fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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Stop telephonin’ meh! Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. I’m busy!
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
Imagine your OC the first time they had their heart broken
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
aries- sarcastic, bright, lost. the most beautiful smiles i’ve ever seen. don’t know their own strength or their own value. kind to those that they care about. taurus- cruel sometimes, unbelievably stubborn and extremely kind. uncompromising, bad with change, willing to settle. good taste in music, great taste in people. gemini- needs reassurance often, always willing to help someone they know. hard workers, strong, athletic, intelligent. never trust that the people they love are going to stay. cancer- withdrawn when worried, the brightest thing in the room when happy. bright laugh, naturally downturned lips, issues with expressing emotion. silver tongues but terrible at keeping friends. leo- golden like the sunlight, blinding like the sun. kind but harsh, perfect hair, willing to work for what they have. beautiful but sometimes unapproachable. virgo- awkward but sweet, never seems to sleep, loves animals. hard to pin down emotionally, mentally, or physically. strong, capable, unwilling to sugarcoat anything for anyone. libra- athletic, fierce, independent. when they fall in love they never really fall out of it. a great friend, beautiful smiles, odd taste in food. when they stop something, they tend to not start again. scorpio- intelligent and determined, all hard edges and uncompromising ideals. physically fit, likes to help other people, animal lovers. extremely close to their family and friends. sagittarius- strong pillars to lean on, supportive of others, good teachers. polite but not overly kind, caring but not overly involved. independent, gorgeous, extremely capable of doing basically anything. capricorn- sometimes too much to handle, extremely caring. always put themselves first. feel things deeply. strong eyebrows, bright eyes, big laugh. values material objects and family. aquarius- dislikes people as a whole, loves select individuals fiercely and unfailingly. harsh, very smart, materialistic. lazy but once they decide they want something they will go to the ends of the earth to get it. pisces- dramatic, loud, fills up the whole room with their presence. bad days are really bad, good days are really good, there is not often an in between. lover of philosophy, deep thought, and beer.
the signs as i know them -(me)
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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there’s a lot i’ve not forgotten i let go of other things
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Green optics shot wide open as a cold, hard slap stung across her face. Then a fist in her hair- pulling roughly enough to make her wince. She glared back at her with the same amount of intensity the other was conveying-- listening to her words, pure rage twinging at her nerves. She was nearly blinded by it. Yeah, she liked that kiss. Hell, she was even expecting something more out of it. But that didn’t change what happened. She almost screamed in pain as she was sent to the mattress-- the stinging in her side becoming a burn, and she thought she felt blood. The muscles in her neck protruded as she refused to show any sign of pain, knee lifting upwards-- attempting to make somewhat of a fetal position. But she wouldn’t let herself do that.
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 Yes, she was scrawny, frail-- but she’s been through some shit that would scar anyone. ❝Get the fuck out of here if you fucking hate me so much!❞ At this point, she didn’t care if she left or not. But she did feel something for her-- some strange need to try to mend her broken soul. If that were even possible.
She immediately gave her praise for finally standing up to her the way that she did, she’d give her that much. She was angry just listening to every bit of it, but at first she was going to play if cool—well, fuck that. She was getting mad. It wasn’t as though she much cared about the looks she gave her. She’s seen even dirtier looks than this.
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She stood there and stared her down for a damn good while icy blues stared her down harder, fine brows narrowed as she listened to her go on and on and on and that’s when Claire just—snapped and struck her across the face as hard as her hand would commence against skin, grabbing a fist full of her hair and grip grew tighter while forcing her to look her in the eye. “ You’re fucking bitching. I don’t give a fuck about how pissed off you are..! If you wanna get touchy-feely about it, you liked that kiss. If you don’t shut your fucking mouth I’ll take out my gun, and fire off another few fucking rounds into your scrawny little frail ass and I don’t care that we’re in a fucking hospital; they want to get in the way, I’ll shoot them too. Just try me, princess. I’m sure you know I’m not fucking around.” Claire eased her grip over the girl and pushed back down onto the mattress. “What are you gonna do? Cry? That’s all you’ve been doing.”
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
She could think all she wanted and that still wasn’t enough to make her care about what she was thinking, or anyone else for that matter. “Don’t you listen to anything but the sound of your own voice? I don’t kill humans. But if they piss me off enough, they could expect my boot to the face, or so far up their ass that it would need to be surgically removed.”
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She doesn’t feel provoked not even in the very least, surprisingly. What the fuck was going on with her feelings? She as tired of playing guessing games with her own feelings anyway.
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Who did she think she was? Her knuckles turned white from the grip on the mattress, green eyes narrowing into icy slits-- yeah, she had a death glare of her own. Standing up now, she didn’t even wince- as her anger was getting the best of her, in the best way possible. 
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❝Look, bitch-- i don’t know if you’re high but you have no fucking right to get snippy with me. You fucking shot me. After kissing me. I don’t know what the fuck is going through your head right now-- but you need to get your shit together. And don’t you fucking say some stoic remark about me complaining-- I have a right to complain.❞
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Guardians and gods? Yeah, she was definitely crazy. ❝Then why didn’t you kill me?❞ The shorter one asked, putting on a tough exterior-- ignoring her warning and rolling her shoulders slightly. Setting her feet upon the cold tile floor, but not standing just quite yet, she quirked a brow towards the other, tilting her head expectantly at her. 
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Oh, she wasn’t expecting an answer, not at all. Possibly a slap. But she wouldn't do that, not with her wounded. Actually, she probably would if she was pushed too far. 
What the hell was she even smirking about? Maybe she didn’t even care to actually really know. Sapphire irises rolled again seeing as she trying to sit up in the condition she was in. Not very smart. “ You shouldn’t strain yourself. Besides, I’m here. I don’t kill people. I only wipe out beasts, guardians and gods. If I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t have sent you to the hospital.”
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She guessed this was the part where she was supposed to summon all the sympathy she had. Actually she was feeling a little, but not close enough. If she was to ask her if she had any emotion, she’d honestly tell her, ‘no’. Because she was numb.
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
It wasn’t as though she worried at all in the least. Why would she when she was the one who put a bullet in her? Claire grinned inwardly to herself knowing she had the balls enough to do it.When hadn’t she had the balls?. Oh right, she always did. Even that said and done, she waited around until she got the okay to visit her.
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“Yes. Surprised? ”Finally turning to face her, the expression still dull as ever until actual emotion slowly registered onto her countenance.“I wouldn’t smother you with a pillow if that’s what you’re worried about.” She had..regrets even though she wouldn’t say it.
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Smirking softly, and wincing cause the shit still stung-- she adjusted her body to where she was sitting properly. ❝Yeah i’m a bit-- surprised.❞ Upon hearing the words fall past her lips, she shook her head, frowning this time-- ❝I bet you wanted to.❞
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She spoke the words softly, a sad, underlying tone to it-- though she would never admit how she felt. Why did she look at that? Why did she look like everything was nothing to her? Did she even recognize that people had feelings?
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Emerald hues narrowed slightly-- watching the other’s movements. Bending her elbow again, she frowned, ❝It didn’t even stand a chance-- you had it by the goddamn horns. Literally.❞
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░█{ϟ}——Hues of cerulean bothered not to pay attention to the other. Digits curled around bandages taping up the bleeding wound along her arm. Simply nodding a soft glance was given to the other. “After it just tried to kill me, no”
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
Her colder looking stare still never phased Claire in the fucking least and pale blues just merely watched. She could shoot another few times if she wanted to get snippy about it. She was annoyed but she wouldn’t ever let it fix over her face. Rolling her eyes again, she crossed her arms and put away the phone after that was said and done. The rosette was pretty unfeeling and unmoving. When she was remade—the gods made sure she she was emotionless at times. Emotions came and went too.
Wasn’t the first time Claire had shut anyone out. Usually she did it to protect herself from those natural hurts. But her actions as clearly as now? Purely and totally unjustifiable. She was glad the roles weren’t switched. Had that been the case, she would’ve seen the girl six goddamn feet under by now.
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— There was a dull ache in her stomach, causing a groan to rumble out of her throat-- the bright lights of the hospital room peircing her eyelids. They slowly fluttered open, her mouth was dry-- how long was she out? Head rolling to the side, her green gaze focused on the window-- and the soldier that shot her in the first place. She winced when she sat up, pain spiking through her nerves as she leaned on her left arm-- but she eventually sat up, hair messy. She didn’t feel safe, not with her there. She was even surprised that the woman had stayed. 
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❝You stayed?❞ Her voice cracked and wavered-- a sign that she needed water. But she just stared at her-- gaze wary and calculating every tiny movement she made.
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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The 15th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to being stood up on their wedding day.
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— Wincing as she bent her elbow, she quirked a brow at the rosette. ❝There is some satisfaction in safety-- but wouldn’t you rather be running for your life from...❞ she gestured to the beast on the ground, 
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░█{ϟ}——Crystals rolled at the comment “It is for me. Oh the  joy in safety” she said rather sarcastically
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
"Don’t strain yourself. You’re losing more blood." The pinkette fished out her phone and wiping the screen before she hit the talk button and dialed for emergency. The ex-solider just wished that she would try anything on her. She’d do a lot worse. Basically the entire reason she did it—shoot her was because she felt like it and mostly because she thought this was a game. To be honest when they fought at all, it gave Claire such a rush and she wouldn’t tell Fenna that. “You’re lucky I’m nice enough to do this.“
                                          < S P O I L E D > —— This was nice? Cold green eyes narrowed, pure hatred running through her veins. It wasn’t as much as a game to Fenna-- and she had no intentions of toying with the rosette. She was just as broken as she was-- if not, even more. The other told her story to Fenna, and let her in for a split second before shutting her out. Why would she do that? She was bleeding right in front of her and had the stoic expression of a wall. 
And to be honest, it hurt like hell to be shut out. And shot. She had to keep blinking, mind hazy-- and she thought she saw two soldier’s for a split second. Then she saw six. Then she felt the harsh concrete underneath her, a dull thud resonating through the room from her collapse.
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
Someone teach me how to colour hair. Lmao.
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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fennatenebrosi ¡ 9 years
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