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Recent developments - planned shoot
Shoot plan 1 
Location 1 : Auckland city rooftops/cityscapes
I love the look of skylines and the view of buildings from a high height, i have a lot of ideas what i can do with images of buildings and the city so i plan to hop between carpark rooftops in the city and see what photos i can capture
Location 2: Melville park
I remember being taken to this park years ago by my parents and remember it being very similar to commoral park, filled with nature trees and hills of grass i think it could be perfect for creating and taking dreamy photos
Location 3: Auckland museum botanical gardens
I remember beautiful landscapes and scenery the last time i went to the greenhouse area new the museum, im mainly going for the corridors that are overgrown by vines but i will see what else i can capture
Shoot plan - file:///C:/Users/fclac/Downloads/shootplan.pdf
The campaign 
In the first part of semester one I experimented and looked into a possible campaign I could create, spanning from editorial, fashion magazines and much more I chose to work on ideas and test shots for a art gallery image display. I plan to further this with my campaign focusing on working towards and series of images that will be displayed in a art gallery.
In terms of ideas, aesthetics and narrative for these images I want to use my creativity and imagination to represent reality in a alternate/dream state. Using manipulation mixed with my own photography I aim to create a series of photos that move viewer's and catch them by surprise by interest. I have no specific audience or target with my artwork and I wish for those to view my work to interpret it in whatever way they please and relate and create their own meanings from it. 
From a young age i have always used my imagination and dream and picture things described to be unreal or fabricated, I think a lot of people as they grow and grew up left a lot of their imagination behind as the discovered the world. I my hope to provoke and remind people to dial in to that creative, imaginative state of their mind and remember the beauty your imagination can create and what's beyond real life and reality in front of us.
The past two years I've focused into furthering, and merging my photography with my editing and the link between imagination, dreams and subconscious, for this campaign  i want to take it to the next level and challenge myself to create a series of quality  images I haven't made before and create something meaningful and eye catching.
Inspiration - New artist models
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Amy Leibrand
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Aydın Büyüktaş
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Murray Fredericks
A lot of my work is inspired by day to day life things, like seeing a skyscraper and picturing it upside down or dripping with acid, whilst looking through artists and other photographers these three caught my eye, They represent well the kind of aesthetics and themes im going to try implement into my own work, e.g. the dreamy yet real compositions and edits, manipulating and evolving a image into something that lies between reality and dreams i would say. I know it is expected to take inspiration and ideas from other artists and photographers and build my idea of that but a lot of my ideas and visions cant be displayed or conveyed through other artists and photographers. For a long time I've been guided to follow and create other variations or others work and take elements from other artists but i think this time i will dive more into my mind myself and see what i can craft from scratch using my imagination. If i am to create something new and never seen before at some point in my life or in this series I'm creating i need to step outside what i already know and what has already been made by others, yes of course photographers and artists will inspire my work but taking inspiration from myself and from my mind could help me achieve something I've never made before.
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Learning how to print/first print
Test edits pre final:
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Art gallery blender scene display creation:
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Final images:
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The Pitch
My goal for this assignment is to create a concept and series of images of a photographic campaign that i will pitch. For example Fashion photography and  editorial photography. I am going to focus into surrealist photography and manipulated images that explore dreamy, real looking locations with a surreal twist. I will plan out and form material that will help me back up this pitch so i can convey my ideas and visions clearly. 
Where I'm at/Where I want to be
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In terms of my skills i would say I'm pretty confident behind the camera in terms of knowing what does what and how to capture correctly what i want. I would also say my ideas and post production photo manipulation is one of my strong suits, Although I'm confident with my skills i would like to polish them more and become more familiar with basic camera knowledge and techniques to take my photos, I'm interested in learning about darkroom printing and studio lighting but my main focus and drive in photography lies in taking photos and the editing i do to them.
For my pitch u want to focus into the styles of dreamy surrealism and romanticism, creating a dreamlike but realistic series of images. Using photoshop and color correction I will do this, but also will do my best to achieve my ideal vision through practical FX.
Artist inspiration 
Ronen Goldman
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Sarah Ann Loreth
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Martin Stranka
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in class we were guided to fill out a STL task, we choose a artist/photographer that we liked and were interested in and filled out a photographic campaign template to further our understanding on what a photographic campaign is meant to follow or include.
10 images of my own work
in high school 2019 I started my first photography class and since then have done something involving photography. I've learnt a lot of things in regards to basic camera function and usage and learning photoshop and post production tools. Although I've been doing photography for quite awhile I've noticed that I've always stuck or expressed my photography in a certain way, I would say I have my own personal eye and vision when it comes to my own work and love to explore ideas and boxes outside of what is normally created, I've always loved using my imagination and expressing that in my own photos, making a link between the real world and a fictional one is my favorite thing to do, personally I think my love for photography lies outside taking photos itself and lies more in what I do after I take the photo. Over the years I've always pushed my imagination and thoughts and made dream like concepts and drawings, I've proud of what I've made but I do think I can push it ever further this year. I want to combine everything I've learned and all my best ideas to create a series of images that leaves an impact on it viewer. Past times I wouldn't put much planning into something and just go with the flow, sure this worked but its time to become more dialed and precise on what I'm wanting to achieve. I'm going to continue to push my vision in photography and create images and series that no one has seen before, images that capture their eyes. The images above are a mixture of work I did in 2019 - 2021 to the work I've done last year in 2022. In last years work I focused on influencing surreal elements and parts of subconscious thoughts or projections coming through in the image. I wanted the series to be a visual of the gateway between reality and dreams and create realistic but obscure and dreamy photos that left viewers staring for awhile. The work i did in 2019 - 2021 was based around the ideas of enlightenment and psychedelic visuals. I wanted to bring those ideas to life through  my editing and interesting capture of my subject matter.
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3 dream photo ideas
Salt plains
In Bolivia there's a place called the Uyuni salt flat plains, it was a prehistoric lake that left behind  a desert landscape. With the plains small surface level of water it makes everything look like a reflection of the sky, almost like a mirror world. I would love to be able to photograph here and capture its beauty with my own idea and vision. My idea was to get my subject dressed in all black or all white and have them walking across the horizon line as I take photos, I also visioned shots of my subject lying in the shallow water and capturing the reflection of them and the sky. This photo/location could be used for two things, one could be a fashion/modelling shoot, having the subject matter dressed up and posing for the camera on the salt plains and water. The second would be a more surreal approach capturing dreamy, romanticized images for a art gallery or website/editorial setting.
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Sinking in ocean
My second idea for a “dream” photo was a underwater shot, I've always been fascinated and loved the way videos and photos look underwater and the potential it has photographically. My vision for this photo would be to capture my subject matter sinking through abyss to the bottom of the ocean. Having the ocean water clear and visible and showing bubbles from the sinking of the person from a  far or a close could create a emotionally moving photo. To take it even further I would love my subject matter to wear a unique or obscure outfit or add a little something extra into the scene like bubbles forming a sentence of words or shapes.
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Warping cityscape
It was hard to only come up with three but my final dream like photo idea was to take a photo at sunset/nighttime on the top of a rooftop in the city, Either the city of Tokyo or the city of Bangkok I would love to take a photo of my subject matter starting across the city with there silhouette outlining them. I love how photos from high places and from rooftops look especially when its of the city. If I were to obtain this photo I would take it even further and put together my vision of  a mirrored cityscape. When I say this I mean to re touch and edit the photo in post-production and flip the city upside down so it looks like it is falling or covering the head of the subject matter.
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Edits and experiments created with photo shoots
Photo shoot reflection
I am very happy with how my photo shoot/shoots turned out, I noticed in the past I would just aimlessly go and take photos just for the sake of having photos, this time I planned and envisioned the kind of photos I wanted before taking them. Since I had such a good idea of what I wanted I was able to capture everything in the way I wanted to and obtained quality consistent images from each shoot. 
Editing reflection
After getting my photos i made these edits to see what I could do with them, some of them i was just experimenting and messing around but now I really like them and want to further them into final images for my ending series.
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Re: idea/theme
After working on my first manipulated image created from mine and other students work I had a clear understanding of what i wanted to do for my series of manipulated images. I want to focus and develop my ideas of dreams and subconscious and create even greater work using skills and knowledge I've learnt already. photography wise I want to get photos with nature during the day and give most of my photos and edits a peaceful dreamy vibe. I will take big inspiration from artist models I've researched and films and shows i like such as Inception directed by Christopher Nolan, and the anime Bleach.
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Image semester 2 Felix Clack “The image always lies”
For this assignment we are looking into manipulate images and blending photography and photoshop together
Manipulated image examples
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During class one of our tasks were to go through a list of scenes and take them ourselves. The goal was for everyone to take photos in each category and submit them to the shared folders we have on teams for everyone to view.
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Contact sheets 
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After taking all my photos I went through them all and selected one for each category and submitted it to the teams folder
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Manipulated image research/inspiration 
Erik Johansson
Johanson, Erik. “Personal Projects.” ERIK JOHANSSON. Accessed August 18, 2022. https://www.erikjo.com/work.
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I came across Erik Johansson's work on a blog, his work caught my eye from the get go. His work is a lovely mix of photography and surrealistic photo editing and composition that makes his work seem dreamy and stimulating to look at. I love how seamlessly his editing works with his images, myself i want to try achieve this with my own editing and work and create a piece similar to his work that looks clean.
Robert Jahns
Jahns, Robert. “Digital Artist Nois7: Robert Jahns.” nois7. Accessed August 18, 2022. https://www.nois7.com/.
Roberts work was another artist that caught my eye, vibrant and dreamy edits filled with dreamlike elements is something i really like and is something i want to try influence in my own work
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His work seems very realistic as well, its hard to tell what is manipulated or what is real in his images, this style of photo editing is very intriguing to me and is definitely something i will try if i have the right idea/image.
Richard Roberts
Roberts, Richard. “Follow Design Stacks.” Photoshop Tutorials Designstacks Surrealistic Photo Manipulations by Richard Roberts Comments. Accessed August 18, 2022. http://designstacks.net/surrealistic-photo-manipulations-by-richard-roberts.
One of my favorite styles of editing/photoshop is overediting and adding a above average number of elements or layers that completely takes the realness away from the photo, turning it into a dreamlike surreal piece of art like Richards work.
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I really want to focus on and further taking a real image and turning it into something beyond real, Roberts work inspires me to think outside of the box and experiment with ambitious idea and surreal elements.
after our class and myself had all posted photos into the teams folder our task was to find 9 images from the folders and create 3 manipulated image compositions with them to practice our skills. I went through the folders and downloaded and selected 9 photos I personally liked and wanted to edit.
in class analysis
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During class one of our tasks was to break down the work of Lisa Reihana, our goal was to pull the images apart and try to identify each part/layer of the image (what was real, and what wasn't). This gave us a good idea of how much or what goes into a manipulated image and gave me ideas of how far i could take my edits and how I could blender, composite layers together to make a unique manipulated image.
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these were the photos selected to edit with
3 manipulated images
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More exploration
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I continued to practice my editing and tried to take specific inspiration from  Richard Roberts, i noticed he starts with a backdrop layer then continues to builds his elements around it. With some layers i downloaded from the teams i change colors and blurred layers to make a backdrop. I also noticed added with other layers he has a main focal point that takes the viewers attention, to try match this and see what it could do on my image I added a picture of a cat that blended in well with background.
As I was learning about manipulated image I started to brainstorm what I wanted to portray/create in my own edits, I found a numerous amount of artist models whilst researching that inspired me greatly and helped give me more ideas of what my final style/compositions would look like. I want to aim for a dreamy unrealistic manipulated image style that overwhelms a viewer's eyes in a good way but also at the same time makes some sort of sense or relevance to the real world, e.g having a scene with 10 layers that builds a surreal dreamy like scene but for it to like something someone could see or witness in their dreams, for short create comps that thrive of the familiarity that everyone has always seen or felt but simultaneously have a unique and intriguing look that doesn't lose the viewers interest, like a page from where's wally.
Readings reflection/notes
During our classes we went across a few readings and books that gave us more knowledge on photography and elements that created manipulated images and gave its true effects, I learnt that the way is shown/photographed plays a huge part on how outsiders will view the photo or take meaning from it. Manipulating images has a create power because of its ability to change a photograph meaning completely, for example a normal photograph of a sunset on a beach would seem pretty and reflective but after adding a layer of stormy clouds or lighting, completely changing a scene. “Why then was photography so related to truth if it in fact was what some people might call a false representation of events or people?”
After exploring and experimenting it was time to complete my final composition, using the skills I learnt and found during the weeks of practice I created this final manipulated image with a bunch of photos i found from the teams, including my own. I can definitely say I took a piece of inspiration and style from each one of my artist models as well as influencing my own style and creativity on it
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Final manipulated image
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Zine creation/production
The end goal for this assignment is to create a zine photobook of series of photos that tell a story. In class Raymond showed our class a few examples of zine’s and how they are built and made up. Making a zine actually takes quite a lot of thought and a little bit of planning. The way photos are placed contributes to the story you are trying to tell through the zine. I found a perfect YouTube tutorial on how to create  zine booklet and InDesign and some ways and ideas of how to lay out images. https://youtu.be/-xp3DVhld6o . After watching this video I had a better idea and grasp of what i wanted to do with my own zine. I created a title page and inserted boxes in reference of where i would put my images.
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I also didn't want my zine to look bland and boring so I messed around with shapes and colors and positioning to give my zine more interest and more uniqueness. 
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Bibliography/ reference list
Artist models:
Annie Leibovitz
Jakobovits, Lili. “22 Famous Portrait Photographers You Definitely Should Know.” ExpertPhotography. ExpertPhotography, May 12, 2021. https://expertphotography.com/portrait-photographers/.
Arnold Newman
Jakobovits, Lili. “22 Famous Portrait Photographers You Definitely Should Know.” ExpertPhotography. ExpertPhotography, May 12, 2021. https://expertphotography.com/portrait-photographers/.
Mark Mann
Jakobovits, Lili. “22 Famous Portrait Photographers You Definitely Should Know.” ExpertPhotography. ExpertPhotography, May 12, 2021. https://expertphotography.com/portrait-photographers/.
Marta Bevacqua
Bevacqua , Marta. “Work.” martabevacquaphotography . Marta Bevacqua . Accessed May 2, 2022. https://www.martabevacquaphotography.com/work.
Thomas Leuthard  
Leuthard, Thomas. “Thomas Leuthard.” thomasleuthardphotos. Yahoo!, 2009. https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomasleuthard/.
Adam Ferguson  
Ferguson, Adam. “Adam Ferguson.” ADAM FERGUSON. Adam Ferguson. Accessed May 2, 2022. https://adamfergusonstudio.com/.
Edward Honaker 
Honaker , Edward. “Photographer Edward Honaker Documents His Own Depression.” IGNANT. Jessica Jungbauer, August 12, 2020. https://www.ignant.com/2015/09/24/photographer-edward-honaker-documents-his-own-depression/.
Kyle Thompson
Thompson , Kyle. “Portfolio  - Kyle Thompson .” Kylethompsonphotography.com. Kyle Thompson . Accessed May 2, 2022. http://www.kylethompsonphotography.com/#8\.
Andreas Feininger
Feininger, Andreas. “The Photography of Andreas Feininger.” LIFE picture Collection. LIFE. Accessed May 2, 2022. https://www.life.com/photographer/andreas-feininger/.
Ryan Gee
Gee, Ryan. “Ryan Gee Interview.” Skate Jawn, May 1, 2019. https://skatejawn.com/ryan-gee/.
Designing a Zine in InDesign
How To Design A Photo Zine In Indesign. YouTube, 2018. https://youtu.be/-xp3DVhld6o.
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Re: Idea/Focus
For my photography assignment I'm going to me making a zine with a bunch of photos I've taken overtime. I'm going to try make a story out of these photos and portray certain themes and ideas in them. I want to explore my subject matters personality and try show this in my photos to give outside viewers a understanding of who they are and what they are like just through a singular/ sequence of images. I wanted to start my zine book with more colourful/ open photos and slowly to the end of the book finish with more unknown/mysterious black and white photos that the viewers would have to interpret in their own way. I've look into a lot of portrait photographers and have found big inspiration and ideas that I'm going to use in my own photos. 
Shoot 11
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3 best photos
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f/7.1 -  1/200 - ISO 12800
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f/7.1 -  1/200 - ISO 12800
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f/7.1 -  1/400 - ISO 25600
In my first shoot with Amani, I was trying to focus on him as a person and capturing him being himself, this did work but it still felt that something was missing. I realized that background/scene in my photos were more important than I thought they were. Having a backdrop or location that did not contribute to what I was trying to say in my photos really did not help tell the story I wanted to tell. In this shoot I asked Amani to take me to where he plays basketball, this is something he is deeply passionate about and was somewhere I could capture him being himself, also outside of photography this trip showed me more about the person he was. There were a lot of people at the basketball court he knew, and he ended up playing a game with all his friends. This was perfect for me as I was finally able to capture Amani and fill the missing piece I did not have before. I think in this shoot it really shows who Amani is and dives into his personality showing how he is with friends and when playing basketball. When I was shooting, I was quite in the moment and did not take notice that quite a few of my photos came out grainy, but when I reviewed the photos and saw this grain I liked the effect it put on the photos, reminding me of a film camera I embraced the grainy style and sharpened up the image and even added more grain. I think these photos tell a great story about Amani ‘s identity and who he is and can tell viewers only through a few images what kind of person he is. Something else i didn't mention was the huge inspiration from the photographer Thomas Leuthard, Thomas’s work always captures subject in a natural environment that gives his photos more meaning, After taking these photos I want to experiment seeing how they would look in black and white. 
Shoot 12
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3 best photos
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f/7.1 - 1.0 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 1/800 - ISO 25600
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f/11.0 - 5.0 - ISO 100
Edward Honaker was a really inspiring self portrait photographer for me, this shoot had a lot of his influence in these photos. After taking a few self portrait shoots i finally figured out what kind of photos i wanted to take. Through experimenting with long shutter speed I was able to create these photos, My zine is about identity and displaying identity through a series of photos. In my zine I'm going between quite open photos of people and me and also quite closed and mysterious/unknown photos. I want the viewers of my zine to to interpret these known photos in their own way and come up with there own ideas of who they think the person is, In these photos I also wanted to explore themes of chaos and grief using the blurry shutter speed to support this. I want people to ask questions, who is this person?, why are these photos taken in this way, is there a deeper underlying message?
Shoot 13
3 best photos
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3 best photos
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11.0 - 1/200 - ISO 800
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f/11.0 - 1/100 - ISO 200
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f/11.0 - 1/100 - ISO 200
Dan & Jesse
These are two of my best friends, We have skated together and known each other for over 5 years. Dan and Jesse are very passionate about skateboarding and is a big part of their life. Previously when taking photos of my friends I would just get portrait of them in a room, but after seeing the great results of my shoot with Amani I knew I could further my story telling and idea of identity/personality in my images. Capturing them in this natural environment really helped display what kind of people they are without having to set up anything too technical. I really like the first photo out of the 3 as I managed to capture them sitting together looking over at other people at Aotea Square skating, I tried before trying to set up a portrait shot of people to get a (good photo) but i am much happier with this natural result. When talking to my teacher Raymond in class he gave me some really good ideas of how I could tell a story through skateboarding. I took big inspiration from the skateboard photographer Ryan Gee and tried my best to influence his own work into my own in my own unique way. In the second image I took a photo of Jesse’s skateboard deck. I did this because skateboards are a big part of someone, The back of a board shows how much hours and time you've put into skating and even the connection you make with it overtime. I think this image also turned out great with Jesses shoes in the shot too because once again shoes tell a lot about someone in the sense of skateboarding. I also got a lot of photos of them skating because this is where they are in their zone and showing how they skate. In skateboarding fish eye photography is a big thing and I wanted to use the technique to capture some photos of them skating, unfortunately I couldn't use this fisheye effect in RAW format but I was still able to capture some high quality photos. I think once i put these photo in a series inside my zine they will turn out great and will critically contribute to my idea of identity/personality and help tell a story to the viewers.
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30 day photo challenge 
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The Image 2022  self portraits/portraits My main idea/goal for this portrait assignment was to represent who someone is through single portrait photos. I wanted to capture myself and my subject matter in a way that helped viewers understand or know what kind of person they were based off the photo. I'm going to be exploring different types of lighting and environments to try to portray this idea. I've researched a numerous amount of artist models and I will be taking inspiration from them and influencing them in my own work. I'm going to try to capture my subjects in environments that are familiar to them e.g. someone in their room. I'm doing this because I think it gives more personality to the image and helps viewers get a better insight of
Shoot 1 
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3 best photos
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f/6.3 - 1/100 - ISO 100
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f/5.0 - 1/60 - ISO 200
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f/5.6 - 1/80 - ISO 2500
For the first week we are looking into taking self portraits and portrait photos in different kinds of lighting and experimenting with what we can capture. I tried taking photos in different locations around my house and in different mirrors, I took one of my mirrors outside and took some photos to see how the light/environment would affect my photos. This first week was also a reminder to myself of how to use manual mode and get the most out of my camera. I asked my sister to be my first subject matter and did the same things mentioned above and messed around with locations and light.
Shoot 2
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f/5.0 - 1/1250 - ISO 6400
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f/5.0 - 1/60 - ISO 6400
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f/5.6 - 1/100 - ISO 100
For my second shoot I continued to further my trialling and experimenting, this time I tried using coloured lights, I have a few RGB lightbulb lights in my room that I wanted to experiment with, I darkened my room and turned on my lights and put them close to my face, I really like how the light looks and the different colours i tried out, sadly the photos didn't turn out that well because its pretty hard to do self portraits of myself without a tripod but this trial gave me some ideas of ways i could capture other subject matter. Between this lighting test I also captured some photos of my friends and sister again, I wanted to capture them  naturally so i talked and made them feel comfortable when taking photos of them so they came out more natural and represented who they were more clearly as people.
Shoot 3
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f/5.6 - 1/320 -ISO 800
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f/5.6 - 1/320 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 1/320 - ISO 100
After doing my previous shoots I found talking to interacting with my subject matter really made a difference capturing who they are as people and getting a good photo, I took these photos of my friend Amani as we were talking about random things and captured some really good moments, I made him feel  comfortable in front of the camera and I think ultimately this gave me better results, Doing this helped me capture the kind of person he is but still leaving it up for the viewers to interpret the rest. During this shoot I also experimented with exposure, Most of the photos I purposely overexposed looked pretty bad but I captured a few that I thought were really cool.
Shoot 4
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f/5.6 - 1/320 - ISO 3200
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f/5.6 - 1/320 - ISO 3200
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f/5.6 - 1/320 - ISO 3200
Shoot 5
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f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO 1600
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f/5.0 - 1/60 - ISO 1600
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f/5.0 - 1/60 - ISO 1600
For this shoot I asked my friend Simon to come over, me and him are both very passionate with music and decided to make a song together, I wanted to take photos of him in this musical environment because it shows a lot about him and what he's like through the lens, I basically just talked to him about the song we were making and made him feel comfortable in front of the camera. I tried to mess around with lighting and exposure but ended up just playing it safe and simple to get some clean focussed shots. I believe capturing Simon in this familiar environment really helped show what kind of person he is, e.g. showing his interest in music and how he is doing something he loves.
Shoot 6
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f/4.5 - 1/20 - ISO 400
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f/5.0 - 1/10 - ISO 800
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f/5.0 - 1/10 - ISO 800
When I first started this assignment I had trouble finding someone who could photograph and capture me. I wasn't sure how I could represent myself in a photo for others to see. I'm not a big fan of being in front of the camera so i decided to take a different approach to what i did with my other subject matter. I took inspiration from Mark Man in particular the portrait's i put below. I wanted to be photographed in a minimalistic/mysterious way. I choose to take the photos on a black wall similar to Mark Mans celebrity shoots, I experimented and asked my friend to try use the rule of thirds to capture me. I wore a mask to add emphasis on the unknown mysterious character vibe. The reason i did all of this was because all of my photos of my friends/family were quite open and informative, I wanted to portray myself in a way that left the viewer to think and wonder what kind of person I was based of these photos. I think the use of dark dim light and positioning really helped back this up.
Lighting studio 
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Shoot 7
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f/4.0 - 1//100 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 0.4 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 1/13 - ISO 100
Shoot 8
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f/.5.0 - 1/5 - ISO 400
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f/.5.0 - 1/5 - ISO 400
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f/.4.0 - 1/5 - ISO 400
When I took this shoot my mind was all over the place at the time, I had a lot going on and a lot to do. I wanted to use light and darkness to make my photos feel cold and dim reflecting what was going on at the time. I messed around with a slow shutter speed with myself moving and I got some results I really liked, I thought the self portrait of myself with my blurry silhouette reflected well the chaos in my mind at the time. Most of the other photos I took without shutter speed just looked a little off, so I think I'll try re shoot again and focus more on the unknown silhouette kind of theme
Shoot 9
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f/11.0 - 1/60 - ISO 400
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f/11.0 - 1/60 - ISO 100
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f/11.0 - 1/60 - ISO 300
Shoot 10
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f/5.6 - 1/20 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 1/20 - ISO 100
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f/5.6 - 1/20 - ISO 100
When going on a little trip for my friend's birthday I brang my camera hoping to get a few shots of my friend Luke (first two photos), Luke it one of my best friends and lives in a very different way to most people in terms of technology, Luke has never been a fan of technology or phones and prefers being outside or doing things that don’t involve looking at a screen. Going out into nature with him was a perfect time for me to capture the essence of who he is, At Kare Kare beach the weather was quite overcast and misty, I thought it would be best to take some portraits of him with this backdrop and try create a mysterious looking photo of him, this also represents him well and leaves it up to the viewers of the photo to think or create a perception on him without much information. When looking back at these photos I thought of another idea of how I could further this story on Luke. I wanted to try capture the chaotic/disconnected side of his lifestyle and try telling this story through a series of photos. I thought an effective way of showing this could be the use of silhouettes and slow shutter speed like I did in my own self-portraits.
Portrait research/artist model research
Annie Leibovitz 
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I've never really known much about portrait photography, after doing some brief research I learnt that portrait photography is to capture the essence inside a subject through the way the photographer takes the picture. I came across Annie’s work whilst looking through portrait photographers and her work caught my eye. I really like the first image of Leonardo DiCaprio, I think the background/grass and the rules of thirds Annie used makes it a great and interesting picture for people to view.
Arnold Newman
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I stumbled across Arnold Newman when researching portrait photographers. I was fascinated and interested in the way he took portrait photos. It seems that in his photos he captures the subject in their living/normal working environment. For example like the second image of the man at his working desk. I think this way of taking photos of subject really gives a portrait photo more meaning compared to just taking a portrait up close of someone. I'm going to take inspiration from Arnold and try do this in my own work.
Mark Mann
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The photos above are taking by Mark Mann, these photos caught my eye and his photography style in general because of his use of light and background. Usually a portrait would be taking with  a normal background like in a house or outside somewhere but Mark captures his subjects on plain simple backgrounds with interesting uses of light. I think this gives viewers more focus to the actual subject and not what's going around in the whole image. 
Muhammed Faread
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When researching I was looking into long exposure/experimental portrait photography. I found the photographer Muhammed Faread and was very intrigued by his work. Mohamed takes and puts together his portrait photos is a very unique way. He blends his subjects with another photo usually something to do with nature or the purpose, After getting his images he blends and touches up his images resulting in a amazing effect. I really want to try do something like this in my own portraiture work and help further tell story's through the images i take, I just need to look out for and think about what the purpose of my editing. Blending is going to be so I'm not just giving my subject matter false meaning.
Eduardo Asenjo Matus
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Edurado was another photographer i found and was inspired from, using long exposure and black and white colouring Edurado captures his subjects in a very unique way. The way he uses greyscale and long exposure gives his photos a real chaotic look. I really like the way this looks and want to experiment myself to see if i can continue to tell a story with these kind of ideas and effects.
Nick Fancher
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After finding a bunch of artist models that took portrait photography to the next I really wanted to push myself to create and try make more interesting portrait photos. It seems Nick is a big fan of using overlays/foreground for his subjects. In the photos above it looks like he put some blurry glass that looks smudged, I think this makes the subject look more mysterious and up for question, especially with the black and white filter. Also in the first image the use of lighting on the subjects face really makes the image pop out. I don't want to copy his work but I do want to take inspiration and try things that could give me interesting results.
Marta Bevacqua
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In photography postproduction editing is my favorite part of it all I think my true creative and vision shows when it comes to editing, Marta caught my eyes straight away with her use of editing, in some of her work her editing is not all postproduction (digital editing), she finds unique ways to shoot and creates practical effects that contribute to her images. I am going to take ideas and inspiration from her and try do similar things in my own work, When I first saw her work, I had the idea of collaging other images around my subject matter to help tell more of a story about who I'm photographing and who and what they are like.
Thomas Leuthard
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Thomas’s work caught my eye in a unique way to the other photographers I found when researching, when I first saw the images above I could see more into the image and what was going on and the kind of people they were, In the photo of the girl on the train it made me think of a woman who works everyday catching the train to work and home from work. I thought this photo was an insight into her life and a portrayal showing how tired she is coming home from work. Each of these photos have a story behind it and to me they are more than just photos. Seeing Thomas do this and have this effect on me really inspired me to try to get viewers of my own work to feel or see the same the use of his black and white color helps a lot with the story/ ideas.
Adam Ferguson
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I found Adam’s work shortly after having my first self-portrait shoot done by my friend. It reminded me a lot of my own work for e.g., the mysterious unknown element side of it. This gave me a lot more ideas of how I could further my practice with this theme/style and gave me inspiration of how I could make my photos in this stye more interesting and more purposeful
Edward Honaker
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When researching I realized I had been focusing a lot on normal portrait photography, I wanted to look more into self-portrait photographers as that was something I was interested in for my zine as well. After looking through a few self-portrait photographers I found Edward, Edwards work once again reminded me of my black and white unknown mysterious theme that I was trying to further work on, in his photos he uses slow shutter speeds and dim lighting that give his photos a cold/empty vibe. I really wanted to try experiment with slow shutter speed after seeing his work, in my eyes having blurry photos with a slow shutter speed adds a lot of grief a chaos to an image. I thought I could use this technique to my advantage when telling a story if it involved these sorts of themes. He also gave me some cool ideas of how I could use curtains and lighting to create distant ominous looking silhouettes of myself or of my subject matter.
Kyle Thompson
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found after saving Kyles work that it was quite different to the other artist models I investigated, I thought this was a good thing, I think having different points of inspiration and ideas would help my work develop in the best feasible way instead of just sticking to what I already knew. I really liked in Kyle’s work how he takes very surreal ambient photos but colors them in a very warm way that kind of conflicts his themes and ideas that comes from the image itself, Kyles work is all self portrait photography which really impressed me, His use of editing in some of his photos as well completes him images. I thought deepening on who or what I was photographing I could use this style of color or even try do something different with colder/ more blue colors. His editing in his works for e.g., the photo of the falling knives gave me some ideas of using editing in a very subtle way that does not draw attention away from the photography itself but just helps further contribute to the image's ideas and themes.
Andreas Feininge
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Unfortunately when it came to self-portraits I did not have a tri pod or any camera stand I could use to capture myself, I thought I could maybe take Andreas’s approach of close self portrait photography. The only way I could really takes photos of myself was putting my camera up on books or a shelf and setting a timer or getting my friends to take them of me with my guidance of ISO, shot size etc. I always though having my camera shown in mirror self portraits was unprofessional/ lazy but I now have realized its more about how the photos turn out and not about it mattering if my camera is visible in the shot. After seeing Andreas’s work I wanted to give mirror self portrait photography another go. With my new knowledge I could try create a interesting self portrait of myself.
Ryan Gee
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I have always loved skateboarding photography but never tried it out myself mostly because of its irrelevance to the topics I was focusing on, but when thinking again about how I could further tell stories through images and displaying sometimes identity/personality I thought it would be perfect to take photos like Ryan but of my friends. Ryan showed me the possibilities of what I could do with skateboarding and how I can create a story with it in my own work. Next time I shoot I want to try using a fisheye effect and try to make a series of images that tells a story through skateboarding and my friends themselves.  
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The Image assignment 2 (2021)
For our second assignment we are furthering our photography and ideas in micro history. My goal for this assessment is to photograph locations/ or things to tell a story of my microhistory and give my images more meaning and story.
idea: nostalgia/places that bring back memories or the feeling of peace
I am sticking with my previous idea nostalgia, I've always had interest in sentimental things like objects and locations and I want to continue to bring the ideas of my own nostalgia out in my work.
self directed learning
My plan for my second part of shooting is a little different from my first, I want to try explore different lighting and times of day to create my photos. I will try to go out when its dark at night to capture certain things that remind me of something or have a story behind them. I mostly focussed on pretty sunny locations that bring back nostalgia but there are things during night that bring that feeling of nostalgia even more that I want to try capture and display.
Around my home and area there are always things that hold a certain memory or feeling, I want to capture these things in a way that appeals to a viewer's eyes and will help them visualise what I'm trying to display.
This week I was experimenting with the fisheye effect (wide angle photos) I was trying to capture a image using the fisheye effect to its full potential while still capturing my idea of nostalgia.
Shoot 1
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focal length 4.25mm f/1.8 iso25
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focal length 4.25 mm f/1.8 iso25
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focal length: 4.25mm f/1.8  ISO 25
Shoot 2
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focal length 4.25 f/1.8 ISO 25
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focal length: 4.25mm f/1.8 ISO 25
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focal length 4.25 f/1.8 ISO 25
Shoot 3
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f/5.6 ISO 6400
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f/5.6 ISO 3200
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f/5.6 ISO 400
shoot 4
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f/5.0 ISO 6400
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f/4.5 ISO 4000
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f/5.0 ISO 6400
Artist models/research
Ted Gore
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while researching artist and photographers I came across Ted Gore. Ted’s work caught my eye in the way he takes his photos. His photography is so dreamy and hazy and at the same time realistic and pleasing to look at. I'm a big fan of dream core/ blurry overexposed images and i want to try get this surreal look in the photos I take myself.
Ted Gore. (2020, January 13). -recent work — Ted gore. https://www.tedgorecreative.com/recentwork
Max Rive
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The work above this is Max Rive’s photography, His photos take landscape photography to a next level displaying high details of beautiful natural locations across the world. I was inspired by the use of max’s wide angle photos, I remembered that I had a fisheye feature on my camera and I want to try take landscape photos using it and in my work.
Max Rive. (2020, March 11). maxrivephotography. Max Rive Photography. https://maxrivephotography.com/
Michael Kenna
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Michael Kenna is a lot different to the other photographers I've talked about. His work captured my eyes with his empty melancholic style to his photos, he makes his photos seem surreal and dreamy with grey scale and minimalistic subject matter in his photos, I'm probably not going to use greyscale but i want to experiment with achieving this kind of style in my own work.
Rossi, T. (2019, December 2). 31 best landscape photographers: Modern and classic. FixThePhoto.com. https://fixthephoto.com/best-landscape-photographers.html
0 notes
self directed/in class learning
Week 1
During our first class we were looking into light and used a light meter app. This app allowed us to measure the intensity of light. This app gave me a better understanding of how light works in a camera and what settings give the best results depending on the subject matter/scene.
During the class we did a exercise on light and had to take photos of certain things for e.g. bounce light, back light, fill light and much more. After learning this we were told to walk around our neighbourhood using these new techniques we learnt. This first shoot was also the start of helping us develop our microhistory's.
Overall the first week was a good introductory to our microhistory and learning about light gave me more knowledge about taking photos and how I could use it in my own photos for a good result.
Week 2
For week two we looked into camera exposure, aperture iso and shutter speed. I had forgotten quite a lot of this knowledge prior to the class so this helped me get back on my feet and remember about parts and techniques of the camera.
exposure - how exposed the photo is to light
shutter speed - how fast the photo is being taken, fast = clear crisp photo slow = blurry flowy photo
iso - amount of light let into the lens for a photo
This is always helpful to know because when shooting you always want to avoid having under exposed overexposed blurry photos.
Week 3
For week three we went back to developing our ideas for our microhistory, we were paired up with 3 other people that we didn't know and talked and developed our microhistories and gave each other tips and advice.
After doing that we started to look into camera focus and exploring techniques such as depth of field and how to focus correctly on what your taking a photograph of.
Week 4
In week four’s class we looked into colour temperature and the differences between a warm and a cold photo. Photo temperature is measured in (Kelvin) and has a meter that goes from very cold to very warm. We went around the building and took photos of different scenes using the different temperature settings on our camera and what kind of photo they produced.
We figured out that a low temperature shot sat around 3000 kelvin this produced a very cold and blue photo using the tungsten temperature effect on the camera
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research + artist models
Landscape photography - Thomas Heaton & Ted Gore
I wanted to include the genre of landscape photography into my work, I found some landscape photographers that took photos that appealed to me and ideas that I could influence into my own work.
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These are an example of Thomas and Ted’s artwork. They take photos of landscapes and nature in surreal ethereal way that I really like. They take photos in a way that the viewer of the photos can get a sort of emotion reaction off them and take something away from them. I am also going to try do something similar to this when taking landscape/outside nature photos around my neighbourhood. Through my years of living in my area there a certain things like the way my street looks depending on weather or how the sky and clouds look that give me sense of nostalgia. I'm going to try capture these things through landscape photography and inspiration from these photographers to try develop and portray my ideas of nostalgia to people and viewers who see it.
Photographer of the month: Thomas Heaton. (2017, December 6). CaptureLandscapes. https://www.capturelandscapes.com/photographer-month-thomas-heaton/
(n.d.). Ted Gore. https://www.tedgorecreative.com/
objects/subject matter -  ​Robert Sulkin & Shihya Kowatari
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Shihya and Robert are still life object photographers who portray normal objects or subject matter in a unique different way that most don't. They use there photography styles to bring a simple object or thing to life and make it interesting and aesthetic. One of my ideas for my own work was to capture objects or things that represent nostalgia to myself, I'm going to try capture these objects for example and old game console that I grew up with or some old drawings i made when I was young. Using lighting compositing and depth of field etc I want to capture these almost everyday normal objects in aesthetic pretty way to give the object more interest and help it contribute to my idea of nostalgia.
Jokkel, D. (2020, August 19). 10 contemporary still life photographers to follow in 2021. ExpertPhotography. https://expertphotography.com/still-life-photographers/
weather - Boris Jordan &  Alexey Trofimov
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In my opinion I think weather can create a strong emotional reaction to a viewer of the photo. I wanted to explore artist models that focused on weather like the images above. Depending on what kind of weather is in a photo depends how someone will feel when viewing it. During the seasons in my area each kind of setting/weather reminds me of something. E.g. blue cloudy sky's remind me of the summer and holidays where everything is peaceful and relaxing and winter seems cozy and a little sad. By using the correct weather i want in my photos will be hard but If i can i think it could contribute really well to the ending result of the photo and the idea of nostalgia I'm trying to show.
Gilbert, S. (2020, October 18). Weather photographer of the year 2020 – in pictures. the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2020/oct/18/weather-photographer-of-the-year-2020-in-pictures
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the image
week 1
microhistory idea: Nostalgia
In this assignment I am exploring the idea of nostalgia for my microhistory. I want to capture photos around my  neighbourhood and general area of the things that bring me a sense of nostalgia or feeling. For example this could be things such as the place I first played a sport or an object I had when I was younger. I'm also going to experiment outside the normal ideas of nostalgia and capture certain things like landscapes and nature as they also bring me some kind of nostalgia. 
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shoot 1 best images
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f/25.0 1/125 iso 400
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f/25.0 1/100 iso 400
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f/25 1/125
iso 400
Week 2
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shoot 2 best images
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f/25.0 1/80 iso 400
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f/4.5 1/1250
iso 640
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f/5.0 1/1250
iso 640
week 3
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shoot 3 best images
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f/4.5 1/1250
iso 6400
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f/5.6 1/1250
iso 64000
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f/5.0 1/1250
iso 6400
week 4
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shoot 4 best images
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f/5.6 1/1250
iso 6400
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f/4.5 1/1250
iso 6400
(too grainy not a good image...)
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f/5.0  1/1250
iso 6400
week 4 class reflection
In class we looked at different areas of light. These areas had different modes of colour temperature. We learned how to adjust white balance to better suit the mood we were aiming for. 2000k (kelvin) achieved a cooler colour, more blue. 8000k achieved a much warmer colour, more yellow/orange. Lastly we learned how to hold a dslr to achieve shots as if they were taken on a tripod. Ultimately the stance and how we held the camera allowed me to be more stable.
week 5
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shoot 5 best images
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f/9.0 1/500
iso 100
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f/8.0 1/400
iso 100
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f/25.0  1/4
iso 100
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