feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
To make your Man really love you and become obsessed with you, You need too control his Mind in order to win his heart! Introducing Femina Aura. Subscribe to us on Youtube!
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
Fantasy Versus Reality: Why Femina Aura is the only World's Legit Mind and Heart Control Seduction for Women?
Fantasy is way different from reality. Once you face the real world using your fantasies and unrealistic expectations, then expect that you won’t get the real results! Fantasy sometimes makes us blind and dumb and it brings us to the unrealistic world in order to forget and reject reality!
This is what happens in Dating and Relationship life. From the time of your childhood up to this date, you are still carrying those fantasies which make you dumb and blind! This is because of the fucking influences of TV Commercials and Billboard wherein if the girl endorser is beautiful the guy must be handsome too! And it’s also because of the unrealistic love stories on Romantic Pocket Books, TV shows, Soap Operas and Dramas on Netflix which gives us false fantasies and unrealistic love stories!
Because of these factors, Women’s perception of Love life gone astray! These fantasy influencers such as TV Commercials, Romantic Pocket Books, and TV Soap Operas and Love Stories depriving all women to know and understand the reality of dating and relationship world. Listen…. Whatever you read and watched from romantic books and movies will never ever happen in reality because let does not kid ourselves, These shits are pure business! Companies such as TV shows as well as book productions supply these products and services on the consumers for their entertainment and romantic fantasy needs PERIOD! And whether you accept it or not, Romantic fantasy Movies and Books are a Million Dollar Industry! but it puts people away from reality! This is the typical model and illustration of our women’s perception of Love life.
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This is the most common fantasy of women in our society when you talk about dating and relationships. Look, most of us believe that once a new couple begins there relationship it’s a romantic love story and journey and some strongly believe that there is “FOREVER”, “SOUL MATE”, “MEANT TO BE” and many more fantasy terms!
But In Femina Aura school of thoughts, All things are based on a factual basis, reality and Science and Psychology. This is the real illustration of love life from the reality of life standpoint.
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At the first stage of the relationship, the couple’s love is still fresh and in it’s prime. As they move along the way the personalities and the true color of each other will reveal. After a long period of time, the Man will feel sick and tired because he already saw all charm and personality of his girlfriend or wife. This is the point of threshold wherein “Do or Die” takes place. If a woman has still left in her tank to show something new and attractive to her Man then she can retain and maintain her boyfriend or husband. Meaning it will recycle and go back to it’s “fresh love condition” but when a woman is lack of skills and ability to retain her attractiveness to his man and she doesn’t have something new and attractive anymore to show then her man will starts to lose interest and the relationship will possibly come to an end! Did you see the difference??? Well, some of you are now mad at me and maybe others want to hit me but HEY… relax sister and please learn from me and don’t criticize me OK??? I just want all of you girls to know that the truth about Love and Relationship is… “Women can retain and maintain their Man as long as they can maintain and improve their attractiveness and interestingness” PERIOD! and there is no other known way to maintain your Man for life! And this is the root cause why many women wonder why after only a couple of months or just 1 to 2 years, their Man was already sick and tired and got bored on them. Yes, it is! Because women, in reality, has no knowledge and skills to retain and maintain the interest and attraction of their Man! and if you are carefully paying attention you will notice that the main reason is simple the “FANTASY” brought by these TV and Billboard Commercials and Romantic Movies wherein every scene and situations are scripted and not realistic in real life! because of these kinds of stuff, Women’s brains and hearts are programmed and conditioned to a “FANTASY” rather than “REALITY” and they frequently compare their real love life and relationship to the romantic scenes that they watch or read! The solution to this… . The first Module of the Femina Aura “METAMORPHOSIS”! 
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This Powerful mindset and wisdom transformation tools will eliminate all wrong and false mindsets and knowledge that the society and media implanted on you and will replace by facts and reality based on science and psychology so that you will now have the true understandings of how your brain and heart work on dating and relationship and how Men think, behave and do their dark tactics! Once you finished the first module you will notice a dramatic transformation in your mindset and wisdom like you’ve never experienced before! This powerful conversion and transformation of you will also make you tough that no womanizer can victimize you and you will a master on how to pick the right guy who deserves your time and attention. Thus, eliminating a huge amount of time and eliminating garbage mindsets that mislead you! After you already transformed into new you, you will now eligible to start taking and mastering the 5 phases of Femina Aura’s core and heart which is the “FREAK” Model, the world’s most effective, deadly and forbidden women’s seduction system, hidden throughout the ages and hidden from the outside world!
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Once you have these tools and skills it’s 101% effective and devastating in seducing men and making him addicted to you and your property for a lifetime! Come to the world’s most effective, authentic and deadly women’s seduction art and discipline “The Femina Aura”
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
Learn about the world’s most effective, deadly and forbidden Women’s seduction art “FEMINA AURA” join the free Audio Seminar and gain the world’s dark skills to seduce, dominate and manipulate the Man you like and love!
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
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Testimonials of the past students and now a professional Femina Aura Practitioners! Join them and get all men you want even you are only average looking woman! gain the devastating power that was hidden from the outside world!
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
Femina Aura Free Master Seminar
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
Fantasy Versus Reality: Why Femina Aura is the only World's Legit Mind and Heart Control Seduction for Women?
Fantasy is way different from reality. Once you face the real world using your fantasies and unrealistic expectations, then expect that you won't get the real results! Fantasy sometimes makes us blind and dumb and it brings us to the unrealistic world in order to forget and reject reality!
This is what happens in Dating and Relationship life. From the time of your childhood up to this date, you are still carrying those fantasies which make you dumb and blind! This is because of the fucking influences of TV Commercials and Billboard wherein if the girl endorser is beautiful the guy must be handsome too! And it's also because of the unrealistic love stories on Romantic Pocket Books, TV shows, Soap Operas and Dramas on Netflix which gives us false fantasies and unrealistic love stories!
Because of these factors, Women's perception of Love life gone astray! These fantasy influencers such as TV Commercials, Romantic Pocket Books, and TV Soap Operas and Love Stories depriving all women to know and understand the reality of dating and relationship world. Listen.... Whatever you read and watched from romantic books and movies will never ever happen in reality because let does not kid ourselves, These shits are pure business! Companies such as TV shows as well as book productions supply these products and services on the consumers for their entertainment and romantic fantasy needs PERIOD! And whether you accept it or not, Romantic fantasy Movies and Books are a Million Dollar Industry! but it puts people away from reality! This is the typical model and illustration of our women's perception of Love life.
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This is the most common fantasy of women in our society when you talk about dating and relationships. Look, most of us believe that once a new couple begins there relationship it's a romantic love story and journey and some strongly believe that there is "FOREVER", "SOUL MATE", "MEANT TO BE" and many more fantasy terms!
But In Femina Aura school of thoughts, All things are based on a factual basis, reality and Science and Psychology. This is the real illustration of love life from the reality of life standpoint.
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At the first stage of the relationship, the couple's love is still fresh and in it's prime. As they move along the way the personalities and the true color of each other will reveal. After a long period of time, the Man will feel sick and tired because he already saw all charm and personality of his girlfriend or wife. This is the point of threshold wherein "Do or Die" takes place. If a woman has still left in her tank to show something new and attractive to her Man then she can retain and maintain her boyfriend or husband. Meaning it will recycle and go back to it's "fresh love condition" but when a woman is lack of skills and ability to retain her attractiveness to his man and she doesn't have something new and attractive anymore to show then her man will starts to lose interest and the relationship will possibly come to an end! Did you see the difference??? Well, some of you are now mad at me and maybe others want to hit me but HEY... relax sister and please learn from me and don't criticize me OK??? I just want all of you girls to know that the truth about Love and Relationship is. . . "Women can retain and maintain their Man as long as they can maintain and improve their attractiveness and interestingness" PERIOD! and there is no other known way to maintain your Man for life! And this is the root cause why many women wonder why after only a couple of months or just 1 to 2 years, their Man was already sick and tired and got bored on them. Yes, it is! Because women, in reality, has no knowledge and skills to retain and maintain the interest and attraction of their Man! and if you are carefully paying attention you will notice that the main reason is simple the "FANTASY" brought by these TV and Billboard Commercials and Romantic Movies wherein every scene and situations are scripted and not realistic in real life! because of these kinds of stuff, Women's brains and hearts are programmed and conditioned to a "FANTASY" rather than "REALITY" and they frequently compare their real love life and relationship to the romantic scenes that they watch or read! The solution to this. . . . The first Module of the Femina Aura "METAMORPHOSIS"! 
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This Powerful mindset and wisdom transformation tools will eliminate all wrong and false mindsets and knowledge that the society and media implanted on you and will replace by facts and reality based on science and psychology so that you will now have the true understandings of how your brain and heart work on dating and relationship and how Men think, behave and do their dark tactics! Once you finished the first module you will notice a dramatic transformation in your mindset and wisdom like you've never experienced before! This powerful conversion and transformation of you will also make you tough that no womanizer can victimize you and you will a master on how to pick the right guy who deserves your time and attention. Thus, eliminating a huge amount of time and eliminating garbage mindsets that mislead you! After you already transformed into new you, you will now eligible to start taking and mastering the 5 phases of Femina Aura's core and heart which is the "FREAK" Model, the world's most effective, deadly and forbidden women's seduction system, hidden throughout the ages and hidden from the outside world!
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Once you have these tools and skills it's 101% effective and devastating in seducing men and making him addicted to you and your property for a lifetime! Come to the world's most effective, authentic and deadly women's seduction art and discipline "The Femina Aura"
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feminaaura1-blog · 4 years
Learn about the world’s most effective, deadly and forbidden Women’s seduction art “FEMINA AURA” join the free Audio Seminar and gain the world’s dark skills to seduce, dominate and manipulate the Man you like and love!
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