fcxminhyuk · 10 years
[ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] because i wanted to go for a walk [ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] i got hurt in the city, it was a big irritating thing [ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] come see for yourself!! i haven't seen you in forever anyway hyukkbu
( sms to creep ) tell me what happened?? i wanna know ( sms to creep ) give the deets yo ( sms to creep ) but alright... the gardens on campus? i can make it there soon --- {` and upon this, he's already stumbling out the door }
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fcxminhyuk · 10 years
[ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] i'mmmmmmmmmmm in the garden can you meet me { ` ; pauses for a moment as she considers it; some guilt-tripping is in order } [ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] with some bandages for my bleeding shoulder por favor my bro
( sms to creep ) why are you there? ( sms to creep ) your shoulder? what happened ( sms to creep ) are you alright??
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fcxminhyuk · 10 years
[ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] yo where are you right now? [ sms to : lee minhyuk (dubu) ] i got an important favor to ask ~~
( sms to creep ) im in my room ( sms to creep ) what is it?
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
( the weight of living )
it had been a boring day, to say the least. sunday afternoon and minhyuk had found himself with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling fan in one of the commons rooms, watching it spin in lazy circles. kill me now. this wasn't how his end was going to arrive, slow and on a sunday afternoon-- though he guessed it would've been better than being stuck in the summer when it rolled around and the temperatures spiked.
not content to sit around and do nothing for too long, minhyuk purses his lips together as he looks around at the other bodies in the same room. people were coming through to go to their dorm rooms, probably to study or do some other lackadaisical activity that minhyuk just didn't have the time for. he takes a deep breath and releases it with a big sigh, his head leaning back onto the couch and his eyes slipping shut in hopes that sleep would fall over him before his demise does.
though it all stops once he hears the door open, his head snapping up in hopes that it's someone fun and not another stranger--
and it is, thank goodness.
"aaron!" minhyuk quips, jumping up from the couch and stretching his arms over his head before pointing them at the male before him. "just in time! i was just fixing to--" he pauses, his lips pursing together as he tries to think of a plan to commit to. he already ate, already took a couple naps-- there's got to be something he could come up with. "to go prank somebody. how does that sound? or maybe that's too much."
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
You spoke my language And touched my limbs It wasn’t difficult To pull me from myself again
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
wait whoops whoever messaged me on aim like 10 minutes ago i accidentally closed out of it >:
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
even though he was part spider, essentially, minhyuk hated spiders. they just were terrifying little bugs that scurried across floors and hid in corners of rooms, planning some sort of destruction ritual to kill people in their sleep --
the faults that came with being related to them amounted all to the fact that they were attracted to him. he guessed the share of dna lead them to think that he was one of their own, in some hopes of starting a master spider takeover plan -- minhyuk hated to wake up only to be greeted by a spider on his pillow and another making a web in a corner of his room.
he tended to just ignore them, let them be and if the situation got out of hand, he'd move them out-- simple as that. but as time slipped by, minhyuk didn't notice them as much, so when he wakes up to find one crawling up his arm he yells out and decides that enough was enough.
it's early morning, so someone ought to be awake to help him with the situation; he quickly dresses before he steps out of his dorm room and to the room across from his, knocking on it clumsily. "uh, hello?" he calls out through the door. "i need some help, there's a situation in my room--"
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
neutral grounds ㅡ
minhyuk's fingers ran along the crease of his mutant biology textbook, its weight resting against his lap as his head leaned back against his resting place-- a tree. studying didn't come without a price, minhyuk thought, and that price was always his sanity -- he had never managed to sit still for long, and being confined in the plain walls of his dorm room drove him into a fuzzy state of not being able to focus, always becoming stir crazy by the time he read the first paragraph of a textbook. being outside gave him a greater peace of mind, but along with that peace came distractions, mostly in the forms of exhaustion and starvation. while easily remedied by sleep and a meal, minhyuk had settled for the former about an hour ago, now being jolted awake by a growl emitting from his stomach.
he hugs his textbook to his chest as he stands up to his feet, taking a moment's rest to thwart the dizziness that came with the quick moment, and then begins his walk back towards the institute's dormitory, his eyes squinting in order to adjust to the bright sunlight that had dawned over the grounds. great, that means it's probably mid-afternoon by now, minhyuk sighs, already noting the waste of a (what was going to be) productive saturday morning. he had been lacking on his studies for the last week and with mid-semester arriving, exams were -- which meant that he had to hurry back to get in the routine of studying if he hoped to pass exams in the future. that's what the morning was going to be devoted to, then he'd get a break and then return to it later that evening -- but that plan had failed, so why even bother with the rest of the day?
he nods to himself, noting the lazier plan in his head, too fascinated by imaging what he'd eat for lunc when he feels his body collide with someone else's. and in this moment, he feels like he's in some cliche piece of literature, because who bumps into anyone anymore--
"omph," minhyuk grunts, stumbling forward, but manages to catch himself before he fell forward-- and managed to keep the heavy textbook within the hold of his arms. "sorry, i wasn't paying attention--" obviously, "you okay?"
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
ㅡ free starters!
heh aka lets kill typist later i have a ton of muse right now, and starters are pretty easy for me, so like this post for a thread! i'll come up with something off the top of my head-- we don't have to plot beforehand ahaha.
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
ayyy guys! sorry i haven't been active since i joined this last week-- my stress has been pent up today to see if i got accepted into a program, and now that the stress is gone i should be able to focus on minhyuk + plots now! (◡‿◡✿)
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
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minhyuk fixing his hair and being satisfied with the result (人´3`)⌒♡
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
thanks for all the warm welcomes, i appreciate it bbs. (◡‿◡✿) i think everything for minhyuk is all set up -- specifically, his about page. anyway, come show spiderman yo him some love; like this post to plot with him! 
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
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fcxminhyuk · 11 years
ask box is now open!
i am dumb + forgot im sorry :c
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