Kitten on the roof
@alazic02 uh hi I wrote the prompt, Don’t worry about sending anything I did this purely for fun, I’m not too experienced in fanfic so pls forgive and im waay to shy to do this on my main blog so i created an entirely new blog purely for the purposes of this. But I hope you enjoy anyway!  -----
The crisp night air was oddly pleasant for winter as Chat Noir jumped across rooftops enjoying his freedom. He started out the run just needing to clear his head, He’s been in a rather solemn mood recently. It wasn’t a patrol night but it “never hurt to be extra vigilant”, he would tell his lady if he were to be questioned on it.
Ladybug, if only she were out on this lovely evening. He doubted it, she’d probably be fast asleep or at least warm and cozy with her family enjoying a nice friday night in. Or maybe she was one of the late night party goers who enjoyed dancing and social events? Maybe he even met her in her civilian form on the occasions he would stop for a photo with them.
Ladybug seemed like the responsible type but he had no idea how she acted in her civilian form, the differences were stark contrast for himself. They were still one and the same, but different aspects shone through depending on which mask he wore. He’d only seen hints of ladybugs civilian self, a small smile, chuckle or fond look... A bit off sass, some cheek and the smell of cookies. She had a sense of familiarity and warmth that just got his heart racing whenever he thought of her.
He was feeling better already, What better way to distract himself from his worries then romance? His mind swimming with possibilities and far off fantasies, no better time to practice his sweet-talking, alone on a quiet roof where he could be a love-struck fool.
However, someone ought to tell that kitten to be mindful of which roof he chooses.
“The stars-…. -beautiful-….. -your face milady” Marinette was awoken by the muffled sounds of a familiar voice coming from somewhere nearby. She wondered briefly how the hell Chat Noir got into her room. That was until she woke up a bit more and realized it was coming from outside, her rooftop to be exact.
“If you were the galaxy i’d be...wait no that one's stupid.” She yawned, still confused but listened in, was he on the phone? On her rooftop? The hell was going on?
“If only I could see the ocean my lady, it’d be easier to remember the beauty of your eyes that way.” He declared and it dawned on Marinette what he was doing, she had to suppress her giggles as she positioned herself on her bed so she could hear him better.
“Whenever we transform I look forward to seeing red- no, nope definitely not” He cut himself off and she couldn’t hide her smile as she thought of how he looked, practicing serenades to her like the smitten dork he was, It was, dare she think it. Cute?
“These don’t work.” She heard him say he went silent in what she could only assume was contemplation, regardless she was having quite the entertaining evening.
“Ladybug, whenever I see you you make me happy, I’m honored to be your friend, confidant and partner, you mean more to me than you could ever know” He said in a softer tone and she froze, her smile gone, surprise and a blush crossing her features. This was a turn she did not expect. When he said he loved ladybug he wasn’t kidding. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore the increased beating of her heart.
“Your smile lights a fire in my chest every time I see you I can barely think straight… No way... It’s too long and sappy… Ugh this is harder than I thought.” He lamented, his earnest confessions leaving her mind reeling, she hated what his honesty was doing to her. The fun was over and he didn’t seem like he was leaving anytime soon, She should probably get him a snack or two and reveal herself so he stops... what he’s doing.
“I love you” He said and she hurried downstairs to grab him some sweets, pretending she didn’t hear that last part.
“I have cookies.” A voice came from behind him and he squealed. Closer to that of a cat than a man.
“Wha- How what, um, who, Hi Marinette how long have you, what are you doing here?” He said as she came up from her trapdoor with a plate of said cookies.
“Long enough and I live here.” She said, He noticed she did in fact live here, just now realizing he was doing something this embarrassing on a classmate's house. Thank god she didn’t know it was Adrien.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, a blush evident on her features although Chat wasn’t sure why, His blush however was well justified.
“Ugh uhh patrol.” He said knowing full well that she’d know even if he was supposed to be on patrol it was not what he was doing. There was silence as she seemed to compose herself. When she didn’t say anything he felt compelled to talk.
“Uhh sorry you had to hear that princess, I uh.” He fizzled out into silence as Marinette, between the heavy duty task of ignoring her chest and holding the plate silently noted that this was the first time she’d ever really seen Chat speechless like this.
It would have been pleasant if she wasn’t so tense.
“I’m not that good at romance.” He stated and snatched a cookie before shoving it in his mouth as if to avoid more of an explanation, at least for a few seconds.
“You’re not?” Marinette asked before her brain told her to leave well enough alone.
There was a lull in conversation as he chewed while Marinette asked herself why she was stupid enough for coming up here when she could have just as easily plugged in some headphones and listened to music until he left.
“You’re asking me after what you just saw? I’m a superhero and I made a complete idiot of myself.” He nearly mumbled the last part and the shame she saw on his downcast face stirred something within Marinette.
“You’re a complete dork, fool maybe... But you’re not a idiot.” She corrected, Chat snorted.
“...It’s kind of sweet.” She said and felt heat rush to her face when his head snapped to her. She gulped.
“I-i mean Its cheesy... and dumb, but it’s cute that you think so hard just to find a compliment for her, Honestly I thought you just made it up on the spot.” What was she saying? Now look who’s making an idiot of themself. Chat however was studying her face. Then he smiled.
“Some of them just come to me.” He said, His embarrassed mood recovering, she was glad.
“Of course.” She replied.
They fell into an awkward silence and Marinette felt an urge to break it, the more time went on the more scrambled for something to say.
“You should try the more genuine confessions next time.” She blurted and immediately regretted it. It wasn’t bad advice for sure but it was advice to use on her and she was in love with Adrien and he would only get let down, stupid Marinette stupi-
“I’d only get let down.” He admitted, defeated and that silenced her thoughts. At her dumbfounded look he continued.
“She has her eyes elsewhere, She’s not looking at someone like me.” Chat said and Marinette had no words, How do you comfort someone who’s unrequited love is you? This unusual situation put her in quite the awkward position. But Chat was someone precious to her too, so she did the only thing that came to mind, She hugged him.
His surprise was audible, but he soon settled in to it.
“Sorry.” Chat said and Marinette giggled in confusion.
“Why are you sorry?” she asked
“For being a downer? Ruining your night? Something like that.” He supplied
“Don’t be an idiot.” She chided and she got a small laugh for it.
“I’ll do my best princess.” He said as they pulled apart, slowly, reluctantly... And they both sensed it. There was a different tension between them now. Chats eyes met hers and they hesitated, the night air suddenly wasn’t so cold anymore. She felt him move closer and her breath hitched, but she closed her eyes and waited. A moment passed before she felt him pull away slightly and she reopened her eyes.
“Thank you Marinette.” He said avoiding eye contact, Whatever had come over him a few moments prior had obviously faded.
“No-No problem” She said, breathy. Whatever had come over him? Whatever had come over her! Where had this sudden wave of affection come from? She was acting very strangely for a girl supposedly in love with another guy. Why was her heart beating so fast around chat all of a sudden? She didn’t want an answer to that.  
“I uhh, I should probably head home.” Chats words sliced through her thoughts.
“Oh, uh, yeah it is getting late.” She reasoned, trying to control her traitorous feelings. Chat didn’t leave though, as if he wanted to say something else, but ultimately decided against it, With an awkward salute he hopped up onto the balcony rail
“Well Princess, Thanks for the Chat, I’ll keep my, uh, practice to myself from now on.” He said regaining a bit of his former self as he prepared to leave
“Wait” She said just before he was about to jump off.
“Ye-” He began but before he could react she planted a kiss on his cheek. He stared at her in shock.
“Come back anytime if you need to, Chaton.” She offered with a sudden surge of confidence as she backed towards her trapdoor, She quickly headed back inside trying to hide the raging blush that came back with a vengeance, Missing that he was sporting one of his own.
“Chaton...” Chat smiled to himself at the cute pet name, Not realizing that smile didn’t wear off until long after he returned home.
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