femivita · 4 years
Starting solids!
What signs should I look for to indicate my baby is ready for solids? Should we start with spoon-feeding? Pouches? Finger foods?
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A: Solid food initiation, supported current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, should start at 4 to six months aged. Whether an infant begins solids at 4 months or waits until 6 months is predicated on individual maternal preferences and general growth and development.
Some infants may show signs of increased food needs under appearing hungry or not fully satisfied with feedings. Others may exhibit irritability. you'll observe wakefulness during a baby who was previously sleeping well. If your baby is slow in gaining weight, he might enjoy receiving more calories through solid foods.
Single food groups are often added individually. for instance, grains (cereals), vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meats and poultry are often given by spoon, usually twice daily. Within each food group, individual components, like squash, could also be added once the previously introduced food is tolerated.
It is important to know that these new food groups don't replace the milk source but rather complement it. As infants grow, their calorie needs to increase on the idea of weight gain, and this translates to requiring more food.
Once all food groups are introduced and tolerated, new food delivery techniques are often entertained. The food pouch trend is extremely convenient, less messy, and more suitable to the “feed on the run” concept. Finger foods can start as early as 9 months if the kid is neurodevelopmentally ready and inclined. Remember that there's no reason previously introduced finger table foods can't be comingled with traditional baby foods within the same meal.
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femivita · 4 years
Mapping baby’s day!
Some parents hold baby to a strict schedule. Others ignore the clock and accompany the flow. How will you lay out your routine?
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Many turns of the clock ago, I used to be a young, first-time mother of the foremost easygoing baby on the earth. I took my daughter to restaurants, movies, trips overseas;
she ate when she was hungry and slept when she was tired, whether we were reception or away. Past eight weeks aged, she slept soundly when it had been dark, and she or he woke with a smile when the sun shone through her window. When someone asked me what time my baby went down for a nap, I didn’t have a solid answer.
Based on my very own parenting experience, I had little compassion when baby and that I met up with a university friend who also had her first baby in tow. We had done some shopping and were beginning to mention where to travel for lunch when, suddenly, she checked out her watch and nearly bolted for the door. it had been almost time for her baby to require his nap—if he didn’t, the remainder of the day would be ruined! I didn’t object, but I even have to confess to thinking, can’t baby sleep in his stroller while you keep it up together with your day?
Ten years later, I check out our firstborn children and see some key differences. My girl remains sweet and mellow, but she’s rather sluggish when it’s time to go away for college within the morning, and her showers last well into the double digits. My friend’s son is very energetic, athletic, and always in a hurry. I even have to admit, my friend is far more organized and efficient than I am! While we each have four kids now, her house looks pretty on the brink of perfect in the least times. My house looks … well, it's like four kids sleep in it.
So who had the “better” system? Each folk had a life-style that fit our personalities and our babies’ temperaments. We were comfortable and our babies were happy. Both babies are beautiful, brilliant middle-schoolers now—each wonderful in their way. Did the schedules we set (or didn’t set) for our babies determine the type of massive kids they might grow into? To some extent, yes, probably. Scheduling is one slice of the nature-vs.-nurture pie. But as far as each folk made time for the important things and let our youngsters know they were loved, we were both on the proper track.
So the question is, should your baby get on a schedule? If so, how rigid should that schedule be? and the way should it's determined? Before these questions are often answered, take a glance at your life and yourself. Then you'll conjure a sensible vision of what a successful day seems like for your family.
What are some time constraints? It’s one thing to mention, “I’m getting to let baby determine her day—sleep when she’s tired, eat when she’s hungry.” But that’s not a sensible approach for a working mama or a family with multiple children who got to be driven certain places at certain times. once I had my first baby, I started to figure from home as an intern for P&N. I had nothing but flexibility, so the baby’s schedule could vary from day to day. When the baby was tired, I might put her down for her nap, pull out my laptop, and obtain some work done. After she woke, I might feed her whenever she acted hungrily, take her for walks when the weather was nice, play together with her, and skim her books at any time of day. She naturally slept well in the dark, regardless of what time I put her down, and she or he was liberal to sleep in if she wanted to.
When my first was a touch older, though still a baby, I started to figure for P&N full-time, commuting from the Atlanta suburbs to an office closer to the town center. Every working day, my daughter suddenly had time to rise and an area to be. She became familiar with spending set hours at a babysitter’s house while I used to be at work. Mealtimes and sleep time became more structured because they had to. Still, she rolled with it pretty much.
Today, I still have a baby. He looks remarkably like that first baby (especially once you stick a bow in his hair). But poor baby No. 4 doesn’t have tons of say in his schedule. Every morning, he's up and dressed and fed breakfast in time to require the large kids to high school, then straight to the gym for mama’s fitness fix, then immediately home for his nap. He generally gets to make a decision when he will awaken from his nap (sometimes, though, he doesn’t get that luxury). Then it’s time to eat, run errands, and head back to high school to select up the youngsters. Afternoons and evenings are dominated by the large kids’ activities, counting on the season, then dinner and bed.
In summary, I’ve experienced the slow lifetime of the first-time mom, the ordered lifetime of the working mom, and therefore the chaotic lifetime of a mom of 4. All are pretty great and are available with unique challenges. As you think about a timetable for your baby, take a glance at the parameters that govern your household. What time does the baby get to be up? Can she set her schedule, or will outside demands necessitate a wake-up call? Does the baby have unrestricted napping opportunities, or are there certain times that employment best for the remainder of the family?
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What does a baby need? A newborn needs about 16 hours of sleep in every 24-hour day, but her nap times are rather unpredictable. At three months, a baby still needs 13-15 hours of sleep every day, including naps that are getting longer and more regular. Since three months is additionally the benchmark when many mamas end maternity leave and return to figure, it’s an honest time to plan out a schedule that will work for you and for baby within the months to return.
Getting into a routine together with your tot starts with observing her innate patterns. Polly Moore, Ph.D., author of The Natural Baby Sleep Solution, recommends putting baby down for naps at regular intervals supported a biological rhythm called the essential rest and activity cycle, or the BRAC. The BRAC is species-specific: for humans, it’s a 90-minute cycle. Moore found that babies consistently exhibit sleep behavior in tune with the BRAC, growing tired 90 minutes after they last awakened. “After 90 minutes of wakefulness, the baby has completed the alert phase governed by his inner clock,” says Moore. “This is when the baby has the simplest chance of falling asleep quickly and simply.
Moore’s BRAC-based program works wonderfully if you've got a schedule that allows it, or if your child attends a daycare that’s hospitable that sort of personalization. Following baby’s natural BRAC may be a way of letting her establish a schedule that you simply can work with, instead of the opposite way around. “This isn't a program of putting the baby ‘on a schedule,’” Moore emphasizes. “Rather, the approach is to find out to follow your baby’s inner schedule, your baby’s own internal sleep, and wake rhythms.”
If your day-to-day is more rigid, or if your daycare has specific nap times they need to adhere to, you'll find more success in setting baby’s schedule for her. Teressa DeDominicis, mother to Amelia in Fredericksburg, Virginia, knew her family would operate more smoothly with the baby on a daily schedule, particularly when DeDominicis returned to figure after six weeks of maternity leave. “I talked to my daycare provider about their infant room schedule,” says DeDominicis, “so I could make the transition as seamless as possible, which worked rather well .” counting on the requirements of the family, a workable schedule could also be set by the oldsters, the daycare or the baby herself, then shared with the opposite members of your baby care squad.
What works for you as a mother? “I kept all of my babies on schedules,” says Kasey Tross, a mother of 4 in Chesterfield, Virginia. “The better part about it had been knowing what they needed once they cried. supported where we were in our schedule, I knew if they were hungry, tired, or had an upset tummy.”
I feel most confident as a mother once I understand why the baby is crying so that I'm ready to meet his needs. Even once I completely ignore the clock, I stick with a pattern of wake-eat-play-sleep during the day, and wake-eat-sleep in the dark (until the wake-eat part shrinks and disappears, leaving only wonderful sleep!). Adhering to the pattern lets me know that if my son is fussing, albeit he’s eaten recently, it’s because he now must sleep. regardless of the length of every nap, the baby will expect to eat right when he wakes up.
Following a schedule—or a minimum of a pattern—can help both parents (along with other regular or occasional caregivers) know what to expect. DeDominicis says of her baby’s schedule, “It helps manage expectations together with your spouse about what's needed when.” If the baby always goes down for a nap at 10 a.m., then there’s no need for debate when he seems irritated at 9:55 a.m.
Schedule-keeper Laurel Osai, the mother to Ephraim in North Salt Lake, Utah, says, “Some people feel that a schedule could be binding; however, I find it freeing as I can plan my day accordingly.” Osai makes an honest point: Guessing at baby’s needs is often frustrating and ineffective. Plus, consistent with Moore, if you would like the baby to urge the quantity of sleep she needs, you ought to put her down for intentional naps that coordinate together with her BRAC. Unplanned naps that are available short bursts, within the car or stroller, don’t give baby the nourishing, deep sleep she requires.
Lindsey Bell, a mother of 4 in Holly Springs, North Carolina, says, “I let my first two picks their schedules and planned everything around that. It worked great, and that they were excellent sleepers! The downside was they were less adaptable to days that didn't accommodate their schedules.”
In contrast, Jennifer Anderson, a mother of six (!) in Castle Rock, Colorado, can’t let baby determine her schedule because the stress of the family has them constantly on the go. However, Anderson shares that mom and baby are both proud of the arrangement. She says of her daughter, “She is simply as happy and content because the first ones who were on a schedule.”
Alaina Percival, a mother to Edwin in San Francisco, California, frequently travels long distances together with her young son. While she doesn’t hold him to any kind of schedule, she shares that he typically takes three naps each day, sleeping reception or away, slowly adjusting to the zone he finds himself in.
Families have found success with many various strategies for time management. With the baby’s needs at the forefront, pick an approach that matches your personality and works for your household. Be consistent, but be willing to bend occasionally, too. Even the foremost stringent schedule must allow some flexibility for fun!
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femivita · 4 years
That’s a wrap?
Baby-wearing can give your babe a leg up on milestones, strengthen your bond and boost that new-mom confidence—it really is wins all around.
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As much as you’d like to spend all day, a day snuggling together with your little love, the unfortunate reality is that there are meals to cook, bills to pay, a hamper in desperate need of some relief—and maybe even a toddler testing his mom’s patience (along together with his ambidexterity on the walls). the great news is you'll keep your baby close and cross out items on your to-do list with just a touch of cloth and practice. However, babywearing (a term coined and trademarked by William Sears, MD, a breastfeeding and attachment parenting advocate) is quite a practical solution to urge stuff done. It’s an age-old tradition permanently reason—actually, for many good reasons. Read on to seek out out how carrying your bundle benefits you both.
Get physical
There’s a biological rationale behind your instinct to stay your newborn close. During the 40 weeks you spent toting your tot on the within, her permanent playlist was the steady drum of your heart and therefore the melody of her mama’s voice. She was comfortable in her cozy nook. it had been all she knew. But in a moment everything changed, and she or he found herself during a whole new world.
In her book BabyCalm: 
A Guide for folks on Sleep Techniques, Feeding Schedules, and Bonding together with your New Baby, author Sarah Ockwell-Smith explains that in utero your baby is in touch with you one hundred pc of the time. But from the instant she’s born, it’s estimated that percentage drops to 40.
By holding your newborn to your chest through babywearing, you’re reminding her of her first home sweet home. That familiar heartbeat, though not as loud, is comforting—as is feeling your chest rise and fall and gently bouncing to the rhythm of your steady gait. sort of a song she’s heard before, it brings her back thereto place where she felt safe.
“I could come up with 1,000,000 reasons why you ought to consider babywearing,” says Tayler Gunn, owner of Wildbird and mom of two in Carlsbad, California. “But I’ll keep it to at least one that's important to me: Babywearing creates a womb-type feeling—making the womb-to-world transfer easier for babies and thus creating happier babies and happier mamas.”
Your babe’s tiny body remains to adjust to life on the surface, and your steady breathing and pulse can stimulate and regulate her systems, too. As she continues to grow and develop, her body can, in a way, sync up with yours.
Newborns thrive through touch, and babywearing maybe thanks to meet this need. Studies show that when mothers practice babywearing regularly, their children gain weight faster. Many experts believe this is often because your wee one is close enough for you to acknowledge signs of hunger (like rooting) directly. Plus, if you propose on nursing, employing a carrier can keep your tiny diner supported and covered for straightforward eating wherever you would possibly be.
Moreover, being touched and held frequently bolsters other areas of physical development, like eyesight and language. “[Babywearing] increases the time a baby spends during a state of ‘quiet alertness’—a time of contentment when she is going to learn the foremost,” writes Ockwell-Smith. When your mini sticks by your side, she gets to ascertain what you see, hear what you say, and be a more active participant in lifestyle.
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Feeling fine
It’s not just your bub’s growing body that reaps the advantages of babywearing. employing a carrier also promotes emotional development, which translates to feeling happier and safer.
A study published within the journal Pediatrics compared two groups of mothers: Half were asked to wear their babies for a minimum of three hours each day and therefore the spouse wasn’t given any instructions about babywearing. The researchers found that infants who were a part of the primary group cried 43 percent less!
Some parents worry that constantly holding an infant will encourage her to demand attention and consequently become fussier, but studies reveal the other is true. You aren’t spoiling your tot by carrying her. Rather, you’re teaching her to trust you to stay here safe and comfortable during this unfamiliar world.
“With numerous benefits to babywearing, I honestly just love being on the brink of my baby … having [him] cuddle up and sleep on me while I'm going about my day,” Gunn says. “It’s become a special time that he and that I have. Now that he’s a touch older, he knows and gets excited when I’m close to wearing him, and [there’s] nothing better than that.”
Because of all the time, you two will spend together, you’ll still answer one another and strengthen your bond in small ways. When she is distressed—even if it’s just a whimper, you’re there to reassure her. When she coos, you won’t miss it, and you'll coo right back. Moments like these teach you ways to read your babe’s cues, so you recognize when she needs something before she has got to wail.
Understanding your newborn’s gestures and facial expressions allows you to speak without words (or tears!), which builds your confidence as a mother and reduces stress hormones at a time when feelings of postpartum depression can sneak in.
“I always know that [my son] wants and wishes me, but it’s times when he’s cuddled draw in the sling that I do know he loves me,” says Gunn. “[It’s] an exquisite thanks to getting to understand the new little babe in your life and for your babe to urge to understand you. Keep them close, and that I assure you they’ll love you the way you usually knew they might .”
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femivita · 4 years
How to become the parent you want to be?
Like any good adventure, parenthood requires a touch of designing. Here are some helpful tips for confidently raising folks you’re proud to send into the planet.
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1| Parent with purpose.
 Before your baby is born, sit down together with your partner and discuss words that you’d wish to be ready to use to explain to your child when he’s an adult. Courageous. Creative. Kind. Then, encourage these qualities from the get-go. If you would like your kid to be fearless, you can’t always swoop in to save lots of him when he’s during a pickle. If you would like your kid to be kind, show him what that appears like. you're your child’s first, most influential, and most treasured teacher. Lead by example to show him what’s important to you.
2| Adapt. 
albeit you've got it all planned to a T, flexibility is that the most lucrative trait of parenting. the sole constant in parenthood is that it’s constantly changing. Once you’ve found out one thing (burping!), something else is waiting just around the corner to form you question your ability—and sanity (teething!). Roll with the punches and know that regardless of what that babe is throwing at you, you’ll conquer this, too.
3| Stray from the pack. 
There’s a replacement study released on the particulars of parenting every day—trust us, we see them all—but it’s knowing to make your own decisions. attempt to avoid parenting “on-trend.” If an influencer you admire sings the risks of immunizations, read abreast of why she believes what she believes—and then read the opposite side’s argument, too—before choosing your child’s health. In our world of data overload, it is often hard to decipher what’s right and what’s wrong. Spoiler alert: There’s rarely a transparent line. Just worry about what’s right for you, albeit that opinion differs from the bulk.
4| Give yourself an opportunity. 
So, you would like to be an honest mom? Simply acknowledging that puts you on the proper path. Now, acknowledge this: an honest mom won't twiddling my thumbs all the time. She might yell. She won't say a word to anyone before she’s downed a minimum of two cups of coffee. She might hire a babysitter once every week with great care she will take a nap. There are 1,000,000 alternative ways to be an honest mom. You don’t need to be perfect; you only need to be you. Imperfections, anxieties, and everyone, you’re undoubtedly the simplest mom for your brood
5| Love. 
Honestly, it’s just that straightforward. Loved kids are happy kids. (Until they become teenagers, then all bets are off—but, luckily, they typically outgrow that tedious phase a bit like all the others.) The one thing all “good” moms have in common is that they love their kids with their whole heart every single second of every single day. Whether they’re at work, at home, out with the women or locked within the bathroom crying in the restroom, love is what unites us—and what makes us great.
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femivita · 4 years
How to time your contractions (no stopwatch required!)
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Timing your contractions can offer you a far better idea of what stage of labor you’re at – and allow you to know when it’s time to go to the hospital. So, download an app (or keep an eye fixed on the clock) and obtain timing…
OK, so contractions aren’t the nicest sensation within the world, but each cramp is a sign that you’ll soon get to satisfy your baby. It now pays off to be time-obsessive and keep track of how often they happening – and the way long they last.
The closer your contractions are together, the closer you're to parturition ....hooray!
When should you start timing contractions?
Start timing contractions as soon as you’ve had two or three and that they seem quite regular. ‘If you’ve had one or two await the third – by then you’ll know if it’s real!,’ says Cheryl MacDonald, founding father of Birth Rocks.
Your contractions will probably desire a mixture between a very bad period and constipation The pain may begin in your lower back and move toward your stomach or stay in your back area – it’s different with each woman.
To start with, they’ll probably last around a moment and happen every quarter-hour approximately. However, it’s important to recollect that there isn’t a group pattern so don’t worry if they’re not regular.
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What're the best thanks to time contractions?
There are many apps you'll download to stay track of your contractions – leaving you to breathe through all. Hallelujah for technology! If you would like to travel old fashioned and use a stopwatch, get your partner involved by arming them with a pen and paper.‘You don’t need to time all of them the way through the labor process because the main purpose of timing them is to work out if you’re actually in labor so once you recognize the solution – then you'll stop,’ says Cheryl.
At what point do you have to attend the hospital?
Head to the hospital when your contractions come every five or six minutes. ‘If they’re irregular, it could mean that you’re having Braxton Hicks and it’s false labor,’ says Cheryl. But its always safer to call the hospital to see.
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femivita · 4 years
20 early pregnancy symptoms (for when it's too early to take a test)
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What are the first pregnancy symptoms? Want to understand if you're within the early stages of pregnancy without taking a pregnancy test? Though you will not know needless to say without one, look out for these very early signs you'll be pregnant...
There is 20 early symptoms of pregnancy:
1. Tiredness
This is one among the primary signs of pregnancy to hit as your body gears up to start out supporting your baby and may even start within a fortnight of conceiving. If you are feeling extra exhausted and can't compute why this might be a symbol your body is preparing to grow a baby.
2. Nausea
Morning sickness is caused by a rise within the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). For many, this is often the primary sign of pregnancy. Don’t be misled by its name - while the nauseous feeling is commonest within the morning, it can strike at any time of day. Mum Lauren Whalley swore by some unusual foods to cure her morning sickness: "I felt like I used to be on a roller coaster from waking till bed until I used to be around 27 weeks," she said. "The only things I could eat were spaghetti hoops and fizzy Haribo."
3. Missed period
Another common indicator and one among the foremost concrete signs you're expecting. That said, if you've got irregular or light periods, this will be a simple one to miss. What's more, some women still have periods after they conceive.
4. Spotting or bleeding
This might sound strange and is another one which will be confused with a period, but around a 3rd of girls experience some kind of implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is when the fetus implants into the liner of your uterus and causes a little amount of blood. This usually happens 6 to 12 days after you've conceived.
Spotting in early pregnancy also can be a symbol of extrauterine pregnancy, so it is vital to speak to a healthcare professional if you're experiencing unforeseen bleeding.
5. More toilet trips
Although your baby won't be pressing on your bladder just yet (a common side effect you'll experience later in your pregnancy), the hormone changes, plus a greater blood volume and your kidneys working harder could mean you discover yourself rushing to the restroom more often immediately.
6. Breast changes
Another extremely common early pregnancy sign changes in your breasts. for a few women, their boobs increase a full cup size within the primary six weeks.
breast changes
7. Nipple changes
Pregnancy hormones cause your body's melanin production to extend temporarily - you would possibly notice this has caused your nipples and therefore the area around them (the areolas) to show a darker color.
8. Bleeding gums
If you've noticed blood when brushing your teeth, it might be that progesterone is responsible. This pregnancy hormone increases the flow of blood to gums, increasing sensitivity, and causing them to bleed more easily.
Bleeding gums are often an indicator of gum disease, which has been related to the risk of preterm birth, so always see your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.
9. Increased discharge
You may notice your body is producing more milky white discharge - this is often your body's thanks to preventing harmful infections from traveling upwards and harming your baby.
10. Changes in facial complexion
A slightly odd-sounding symptom, but some women experience changes in facial complexion during pregnancy. this is often medically mentioned as melasma, chloasma, or 'mask of pregnancy' and is caused by a short-lived increase in pigmentation.
facial changes in pregnancy
11. Feeling lightheaded or fainting
It's thought that the pregnancy hormone progesterone makes your blood vessels relax and widen to extend blood flow around the body, causing low vital signs.
12. Shortness of breath
Feeling out of breath doing all of your usual exercise routines or walking up the stairs? The surge of progesterone your body produces when you're pregnant expands your lung capacity which suggests you will find yourself wanting to take more breaths.
13. Increased sense of smell or taste
If you suddenly can't bear the perfume you've worn for years or your colleague's choice of a tuna sandwich, it might be another early pregnancy sign. this is often right down to the hormone estrogen which is heightening your responses to things that may be harmful to your growing baby.
14. Back pain
If you're already affected by backache, it might be caused by the pregnancy hormone relaxin, which makes your ligaments and joints relax and become looser so your body is prepared to offer birth. Mum Beth Green struggled with back pain throughout her pregnancy: "I struggled tons with my back during pregnancy, so I found swimming was an excellent thanks to exercise because it relieved the pain whilst helping me to remain active."
back pain
15. Feeling pregnant
Some women are so in tune with their bodies they report 'feeling' pregnant before taking a bioassay. you would possibly have detected those early hormone changes, so it's worth checking!
16. Metallic taste in the mouth
Another common early sign of pregnancy, this one even has its name: 'dysgeusia'.
17. Period-like cramps
It's the right time of the month and you've got the traditional period cramps. But wait, these stomach aches might be a symbol you've conceived and therefore the egg has implanted into the uterine wall, causing that familiar cramping sensation.
18. Excessive saliva
Medically mentioned as ptyalism, this is often another one caused by those early hormonal changes.
19. Headaches
Many women experience headaches around the time their period, thanks to a surge within the hormone estrogen. After conception, your estrogen levels also rise, which might be what's causing that pounding head.
headache pregnant
20. Food aversions
If you suddenly can't bear the sight or maybe the idea of a coddled egg, it might be that you simply are experiencing the primary trimester pregnancy food aversions. Whilst the egg aversion may be a common one, it can happen with any sorts of food.
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femivita · 4 years
The Truth About Being Pregnant In Your 40s
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There is no right or wrong age to possess a baby – different decades have their benefits, with ways to stay you and your baby healthy
Your fertility
Low. ‘The number of eggs you've got at this age can vary – some women have a far better reserve,’ says Penelope. ‘Your eggs will have a better risk of chromosome defects, which could lead to development problems, like Downs syndrome.’
You’re most likely to:
“The number of eggs you have at this age can vary”
Be prepared for motherhood. ‘You know what you would like and the way to invite it, says Zita. this will impact on everything from birth choices to breastfeeding, which statistically features a higher uptake among women in their 40s than in their 20s.
You’re least likely to
Avoid pregnancy health problems. ‘Your system (heart, lungs, arteries, and veins) is a smaller amount strong, and this influences the danger of high vital sign, says Penelope. ‘Pregnant women in their 40s often have consultant-led care.’
What the experts say
You can have an easy pregnancy, so don’t stress. ‘Running a marathon is simpler when you’re younger but it’s not only people in their 20s who run them,’ says Mia.
What can you do?
“You can have a straightforward pregnancy, so don’t stress“
One mum reports back
Nicky Rudd, 43, from Surrey, runs a PR firm, is 36 weeks pregnant
‘For most of my 30s, my husband and that I was fixing my company. once we realized we wanted a family, I used to be nearing 40. We had three years of infertility problems with two rounds of IVF and even considered egg donation. Then, after taking an opportunity to relax, I fell pregnant naturally. it had been an enormous shock. I haven’t had any health problems but it’s been tiring – especially my final trimester. But I feel able to deal with the sleepless nights – I feel so lucky.’
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femivita · 4 years
Welcome To The World! Your Baby’s First Moments
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From feeds to sleep, get to grips together with your newborn’s first to-do list
Woah. Even after nine months of designing, nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming realization that you simply are liable for one very special little package. Exciting! Oh yes. Scary? That, too. But forewarned is forearmed – so read on for what you would possibly expect from your baby’s ‘firsts’
First waking moments
All babies are unique, so there’s no telling exactly what she’ll neutralize her first moments. She may spend 20 minutes looking around and trying to regulate to her startling new environment, she may nod off immediately or root for a feed. Just be guided by her.
First Feed
Once your baby is born, she’ll usually be placed straight onto your chest for her first feed. Many babies latch on immediately, but some need a touch help to urge into the proper position. ‘Your midwife will help thereupon,’ says Gail Johnson, from the Royal College of Midwives. If you opt to bottle feed your baby, your midwife will show you ways to sterilize your bottles and structural formula.
First Poo
“ Being born is a tiring experience for everyone, your newborn included ”
After your baby has had skin-to-skin contact and a feed, your midwife will put her during a nappy. this may need changing within a couple of hours. Your midwife will show you ways to carry your baby’s legs up, where to place nappy rash cream, and the way to avoid leaks. Some hospital units will provide nappies, but pack some in your hospital bag just in case. ‘If you’re unsure when to vary your newborn, have a peek down the rear of her nappy,’ says Gail. Your baby’s first bowel movements are called meconium and are a dark, green-black color and sticky. Once she starts drinking milk, her poo will change to yellow-brown color.
First Sleep
Being born may be a tiring experience for everybody, your newborn included, so don’t be surprised if your newborn falls asleep soon afterward. Your baby is going to be placed during a cot by your bed to nap. ‘Some pain-relief drugs, like pethidine, could make your baby more drowsy,’ says Gail. ‘Even if she’s sleepy, you’ll be advised to wake her up a minimum of every three hours for a feed.’ this might sound sort of a blast for you to sleep also but, with all the hormones and adrenaline pumping around your body, it'd not come easily. (Another one among your first experiences – the various worries of motherhood.) attempt to rest and take it to beat.
First Bath
Your baby is going to be given a fast wipe down after birth to get rid of any amnionic fluid. ‘Midwives will try to not remove an excessive amount of vernix – the waxy substance that covers your baby – because it protects her skin within the first few days,’ says Gail. It’ll be up to you once you want to bath your baby – you'll roll in the hay while you’re in the hospital, but many mums wait until they get home. The water should be around 15cm deep and 37ºC – use a shower thermometer to see the temperature.
First Journey
If your delivery is uncomplicated, your stay in the hospital is probably going to be short and you’ll be ready for the drive home. The midwives should also confirm you understand the way to feed your baby, who is going to be checked over by a pediatrician before you’re discharged. Avoid a parking lot grapple together with your seat by fitting it beforehand – by law, you can’t head home without it and you’ll need to show the hospital you've got one. ‘You’ll need a rear-facing Group 0 seat, which you secure employing a seatbelt or with an ISOFIX system, where the seat is clicked into a base screwed into the car’s chassis,’ says doula Kerry Pocock. Staff might want to see your baby’s strapped in properly before you allow.
First Night reception
Woo hoo! Your first-night reception together with your newborn. It’s both exciting and also overwhelming. But, remember, she’ll sleep tons initially, probably 15 hours each day (don’t get excited, it won’t last). She’ll wake for feeds every two or three hours. Dress her during a vest and babygro, and keep an eye fixed on her temperature. you'll check if she’s too hot by feeling her stomach. ‘Newborn circulation is slow, so her hands and feet may feel quite cool, but that doesn’t mean she’s too cold,’ says Gail. Keep a crib or Moses basket next to your bed so you'll feed her easily. Cover her with a blanket, but ensure her feet are at rock bottom of the basket so she can’t wriggle underneath the duvet.
First trip
Apart from a nappy bag and muslins, babies don’t need much, especially if you’re only out for an hour approximately. For the primary time, pick a location on the brink of home. ‘Go somewhere that doesn’t involve transport – your local park or café are good options,’ says Nicola. If the pram seems too big for your newborn, a sling may be a much cozier thanks to transporting her. ‘It’s normal to feel anxious about introducing your baby to the large wide world, so take along your partner, mum, or a lover to assist you to stay relaxed,’ says Nicola.
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femivita · 4 years
How to nip diaper rash in the butt
It can be a real pain in the rear, but diaper rash is manageable when you know what’s to blame and have a solid strategy for treatment.
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1| Our baby’s boots clean? Be mindful of creases, folds, and even places that look clean. make sure you bought everything, then check again. Apply this same concept to drying her off after a shower also. A clean, dry bottom may be a must for preventing a rash.
2| Is it the diaper? Disposable diapers can have added chemicals, so if you’re noticing a reaction, consider switching to a different brand or giving cloth diapering a try. an equivalent is true for wipes!
3| Pick a premium diaper ointment. For best bets (and butts) choose a trusted formula. Flanders Buttocks Ointment is that the tried-and-true favorite to oldsters everywhere since 1986. Created by two pharmacists, it’s safe, effective, and bound to help soothe irritation and heal tiny hineys.
4| Check the baby’s menu. have you ever recently added something new to her diet? A baby’s gastrointestinal system is delicate, therefore the introduction of the latest items can sometimes cause a skin reaction or mess together with her bowel movements. If you notice changes, confirm to swap out her diaper routinely.
5| Don’t forget yeast. Yeast thrives in warm, moist areas that are relatively low in oxygen—like a diaper. Also, if a breastfeeding mama or her baby is taking antibiotics, they’re more likely to urge a yeast infection. If you think an infection, confirm to urge it treated by a doctor asap.
This post was made in partnership with Flanders Buttocks Ointment, trusted by doctors and mamas to stay diaper dermatitis cornered from hospital to home.
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femivita · 4 years
First steps for treating diaper rash
Apply these tips from the start for a quicker recovery.
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Diaper rashes are common, but they will be one among the foremost stubborn (and frustrating!) problems to treat. Often caused by a mixture of things, there’s not always a one-size-fits-all solution or a quick fix. However, these easy practices function the simplest starting points to nipping pesky diaper dermatitis within the butt.
At the primary sign, soak the baby’s bottom during a warm bath without soap, ensuring to softly clean the infected area. leave her skin to completely dry before diapering. you would like to void the world of all unnecessary moisture. (Consider keeping your wee one diaper-free for a period of your time also permanently measure.)
Once dry, generously cover the rash with a water-repelling barrier cream. Some over-the-counter creams are water-repelling and contain anti-inflammatories, anti-fungal, or vitamins to encourage skin healing, so it doesn’t get to be expensive. (One of our top go-to brands is Flanders Buttocks Ointment—and yes, it’s available on Amazon also as your local pharmacy! Their quality formula does a superb job of protecting damaged skin and allowing it to recover while your baby continues to explore and play without rubbing off. They stand firmly behind their product’s ability to urge obviate diaper dermatitis, and we do, too!) Apply the cream such as you would spreading thick icing on a cake—there’s no danger in overdoing it.
Be mindful to vary your baby initially sight of a wet or soiled diaper to avoid trapped humidity. Although you'll see improvements directly, it can take several days to heal entirely.
If baby’s rash doesn't clear up, talk together with your pediatrician about other possible causes, like chemical irritants (found in diapers, wipes, detergents, etc.) or whether microorganisms could be playing a task also.
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