fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
           Heavy footsteps announced the arrival of one frustrated ass student. Heechul couldn’t find his way around shit in this mansion; all these wood-grain interiors were starting to look like clones of each other. And of course asking for a little help would be way too ‘degrading’ for a person with such a ‘high’ opinion of himself...
          Heechul curved his pink lips into a conceited smirk, his eyelashes flapping gently as he glanced at all the oil paintings fastened to the walls, ‘Damn, another boat painting...? Nah fuck that, I know I’m going the right way this ti—’
          Heechul’s chocolate eyes widened in surprise upon feeling his kneecap collide with a hard surface. He glanced down at a mahogany end table seated before him and puckered his lips in surprise as he watched the shiny items neatly arranged upon its surface tumble onto the lap of an unsuspecting student. “Oh shit,” He quickly reached out for the golden lamp tilting towards the woman seated beside it and steadied the light upon its round base. “Damn. Watch me be the clumsiest bitch up in this place, I’m sorry.” He chuckled softly to himself as he stared down at the woman flipping through the pages of her novel. His eyes suddenly narrowed in suspicion as he stared down at her pale face, ‘Hold up...she’s looking familiar as hell right now, let me find out...’
          He pursed his lips together in deep thought as he rapidly fluttered his eyelashes, his gaze tracing over the slope of her nose bridge, his eyebrows raising as he followed his survey down to the buttery thighs protruding from her tiny shorts. His mouth suddenly opened in surprise as he gasped and glanced back up into her eyes, “Ever worked in the back of a Seoul nightclub before...?”
Recognition [ SEDUIRE & HEECHUL ]
Seduire sighed, sitting with her legs crossed one over the other in the hallway. She’d discovered the luxe interior of the Academy, the fact that there were others like her with far greater knowledge of their powers. However, it was all still different and she found herself more comfortable seated alone and watching the others with cold, analytical gazes.
Her shorts ended just below her cheeks revealing her long lithe limbs whilst her black singlet clung to her delicate figure. She was aware that her appearance often brought nothing but attention to her, especially within an educational institution, but had little care in regards to that. With a book open in her lap, her only focus was in finishing the novel that she’d started back at home.
Home - it was odd for her to use that word. Supposedly, the Academy was her home now but she felt that she’d never had one since her mother’s murder. Seduire bit her lower lip, wanting to forget those thoughts but figuring that it was her empathy acting up again - she was tired and weak, meaning that what ever insecurities the other students had were easily reflected onto her.
Glancing up from her page, she glared at the others for a moment until her gaze landed upon a male down the hallway. He seemed familiar, although she wasn’t sure why.
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
           Haeundae Beach was as cold as it was dead this time of night. A lone rusty streetlight illuminated the cracked asphalt stretched between the sidewalks, serving as a beacon for those lost in the dark. Less fortunate streetlights had been ripped from their posts in battle, and were now leaning upon the metal backs of abandoned vehicles or protruding through the shattered windows of apartment towers. The blades of grass filling the road median were charred a dark brown, and smoke simmered from the earth like a fire was brewing underground. It was not a good night to be trapped inside a damaged vehicle...
                ♫ Crazy…
                       I’m crazy for feeling, so lonely…                I’m crazy…                                Crazy for feeling so blue… ♫
           A somber and depressing melody escaped the cracked window of a blue sedan, and sung quietly to the graveyard of dented vehicles crammed along the street. The blue sedan suffered a giant crack streaking across its front window, allowing blasts of cold air to seep inside and coat its living passenger in frost. The car had been overturned in the heated scramble to escape Busan, and was now lying upon its crushed roof with a column of smoke coughing out the exhaust pipe...
            “I’m…crazy,” a pair of pale lips trembled softly as frost gathered upon the rosy skin, and exhaled a deep sigh which curled into a cloud of smoke, “…crazy for feeling, so blue…”
          Heechul anxiously curled his cold lips inside his mouth as he stared ahead at a sky of charred pavement, his trembling hands nervously clutched onto the leather steering wheel. He shoved his back firmly against the driver’s seat upon hearing a chorus of screams echo into the deserted street, and nervously squeezed his eyes shut as he exhaled shakily, “…you’d love me as long as you wanted…” He lowered his right hand towards the dashboard and clasped onto the volume dial, quickly spinning the knob to the right until those horrid cries were drowned out by mellow tunes.
             “God fuck this upside-down shit.” Heechul slapped his palm against his forehead as blood rushed into his head, the first wave of a nagging migraine pounding inside his skull. He stared ahead at the distant streetlight looming over the sidewalk and froze when he saw a shadow creep past the lamp.
            “Shit,” He furrowed his eyebrows together and glanced out his side-window at a large vehicle obscuring his exit. His cherry lips parted as he heaved a frustrated sigh, “Now damn! Why did my stupid ass pick a fucking abandoned vehicle to hide in right before shit went down, fuck!” He angrily folded his arms over his chest and clenched his fingertips onto his jean jacket as another blast of cold air swept inside the vehicle. He curled his upper lip in disgust and solemnly shook his head, his ruby bangs flapping downward like the golden necklace swinging from his throat, “I am one unlucky motherfucker.” He angrily swatted a hand down towards the dashboard and silenced the damn music, “Fucking music is gonna get me killed, shit.” He grasped onto the collar of his navy coat and brought it over his cold lips, narrowing his eyes into dark slits as he gazed ahead at the shadow drifting past the streetlight, “I wonder who...or what...the fuck that is...”
◤404 File Not Found◥ -●- Yesung & Heechul {flashback to just before arrival at Xavier's}
      █ He picks up - scraps of information;                                                      
                     he is ADEPT at adaptation
            Because for - strangers and arrangers;                                  constant CHANGE is here to stay
       Nine days and five hours without more than random twenty minute naps when he was lucky enough to actually flag down a car for a ride; walking, hitch-hiking, sleeping, trying to remember to eat, disabling security systems or trying to remember to erase the video if he was caught on tape with his hood down…that’s how Yesung’s life had been since he’d been tracked to his apartment in Seoul. Even though he knew heading anywhere even remotely close to Busan was a horrible idea, he’d finally run out of options. He needed sanctuary, he needed to be with a group of people like himself that were at least slightly like-minded and proactive.
       Of course, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to remain upbeat and hopeful if he wasn’t constantly looking over his shoulder expecting to be shot.
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       He kept his hood up to hide his rather noticeable pink hair and kept his head bowed, with his heavy backpack shouldered and cellphone in hand trying his hardest to just give off the student vibe while walking through populated areas, tapping into police radio channels to help keep off of their patrol routes. The closer he got to Busan, the more the entire area started to look like something out of a war movie. MPs and soldiers patrolling alongside local authorities, heading for what was left of Busan to purportedly assist in rebuilding as well as to capture the mutants that were involved in the attack. Seemed the governor wasn’t pulling any punches.
       After all, what better way to up your status with the general public than by blasting an entire species as a bunch of murderous monsters just because a handful of them went rogue?
       "Ignorant bigot, " he grumbled, stumbling a bit on some loose brick and gravel as he passed close to Busan; he wasn’t stupid enough to actually enter the city itself. He’d already "died" once, he didn’t need to make it a permanent arrangement. By staying on an outlying road, he at least had abandoned or wrecked cars to rifle through in search of useful supplies. Close to his destination or not, any extra food or water that could be snatched up easily without risk of being seen on camera wasn’t something to pass up…
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
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Just in case
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
((omg ur theme is so dank)) welcoem to first class and hope you stay at fc for a while !
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Gurl you gonna make me shy. Stop daht…heehee…
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fcxdivaheechul · 11 years
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cr. chl0e_baby 
dat british classy lady and her lofffely ribbon 
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