fennecwitch · 22 minutes
artist who usually draws horses draws a wolf
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fennecwitch · 22 minutes
there are some things a character should not be able to tell us about themselves EVEN with a gun to their head. depending on the character that could even expand to include "most" things
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fennecwitch · 23 minutes
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fennecwitch · 41 minutes
people have these “my dog is a democrat” stickers and I like to imagine them with increasingly unlikely animals professing more niche political opinions:
my parrot is a democratic socialist
my arctic fox is an anarchopastoralist
my catfish believes in the divine right of kings
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fennecwitch · 41 minutes
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So with all the stuff going on around Nintendo Vs Pocketpair I feel like people are missing the point of what's going on.
And this article actually finally brings up the biggest point: Nintendo has 1000s of patents and chooses not to enforce them all on everyone.
The idea that, quoting the article and Serkan Toto, "Nintendo's sweeping list of patents means it likely "could have sued half of the gaming industry back in 2017," …so like WHY NOT DO THAT?
There's a million reasons to not do it for Nintendo but TLDR is it's just bad business for them to do so.
The real take away is -what has PocketPair/Palworld done- that has brought out Nintendo to start enforcing these things in this particular situation?
A lot if you pay attention to PocketPair/Palworld's marketing and social presence. They threw rocks at Nintendo, so Nintendo is finally pushing back.
Now I'm not going to fully go to bat for Nintendo and say "they are a good company" because there's no such thing truly…
But in most cases with Nintendo, they C&D folks multiple times before even thinking of escalating anything to real legal trouble. Which is kinder than most companies.
The final thought of the article says that Nintendo may feel "threatened" by PalWorld but… I don't buy it.
Pokemon is THE highest grossing franchise in the world… ever… of all time. It's total revenue is around $100 BILLION with a B.
PalWorld, even at it's height, didn't even come close.
The aspects that I think Nintendo decided to act upon in their mind for this is the brazen bold rudeness and shit talking that happened on social media/marketing with PocketPair/Palworld.
PLUS the fact that Pokemon fans were also quick to be like "bruh, even if this isn't stolen it's obviously design lifted" for a lot of Palworld's Pals.
Add in the fact that both Microsoft and now Sony have pulled PalWorld onto their platforms… Nintendo is going to notice and get mad.
The truth is that PocketPair is an indie dev… with major AAA studios behind it now in a lot of ways. Which actually hurts PocketPair in a sense.
Nintendo tends to ignore indie stuff and has actually collabed with many indie studios before in major ways, so they aren't anti-indie.
Nintendo is OLD SCHOOL and expects a little bit of respect.
Nintendo has not taken action against pretty much any of the other true new Tiny Critter Collecting Indie IP that have popped up, a lot of them are ON Nintendo platforms and have had Nintendo feature them in directs…
But PocketPair threw rocks. Nintendo easily saw this as disrespect, but could be ignored.
What CAN'T be is the outcry from their own fanbase to "look into things" with PalWorld to see what, if anything, was lifted from Nintendo directly.
And Nintendo did. They took over a year to look into it.
This isn't Nintendo doing a knee jerk reaction, they went over things and took their time to research what PalWorld and PocketPair were doing.
Nintendo isn't stupid. They don't pick fights for no reason.
Regardless of if you LIKE Nintendo, or your feelings on a big company taking on a little company… Nintendo is very likely on the right side of business, IP, and patent law here.
Nintendo -losing- here would be, actually, really bad for small folks more than big guys in the long run.
Adding in the fact that PocketPair launched a generative Ai art game on top of all that…
This feel like, yes, Nintendo is flexing in a lot of ways but… they chose who to flex on and not to flex on -everyone-… so there seems to be a solid reason as to -why-.
Again the real take away is that IF Nintendo could have sued half of the gaming industry (as of 2017) with all the patents they have … why didn't they and WHY are they choosing to sue PocketPair/Palworld -now-?
Because that's more important than anything else.
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fennecwitch · 43 minutes
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Luis Xertu (Mexican, 1985) - Seclusion (2022)
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fennecwitch · 43 minutes
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fennecwitch · 45 minutes
idk if any young person needs to hear this but when you work at a job you absolutely can google anything you don’t know or ask someone for help. school has you conditioned to think you have to have everything memorized all the time but let me tell you. I am dumb as shit and I am great at my job because it’s not a test, it’s just work. the more resources you utilize the better.
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fennecwitch · 45 minutes
something I think about is how, in general, cis men's heterosexuality is very concerned with homosocial bonds (sometimes even moreso than it is with heterosexual experience).
like for example, cis guys who had sex with me when I was a teenager were, while certainly aroused by my body, primarily interested in me as a means to homosocial ends. They would text their male friends immediately afterwards, would nonconsensually share photos of me with their friends, would parade me around in front of their friends, etc. to some extent, the particulars of my personhood were entirely irrelevant. I was just a walking symbol of their own straight masculinity that furthered their more meaningful relationships with other men.
another example--cis male friends of mine would admit attraction to a much more diverse range of body types in private to me than they would to their male friends, and when discussing attraction within homosocial groups it was always a tone less of intimate confession and more of displaying their performance of virility and masculinity through proclaiming arousal.
cis male heterosexuality just has this element of being a means by which men relate to each other as men. I've experienced (and many women who date women have shared their stories with me of) straight men attempting this kind of bonding and there being this disconnect. like how to convey that attraction to women is not a means to the end of 'masculine' (for lack of better terms) bonding, it is genuinely just for its own sake. & if you don't play along and try to explain you're not interested in ranking women's bodies to bond with men, then often men who were so chill and accepting of lesbians 2 seconds ago will transform into the guys who call you a man-hating dyke who can't take a joke.
I think this dynamic is why lesbianism (or relationships between women generally) really confuses a lot of people to a greater extent even than gay male sexuality. There's just no other outwardly-directed (or allosexual, depending on your terminology preference) sexuality that truly does not cohere around maintaining social relationships with men.
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
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My favourite Robot Cowboy
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
You ever think about how unified humanity is by just everyday experiences? Tudor peasants had hangnails, nobles in the Qin dynasty had favorite foods, workers in the 1700s liked seeing flowers growing in pavement cracks, a cook in medieval Iran teared up cutting onions, a mom in 1300 told her son not to get grass stains on his clothes, some girl in the past loved staying up late to see the sun rise.
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
since today (sept. 24) is jim henson's birthday i would like to remind you all of that time david tennant was in a live muppets performance as the doctor
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yes i do think about this every day, and yes i did cry when i saw the full cast performance of rainbow connection from the end of the show
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
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Unsolicited Pokemon Hot Take: Trapinch is perfect and if its evolutions kept its chompchomp head and starry eyes they would all be in my top 10.*
*Also Flygon should still have 2 pairs of wings, ok bye.
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
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fennecwitch · 2 hours
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fennecwitch · 8 hours
Atla nation, come get y'all's juice
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fennecwitch · 8 hours
There's a place just down the street where they chop off angel's wings and fry them in oil. You should try some. Oh, the angels? Yeah they're regular people now. Simultaneously their freedom of flight is ripped away from them violently and yet at the same time they are granted freedom from the yoke of divine subservience so it's bitter sweet for them or some gay shit like that. Anyways the wings are really good.
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