fatous-lovedive · 1 year
how i boost my subliminal results
okay.. i don't know how to explain this method without it sounding funky but i think it is fine to sound that way sometimes
i just open the subliminal and start moving my body! not like, straight up starting to run (while you can do that also) but just, moving my fingers, arms, legs - in a way it is like stimming but im not doing it to stim!
like, i wiggle my fingers, i stretch, i just swing my legs like a kid
and in my mind i interpet that as that me putting out energy to the universe like ''hey! this subliminal is working! i already have my full results / im getting them!!'' you know?
it's kinda like an intention method but i feel like a dancing parrot when i do it :'') it is very fun and very effective!
it is how i get myself out of stagnant stages when no sub seems to work, everyone has those times sometimes i think and this helps me with it
it is a low energy fun method! more fun that writing down stuff x times for x weeks i think! give it a try and just let yourself be the true dancing parrot that you are HAJDGAJH
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fatous-lovedive · 1 year
It’s been a year that I’ve successfully shifted to my main dr and ever since so much happened, I went to so many other drs and even in that dr I’ve shifted for the first time, so much has happened ever since I first awaken there.
this is a reminder to keep going, don’t give up on shifting. ofc you can take breaks, start over, and take it at your own pace but never forget the possibilities you can have. the experiences you’re gonna live in your drs with the most amazing people
you’re gonna have so much fun. you’re gonna laugh. you gonna be powerful. you’re gonna have a bunch of adventures to go. and you’re also gonna be annoyed and sad and angry and you’re gonna feel so many stuff bc your dr is very real and the experience is very real and ofc you’re gonna feel all the emotions in the world
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fatous-lovedive · 1 year
Stuff you might want to script when you’re shifting to the owl house #1/1
If you’re shifting as a human who, like Luz, has to use glyphs to cast magic, then you could script you have glyphs printed/stitched on your clothes, or, fullmetal alchemist style, on gloves as they are more interchangeable! (I’ve only watched a bit of the first season so far so it is gonna be soo embarrassing if this is already a thing in the the owl house lol)
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Something like this, with a glyph you’d commonly use.
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
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Brb scripting that ambrosia takes the form of Baklawa
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
Brb scripting that ambrosia takes the form of Baklawa
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
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happy tuesday <33
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
Liking the marauders isn't enough. I need to become one.
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
tell us about your marauders dr
HI ANON!!! omg this made me very happy to see and i'd be delighted to tell you! (i don't wanna ramble too much so i'll just do some basics + hcs i love) also thank you @captainorthred for asking as well!! i'm just gonna put most of it here instead of having multiple posts!
i'm in my fifth year at hogwarts when i shift
i'm james' twin sister (purely cuz a lot of my friends claim we have the same energy and i agree)
also desi james supremacy >>>>> (we're both tamil)
i do have an animagus form because i helped with brewing the potion etc. and it's a wildcat (like the cutie in the photo below)
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i scripted a TON abt desi families in the wizarding universe, but mainly the patil twins' parents and who they are and faceclaims etc (ask me if u wanna know more cuz i'd LOVE to tell yall)
we live in potter manor ofc, which is so big and beautiful, i'm totally living my old money dreams
we also have a beautiful beach house in Deal in the UK and we spend summers there
and i think that's all i'll say in this ask! purely because i don't wanna go overboard but i do have a ton else i'd love to talk abt (like fc's, quidditch teams, and a BAND i scripted + my timetable and scenarios etc.) so please do ask if u wanna know abt specifics!
+ also, idk if much of this is atyd accurate because i actually havent read much of it (DONT COME FOR ME PLEASE!!!) i will get to reading it eventually, but most of these hc's are just what the characters are like in my head
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
hii! I'm also shifting to marauders era, do you have any shifting stories of there? Would love to hear them!
hi hi hi yes i doooooooo
Marauders Era Stories
James once tried to push me into the Black Lake and I sidestepped before he could so he fell instead. 10/10 moment Sirius and I were on the ground cackling at him
Remus plays piano in my DR (I didn't script this??) and one day we found an abandoned piano in what i think was the Room of Requirement (I can never remember where it is) and he played and sung and it was absolutely beautiful, Lily and I's jaws were on the floor.
At Lily's birthday party, James drunkenly stood up on the table, confessed his undying love for her, admitted to knowing she would reject him at every turn, but promised that he would never stop, even when he was old and decrepit and couldn't get out of his chair to piss (yes, he said this. yes, i watched it happen. yes, he fell off the table.)
Okay so I scripted that I can destroy Horcruxes very easily so when Regulus first came home with the locket, I took it from him, crushed it underneath my heel, said "well, that's the end of that!" and walked away as he stared at me in complete confusion. Greatest day of my life.
Marlene got a concussion from one of Sirius's bludgers and now she brings it up every time she has a headache or any mild pain in a wide radius to her head. And see the thing is, Sirius ACTUALLY FEELS SO GUILTY FOR HITTING HER WITH IT so every time she brings it up he gets so frazzled and he apologizes like twenty times in between swearing
Speaking of swearing, when Sirius first met my little brother (who was ten at the time) he did the thing where you swear in front of a kid and then you swear because you swore in front of a kid? Allow me to demonstrate:
*sirius drops a mug of coffee at my feet* sirius: fuck! *notices my little brother in the room* shit. fuck! shit. me: just??? stop talking??????
To this day I don't know how this happened but Regulus convinced me to go skinny dipping in the middle of autumn (which is already very cold there), which led to both of us shivering like leaves in the Black Lake and fearing that the giant squid would come and snatch us away to our watery graves.
I MET NEWT SCAMANDER I SHIT YOU NOT. I was at Flourish & Blotts looking at FBAWTFT (and possibly reminiscing on that DR perhaps) and suddenly I see this older man looking around the same section. I don't quite remember what tipped me off, but I knew quite instantly that it was Newt. Now, in my FBAWTFT DR, Newt told me that he absolutely hates when people come up to him to ask for autographs on the book and such because it just makes him very anxious, so when he noticed me looking at him in F&B, I just smiled slightly and nodded once in acknowledgement. And he gratefully did the same.
I did in fact go back to my FBAWTFT DR the next night because that encounter made me miss him sooooooo bad
I hope these give you some motivation to shift there! It truly is my shifting roots and I have a special place in my heart for that DR and the people in it
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
Are there illustrations of the cabins at Camp Half-Blood? Like I need to know how big they are and like how many people can fit in there. Are they all the same size?
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
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𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚔𝚜…♡ (random sht i do when scripting / shifting (´ω`★)
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🍭 i always use my own first name in my drs, but switch up my nicknames (which sometimes dont sound anything like my real name). the reason for this is because if i can't have anything but memories from my dr in my cr, i'll bring something from my cr to my dr. hearing my s/o call me by the name my parents gave me would feel so intimate and personal, and makes it more special imo. it's the name i'm used to, whether it's aesthetically pleasing or not. i also feel that it'd help me adjust to my dr quicker after shifting in - because if i woke up in a whole different place with a whole different face and a completely new identity, i already know ill be going bonkers. hearing someone call my cr name will help calm me down, and i'll feel more in tune with my dr self.
🍭 i also use different last names that suit each dr; like for my rich/famous dr, i chose the last name celene-sinclair because it just feels expensive and it-girl like. for my princess dr, i chose bluebell because i have the power to grow flowers in that dr and bluebell blossoms are one of my favorites. in my florist dr (i have a thing for flower themed drs lmao) my last name is magnolia. in my bakery dr my last name is coco for the spice, etc etc etc! i really like embodying the vibe of the dr, which i talk more about in the next point.
🍭 i have a light case of synesthesia (tasting shapes, hearing colors etc) and it definitely affects the way i approach scripting. each of my drs has a highly specific color, theme, taste, and/or sound; and to be honest, i feel like this made meditating and hyperfocusing on my drs super easy. hearing a certain song immediately makes me think of a scenario i scripted, or helps me embody the person i am in that dr. because of these connections i make subconciously, i'm able to enter the void state pretty easily and experience intense symptoms. i have other mental blockages that have been stopping me from shifting thus far, but we're working through them! it's only a matter of time.. ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ
🍭 one thing i'd like to add is: i feel like we all subconciously associate things in a similar way, whether you have synesthesia or not. my stance is that making connections to your dr through music / mood boards / colors / sounds / etc is super helpful, and helps you slip into your dr headspace in a much shorter amount of time. the connections you make literally become triggers, and once you shift for the first time, you'll likely be able to do so again if you use what triggered you previously.
🍭 i like categorizing my drs. why am i shifting here? what will i feel once i shift there? currently, i have pleasure drs, travel drs, different lifestyle drs, job drs, self care drs, comfort drs, and book/show drs. each one gives a diff vibe and i like having options when choosing where i wanna go at night lmao
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🍭 i never script in my irls, especially not my parents. it's not because i don't love them or anything like that, it's because i'm scared of growing too attached to my drs, and / or changing the relationship i have with that person in my cr. i love my mom so much, if i see her in any other reality i know i'll find it hard to consciously make the decision to leave. in a way, she's what's grounding me to my current reality, and my safe word is literally her name. i always script that my parents are never anyone i know personally. the same thing goes for close friends - if i see my best friend in my dr, how the hell am i supposed to leave? i cherish the memories i have with the people i know, and interacting with them in a new reality where we have completely different backgrounds and upbringings .. idk it'd be unsettling to me ( ╥_╥ ) it'd probably affect the way i interact with that person in my cr too. but that's just me!! if you feel differently you do you ganggg
that's all!
kisses, gloom ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
You can litterlly grab a journal and a pen and say "whatever I write with this pen in this book manifests within few mins" and it will happen because you said sooo.....
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
void state.
[ WARNING: the subliminal is a little stronger than I intended it to be, please be careful… ]
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© 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐡 – all rights reserved. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms.
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
listening to subliminals rn because I’m gonna see my favorite people tonight
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
It’s been a year that I’ve successfully shifted to my main dr and ever since so much happened, I went to so many other drs and even in that dr I’ve shifted for the first time, so much has happened ever since I first awaken there.
this is a reminder to keep going, don’t give up on shifting. ofc you can take breaks, start over, and take it at your own pace but never forget the possibilities you can have. the experiences you’re gonna live in your drs with the most amazing people
you’re gonna have so much fun. you’re gonna laugh. you gonna be powerful. you’re gonna have a bunch of adventures to go. and you’re also gonna be annoyed and sad and angry and you’re gonna feel so many stuff bc your dr is very real and the experience is very real and ofc you’re gonna feel all the emotions in the world
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
Scripting realities ≠ writing fanfiction
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fatous-lovedive · 2 years
BONUS (if you’d even count it as that lol) here’s a stimboard I made for my pjo dr self exactly nine months ago. I’d scripted i was a legacy of Ariadne and a child of Khione and wow can you tell. I couldn’t get the gif in the top middle to work so the empty Polaroid thing is just there as a placeholder. Rip
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