dpsrpg · 6 years
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Hi, all. This is so overdue and I’m sorry for how long there’s been radio silence on both the main and my character account. I traveled back home for the holidays and was met with some really distressing family-related news that I’ve had a hard time dealing with since. At this time, I don’t think that I’m in the right frame of mind to be managing a group, even one that I love so dearly. I wish that this hadn’t happened and I wish so much that I could have seen this group thrive. I’m so, so sorry to everyone -- you all put so much love into this roleplay and I absolutely hate to let you down, but this real-life issue is something I need to step back and focus on dealing with. I hope that you all understand. You’re more than welcome to keep roleplaying characters on the dash if you’d wish! I love you all.
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dpsrpg · 7 years
when would you be opening your submit?
Whoops, I didn’t realize it was still closed! I just reopened it, sorry about that.
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dpsrpg · 7 years
when will the next acceptance be?
I’m not sure yet, anon! It depends on how long the next application takes to come in.
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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Eleanor’s faceclaim has officially been changed from Carlson Young to Sophie Cookson!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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It’s 7 PM, which means that we are officially open for interactions! Just over a month after opening, here we are. Thank you all again for you dedication and patience; it’s because of you that we’ve made it. Have so much fun, everybody!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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That concludes acceptances and the submit has been reopened. If you’d like feedback please don’t hesitate to message the main, but please allow a little while for a response, as my finals start tomorrow. Although no apps were accepted today, I would love, love to see you reapply! 
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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[ +1 | Ophelia Hughes ]
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dpsrpg · 7 years
It’s opening day! We officially open for interactions at 7 PM tonight and I’ll be doing another round of acceptances at 4 PM, so get your applications in if you’d like to join us tonight. It’s gonna be great!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
did any of the characters not send in an account?
Nope, everyone who was accepted has sent in their account!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
I’m caught between Julia and Penelope, who would you like to see more?
Ahhh, that is genuinely such a difficult choice, but I think I’m going to say Julia! Members, feel free to chime in if you want!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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[ +1 | Brynn Song ]
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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Luna Brooks
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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Jade Lowell
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dpsrpg · 7 years
Hi! I am currently writing an app for Ophelia, and i was wondering when the ext acceptance would be? I got caught up with work and couldn’t finish in time today
Hey there, the next acceptance will be on Sunday at 4 PM. I’m looking forward to seeing your application!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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That concludes tonight’s acceptances! Thank you again to everyone who applied, and if you’d like feedback please don’t hesitate to message the main.
In the interest of potentially getting more spots filled before we open, the submit has been reopened and I’ve decided that I’ll be accepting again on Sunday at 4 PM so that anyone who might still be working on an application can join in on opening night! We still have seven skeletons that are open and very much wanted!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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This was a painfully difficult decision to make, but I think that you perfectly captured the painful duality of the way Jade has chosen to live. I loved your headcanon in which you explain how Jade keeps a journal to keep track of her lies because I think that so perfectly portrays how desperate she is to keep up her facade, but also how genuinely intelligent and capable she is. This line also stood out to me in particular: While she questions the depth of her friendships built on lies, she nevertheless tries to give as much of herself as she can, because it makes me sympathize with her even through all of her lies. At her core, all she (desperately) wants is to fit in, and that’s something everyone can relate to. I admittedly have a soft spot for her, being the first character I ever conceptualized for this roleplay, and there’s no doubt in my mind that you will do her justice. I can’t wait to see where you take her. Thank you so much for applying and congratulations again!
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dpsrpg · 7 years
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Mar, I am so, so glad that you decided to reapply because your application was just as beautiful as the last, if not more so. First of all, I love that you mentioned Luna’s namesake from Harry Potter, because that’s totally the reason I named her the way I did. Much like Luna Lovegood, Luna Brooks doesn’t care much about her dissimilarity to her peers, and I love how secure you have made her in that. You’ve made her ability to be patient so clear, even in the face of some of her less than willing to learn classmates, and so genuinely comfortable with who she is, and that’s one of my favorite things about her. By making her somewhat of an outcast from the beginning of her life to the present, it’s completely understandable that her otherness is something that she has not only embraced, but has used to her advantage. Thank you so much for applying and congratulations again!
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