fatimarusalka · 17 hours
I want more witches mutuals, reblog, like or comment on this post I will follow you 💓
**I will only follow active witches/occultist blogs that are 18+
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fatimarusalka · 17 hours
Herb's Properties
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Basil:  money, luck, prosperity, happiness
Bay Leaf: energy, cleansing, can be charged with almost any intention
Camomile: Caring, kindness, luck, growth, self-love growth, confidence, avoiding negativity, happiness
Cinnamon: passion, quick success, fire magick
Chia seeds: Growth, health, kindness, Property
Chilli flakes:  Pride, confidence, power, strength, Passion
Cumin: Courage, bravery, protection, loyalty
Dandelion: wishes, charisma, success, good luck
Dill: sexual love, luck, protection
Eucalyptus: cleansing, healing, purifying, relaxing, comfort
Fennel:  hate, anger
Flax seeds: Prosperity, growth, new beginnings
Ginger: fiery passion, success, and personal power
Jasmine: love, dreams, sensuality, luxury and kindness
Lavender: love and attraction, purification, relaxation, restful sleep
Nutmeg: luck, Health, Fidelity, Love, Prosperity, comfort, loyalty
Oregano:  comfort, love, warmth
Paprika:  Pride, confidence, power, strength
Parsley: Cleansing. purification
Peppermint: healing, purification, love and energy, cleansing, prosperity
Poppy seeds: protection, intuition, self-assurance, hexing and cursing
Rose: love, beauty, harmony, romance, attraction
Rosemary: cleansing, purification, wisdom, protection
Sesame seeds: Prosperity, growth, health, nurturing
Spearmint: love, cleansing, renewal, blessing
Sunflower seeds: happiness, growth, joy
Thyme: beauty, strength, courage
Turmeric: confidence, creativity, energy
Vanilla: love and sexuality
tip jar
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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Bettie Page
Volume Three
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
Telling the bees
The custom of "telling the bees" is a charming and ancient tradition where beekeepers inform their bees about significant events in their lives, such as deaths, births, marriages, and other major occurrences. This practice is believed to have its roots in Celtic mythology, where bees were seen as messengers between the human world and the spirit world. The presence of a bee after a death was thought to signify the soul leaving the body. The tradition became particularly prominent in the 18th and 19th centuries in Western Europe and the United States.
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To tell the bees, the head of the household or the "goodwife" would approach the hives, gently knock to get the bees' attention, and then softly murmur the news in a solemn tone. This ritual was believed to keep the bees informed and prevent them from leaving the hive or dying. The custom underscores the deep connection and respect that people historically had for bees, viewing them as integral members of the household and community. (The Historian's Den)
I can easily see how you can turn this in a magical tradition with some little adaptation: plant flowers and plants for bees in your garden, invoke the spirit of the bees, keep bee-telling to the bee-spirits and take care for the plants. I am sure that one day the spirit of the bees will be your ally and that you will learn from it. And a big plus: you are helping the bees to survive in a world full of mono-cultures and poisons. Witchcraft and care-taking for your environment can go hand in hand if you wish to.
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
“I’ve found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am.”
— Epiphany
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
Fruit Correspondences
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
Tip Jar
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
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fatimarusalka · 18 hours
Here's a list of ingredients with various protective and cleansing properties that I've found useful in my closet witch practice! Note that I'm not an expert and these are just my own experiences and interpretations.
Eggshells! Great protection qualities and can also be used for renewal spells as well. A good easy spell would be sprinkling bits of it around the front of your home with the intent of providing protection
Salt, a classic cleansing ingredient that you'll find in your mom's kitchen. Various kinds have slightly different properties. Tip: if you add ashes to it, then it becomes black salt, which in my experience is very a strong cleanser especially if you add a bit of moon water. It becomes a paste and can be used for various things such as sigils
Iron nails. Not only protective, but can deflect back. Like a "back the fuck off" kind of protection. Bonus if it's rusty
Thorny vines, barbs, etc can function like nails
Pinecones. Similar to eggshells, but a bit more spicy (mess with me and I'll nip you back) but not as intense as nails. Also has great renewal properties since it's a seed
Obsidian, a great protective crystal to have on hand
Custom protection sigil, all you need is a pen, paper, and intuition. Or just write it with charged water on yourself
Moon water, especially full moon water. Very strong cleansing
Incense and smoke cleansing, I like using rose. DO NOT USE WHITE SAGE
Enchant jewelry or something you have on you on a regular basis with protective and positive energy properties. It can be as easy as making a sigil for it and activating said sigil by burning or tearing it up or dipping it in charged water. Very secretive!
Pepper! Again, similar to the nails, but with an added kick and slightly different way of carrying out things. Instead of deflecting immediately, it deflects over a slower period of time, like how burns do
Ask a deity or spirit you're working with to bless a charm. Very effective! Can be literally anything!
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