concern ourselves about mmff that.”
“This is the mmff vending machine by the mmff anti-mmff-gravity thingamajig. Would you like another mmff Snickers?”
“Thank you.”
“This is the mmff control centre. I probably should mmff introduce you to the the mmff people in there but over here is the mmff canteen shall we get some mmff lunch?”
“Yes please. I’m starving!”
The two of them sat down to a light lunch of twenty six cheeseburgers. While they munched, Corpulent Chuck explained the nature of the mission to Shane in more detail. I’ll paraphrase it for you so that it goes mmff quicker.
The basic Surplus moonbase is already in place but is currently unmanned due to an incident that Corpulent Chuck can’t divulge. Shane’s job is to fly up there solo to check out the base in order to ensure that it’s safe for habitation. He won’t need any special training for this because if it isn’t then he will die. They will then know that there is a problem that hasn’t gone away. If it is safe, then all he has to do is call them from the base and they’ll send another team up to join him. Simple.
Shane smiled and nodded in agreement, like he understood, because he wasn’t listening. He was too busy eating his cheeseburgers and watching his stomach grow like a good boy.
The next day he was dressed up in a spacesuit, shoved into a rocket, shown where the food dispenser was, and told that the autopilot would take care of everything.
The G-force during take-off was like nothing he had ever experienced before. His heavy 48 inch ass was flattened out as he was pushed down into his chair. His belly sank down to his knees and splayed out over his thighs like a tablecloth. His moobs pressed down into his chest like an elephant was sitting on them and his chubby chipmunk cheeks jiggled around at a fantastic speed. He had never felt so heavy. He loved it. It was like he had suddenly become a hundred times heavier. Space really was a dream come true. I never knew that zero gravity would feel this good, he thought.
He really hadn’t been to school in the last five years.
After a few minutes the force began to lessen as the rocket left the Earth's atmosphere behind. After ten minutes a big sign lit up telling him that it was safe to remove his seatbelt.
He was shocked and amazed when his huge 338 lb ass floated up out of the seat. For a moment he was caught up in a mild panic as he just floated aimlessly around the cabin bumping into instruments. But he quickly got used to it and remembered about the food dispenser.
Having never been swimming it took him a few more moments to realise that he needed to move his arms in order to propel himself in the direction that he wanted to go. Nobody had warned him that he would be required to exercise. He swam ungracefully through the air banging his belly and butt into everything along the way. One machine buzzed at him when he did so but he didn’t worry about it.
When he reached the food dispenser he tried to browse the touchscreen menu in order to select the McDonald’s items on offer in space. This proved to be difficult due to the thick gloves that he was wearing on his fat hands. He bashed his fat fingers against the screen in frustration and by sheer chance and will power managed to order thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries. He really wanted some standard cheeseburgers as well but couldn’t seem to manage it, no matter how many times he bashed his fat palm against the menu.
He punched the screen in frustration. There was a loud whirring sound and thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries were fired out of a dispensing hatch straight at him.
The shock of this caused him to fly a few feet backwards and he bashed into another machine that clicked and clunked. He looked around him at all the tasty floating meaty treats and wondered how in hell he was supposed to eat any of it with this stupid helmet on.
In the cockpit a screen was flashing telling him that the oxygen level was in standard parameters and that it was safe to remove his suit and helmet.
He screamed in hangry frustration and once more flew backwards, this time onto a remote latch with a red warning light on it. The light flashed behind him and the emergency door opened. His bulging ass, thirty two Big Macs, seventeen quarter pounders, ninety two nuggets, twenty six strawberry milkshakes, and a hundred and twelve portions of fries were sucked out into the vacuum of space.
“I need to talk to KOFC. There’s been another incident.”
“Please wait a minute. I’ll try to connect you.”
“Hello Mr President Sir, this is Captain Crunch. We’ve lost another one.”
“Oh for mmff’s sake! You useless fucking mmff piece of mmff shit! Do you have any fucking mmff idea how much these fucking mmff rockets mmff cost?!”
“Apologies, Sir. Yes, I do, Sir.”
“What the fuck happened this mmff time?”
“Emergency door malfunction.”
“And the mmff pilot?”
“Dead Sir.”
“Oh well, Just chose another fucking mmff one. At least we’ve got plenty of mmff them!”
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fatfables · 2 months
A sample from my weight gain novel: Camp Shawn
You can read the whole story so far at fatfables.com
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JIm woke them up the next morning at precisely eight am. Shawn was about to get dressed when Jim told him not to bother.
“It’s the weigh in dude. Just come in your boxers.”
All of the boys were gathered again in the dinner hall. All eighty five of them. The dinner tables had been removed and they all sat in lines on the benches waiting to be weighed and measured. Shawn was last as the weigh-in was done in age order. His new friends were sat next to him. They watched as the younger boys were weighed and measured one by one.
Shawn had never seen so much fat in his life. Every boy was just in his briefs or boxers, layers of fat spilling out in every direction. Boys as round as beach balls waddled up to the scales, some had mounds of back fat piled up in rolls, some were short and dumpy, others tall with low hanging breasts. Several had clearly visible stretch marks on either their bellies or thighs, or both. One boy had marks on his upper arms. Their weight would be read out loud:
“Tom Stanton 265lbs,” “William Mitchell 310lbs,” “John Jones 240lbs.” There was only one boy who weighed less than Shawn, “Tony Holmes 225lbs,” and he was clearly the youngest there.
When it was finally Shawns turn he walked nervously up to the scales. When they read out his name, he felt kind of ashamed, “Shawn Stringer 230lbs.”
The camp leader, a rotund forty five year old called Gary, placed a tape measure around Shawn’s belly, taking his waist measurement at belly button height. 
“Forty two inches.” 
He then measured his chest, thighs, and arms. Shawn looked down at his feet. 
“Don’t worry son,” Gary was speaking in a calm relaxed tone, “We’ll have you in great shape by the time you leave here.”
Gary smiled at Shawn and gave him a friendly pat on the back. Shawn watched his, now seemingly small, belly jiggle due to the movement.
“Thank you,” he mumbled under his breath.
“David Dolittle!”
Shawn turned around in surprise. He wasn’t expecting any more names to be called. He had waited for over an hour to be weighed and had always been the last in line. 
“David Dolittle!” yelled Gary, even louder.
David stepped slowly into the dinner hall. He was a giant. Shawn had never seen anyone like it. Not in real life anyway. David was as wide as he was tall. He lumbered slowly forward.
“I’m… coming… sir.” He was already out of breath.
Shawn stepped aside to let the monstrous teenager pass. David slowly stepped up onto the scale, his white briefs invisible from the front due to the mounds of fat that hung down limp over them from every angle. Shawn watched from behind, staring at the largest ass he’d ever seen, cellulite seemingly aching to break free from the confines of the underwear.
“David Dolittle, 475lbs.”
Shawn gasped in shock. David’s neck fat started to roll like waves out at sea as he slowly turned his head in order to give Shawn the devil eyes. Camp leader Gary had asked Jim to bring him the extender to the tape measure. Jim attached the two pieces together and the pair of them held it around David’s elephantine stomach.
“Eighty seven inches, congratulations David, you’re much bigger than when you left us last year.”
“Of course I fucking am” was the only response.
That was until he slowly turned once more and looked at Shawn with a glare of total contempt. 
“And what the fuck does this skinny little dickhead think he’s looking at? … He can fuck right off! The skinny little runt!”
“Who the hell was that at the weigh in?” Shawn asked. 
The four boys were back in their cabin. 
“I thought we were the oldest here?”
“That…” said Axel “...was David Dolittle. He’s the spoiled rich kid. Nobody likes him. He’s got his own private accommodation that Daddy pays for.”
“And his own private chef,” chipped in Henry.
“Yeah, he’s only so fat cos he’s so rich,” added Steve.
“I’m pretty sure that he’s eighteen. I think his birthday is around Christmas” said Axel.
“Well, I fucking hate him. He was rude as fuck to me for no reason. Called me a skinny little runt!”
“That sounds like him,” said Steve, “He’s a total douchebag.” 
“There’s one way to get him back,” said Axel. 
“Yeah, what’s that?” Shawn really wanted to get David back. 
“Well to gain weight of course!” all the boys except Shawn laughed. 
“But, I’m not sure that I want to gain weight. I didn’t even know that was what this camp was for!” 
“But, I bet when you first came here, when you thought it was a weight loss camp, I bet you hated it then, didn’t you?” said Steve insightfully.
“Yeah, well that’s true. I was well pissed off with my parents.”
“I bet you were!” said Henry.
“So if you didn’t want to lose weight then you don’t mind being fat?” said Axel.
“Well, I guess not.” Shawn knew when was being peer pressured.
“So you may as well gain weight!” Axel and the twins laughed again.
“Well I did feel kind of like the odd one out at the weigh in, you know, everyone else was so much bigger than me, I do wanna fit in here.”
“Of course you do!” exclaimed Axel. “We want you to fit in too. You’re a cool guy. You just need a bit more puddin’ on ya!”
“What you need is to find the motivation,” said Steve.
“Yeah, the motivation!” Henry copied his brother like a facsimile.
“Why do you guys wanna be fat?” asked Shawn.
“Because it tastes so sweet!” said Steve, almost salivating.
“Because my brother is!” said Henry with a smile.
“For private reasons,” said Axel with a wink. “But you need to find your own motivation. Motivation is a personal thing.”
Shawn lay on his bed kneading at his soft stomach. The other boys had taken to eating their snacks while he thought. He thought about his Dad. He thought about his parents. How they had both nagged him constantly the last eighteen months. All he wanted to do was chill out, play games, eat some snacks and be left alone. But they never left him alone. They were always on at him about his school work, and his future, and what he wanted to be. Why wouldn’t they just leave him alone? All I want to do is eat, play, and watch porn. I’m only seventeen! Just leave me be!
“You’re a lazy piece of shit” his Dad had said.
“Get out of that damn room, it stinks!” his Mom had said.
“Come and eat dinner with us! You can’t have take-out again!”
“You’re getting chubby”
“And lazy!”
“Get off your god damn fat ass and do something for fuck’s sake!” His Dad had been really angry that day, and he hadn’t even done anything!
And now they had sent him to fat camp! When he hadn’t even done anything! And he wasn’t even that fat! Not compared to the kids here. I’m not even the fattest kid at school, he thought, Danny Dinkles and that fresher kid, James Whatever, are both way fatter than me! 
And they send me to fat camp?! Fucking cunts!!
Shawn sat up with a sudden jolt, “I’ve got it!” 
The other boys looked straight at him. 
“Revenge!” he shouted.
“My bastard parents forced me here against my will ‘cos they wanted me to lose weight. Well, think how pissed they’ll be when I come home from “weight loss” camp not just heavier but WAAYYY fucking heavier!!” 
“Perfect!” said Henry, his chubby mouth, full of candy, breaking into a smile.
“I think that’ll work just fine,” said Steve, rubbing his distended belly.
His belly’s going to swell so fucking beautifully, thought Axel, as he smiled and stared into Shawn’s eyes, his right hand moving discreetly in his pocket.
Continue reading at fatfables.com
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fatfables · 2 months
Camp Shawn: Intro to my gainer novel.
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Read the rest of the story at https://www.fatfables.com/camp-shawn-part-one
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“If you make me go there then I’m going to kill myself!”
Martha just rolled her eyes. She was tired of the hyperbole.
“You can’t make me do this, I’m almost an adult!”
But that was exactly the point. Shawn was seventeen years and ten months old, only two months away from legally being allowed to decide for himself. They had made a joint decision, while they still had the power to do so.
“I can’t believe you’re calling me fat!”
Shawn was trying to bring on the waterworks but it wasn’t quite happening. He knew that he was fat. He had always been a chubby kid but he had somehow managed to gain close to fifty pounds over the last two years of high school and he hadn’t gotten any taller. Everyone had noticed.
His parents weren’t just concerned about the weight gain, it was also his attitude. Even by teenage standards Shawn had become sulky, entitled, and non-compliant. The simplest of tasks was too much for him. He never cleaned away his plate after dinner. He never emptied the dishwasher, and he never tidied his room.
The only things that he seemed to have any energy for were computer games, eating, complaining, - and that other bad habit that all teenage boys have.
He would spend hours in his room never seemingly engaging with anyone else, only letting his Mom in once a week to clean away the dirty dishes, take-out containers, and crusty XL t-shirts.
Although it was his Mom who nagged him most it was his Dad, Steve, who had come up with the idea.
“But he’ll just refuse,” Martha had said.
“He won’t have any choice. His birthday is on the penultimate day of camp. He needs it, Martha. Not just to lose weight but to install some discipline in him. You must have noticed how bad his attitude has become recently?”
It had been agreed on, booked and paid for, three weeks before Shawn had even been informed about it. All the whining and crocodile tears were in vain. Shawn was going to fat camp.
Shawn was the only one of his friends going to camp that summer. His indignance wasn’t just brought about by the fact that his parents wanted him to lose weight. He was too old for camp. He knew that he would be one of the oldest boys there, if not the oldest. While his friends would be out partying, making fake IDs, and trying to get laid, he would be forced to exercise and eat healthy with a bunch of stupid fucking fat kids. God, he hated his parents. Why couldn’t they just leave him alone?
The flight out to Indianna was long, boring, and delayed. The bus ride was even worse. He spent the whole time eating twinkies and staring at his phone. His Mom had sent him seven messages. He ignored them all. At the airport he had tried to buy cigarettes but had been embarrassingly refused by the clerk. He didn’t even smoke. He just knew how much becoming a smoker would piss off his parents.
Now, at about three pm, nine hours after leaving home, the bus finally arrived at the gates to the camp.
Shawn got off the bus. He was surprised that he was the only one to do so. All the other campers seemed to have arrived in cars delivered by their parents. Wrapped up and presented to the councillors, tubby little gifts for their sadistic enjoyment. Shawn kicked himself. Why hadn’t he just got the bus to his Grandparents in Chicago instead? He had them wrapped around his little finger.
The majority of the other kids did seem younger than Shawn. The age range of the camp was fourteen to eighteen and most of the kids that he could see hanging around the courtyard outside the camp reception were clearly in the lower section of this range. He did though spot two or three boys who appeared to be about his age.
He shuffled forward towards the main hut where the reception sign hung. He was in no rush as he was still chewing on his last twinkie. He had decided to get his fill on the journey before the deprivation hit.
He pushed the door open and was greeted by an immensely large woman sitting behind a makeshift desk, she was eating donuts and slurping on a super-sized soda.
“Welcome,” she smiled. “First time here? What’s your name?” 
“Shawn, Shawn Stringer.” 
She tapped at her computer and looked confused. 
“Give me a minute, I’m trying to find you.”
Shawn held his eyes down at his feet. He really didn’t want to be there and this delay wasn’t helping his mood to improve. The obese lady filled the awkward silence. 
“I bet you’re looking forward to your time with us?”
Shawn wasn’t able to lie when he was feeling this agitated. How was this mountainous fucking bitch going to help him to lose weight? 
“Oh” she said with apparent genuine surprise, “Most of our campers really look forward to coming here. We have an eighty seven percent return rate.”
“They must be fucking morons.”
“I like your attitude, young man.” Her voice was stern now causing Shawn to miss-hear her.
Shawn thought that she was rattled, clearly most campers never spoke to her in this way. He stayed quiet. Enough people had questioned his attitude in the last few months to know that it was best not to say anything in these situations. It didn't matter what he said next, it would only make it worse.
“Found you.” She threw a key across the makeshift desk at him.
“You’re in cabin six with the other older boys. You can find your own way there.”
The door to cabin six was already open as Shawn sauntered through it. With his birthday at the end of the summer he was one of the youngest in his school year. He nonchalantly threw his bag down onto a bed.
“Hey, that’s my bed!”
The boy was massive. Shawn stared at his gut. He was eighty, no, almost a hundred pounds heavier than Shawn.
“Sorry” Shawn muttered nervously. 
“It’s alright dude, you’re clearly a newbie” the massive boy was looking at Shawns chubby little belly as he spoke.
“I’ve been sleeping in that bed for the past three years, but you couldn’t’ve known that. My name’s Axel.”
Been here for the past three years? What size did he fucking used to be? 
“Hi, I’m Shawn,” said Shawn.
There were only two other boys in the cabin, despite the fact that it had twelve beds. Shawn had been truly unlucky to throw his bag on a bed that was already taken. The other two were, Henry and Steve, twins from Minnesota, identically fat. At the weigh-in the next day, Shawn would discover that they were both exactly two hundred and eighty nine pounds, fifty nine pounds heavier than him.
Looking at the size of the other boys really made Shawn wonder how anyone could think that he needed to go to fat camp. God, he hated his parents.
When he had first arrived in the courtyard he hadn’t really paid much attention to the size of the other kids. It was afterall a fat camp so being surrounded by obesity wasn’t initially a surprise. Sitting in the dining hall, waiting to be served, he was only now taking in just how big some of these kids were, especially some of the younger ones. Boys three years his junior dwarfed him. Their bellies sprawled out into their laps as they eagerly awaited their dinner. Some of them were fat and round like butter balls, others were wide and plump, fat spilling over their sides. Some boys had breasts as large as any well developed teenage girl, some had heavy sagging bellies that folded over their thighs. One or two had huge ball guts that made it look like they would struggle to reach the cutlery on the table in front of them.
“Why the fuck am I here?” Shawn accidentally spoke out loud.
“The same reason as the rest of us” laughed Henry, who was squeezed in next to him on the wooden bench.
Steve and Axel who were sat opposite giggled.
“There’s only one reason any of us are here” said Steve with a grin. Axel smiled and patted his humongous belly.
Shawn was a little surprised to discover that the first night's meal was pizza, but he didn’t say anything or complain as he greedily gulped down the greasy pepperoni. The portions were generous and he was so enjoying his meal that he didn’t even think to consider it strange when they were given ice cream sundaes for dessert. He went back to the cabin with the other boys feeling contentedly full.
As soon as they arrived back the three experienced boys immediately produced all types of chocolate and candy from their bags and started munching with poorly hidden glee. Fucking fat fucks, thought Shawn, unsurprised that they had snook in cheat treats. As he watched them chat and eat, his belly grumbled and he became sad at the realisation that he hadn’t thought to bring any contraband. He wanted to ask the other boys if he could share some of theirs, but he badly wanted them to like him, so he kept quiet.
“Hey Shawn, why you not got any…” Axel was interrupted by the counsellor at the door.
Shit they’re in trouble now, thought Shawn. Jim filled the doorway, he looked at the three fat boys, their puffed out cheeks chewing away, wrappers littering the beds and floor around them, before he turned to Shawn.
Jim was twenty one but didn’t look more than a year or so older than the campers in cabin six. He was also just as fat as them. Shawn looked at the young tight skin on his face, stretched out into a full circle by the fat that clung to his skull. He had a thick double chin that hung down to the top of his t-shirt. The words ‘Camp Counsellor’ were printed across his bulging chest. The t-shirt was too tight and too small, clearly from a previous year. Shawn could see the bottom part of Jim’s stomach sticking out from underneath it. Shawn realised that he was staring.
“Hi, I’m Jim, you must be Shawn?”
Shawn stood up and they shook hands. Jim’s hands were big and soft, his handshake kind and friendly. They exchanged pleasantries and Jim left wishing the boys a good night, saying that he would come and collect them all in the morning for the pre-breakfast weigh in.
“Wow, that was lucky!” Shawn exclaimed as soon as Jim shut the door. The boys all gave him a confused look. 
“Whad’ya mean?” It was Steve that spoke. 
“You almost got caught!” 
“Doing what?” replied Axel.
“Eating!” said Shawn
Henry laughed a fake laugh like he didn’t know what he was laughing at. The other two just looked at him gone out. The perplexion on Shawn’s face must have given him away. Suddenly, Henry  burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Steve joined in. Axel was the last to catch on.
“Whad’ya mean we’ve got another one? Like little Timmy in the first year?”
“Yeah I think so,” Henry said.
“Shawn, what exactly do you think this place is?” asked Steve. Delight in the expectation of the answer twinkled in his eyes. 
“Well, it’s a erm…” Shawn was really unsure of himself now. 
“It’s a… er... fat camp… you know… to er… lose weight.”
The three boys howled with laughter. Henry and Steve both fell off the bed. It was so funny. Their fat bodies slammed onto the floor. Shawn was sure that he felt the cabin shake.
“Sorry, sorry,” said Axel, “We don’t mean to be mean. It’s a fat camp, by which I mean it’s a Fat Camp,” he was purposefully emphasising the words.
But Shawn still didn’t get it.
“Fat Camp,” Henry was now joining in from the floor, repeating the words over and over, “Fat Camp, Fat Camp.”
Shawn was still puzzled, his brain kind of frozen, not wanting to say anything else stupid.
“Dude.. it’s a camp where you gain weight,” Steve said finally.
“Why the fuck would anybody want to do that?” 
The boys once again rolled around in fits of laughter.
“Oh boy!” said Axel, with a glint in his eye, “You’re going to have fun finding out!”
Read the rest of the story at https://www.fatfables.com/camp-shawn-part-one
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