femmeteach 5 months
hello!! love your art!! if no one has suggested this already and you鈥檇 like a soft prompt at any point: stede waking up before ed, sleepy and smitten, tucking a strand of hair out of ed鈥檚 face.
thank you so much!! i took some liberties with this one. i just love the idea of Stede being obsessed with Ed as soon as he wakes up.
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femmeteach 5 months
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS META YOU DID AMAZING!!!!! i absolutely agree with everything you said and you brought up a lot of good points and history that i didn't know about!!!
i just wanted to add that i think season one also leans into ed's journey into femininity from a narrative and thematic standpoint!
as you pointed out, when we first meet him he is absolutely doused in masculinity. covered in leathers from head to toe, weapons brandished at his sides, and presenting himself with the masculine, self-assured confidence of a feared pirate captain.
and yet by episode nine, after a long journey of venturing into what makes ed happy, he surrounds himself with feminine comforts when he's at his most vulnerable. stede's robe, a blanket fort, candles, a jar of marmalade and lyricism. these are his remedies for a broken heart. its obvious what the joke is meant to be played off as: ed's acting like a heartbroken teenage girl. but i think it's so much more than just a joke.
when over the course of the season ed is slowly but surely breaking down his constructed facade of hypermasculinity, it seems apparent that his relationship with femininity is essential to what makes ed happy.
and i think the wedding toppers scene鈥攚hen to all but himself he has returned to the toxic hypermasculinity that earned him his reputation, as he fantasizes about being stede's bride in the privacy of his own cabin鈥攐nly reaffirms this for me.
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"run from me needle drop was about edstede!!" this "run from me needle drop was about edizzy!!" that. can we talk about transfem bride ed
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femmeteach 5 months
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"You can't pull the trigger. You can't pull it because you love me.
It takes a very brave and a very cold man to do that Izzy, I don't think you can."
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femmeteach 5 months
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pre-s1 dynamic probably. it was mainly for that porcupinefish.
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femmeteach 5 months
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'Purring Kraken' 馃挏馃А First finished piece of this year, yay!
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femmeteach 5 months
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Act 2: Red Sky (Mutiny)
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femmeteach 5 months
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wonderful you came by
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femmeteach 5 months
"run from me needle drop was about edstede!!" this "run from me needle drop was about edizzy!!" that. can we talk about transfem bride ed
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femmeteach 5 months
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In the end Ed and Frenchie veto'ed the ship cat, there's no space for two kitties on Revenge, sorry 馃様
Happy new year, dears!
//alt text in the image
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femmeteach 5 months
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Not saying it鈥檚 their first one but izzy would be that guy saving his first kiss til he鈥檚 56
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femmeteach 5 months
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undoing devotion or something like that
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femmeteach 5 months
Mmm I need more fic recs for past edizzy... their relationship is so interesting to me...i luv em..
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Manifesting for a backstory scene of them in season 2 I HAVE to know how they got to where they are neow!!!
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femmeteach 6 months
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femmeteach 6 months
& w/ edizzy the presumed age difference hits so hard too. when god is a boy you love. when god is a boy seven years younger than you that you needed to keep safe. when you grew up together. cleaning up your messes all my life. taught him everything he knows. when god is a boy you love. when god is a boy you protected and can鈥檛 stop protecting and can鈥檛 stop loving, when in your mind he鈥檚 still fourteen and shaking with a fever on hornigolds ship, when you hid him away and kept watch so he wouldn鈥檛 get found, wouldn鈥檛 get killed. when god is a boy who grew up and became your boss. when you love him, when he hurts you and you love him, when you hurt him because you love him, because you forget he鈥檚 not fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, doesn鈥檛 need you, doesn鈥檛 want you to meddle, when your love has never been normal or definable. when he asks you to kill him and all you see is him with his wild, big eyes, hair sticking to his slick face, sick and tinged green. always with the dramatics. always with the longing for death. when god is a boy you love. when you鈥檙e his best friend and right hand man and mother and part time lover.
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femmeteach 6 months
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Act 1: Raid (First Meeting)
CW: violence
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femmeteach 6 months
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I feel like I got super spoiled by all the fanfics before season 2 came out. So many soft moments where they grew to love each other more and more.
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femmeteach 6 months
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"HellOoO there, cap鈥檛ain Sweetcheeks 馃挒馃挄" + my fav details
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I had so much fun with this comm! The theme is Cheap Costumes From, Like, Target :B
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