fe-oc-week · 4 months
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Fire Emblem Pride Week's official prompts are here!
The prompts are just suggestions, you are not required to follow them to join in the event! You can make your own or just do some general pride themed art if you wish. Remember to use the tag #fe pride week 2024 or tag this blog to be featured! If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
FE Pride Week
June 16 - 22
Day 1 - Self Discovery Day 2 - Coming Out Day 3 - Friendship Day 4 - Solidarity Day 5 - Diversity Day 6 - Pride Day 7 - Free
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fe-oc-week · 6 months
Welcome to Fates Week! This event is to celebrate Fire Emblem Fates. Below is an interest check for anyone interesting in participating to share prompts they would like to see in this event. Aiming for June 23 - 29 to line up with the game's release date.
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fe-oc-week · 6 months
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fe-oc-week · 6 months
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The official prompts are here!
A separate list was made for fashion prompts due to great interest in clothing themes, and that they may not be applicable to all OC types. You may choose whichever prompts you like to follow, you can mix up which list you like to use from, you don't even need to use them at all - they are merely suggestions!
Be sure to tag your works with #ocweek2024 or tag this blog directly to be featured! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun and happy creating!
OC Week (May 26 - June 1)
Prompts: Day 1 - Best Day Day 2 - Worst Day Day 3 - Relationships Day 4 - Hobbies Day 5 - Weapons/Powers Day 6 - Childhood Day 7 - Free
Fashion Prompts: Day 1 - Favorite Outfit Day 2 - Outfit Swap Day 3 - Dressed Up Day 4 - Traditional Day 5 - Costume Day 6 - Comfy Day 7 - Free
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fe-oc-week · 8 months
Hello hello! This is a new event, looking to celebrate all OC's ! The interest check will help decide the official dates and prompts.
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fe-oc-week · 8 months
Hello! Welcome to Fire Emblem Pride Week! An event to celebrate pride in the FE fandom (canon and headcanons alike)! This interest check is to help determine the dates for the event and what prompts to use.
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fe-oc-week · 8 months
Thinking about my oc and what sort of things she might do in the evening or during the traveling to and from missions has made me curious
I'm sure I've missed things in the sections because I'm not as familiar with what could be in them, so please comment if I've missed something obvious!
And I'm sure there's overlap in some of them, so just pick whichever fits best to you?
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fe-oc-week · 10 months
In the tags, describe your OCs’ idling pose and actions!
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
Agnes von Steijern
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Hmm? Are you by chance the mercenary that saved lady Edelgard? Is a pleasure to meet you! I’m Agnes von Steijern, I hope you join our house so we can get to know each other better.
Agnes introducing to Byleth
A late af an honestly unexpected introduction for @fe-oc-week
More info under the cut!
Pre-Time Skip
The daughter of Viscount Steijern is well versed in all the matters of high society, she wasn’t known as a Social Butterfly for nothing. In any case, I won’t judge her as someone frivolous, she just keeps her cards close to her chest.
Edelgard introducing Agnes
Name: Agnes von Steijern
House: Black Eagles Age: 17-18 Birthday: 4th of the Lone Moon (March 4th) Height: 162 Starting class: Noble Minor crest of Saeran (Occasionally stops enemy counterattacks when using magic)
Personal Skill: Socialite Cha +5 and Crit +10 for every adjacent ally
+Reason +Authority -Heavy Armor -Brawl -Axe 🔆 sword
Reason: Fire
Objects: Vulnerary practice sword
Recommended class: Mage
Post-Time Skip
Age: 23-24 Height: 166 Class: Warlock || Gremory
Reason: Fire Bolganne Ragnarok Sagittae Meteor Agnea's Arrow Faith: Heal Physic Nosferatu Abraxas Silence
Objects: Vulnerary Levin sword Egeria (Magic sword that is capable of attacking from a distance with fire attacks. When used by someone with the crest of Saeran, significantly increases its damage)
Middle daughter of Viscount Steijern, who passed when she was still young. Leaving the house under her older brother and mother’s care.
She grew up to fit the standards of a proper lady thanks to her mother, who usually scolds her whenever she acted unladylike.
“I grew up to know everything there is about politics and high society, it came as a great pleasure to my mother that I also happened to posses a natural talent for the social stage.”
Her mother wants her to ‘marry well’ so she can help her House current unstable standing.
She is has known Caspar and Linhardt since they were children. Getting along quite well with each other.
She can romance both, male and female Byleth. (We stand a bi queen)
She has a LOT of moles. One day I might draw her on underwear to show lol.
Her name, Agnes, is of Greek origin and means Holy or Pure.
Her last name is a variant of the danish last name Vult von Steijern.
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
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"I'll tend to the flame, you can worship the ashes" For FE OC Week: Relationships. My Nabatean oc, Temair, contemplating a vision of his younger sister Seiros while resting in the reflection pool of his castle in Fhirdiad. Maybe he can see a small glimpse of the future. Maybe he's simply thinking of how much they've lost in many years since the calamity...
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
do y'all remember that fic I wrote about Yuri's mother? WELL i got a commission from my friend @umbralstars of Aderyn herself!!!!
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i talked about her during @fe-oc-week but now i have an 'official' sprite of her!!!!! :D
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
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a compilation of all the arts i did for @fe-oc-week :3 featuring my little monster child Kitt
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
FE Oc Week: Day 2
Part II
After losing her home to a fire, a young Aria was left alone. Unsure of what to do, she wandered Nohr for a period of time before finding herself at the capital. It was there in Windmire that she met Leo. Aria, who was immediately smitten with Leo, leaped out to protect him from an assassination attempt. Although young, she was formidable and took down the attacker swiftly. Seeing her skill, Leo decided to take her as his retainer.  During the concubine wars, Aria would stay by Leo’s side as often as possible to protect him. Her closeness with the Prince earned her quite a few enemies, and horrible rumors soon spread. Despite it all, Aria wouldn’t hesitate to do anything for him. Even if it meant withstanding harsh gossip, difficult training, and sleepless nights, she would endure it, because she loved him.
As Leo’s retainers, Aria and Niles spend quite a bit of time with one another, often being sent on missions together. Initially a work relationship, they began to bond over their devotion to Leo. During their conversations they would find out that they have more in common than they first thought. Over time, their relationship would evolve into a friendship. At night, the two of them can be found gazing up at the night sky. They like to sit in silence, enjoying the peace and one another’s company. Sometimes, Aria’s light humming can be heard. However, they often butt heads when it comes to Niles’s crude and sadistic behavior. Aria always reprimands him when he says profane things in her presence. Niles, on the other hand, finds it quite amusing how flustered he can make her by saying such salacious things to her.
When Odin first appeared, Aria did not trust him. His odd character and the way he spoke made her wary of him. Once Odin became another one of Leo’s retainers her suspicions began to quell. By spending more time with him, she was able to learn of the caring and sincere part of Odin beyond the theatrics. Initially hesitant, she grew to trust and respect him, seeing him as a friend and ally she can rely on. Although she still cannot understand everything he says.
Despite being Mirae’s retainer, Amélie and Mirae are like sisters. They’ve known each other since childhood and were practically raised together. No matter what happens they know they can count on one another, and would do anything for the other. They often can be found singing together, creating sweet melodies that fill the air. Mirae, due to her shyness, has difficulty approaching and conversing with people. Oftentimes she will panic and shut herself away. Worried for her friend, Amélie comforts her and helps her through her anxiety. Amélie does her best to support Mirae, giving her the courage to put herself out there and talk with others. Amélie, in her appearance of being sweet and calm, tends to hide her more negative feelings. Because of their close friendship, Mirae is one of the only people she feels comfortable expressing her full emotions to. Mirae is always willing to listen to her friend, and remind her that her feelings are valid.
Mirae was promised to Alfred at a young age. A decision made because of the young prince’s condition. It took a while for them to finally meet, having only exchanged letters to one another. When that day came, Mirae found herself flooded deep with worry. What if the prince was mean and cold? What if he was a philanderer? Secretive? Cruel? The thoughts kept invading her mind. Worse, she would have to rule alongside him. Mirae had enough trouble asking someone to pass the salt, she had know idea how she would command a kingdom. Luckily, her fears were put to rest when she saw him. He was charming, if not a little dopey. Alfred ran toward her, handing her a large bouquet of flowers. It was so large in fact, she couldn't hold the entire thing. Her grasp on it slipped and she ended up covered in flowers. Mirae immediately grew embarrassed over her own clumsiness. She began to apologize profusely for ruining the bouquet he had gifted her. Tears swelling up in her eyes, she bowed her head in shame. Alfred, of course, wasn’t angry. Instead he grabbed one of the flowers, and brushing the hair that had fallen in her face aside, placed the flower in her hair.  “It’s alright,” He had said to her reassuringly. “I think you look rather pretty with the flowers in your hair, like a fairy princess!” Mirae stared at him before tears started rolling down her face. Alfred panicked, “Did I say something wrong?” he asked, concerned. She shook her head, smiling at him.  She started, unsure how to express how she felt. “No, um, I…” Mirae felt fortunate to be marrying someone as kind hearted as him. Steading her breath she tried again, “Thank you.”
As soon to be sister-in-laws, Mirae and Celine have gotten to know each other well. They enjoy spending time together chatting over some tea and cookies. Topics of their conversations range from the current happenings of Firene to exotic flowers of other regions. They both share in worry for Alfred’s health and concerns for the future. But, together vow to work towards a brighter, peaceful future for Elyos.
see Mirae under Amélie
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
Some additional facts related to Kitt's backstory that I was not quite able to fit into @fe-oc-week
Kitt prefers not to be called 'Gwyn' or the 'Capricious One' or other related epithets, but will refer to past memories, experiences and relations as though the aforementioned belong to them.
Kitt considers the Immaculate One's injury on the Capricious One 'rude, but fair'.
They are more annoyed by the fact that Rhea has made the whole thing a little bit too much about her.
They also enjoy withholding forgiveness and lording it over Rhea for a little while longer - cuz they are petty like that.
They are considerably more angered at Seteth for not keeping his promise to protect the people of Annwen, even though the circumstances were not completely in his control.
They are also pissed off at Flayn for trying to 'fix' them by trying to bring back the Capricious One without informing Kitt of the implications of awakening their Nabatean blood.
They are also annoyed that Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn have not learned to keep an eye on the saboteurs and spies in their midst.
However they can also be made to admit that their expectations of the people they care about can be unreasonably high, and that even the Children of the Goddess are still fallible.
They consider themselves in part responsible for the events that lead to the death of Sothis and the massacre at Zanado.
They have a vendetta against the members of TWSITD for harvesting the Capricious One to death, and for destroying the village of Annwen.
However, they still feel a complicated sort of 'kinship' towards the Agarthans.
In the early days of their partnership, the Capricious One helped the Agarthans not only to discover how to forge Umbral Steel weapons, but furthered their knowledge on shapeshifting and transformation. Later, when the Capricious One was harvested unwillingly, TWSITD began to explore methods of cloning and the culturing of homunculi, artificial bodies, etc. However, due to the wrath of the Capricious One, the majority of these experiments were said to end in disaster.
They still venerate the Goddess Sothis to this day.
Though the Capricious One was known to 'be cruel and kind, be forgiving yet merciless, and to act according to their whims', they were always observed to adhere to a 'balance' and seemed extremely concerned with the fairness in all things.
It's difficult to say how much Kitt embodies the Capricious One, Gwyn the Unsung Hero, or the villager who carried their Crest Stone. The likely guess is that they all died and the present 'Kitt' is all that's left of them.
The Ghost of Annwen is an obscure tale, but may have had a place in the shelves of the more historied noble houses in the Empire - ie Hresvelg, Aegir, Hevring, Martritz, Nuvelle, Varley etc.
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
Rodina Fic #1
Felix hides out in his friend Mia's room to avoid his father. He's surprised when his sister finds him--but not as surprised as Mia is to learn that Felix has a whole sibling he never told her about.
Relationships: Felix and Mia (they get romantic eventually but right now there's nothing shippy, though Rodina teases), Felix and Rodina
OC's: Mia Cecile, Rodina Louise Fraldarius
Will say this is for @fe-oc-week's 'relationships' prompt.
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
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A Rowan for @ashwithane for post fe oc week doodles!
I'm feeling a bit shaky today so sorry if it's a bit fuzzy, hoping clicking it makes it better!
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fe-oc-week · 11 months
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late, but here is finally my post for FE OC Week Day 5 - Joy! Cerdic spending time with his mother, Séraphine. Despite spending so much time away from home, he would still try to visit as often as possible and write to her often 💗
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