rey-sunshine · 5 months
Hey Smosh people. I hate drama, I’m an adult and back talking, ship wars, and shit talking people’s work is so high school. I’m too old for that.
However, Gabi @generaltrashshecox and drowninginredink made a rare pair server for smosh ships which I personally think is awesome and I actually wanted to join! I was excited and wanted to join, but I was told not to by a friend who alerted to the fact that people were talking shit about me and my fics (and @jovenshires who doesn’t even write Ianthony). One of these people, red. I had a very big falling out with recently but I incorrectly thought we were handling it like adults and not drawing others into it or bashing each other. Another is someone I had considered a good friend and I was shocked to see them engage in talking badly.
Just to be clear, I’m not asking people to bash Gabi and Red. Gabi and I have talked and I don’t know where are friendship stands after this because literally all they needed to do was communicate. Anyways, I wanted to put this out there so people know this server is toxic and people are being petty assholes. Honestly, I might take a break from writing because of this. As many of you know, I just had a major surgery and stress is horrible for my body right now so I think I need some space.
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rey-sunshine · 5 months
For anyone who is interested in the process...
So I apparently DO have the whole thing.
I got confused since I thought I changed documents but apparently I duplicated it and the process also gets saved (who knew!)
As you can see I had barely no plan on what I wanted it to look like and I figured it out along the way and just near the end the drawing came together in my mind.
My process has always been very wonky and I end up with something that is so different from what I had envisioned, whether it's the color, the style or even the perspective. I do this to myself all the time (sigh).
Hopefully I've learned my lesson for the next one...
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rey-sunshine · 5 months
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He's finally here to bless the souls of all of us sinners.
This Pastor Ian had so many iterations while I was doing the color that I really don't have the process, maybe I'll post stills of it in the future.
Maybe... I'm not sure. This Ian looked so ugly at some moments that I was discouraged to keep going and procrastinated more than I should have... Sorry Ian. But despite everything I really like it. It wasn't how I (poorly) planned it at the beginning but it looks so much better that I could've ever imagine, honestly. I'm very happy.
(Future me did a decent job with the glasses, so I'm pleased.)
Hopefully anyone who sees this will like it as much as I do :)
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rey-sunshine · 5 months
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So— I'm in no way done with Pastor Ian but I have settled on what the color should be. Let's wait and see if when I'm done I haven't changed the drawing too drastically.
And I'm kinda afraid to draw his glasses, I'll let future me worry about that...
Regardless, I think it's looking quite nice :)
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rey-sunshine · 5 months
Is it too late for a drawing of Pastor Ian?
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This is a WIP with its respective timelapse (don't judge the wonky process, lol), I'm still working on the color. Hopefully I'll have it done in the next couple of days.
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