fb-20 · 3 years
"Hope, my love, it's Andy. I met mrs. Alonso today, your friend Aurora. She told me you were in the beach and talked with her. She said you're good, and I believe it. I won't take you home this time, okay? I promise. But we need to talk. If you want to leave me, so say it looking into my eyes. You can't just go away. I need to know why, Hope, that's the fair and you know it. I'm in my mom's place. Just let me know where you are. T-that's it... I love you. Bye."
That was the message letf by Andrew in Hope Mae's voicemail.
- Dear, what happened?
Sandra arrived home and saw her daughter holding the cellphone against to her chest, crying on the floor in the backyard.
- Why is this so hard, mom? Why is everything in my life so hard to deal with? - Hope Mae's small, delicate and bare shoulders shook with her little sobs in the midst of her crying. - I know that's a drama queen question, but still.
- Oh, dear... - Sandra bent down and hugged her daughter. - Are you having a crisis?
-Andrew left a new voicemail. - Hope Mae wiped her face with the back of her hands.
- That's why I'm back. I can't lie to him anymore. You need to talk with your husband, Hope Mae. He's so worried about you.
- I'll tell him I'm here, okay?
- Okay! That's great. It'll be alright, you'll see.
Beau saw thw whole scene. He couldn't interrupt them, it was their moment. Beau knew how it was important to Sandra, and he was so proud of his wife. She finally knew how deal with her daughter and that was all that he was wating for all these years.
- I did what I needed to do. Now it's with her. - Andrew said, closing the door of the car, talking about the voicemail.
- Hey, look. I need to come back tomorrow. - Wiles got out of the car too.
- The Law things?
- Yeah. I'm in a complicate case and I need to be there.
- What about Becky things? Andrew smilled mischievously.
- Not your business. - Wiles rolled his eyes.
- Exists some business!
- Andy, let's just do it, okay? I wanna get out of here as soon as I can.
- You didn't even deny, Tobiah. - Andrew said with a smile in his face.
- Why are you so annoying?
- For the same reason you're so boring! Listen, I'm not the best person to talk with you about anything, okay? I wasn't there in the last fifteen years, I didn't saw your life heppening. But if I still knowing you well, and I think I do, I risk to say that you're avoing your feelings for her all these years.
- What are you talking about? Becky is my second in the company. Nobody can't be as great as she is in this field. We just have The Law things in common, okay? I mean it. It's a professional relationship. - He tried. Didn't even Tobiah believed a word he said.
- And that's all that you guys have? A professional relationship? - Andrew arched an eyebrow, completely incredulous.
- Of course it is! - The older brother was getting a little mad.
- Bollshit! That same old "lonely wolf" bollshit! Tobiah, c'mon. Gow up and lear to be loved, damn it. If you think you have any chance with her, so try as hard as you can. If not to be her lover, to be her friend. Or anybody's friend. Get a pet! How you'll do it doesn't metter, just stop being so lonely.
- And finish as happy as you are? Seriously? You've spent the last whole week looking for the wife who ran away from you. Again! Your gallery almost closed its doors, Andy. This is what you can't wait to see me living?
- Yes! Yes, exatly!
- Okay, you're crazy.
Andrew laughed, putting his arms on the top of the car and laughed his head.
- You're a crazy man and I've a mom, who I don't really talk for almost fifteen years by the way, waiting right there. - Tobiah said appoiting in her appartament direction. - So I'm finishing this conversation. I'm done. It's too much for a single day.
Andrew noticed he said it with humor, but it was also a true for Tobiah, it was too much for him in a single day.
Tobiah had no idea what was going on with their mother, but he knew it was hudge, whatever it was.
- Hope Mae, my dear, let me come in. - Beau asked, calling his daughter behind of the door.
- Beau, let's call the doctor.
- No, Sandra. And if you do it behind my back, you'll see a thing. I let you do whatever you wanted, and it had a pretty hight coust for everyone in this family. But no this time. She just need some time alone.
- Wow! You don't need to be so rude.
- Yeah, I did.
- What a hell is that attitude, Beau?
- I mean it, sweetie. I'm tired of all this "calm dawn, babe", "take it easy, my love". You won't ruin it, Sandra. I love you, and I always respected you as mother, even when you were completaly wrong. This time, you will listen to me: live her alone. And make some tea. I'll call Drew.
Sandra hated must to admit that it was true, he was right about every single word he just said to her. And, unbelievably, without complaining, she went down to the kitchen and made some tea. Mad, but she did.
- Mom. You look gorgeous. - Andrew said, hugging her.
- You're the one who gave me this dress, but thank you. - Beatrice smiled, putting her head on his shoulder. Her dress was cream, with three-quarter sleeves and canoe neckline, and ended at her knees.
Andrew letf her and walked a little farther into the appartament. Tobiah, who was standing behind the brother, could barely keep his head up. Beatrice looked at her eldest son for the first time in years, and breathed so deeply that Tobiah could see her shoulders sway.
She looked at Andrew like a child ask permission. He smiled at her, granting it.
- Are you afraid of me or what? Come here. - Tobiah opened his arms to her.
Beatrice threw herself into her son's arms. She ran at him, and hugged Tobiah as hard as she could. Her tears wet his shirt at shoulder height. He had a knot in his throat. Tobiah enveloped her, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her head. That hug was the most beautiful thing that happened with him since his sister's death.
- We should have done this a long time ago... - Beatrice said, letting him. - We must to. - She cleaned her face with the back of her hand.
She went to the living room and they followed her.
And there he was, in the middle of the room. Tobiah looked at him with hate overflowing through the eyes. He clenched his wrists, swallowed and held his breath. It was possible to see that his heart rate had accelerated. Tobias' face turned red, and the face of the other, the one standing in the middle of the room, paled at the sight of Tobias so upset by his presence.
- Dad? - Andrew said. - What are you doing here?
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fb-20 · 3 years
"He was here, Ms. Sunshine, looking for you. You should talk to him. He loves you and desirve answers."
That was the message left by Aurora in Hope Mae's voicemail.
- Well, what we do now?
- You could say "I love you too"...
- Again: this is not a date. And I said you're my brother, that's all you'll have from me for the next fifteen years. - Wiles rolled his green eyes. - I was talking about your wife.
- I wanna try her parents again. But, before that, mama called me. I think we need to see her.
- See? That's why I hate family calls. Becky said she called to my office.
- Becky? The same Becky? She still in the office with you?
- Why wouldn't she?
- Because you're so you! I mean, she's great and you're like "I'm a lone wolf, I have no friends, I don't need anyone". - Andrew said making Wile's voice.
- Seriously? I've this voice? - Wiles laughed a little bit. - Are you feeling better?
- Hope Mae's sober, man. I'm so relieved. - Andrew exhaled. - We can see mom and find Hope Mae latter. She's good. I still need talk to her, but she knows what she's doing. I can breathe now.
- Do you really trust on this ma'am, mrs. Alonso? Perhabs she just told you that Hope Mae is fine 'cause she asked for it, in case you show up looking for her. - Wiles was suspicious, considering all the hypotheses in his mind.
- Good grief, Tobiah.
- What?
- I don't know if you're this way just because you it's you, or if it's your lawyer job's fault... But you need to trust a little more. I mean, for real.
- Not saying I didn't warned you, do whatever you want.
Andrew rolled his grey eyes.
- Wiles, Andrew texted me. They are comimg.
Mr. Wiles was in the middle of a nap after the lunch when Beatrice called him.
- What? - He said sleepy.
- They are coming!
- Who, Bee?
- Andrew and Tobiah, at my appartament!
- Tobiah?
- Yes, with Andy!
- Okay, first of all: stop yelling. Second of all, what the hell are you talking about?
Beatrice was messing with your gray hair non-stop. Wiles, in the other side of the line, was cleaning his grey eyes with his hand.
- You said I should call to the boys. Well, I did. And now, because of you, you asshole, they are coming at my appartament. Both of them, together! What am I gonna do?
- Tell them you're dying? And why am I an asshole?
- I should never heared you. I mean it. I'm not ready to this, not ready at all!
- C'mon, they're your children. You'd tell them one day, so just do it now and see what happens.
- You need to come. - She sat donw on the red couch of her house.
- What? No. They hate me. Specially Tobiah.
- Wiles, I'm freaking out here! - Beatrice shaked her hand, like a teenager who doesn't know which dress will use in the prom.
- Okay, Bee, just calm down. Breathe, dear.
Wiles heared Beatrice breathing loud. She closed her green eyes and tried to regain the control of herself.
- Now listen to me: if I come, the moment you've being waiting all these years will disappear the second that I get there. I can't ruin your time with the boys and I won't. You don't see Tobiah for almost fifteen years.
- So don't you, Wiles. - She exhaled.
- Bee... - Wiles ran his hand through his straight white hair.
- Now you listen to me: I'm not doing this without you. You're still being my family. And you can't deny a dying woman's request.
- Damn, Beatrice. Are you sure?
- Blame the rule.
They laughed together a little bit.
- Tobiah will get out when he see me. You know it, don't you?
- I'll take the risk.
Wiles smiled looking at the ground.
- I hate you. - He said keeping the smile on his face.
- No, you don't. Come hurry. Bye, ex-husband. - And Beatrice finished the call.
- Bye, Bee, my dear. -Wiles said, as he always did.
Both of them finished that call thinking about all the time they'd wasted apart after Faith's death, about all the marriage promises they'd broken and how devastated inside they remained.
The family light had been turned off, but there was still love behind all that sadness. But they were so blinded by the pain, that they couldn't realize it. Nearly fifteen years had passed, and now Beatrice wouldn'tt have much more time to live as much as they could if they had kept the faith and the hope.
At that point they were both lost. and Wiles and Beatrice didn't know what to do in that scenario, chaotic as ever.
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fb-20 · 3 years
- I need to check my calls. Go buy some food to us, okay? I won't be long.
Wiles wached his brother walking at a restaurant, then listened his voicemail.
"Sir, I know you don't want to be disturbed, but this is huge. The case about the deputy has made headlines as "The Lover of the Cabinet" and he demands your presence. It's your name on the contract. Sorry, but you need to get back as soon as possible, sir. The company can be fined for breaking the contract with the deputy if you're not here to speak out on his behalf. Ah, and one more thing: your mother called."
- Great, a headline. - He rolled his eye. - And I hate family calls. How did she find my number?
- What? - Andrew said, coming with two sandwichs on this hands.
- Nothing. Company things.
- Eat it. Let's walk.
- Here? No. I want get out of this damn beach. - Wiles said taking a sandwich.
- C'mon.
They started walking on the sand. Andrew took off his shoes to feel the wet sand under his feets. The breeze, the wind, the sun. It was a hot day, Wiles was sweating.
- You're dying of heat, why not take off the shoe and tie?
- Andrew, just say what you wanna say and let's go out of here, okay? I didn't come to have a date with you.
- Is that why you stayed away all these years? Beacause I make you remember her like this beach does?
- We don't talk anymore because you blame me for her death, as I had killed her.
- Tobiah, I...
- No. Stop. You do. I know, Andy, all the family does! 'Cause I was the closest to her, so I must to know she was thinking about suicide, right? I just left Faith there, to kill herself, purposefully, no caring about my own sister. This is what you, mom and dad think, right? That I was so selfish that I did nothing just because I didn't wanna have this work.
- Tobiah.
- You know what? I don't need this. I don't need you, or our parents. For real. Look at me, Andy, look all that I've done own my on! I started my loyer company, I made money, I've a whole life without you guys. I don't need anyone.
By then, Wiles' eyes were full of tears, his face was red, and his hands were shaking a little.
- I never really blamed you. I was mad at Faith. She just left us, she didn't asked for help, she didn't.. She just gone and left us here, without her. I made a huge mistake when I said what I said fifteen years ago. And I'm so sorry for that!
- What about you said in the kitchen?
- It wasn't about Faith. It was about you don't listen me again. You never do! I had noticed something wrong with Faith, I tried to talk to you, but you just ignored me, like you always do. Okay, almost always. I'm so glad you're here, Tobiah.
- I'm working.
- Hm, I don't think so. - Andrew cracked a big smile on his lips. - It's not all about work. Confess it.
For the first time since Hope Mae disappeared, there was real joy on his face. That shocked Wiles. It was true, Andrew was really happy to have him there.
- You're my brother. - He said shrugging.
- I love you, Tobiah.
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fb-20 · 3 years
The brothers arrived in Long Beach at 12:00. They had an easy and fast trip. Hopeful to Andrew, terrible to Wales.
- She was seen alone on the beach by a lady from here. I have that lady's address. - Wales said. - Her name is Aurora.
- Oh my, Aurora... 
- What that means? Do you know her? - Wiles asked arching his eyebrow. 
- Yeah, I guess. Hope Mae told me once about an old lady that she loved to help. I think it’s her, Aurora.
They walked a little bit and arrived at a pink house with a small garden at the entrence. Wiles knocked on the dor and a boy answered. 
- Yes? - The boy said. 
- Is here Aurora’s house? - Wiles asked trying to see something behind that young man. 
- I’m Carlo. Who are you and why are you asking for her? - Carlo was tall and blonde. His ocre eyes was confused.
- I’m Wiles and this is my brother, Andrew. It’s a personal subject. Is she here? 
-Wait a minute. - And Carlo just closed the door. A few seconds later, he invited them to come in and there was she, Aurora, sat on a stamped armchair and apparently very comfortable. 
- I’m Andrew Wiles, ma’am. I’m sorry for showing up this way.
- I’m mrs. Alonso, but you can call me Aurora. Wiles... I just know one Wiles. 
- Hope Mae Wiles, right? - Tobiah said. 
- Yes. She’s family. 
- Ma’am, she’s my wife. She disappeared and we’re trying to find her. I’m worried, and scared. - Andrew looket into her eyes. 
- Did you have any contact with her in the last week? - Wiles asked paying attention on her body language.
- I saw her walking in the beach a few hours ago. Ms. Sunshine got away after talking to me a little bit, I don’t know to where. She was so sad... But promised to visit me again soon. I just don’t know when, I’m sorry. 
- How she was looking like? - Andrew was thirsty for answers. 
- Cute lilac dress... 
- No, no!... - He smiled. - Hm... Did she tell you about some emotionals questios that she has?
- Oh! - Aurora laught. - Hope Mae was good, sober. I’ve sure. 
- Oh my... - Andrew lowered his head sadly.
- Andy, calm down, okay? We’ll find her. But if she left you because she wanted to, so...
- It can’t be true. Tobiah, c’mon, it just doesn’t make any sense. Ma’am, are you really sure she was good? 
- Happily or unfortunately, my dear, I am. She didn’t tell me what exactly was going on, but she was completly sober. 
- Damn it. - Andrew just coudn’t believe. 
- I told you. Mrs. Alonso. - Wiles said getting up. - Thank you so much for the informations, it was pretty helpful. 
- Anything for that pretty and crazy lady. - She answered smilling at him. - But you, son, let me give you an advice. - Aurora looked at Andrew. - If when you find her, she asks you to keep her away, just respect it, hun? 
- Why are you saying it? 
- Hope Mae knows what she’s doing this time. 
- But we love each other. 
- That’s my point. 
- I don’t understand. 
- I do. - Wiles thinked loud. 
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fb-20 · 3 years
-I’ve news! - Tobiah just came in, without knocking on the door before opening it.
- What? - Andrew passed his hand on his face and turned the lampshade on.
He was trying to sleep a little. He had spent all the night in clear again. It was still morning, so Andrew came back to his room.
- Get up, I've news about her. Go dress. Hurry, Andy!
In less than five minutes, Andrew was ready in the entrance hall of the house.
- What's going on? Where is she?
- A friend of mine could managed to track Hope Mae's cell phone. She was in Long Beach a few hours ago.
- What are your waiting for? Let's go. - Andrew walked in the door direction, but Wales just didn't.
- I'm not going there, Andy. I can't.
- Tobiah, I don't have time for this, okay? - Andrew passed his hand on his hair. - C’mon. - And he reached out to his brother.
- I can't, I... I'm not going back there.
- Tobiah.
- That beach. No.
Andrew looked at Wales and saw the same expression on his face, the same that he saw when he told Wales she was gone. Fear. Agony. Sadness. Desperation. It was like she was just gone again.
That panic in his face showed to him how guilty Wales had been felt all those years ago, and then, finely, he realized how open that wound was still, how much it still bleed in Wales.
- Breathe, big brother. - Andrew said what they use to say when they were kids and were scared.
- Don't. Just stay right there. - Wales tried because he knew what he would do after saying that.
Andrew walked in his direction and hugged him hard. His arms covered Wales's head completely, squeezing it against his shoulder, pushing him down a little bit.
- Breathe, big brother... See, it's everything okay.
He felt his older brother breathe so strongly. He didn't refuse the hug. Wales just kept up there.
- You can stay home if you want to, you know that. I don't need you in Long Beach, but l want you there. I want my brother with me, helping me to find my wife. Damn, I missed you.
He let his brother and looked into his eyes.
- We need to let that ghost leave. Me, you, mom, dad. We are all broke after what happened. It was fifteen years ago.
- You still blaming me for her death, Andy! How let it just go? We can't change the past, I can't come back, listen to you and save her!
- I know. - Andrew held his face. - I know. Just come with me. Please.
- Sir, it's Ms. Wales on the line. - His assistant whispered to him. He took the phone.
- How can I help you? - Mr. Wales said waiting for a bad answer.
- What about don't let me dye alone? Can you do it? - And he got one. She casually said, kink it would nothing.
- Irreversible, hun?
- You couldn't be more right.
- Unfortunately, dear...
- Cmon, everybody dyes one day. - She tried.
- I wanted to do it before you. You'll give me work, like organize the funeral.
- I'm sorry if my cancer ruined your plains. - They laughed together.
- I can lose another woman that I love.
- I didn't know all the women of Vancouver Island are dying. - She played sarcastically.
- Funny. You know what I meant.
- And I'm trying to ignore it and don't think about her, thank you very much. Who do you think I'd like to be calling now?
- Maybe your others children?
- Funny.
- They need to know, Bee.
- Beatrice for you.
- Call to the boys. They definitely hate me, but perhaps they still linking you a little bit. You know, enough to don't let you dye without them.
- Andrew first?
- Obviously.
She smiled sadly. She could see him with the arms on the table, holding that old phone with the left hand, smiling sadly too.
- Bye, ex-husband.
- Bye, Bee, my dear.
The silence after a call still made them feel weird as the divorce would a mistake. They knew it would.
That's the hardest part to grow up: understanding love isn't everything.
But the hardest part to get old is understanding love is actually the only thing in life that matters, you just couldn't see when you're young because you thought to be immature think this way, and you were completely wrong about it.
That kind of stuff that you just realize when you're close to the end.
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fb-20 · 3 years
Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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fb-20 · 3 years
“Hi, Sandra... Do you have news about her? Anything helps. I’m desperate... If she makes any contact, please, tell me. Okay... Love you. Bye.”
That was the message left by Andrew in Sandra’s voice mail.
Sandra exhaled.
She was so worried about Andrew. Since her daughter met him, Andrew become part of the family, like the sun that they never had. Seeing him suffering like that, the only feeling that was in her heart was guilty.
But she couldn’t cheating her daughter confidence again.
- I’m using the best contacts I have, Andrew. If that’s not enough to find her in the next few days, she’s dead. - Wiles said, walking at his brother, who was in front of the back garden, watching the sunrise.
Andrew was looking awful. His sadness was marked on his face, as if he had been punched in the eyes. The sadness hovered around him so strongly, that it was almost palpable.
Wiles felt a shiver going through his spine just for being close at Andrew.
- She’s pretty good at playing hiding. - He answered without even look at his older brother’s face.
- Andy, cmon...
- I’m terrified, Tobiah. I really am. Nothing makes sense. I mean, I don’t have any answer. Is she okay? Is she save? Is it a bad mood? Is it her most sober decision of her life? I don’t know, Tobiah, I really don’t. I... - He exhaled.
- Andy...
- I need to find my wife, Tobiah! I need to see Hope Mae again... - He made a pause. - And about Sandra, she’s lying to me.
- Who?
- Hope Mae’s mother, Sandra. She’s lying.
- Did she say any contradiction? Do we have any prove?
- What? No, Tobiah, I just know her enough to recognize her lies.
- Cmon, Andy. Let me guess: you just feel she’s lying.
- Yeah.
- You’re unbelievable.
- Thanks. - Andrew tried to smile.
- Beau, I’m coming back to home. This trip was a bad idea. Drew called me again. I can feel his sadness in his voice, Beau... He will hate us forever when he knows the truth. See ya, babe.
That was the message left by Sandra in her own house’s voicemail.
Beau heard the message and thanked God to know his wife was coming back to home. To him, hiding the daughter of her own husband, a good man who loved her and who was like a son to them, was absurd. But Beau would keep secret anyway, because lose his only daughter again was not a option.
Hope Mae was diagnosed with bipolarize type when she was a teenager. That was the hardest moment of their lives. She was always running away from home, and Beau and Sandra were always taking her back. Over and over again.
Like Andrew passed to do.
When Beau saw Andrew taking care of her, he saw his own efforts reflected in that boy to keep his daughter safe. He knew he was the right person to Hope Mae. He was patient, understandable, supportive, and he really loved her.
Beau was like Andrew, he always knew how take care of her, but Sandra... That was almost impossible to her. They used to fight all the time, and Beau was placed in a very unfair position, because they disputed for him to form a team one against the other.
Sandra was very hard on her daughter in her adolescence. Not because she wanted to, but because she didn’t know what to do. Sandra just wanted to protect Hope Mae.
Another point in this complicated relationship was the trust. Sandra never knew if Hope Mae was taking the medicines correctly or not, when she was lying and when she was saying the truth. Sandra choked Hope Mae, so she lied to get what she wanted, especially when she was in depressed periods.
Once Hope Mae was founded almost killing herself after three days disappeared. She was in an abandoned building to the west of the small town where they lived, drugged by the wrong quantity of medicine.
Sandra sent her daughter to a psychiatric clinic. She finished her high school inpatient, against her will. The family used all the money they had to keep Hope Mae there, the money to the college was gone. Beau didn’t agree with that. He wanted to try another way to take care of her, keeping her at home maybe. But there was no agreement with Sandra.
When she came out of the clinical, Hope Mae promised to her father she would take care of herself, and promised to her mother never talk to her again.
She felt torn from everything she knew and couldn't forgive it. She wish she had tried other ways to stay good, but she didn't want to be sent to a distant place, with no family or friends nearby. That was too hard to her.
She passed almost four years in that place. Being of legal age when she left the psychiatric clinic, she decided to leave and there was nothing her parents could do to stop her.
Hope Mae moved to Long Beach, Torino, and started to work there. She did everything she could, she sang, she was receptionist at a resort, she helped old people with shopping and, the most important, she turned that place in her home.
A few years ago, Andrew saw that woman in the beach and promised to himself she would be her wife. A true love history began.
- Dad? Are you okay? - Hope Mae called him. He was stopped close the phone, scaring the window.
- You need to talk to him. As soon as you can. That’s not right, honey, you already know that.
- I’m doing the best to us, dad. - She was almost crying.
- No, you’re doing what’s easier to you. - Beau answered a little mad.
- Easier? I just found out I don’t have just the bipolarize type, I also have an uterus that doesn’t work, dad. All that he does is take care of me. And I can’t even give to him a kid! It’s his biggest dream. I can’t watch him giving up another important thing to him because of me.
- Hope Mae, I...
- No, stop it! “What’s easier to you”, I can’t believe you said that. - She got out of the kitchen mad and hurt.
- Shit... - Beau passed his hand on his white hair.
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fb-20 · 3 years
“I will arrive in West Vancouver at eight o’clock. Do not be late. If you won’t be in the airport at eight o’clock, I’ll come back. I’m not kidding, Andy.”
That was the message left by Andy’s older brother in his voice mail.
- Thanks God... - He sat down on the main staircase of his house after listening it.
Andrew was devastated. Completely. His wife, Hope Mae, was the light of his life, and for almost three days he had no news about her.
The message was left by Wiles at eight o’clock at morning. He passed that Friday flighting at West Vancouver, and Andrew passed all that day looking for Hope Mae - unsuccessfully.
That agony seemed never end to him. He knew that situations like that could happen when he decided to stay with Hope Mae, but he didn’t have idea that could hurt so badly.
Andrew arrived to the airport looking... Well, not good. When his brother came out of the airplane and saw him, he needed to check if was the same person that he remembered. Wiles, who was always elegant, was hoping to find Andrew as elegant as he was, even though his styles were different.
- Tobiah.
- I want to be pay. - Wiles cut his brother.
- That’s not a problem and you know it. - Andrew rolled his grey eyes.
They arrived at Andrew’s house. The mansion looked smaller than when they were children to Wiles. He had so many memories lived on that propriety... And almost nothing has changed since he started to living Alexandria, USA. That detail didn’t help.
- Go up the stairs, your room is the same. I’ll prepare a dinner for us. - Andrews said, walking to the kitchen direction.
Wiles climbed the stairs and walked to his old room. He wasn’t waiting what he saw. Andrew kept almost everything in the same spot. Wiles felt a knot in the throat and closed the door again. He crossed the corridor and washed his hands and face.
- Hey.
- Oh, hi, Tobiah. - Andrew said washing some potatoes.
- Can you stop calling me that?
- Oh, yeah. You’re not Tobiah anymore. Now you’re sir Wiles, like dad. A completely different person than who I used to call Tobiah. Am I right?
- Exactly. Except for the part where you said I'm like your father. I'm a completely different Wiles.
- Oh, sure. You're a better one. - Andrew said squinting his eyes, mimicking the tone his brother used to refer to himself.
- Indeed. What are you cooking? - The smells was amazing to Wiles.
- Well, Tobiah’s favorite dinner: fish with potatoes.
“Why is he doing it? What does he want treating me so gently?” - Wiles thought.
- Let’s talk about what’s matters: what a hell happened with Hope Mae, Andrew?
- She was passing by a delicate moment one year ago. The bipolarize type was depressing and I was taking care of her here. She was on a pretty bad mood. I wasn’t working for a long while because of this, she needed all my attention. - He toke a fish. - With the therapy and medicines, she got better and everything was perfect between us. On any day, Hope Mae saw how late my job was. The gallery had late orders, some works of art wasn’t being sold as we were hoping and she felt guilty. She said we were happy and how grateful she was for had been know me, but wasn’t right the way how she’d always need me. She... - Andrew exhaled. - She said we should stop it while she was stable, and then I’d know she wasn’t being dramatic because of the bipolarize type or her depressing mood. I told her that was nothing that I want more than love her and being with her, and we didn’t talk about it anymore for some months.
- Andrew. You’re crying on the fish.
They laughed a little together.
- Stop it! - Wiles asked, seeing another tear fall on top of the fish. - Let it there, that’s disgusting. Keep going and, after stop crying, you make the dinner.
- Well... - Andrew cleaned his face of the tears with the back of his hand. - Hope Mae didn’t stop thinking about that conversation. She thinks she’s stalling my time, my life. You know, because of her condition.
- Uhum.
- And then she just left me with that stupid letter. - Andrew nodded to the letter on the counter.
- What he letter says?
- “I love you, and I beg you to forgive me. I would never ever do something like this not thinking of you first than myself. You deserve a life with someone who is able to give you all that you dream. What about me? I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. And please don’t find me again, because I can’t resist when you hug me and take me back to home. I desire to you a glorious future, and we both know you will have it without me. Your lovely mess, Hope Mae.”
- Why you made me come here if she left you because she wanted to? Do you wanna know how divorces works?
- No, I...
- Are you guys officially married, right? Do you wanna know about division of common assets?
- No!
- So why am I here, Andrew, listening the history of your relationship if she left you because she wanted to??
- She did not!! - Andrew slapped the center island of the kitchen. Wales got a little shocked, that made him stop talking. - I don’t know why.
- That’s your answer? Really?
- That’s not our first time on a situation like that, is it? Where/when I fell something pretty wrong and you don’t help me. She was...
- Enough. - Wiles said, cutting his brother. He closed his eyes and his hands, trying to don’t lose the control.
- I’m sorry... I...
- No, you’re not , Andrew. - Wiles looked into his brothers eyes. - Pay attention on me: we will find your stupid wife and never ever you will call me again. Deal? - Andrew didn’t answer. - Deal? - Wiles insisted.
- Okay, deal. - Andrew toke the fish again. Wiles got up and walked to out to the kitchen. - Tobiah.
- What? - He said mad.
- I won’t talk about her again while you’re here. Promise. - His younger brother said almost crying again.
- Go to the hell, Andrew.
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