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Sometimes I want to write my fic, but I can’t because I have important things to do, so instead I scroll on tumblr for hours and do neither.
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My drama teacher once said " art is anything that tells a story" wait it was either anything or something idk but anyway that means writers are 100% artists, it's not writers and artists it's artists(including writers)
Reblog if all writers are artists(including screenwriters)
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do you torture the character you relate to most and recreate your own abuse in fiction to cope or were your needs and feelings acknowledged as a child
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please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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I'm always taken aback when someone asks me if I have a boyfriend because I've convinced myself so much that people perceive me as a sexless entity roaming the mortal world in search of something incomprehensible that I'm surprised the people around me see me as like.... a cishet
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Nina and Inej being best friends forever throughout the duology
Nina crossed her arms. “I’m mad at you, too.” “Me? Why?” “I don’t know yet. I just am.” Inej gave Nina’s hand a brief squeeze, and after a moment, Nina squeezed back
Six of Crows - Chapter 6
“Who’s watching Inej?” “Rotty,” she said. “I’ll go back in a minute. I just needed some air. And don’t feign concern for Inej when you’re planning to send her climbing up six stories of chimney with only a rope and a prayer.” “The Wraith can manage it.” “The Wraith is a sixteen-year-old girl currently lying unconscious on a table. She may not even survive the night.”
Six of Crows - Chapter 15
“Talk,” she said to Nina. “Your eyelids are drooping. You should sleep.” “Don’t like boats. Bad memories.” “Me too.” “Sing something, then.” Nina laughed. “Remember what I said about wishing you were dead? You do not want me to sing.” “Please?” “I only know Ravkan folk tunes and Kerch drinking songs.” “Drinking song. Something rowdy, please.” Nina snorted. “Only for you, Wraith.
Six of Crows - Chapter 16
“Tell me something good anyway.” “It will be all right,” Inej said. “You’ll survive this. And then you’re going to be very, very rich. You’ll sing sea shanties and drinking songs nightly in an East Stave cabaret, and you’ll bribe everyone to give you standing ovations after every song.” Nina laughed softly. “Let’s buy the Menagerie.” Inej grinned, thinking of the future and her little ship. “Let’s buy it and burn it down.”
Six of Crows - Chapter 42
They watched the waves for a while. “Ready?” Nina said. Inej was glad she hadn’t had to ask.
Six of Crows - Chapter 42
But the days until Van Eck’s deadline were dwindling, and Matthias knew Nina would allow herself no comfort until Inej was safe.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 3
Nina would never let Kaz abandon her. She’d fight with everything she had to free Inej even if she was still in the grips of parem.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 4
She couldn’t afford to let it get the best of her, not when they were this close to rescuing Inej. Be all right, Nina willed silently, hoping her thoughts could somehow cut through the air, speed over the waters of the Ketterdam harbors, and reach her friend. Stay safe and whole and wait for us.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 6
She’d forced herself to think of the shame on the boat, the future she might be able to make with Matthias, but the thought that had brought her back to sanity was Inej. She owed Inej her life, and there was no way she was leaving her stranded with Van Eck.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 6
The five people inside rose, guns and fists raised, and Inej skidded to a halt. Nina shrieked, “Inej!” She flew across the room and crushed Inej in a tight hug. Then they were all around her at once, hugging her, clapping her on the back. Nina would not let go of her.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 11
“Those silos are nearly twenty stories high! Is Inej going to go up and down ten of them in one night?” “Just one,” said Kaz. “And then what?” said Nina, hands back on her hips and green eyes blazing. (...) (...) Nina threw her hands in the air. “And all of it without a net, I suppose?” “A Ghafa never performs with a net,” Inej said indignantly. “Does a Ghafa frequently perform twenty stories above cobblestones after being held prisoner for a week?” (...) "Inej, make a list of what you’ll need. We hit the silos in twenty-four hours.” “Absolutely not,” said Nina. “Inej needs to rest.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 11
"If I’m going to do this, I want us to get the rest of the Grisha out of the city.” “Forget it. I’m not running a charity for refugees.” “Then I’m out.” “Fine. You’re out. You’ll still get your share of the money for your work on the Ice Court job, but I don’t need you on this crew.” “No,” said Inej quietly. “But you need me.” Kaz rested his cane across his legs. “It seems everyone is forming alliances.” (...) “They’re called friendships, Kaz.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 11
She gave Nina’s shoulders a squeeze. “And I know no fiercer warrior, powers or not.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 17
And then Wylan knew just how much trouble they were in, because Nina hadn’t argued. She’d simply put her head in her hands and gone silent. “They’ll be all right,” said Inej, placing an arm around her shoulders. “He’ll be all right.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 23
Inej gave her a tight hug. “Come on,” she said. “We’ll get Colm to order us something decadent.” “That’s your answer for everything.” “You’re complaining?” Inej asked. “I’m stating one of the reasons I adore you.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 28
Kaz said, emerging from behind the wine crates. “Where’s Inej?” “I’m fine,” said Inej from behind him. “But Kuwei—” “You’re bleeding again,” Nina observed as she slid behind the high stacks of crates to join them. There was little traffic on the canal now, but it didn’t do to take chances. “And what happened to your eyes?” “I’d tell you to ask the White Blade, but…” Inej shrugged. “I hope she suffered.” “Nina.” “What? We can’t both be merciful and serene.”
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 39
They laid him down on the blanket. Nina sat beside him, saying nothing, his hand clutched in hers. Inej brought a shawl that she tucked over Nina’s arms, then crouched silently next to her, head nestled against her shoulder.
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 42
Inej placed her hands on Nina’s shoulders. “We’ll see each other again.” “Of course we will. You’ve saved my life. I’ve saved yours.” “I think you’re ahead on that count.” “No, I don’t mean in the big ways.” Nina’s eyes took them all in. “I mean the little rescues. (...)
Crooked Kingdom - Chapter 42
Wylan played the piano and Jesper sang the dirtiest sea shanty Inej had ever heard. She missed Nina painfully. There had been no letters, and she could only hope her friend had made it to Fjerda safely and found some peace on the ice.
116 notes · View notes
Writing in my head; Beautiful flowing sentences full of powerful phrases and witty dialogue.
Writing on my page: They did a thing and said some stuff. There was snark.
9K notes · View notes
Loving the moon because it's romantic: No
Loving the moon because it's actually beautiful: Yes
Loving the moon cause werewolves: You're alright in my book
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My average writing experience:
"Alright I think I'm almost done actually-"
*Google doc grows second health bar and a choir starts singing in latin*
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Edit Note: I'm really amazed by how much love this post got. Guess it just shows we're all in the same boat. I do have other humorous writing memes on this tumblr under the same tag, if you're interested. Never give up writing! ❤️
Edit Note 2: I can't believe this has reached 10000 notes. Been on tumblr for almost ten years (different account) and nothing like this has ever happened before. Thank you! 😊
25K notes · View notes
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Do you ever just start writing and then it's a few thousand words later, and you're just like, 'Where the hell did any of this come from? This was not the plan. Wtf?'
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