feast-for-crows · 2 years
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on today’s episode of “Elon vs. the Internet”, Misha Collins enters the chat
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feast-for-crows · 2 years
Hi Tumblr, I’m back now that Twitter sucks ass!
Time to rebuild.
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
Someone said "Are you really so stupid to think that Africa has the same technological advances as us? If they did they would probably have clean water and not live in houses made of sticks and mud. Get over yourself and stop being so ignorant."..... Below is a tiny collection of images of the Africa they refuse to show you..
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I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that the whole of Africa is poor, I really am..
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
do the spiderverse kids all have. slightly different meme cultures
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
me watching monsters inc as a kid: how did it take so long for anyone to figure out that human child laughter not only produced energy like screams, but was more effective, and that children aren’t actually dangerous at all?
me watching monsters inc now: monsters incorporated, a multi-billion dollar corporate giant, stood to make extra profits off a scream shortage because low supply with high demand makes it possible to charge a fortune for a necessary commodity and everyone has no choice but to pay the high prices because they can’t go without electricity. Therefore Monsters Inc, as well as any other major powers that may have existed at the start of the era of using scream energy, fabricated the idea that only screams could generate sustainable energy sources in order to create artificial scarcity, because laugh energy was far easier to obtain and far more efficient, and therefore stood to lower the value of energy due to surplus. They also fabricated the idea that human children were toxic, in order to a) make other monsters too afraid to go near them to do research and possibly discover the secret of laugh energy, and b) to make monsters so afraid of going near them that there is a shortage of scarers, making it harder for rival companies to rise up and create competition. Even in the monster world, capitalism is based on lies, greed and cruelty, and even monster companies have no qualms about using and abusing children to maximize profits.
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
Stop telling yourself that the grass is greener on the other side, because it’s not. It is greener where you water it. So take control of your life and start watering your own pastures and grow your own greener grasses.
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
all these deadpool comic runs are ridiculous. Deadpool vs This. Deadpool kills That. 
how about Deadpool Has a Nice Day? Deadpool Is Validated by His Peers. Someone Loves Deadpool Because of His Flaws Not in Spite of Them. Something Nice Happens to Deadpool and It Is Not Immediately Ripped Away from Him by a Cold and Unfeeling Universe. 
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
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Try speeding through this, asshole.
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
We might have misunderstood Hogwarts Houses for years
I have a theory that the valued quality of each of the four Houses isn’t really about the personality of its students.
The valued quality of each of the four Houses has to do with how they perceive magic.
Stick with me a second: Hogwarts is a school to study magic. Magic as Hogwarts teaches it can be seen as many things: a natural talent, a gift, a weapon, etc.
So how you believe magic should be used will both reflect your personality and change how you handle that power.
“Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart,” Gryffindors perceive magic as a weapon. Gryffindors tend to excel in aggressive forms of magic, like offensive and defensive spells, and they are good at dueling. But a true Gryffindor knows that the power is a responsibility, and so they must always use their powers to stand up for what’s right. They are the sword of the righteous, which makes them as good at Defense Against the Dark Arts as they are at combat magic.
Hufflepuffs believe that magic is a gift and that the best gifts are to be given away. Hufflepuffs, “loyal and just,” would naturally abhor the idea of jealously guarding magic or using it to hurt someone else. So Hufflepuffs share their magic to benefit of Muggles, like the Fat Friar, to protect the overlooked, like Newt Scamander with his creatures, or to oppose those who would use magic to torment and bully, like the Hufflepuffs who stood with the DA and the battle of Hogwarts.
Slytherins are the opposite: they believe their magic is a treasure that they have been entrusted to protect. The Slytherin fascination with purity, with advantage, with cunning and secrecy–all of which were perverted by the Death Eaters–comes from the idea that people with magic in their veins have been given something special that it is their duty to protect at all costs. And perhaps they aren’t entirely wrong: power in the wrong hands can be dangerous. And power interfering at will with Muggle affairs is a gross presumption that could turn the course of history. Though the series shows some of the worst that Slytherin can be, “evil,” is not a natural Slytherin tendency. “Cautious,” is.
Ravenclaws believe that magic is an art form, one that is beautiful and should be appreciated and studied for its own sake. If “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure,” then asking what magic is for is useless. It’s more important to immerse oneself in magic for its own sake. Ravenclaws push the boundaries of magic to see if they can, hence Hermione’s spell experiment on the DA coins being dubbed a Ravenclaw quality, but like Luna Lovegood in the pursuit of extraordinary creatures: they can also be content to plumb the depths of what already exists.
So while you can see where personalities will overlap over Houses, perhaps in Sorting we should be asking ourselves less what we think we are and more what we think we believe. 
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (S3E4)
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
the WORST kind of movies r the ones where the nerdy girl is in love with popular dude and he ignores her but after starting to wear make up and pretty clothes he suddenly falls in love with her hetero culture is disgusting
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
Y'all can keep at it with that “Romeo and Juliet fell in love in five days how immature” shiz but Macbeth went from no murder to yes murder in like one afternoon and I feel like one of those is a significantly bigger problem than the other
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
You don’t have to understand asexuality or aromanticism (or bisexuality, pansexuality, being trans, noninary etc.)  Just acknowledge it, respect it, and move on. These are real live human people we’re talking about here, just be nice.
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feast-for-crows · 6 years
this blog is pro turn signal
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