fazbenders-finest 5 days
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Do you like my art and want to see more of it??
Do you want to hear me ramble about stuff while my ask blogs are on haiatus?? then boy howdy do i have the account for you!
@solluxarts is my actual blog!!! i post art there now!! my story art, my finished stuff, all of it!!! ask me questions, request sillies, just yell at me!!!
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fazbenders-finest 1 month
have thy gotten a new roacheth
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fazbenders-finest 3 months
there is a beast of some sorts in my askbox
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fazbenders-finest 5 months
Maybe off topic but how does it feel to be aroace??
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"topic? there is no topic, ask what you want and I reply in my own way."
"Though huh... I ain't exactly used to questions like these, it's something genuinely serious your asking, and for once I can't just like find a way to make it strange with my answer."
Charlie sat down and slowly rubbed his chin pondering your question with a gentle hum, for once he had no wacky antics, he wasn't being cursed or strange he genuinely looked curious as he went into thought about this.
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"I would like to say it's ... nice, at least for me. I genuinely don't feel romantic or sexual attraction at all."
"I do know exactly what thoes things are like, but even knowing what I'm missing out on, I'm happy and content with how things are you know?"
"I still have friends and I still have my own life."
"and at the end of the day, that's what makes me happy, even if I myself don't understand emotions well at all."
"I'm someone who struggles with emotions if that makes sense?"
"not all aro ace people are like me, everyone is their own unique person in their own way."
"and how I process emotions isn't just an aro ace thing, but my emotions do also tie into how I feel about others."
Charlie slowly cleared his throat and tugged at his tie.
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"Sorry I'm not used to slow times, and talking in a serious manner it's ... weird for me to take things slow, my friend's Robert and Bedlam can attest to that."
"I'm a strange person, I know this and I like it about myself, but due to my strangeness and how my own mind works, I can't kinda process things like people do?"
"I'm so used to people being disturbed by me, if they are 'nice' to me I just assume it's out of some sort of fear, they act nice because they think it will make me leave them alone."
"BUT If someone is nice to me, just for the sake of being nice? it... well I can't process that, I can't understand that it makes me 'glitch' out if you'd say."
"So besides just having no attraction for anyone, I personally wouldn't want a relationship because... I couldn't be there for them, I do my best to care for people yes, but if they try and care for me, just because they want to?"
"it feels weird... it just dosen't feel right to me."
"and I wouldn't wanna stick that onto any partner I might have."
"Seriously for years, I've just grown to think if someone outright hates me, that they like me, it's an issue but due to being an immortal eldritch horror, I never took issue because well NOTHING can acutally hurt me so I just let it happen."
"I mean take doom slayer for example, guy tries everything in his power to kill me, and only puts up with me because he can't and yet I call him a friend."
"because that's how I tend to think he treats his friends."
"I don't know emotions are weird..."
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"but uh I hope I answered your question, and some more about me and how I function."
"Remember, I am just one example of an aro ace person not to mention a character not a real person, all of us are different and the other things I talked about are just reasons why I don't think relationships for me? would work out."
"I thank you for your time e-even if it was hard for me to get all this off my chest, or to even talk about it."
"I sincerely hope I helped in some way."
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fazbenders-finest 10 months
hello hello
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[Bonus under cut]
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fazbenders-finest 10 months
Rotates you along your z-axis
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fazbenders-finest 10 months
Where is the the man the myth the legend Dave
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fazbenders-finest 10 months
barbie movie? (to dsaf 3 jack as he would technically be able to watch that movie)
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"He's been like this for... Roughly a week.."
[I personally really enjoyed the movie, what about yall?] -BJ
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fazbenders-finest 11 months
The beginning
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
Hey all!
So I've been trying to make a little money lately and truly without a job thats,, hard
But, I do have commissions, so if anyone's able to support me through there thatd mean the world to me! You can of course dm me here if you have any questions.
Examples of my work and the commissions themselves can be found here;
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
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Hey all! Mun posting for the first time in forever to say...
I'm revamping this blog!
I've been thinking on this for a while now, but i want to make this blog about a different one of my off aus, one that i have more interest in continuing and developing through a blog like this.
That being said; nothing will be deleted! Everything that was on this blog will stay on this blog, but consider it all archived and irrelevant to the story that will unfold!
Enjoy your scrolling, and feel free to shoot any questions into the ask box!
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
Hey is Steven single (I鈥檓 so fucking lonely)
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"I am married, believe it or not. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe that, actually."
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
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Some extras too (including fnaf ones)
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This started off as just Dave, Jack, and Henry but I had a lil too much fun with it LMAO
Have you guys noticed that I like too many things...
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
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[What a funky fella...]
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fazbenders-finest 1 year
458 notes View notes
fazbenders-finest 1 year
"H-hey, uh... Ja- I mean Mr. Kennedy.... I think something's wrong with the uhhh... Oven..." Rowan chuckled nervously, leaning against the office door as fire crackling can be heard in the background.
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( Your oc is very pretty!!! - pho )
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