femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 5 years
okay then! genuinely let’s go!
during the month of february produce, rec, share, whatever a f/f omgcp work! if you’ve got something f/f, take part in @bardofspades #WipItGood game!
@ this blog or tag it  #omgcpfemslashfeb so people can find it 
@samwellstudentunion @omgcpwomen
below the cut are some characters and prompts if people need a hand getting going
Lardo, Ford, Farmer, Suzanne, Georgia, Alicia;
MooMaw, Camilla, April, March, Shruti, Sharon;
Jenny, Mandy, Alice, Esther, Carrie, Gabby;
Samantha, Kate, Johnson’s girlfriend, Ife (Ransom’s sister), Dami (Ransom’s sister), Rebecca (Holster’s sister);
Anna (Holster’s sister), Nursey’s sister, Chowder’s sister, Claire, Lara, Aunt Judy;
Katya, Hockey Reporter, Shruti’s girlfriend, Haus 2.0 roommate, Shitty’s mom
Coffee Shop AU¡ 
Bar/Restaurant AU¡         
Bookshop AU¡         
Florist AU¡         
Airport/Travel AU¡        
Neighbour AU¡         
Roommate AU¡             
Summer Camp AU¡   
Angel/Demon/etc AU      
Teacher AU¡               
Space AU¡
Almost Kiss
Robot AU         
Not a Date¡         
Fake Dating         
Awful First Meeting
Interrupted Declaration of Love
It’s Not You, It’s Me
Bed Sharing
Long Distance
truly whatever your heart desires!!
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can i get a hell yeah
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 5 years
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can i get a hell yeah
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
she might just be my everything
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be married.”
Kelsey can’t help but grin back. “Dude, me the fuck neither.”
#femslashfeb2019 day 14: white | kelsey/bailey
rating: t | words: 633
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Could I get Flirting Under Fire & Did They Or Didn’t They for Ford/Farmer please? Feeling some f/f February feels.
HI HENLO this took forever i’m sorry
but here it is !!
Caitlin and Chowder have always been open to a poly relationship, but not much has developed on that front. What better way to kickstart things than a charity speed-dating event?
Read Something Good Can Work on ao3 !
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
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Kent looked soft, but it was all surface. Inside, she was hard like amber and gold, cold and cruel and brilliant. Had Lardo been someone else, she would have tried to pry apart the ice, trek through the desert to find the real Kent Parson. But there was no such thing. This was real, the Kent in front of her was real, this was it. And Lardo loved Kent so, so much. She loved all the hard edges and occasional brutality, the way her hurt ran so deep she’d managed to forget about it. 
And Kent loved her back.
She knew this when she found new brushes on the table when she stumbled downstairs late in the morning, and breakfast left in the microwave. She knew it because Kent stayed perfectly still for hours as Lardo tried to capture her, and when Kent didn’t complain about not being able to see the end result until Lardo was ready. She knew it because when Kent cried in the bathroom she let Lardo see her red eyes, and if Kent was contemptuous of vulnerability in others, she was even more contemptuous of it in herself, but she still knew that Lardo valued it, and so she allowed it.
Even on bad days when Kent was shaking with the weight of carrying herself, she cooked for Lardo. And if Lardo asked, Kent would let Lardo caress every inch of her body, no matter how much it terrified her. But Lardo didn’t ask. She wasn’t here to tear Kent apart―too many before her had done that already. Lardo was here to love Kent, to sink her teeth in Kent’s fire and hold it in her throat like honey. And she knew exactly how to do it. 
Kent Parson x Lardo Duan for @halfdesertedstreets @femslashfebruaryplease
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Maybe 6 for Ford/Lardo?
Prompt: Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true. Let me give you a big hug and wow, you’re warm…
More than anything else, Foxtrot wanted the hockey hockey boys she’d spent the last year managing to succeed. And they had. They’d won the Frozen Four and friends and family were spilling out onto the ice, ice now covered in red and white confetti that was someone else’s problem.
And all the alumni had come too - well, not all since Jack Zimmermann had a game in Vegas in an hour - but Shitty and Holster and Ransom and Johnson, who had informed her that he was narratively unimportant and just wanted to support his bros, and Lardo.
Lardo, who had come to meet her at the bench. “Bring it in, manager,” she said, “those idiots couldn’t have done it without you.”
Lardo, who was the perfect height for hugging, maybe an inch taller instead of towering a foot above her.
Lardo, who understood exactly what it was to pour heart and soul into these boys because she’d done it for four years.
Lardo, who was warm in sharp contrast to the cold air of the arena which had been seeping through her sweater for hours now.
Lardo, who pulled away after a minute to look at her with a grin. “Congrats,” she said.
Foxtrot felt her face warm, though she doubted Lardo could see it. “Congratulations to you too, Lardo. They’re your boys too.”
In my head this then has some cuteness and commentary on names that’s how they actually establish it’s not just Ford with a crush, but I can’t figure that out right now and it works okay ending here.
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: Carrie/Gabby/George
Prompt: Forgotten first meeting
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Sportswomanship and Camaraderie
April loses a teasing edge to her expression that Camilla hadn’t realised was there until April bristles. “I was making a joke? What you said sounded like you were saying you were April, but I’m April.”
The silence stretches horrifically. “Oh,” says Camilla. “Ha ha.”
April/Camilla, awkward flirting, for @femslashfebruaryplease and the @omgcprarepairs bingo. 1.7k, also on ao3
Camilla is very, very, very drunk. Which is fine! Because she’s at a party, meaning somewhere where it is socially acceptable and cool to get very, very, very drunk. Also, she’s drunk for good reasons – handing in a paper that’s dragged forever, and finally getting back on the court after her hamstring fucked her over – so she’s not going to like, start crying about everyone that’s wronged her. Everyone that wronged her is her own damn hamstring, plus making the mistake of taking a class with a professor that ‘disagreed’ with lecture slides, and that’s all behind her now.
And really, she’s not actually that drunk? When Camilla says this, the tennis squad she’s with all give each other a look, but she isn’t. She’s in the giggly, dizzy stage of being very, very, very drunk not the oh-God-I-regret-everything stage and it’s where she’s planning to stay; she’s switched out to water and everything.
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: Sharon/Esther
Prompt: Fake dating
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: April/March/Lardo
Prompt: Summer Camp AU
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: Alicia/George
Prompt: Florist AU
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: Ford/Shruti
Prompt: Space AU
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Prompts of the day
Can be thought of together or separate!
Pairing: April/Camilla
Prompt: Interrupted declaration of love
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
Introducing: daily prompts!
To get your creative juices going, this blog will now be posting daily pairing and scenario/trope prompts :)
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femslashfebruaryplease ¡ 6 years
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Check, Please! Femslash February
Announcing (a little late) a drive for Check, Please! femslash content this February!!
What is Femslash February?
A challenge to create at least two f/f fanworks of any kind in the month of February! This includes fanfic, fanart, fan vids, graphics, podfics, rec lists, comment drives, fanmixes, and anything else you can think of. People are invited to create f/f works featuring Black women particularly as in the US and Canada it’s also Black History Month.
What is this blog for?
Hopefully this will be a little collection of Check, Please! f/f works created in the month! Either @ this blog or tag your post with #omgcpfemslashfeb and it’ll get reblogged here :)
Need a hand getting started?
- You can check out some existing Check, Please works focused on women and f/f at omgcpwomen and omgcprarepairs. - For a masterlist of female characters in the comic check this blog’s about. - You can also send an ask to this blog and receive a Femslash February bingo card to really get inspired!
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